Alejandro Acosta's page

Organized Play Member. 163 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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at 1st lvl, take imp grapple (+4 grapple, no AoO) as your bonus feat, then go with jotunbraud and hammer fist. jotunbraud modifies your size bonus (+4) for grapple & trip. hammerfist lets you add 1.5 str bonus on single strikes with both hands. for your 2nd lvl bonus feat take combat reflexes. your 3rd lvl feat should be dodge so you can get defensive throw at lvl 6 (imp trip is your 6th lvl bonus feat). this will help you get attacks out of turn. then go with imp natural attack, then superior unarmed strike (scales your unarmed damage as a monk 4 lvls higher). if you have a hard time grappling then stun unless your escape artist is good.

Ghosts and Vampires of Peru.

real mapinguari sightings:

more images:

There's also legends of a Mountain Ghoul
Despite local Indian legends of a mountain ghoul called lemisch or yemische, which fitted descriptions of the mylodon.!

I hope you understand Spanish but it does confirm the Shaman legend. According to the video, he took the form to be immortal. Maybe you can come up with some sort of artifact or ritual to make him mortal again either with or without turning him human again. or treat it like a curse. st


Here's a listing from mythical creatures:

Sorry, I thought Mapinguari was an animal spirit. Like twice the size of a normal bear that walks upright, a humanlike face and claws and a bony exoskeleton (natural armor +5) Mapinguari IS the Monster Sloth. This enormous ground Sloth roams the remote regions of South America far from the predations of mankind. Many Amazonians believe the Mapingurai is the transformed body of a Shaman maybe seen foraging, cursed by the Gods for uncovering the secret of immortality. or it is just Monster Sloth supposedly extinct for 8 thousand years. the civilized ones are looking for it but the Natives don't wanna disbelieve their superstitions. it has a gland in it's abdomen that emits an unbearable stench; maybe used to keep people away or effect escape (some people call it their second mouth). It can be a legend like Bigfoot. Maybe somebody wants to capture it for his private zoo or as a trophy and your party want to convince the bounty hunters not to kill it at least until you can investigate the native's supernatural claims. Killing it would incur the wrath of the Gods. thus bring about more horrible shapes. It could possibly be a nature spirit like the fish (moon spirit) from The Last Airbender. Remember when the Fire Nation Wanted to kill it to destroy the Northern Water Tribe? Let's say the Olmecs wanted to kill the Mayans. Maybe Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. An expedition out to the rain forest. But while you research, let's say the overzealous hunters jump the gun and wound him and make him go into rampage on the villagers. Hurry and save the villagers and maybe keep the hunters from becoming monsters themselves. Sorry if it looks thrown together. Just ideas.

Sloth, Dire (add the stench attack (universal monster rules) and you have a Mapinguari) you might have to adjust the CR.

This massive sloth is brownish–black, and its fur has a greenish tint to it. Its eyes are white.

Dire Sloth (from complete tome of Horrors (3rd party)
CR 3

XP 800
N Medium animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +1


AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +8; Ref +4; Will +2


Speed 15 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d4+4), bite +7 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d4+6)

Stench (Ex)
A creature with the stench special ability secretes an oily chemical that nearly every other creature finds offensive. All living creatures (except those with the stench special ability) within 30 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 stench creature’s racial HD + stench creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text) or be sickened. The duration of the sickened condition is given in the creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Format: stench (DC 15, 10 rounds); Location: Aura.

A dire sloth attacks by biting and rending its opponent with its claws.

Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude, Power Attack
Skills Climb +12, Stealth +9 (+13 in dense undergrowth), Swim +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth (+8 in dense undergrowth), +4 Swim
SQ staggered

Template Base
Dire Creature

Environment warm forests
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure none

Dire sloths grow up to be 7 feet long and weigh up to 250 pounds. The fur of a dire sloth is stained green by algae.

Pictures: =IGRE

Mapinguari? Thunderbird? Monster Sloth?

TRON LIVES!! fighter with Chakram: ++DEX/+STR>CON>-INT>-WIS-CHA. If DEX emphasis, then throw a Chakram (martial) @ 1st level (a la TRON disc worn on your back and have 2 you can separate like Rinzler (make them returning). you get better damage and range (1d8, crit x2, 30 ft. range). Generally you throw one then move into melee. If you wish you had spring attack at a given time throw the chakram instead. then STR for attack/damage increase.

Don't forget Disorienting maneuvers.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:
I think it's perfectly alright to use enchanted monk weapons. since it's cheaper. Lighten weapon/improved lighten weapon may be helpful with both your melee & thrown weapons as well. I wouldn't mind wielding an oversize temple sword that does 3d6 damage. It might be better then power attacking (you only take -2). 1d3 shurikens are also nice or a d6 starknife w/o penalty for single throws and the extra range (20ft.). If I like it, I'd take rapid shot just to throw 2 Starknives per round.

Edit: forget the starknife. Use a Chakram (martial). You get 1d8 damage, Crit x2 and 30 ft. range. It's a martial weapon so you can use it at first level. Stat priority also changes. Go with ++WIS>+DEX>+STR>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS 1st to boost monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki). going with Mantis style.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:
I think if your gonna take rapid shot anyway, why not take martial weapon Starknife. With the extra damage you won't need to Flurry with Shuriken. Also lighten weapon>improved lighten weapon (check the d20pfsrd). maybe take many shot so you can throw multiple Starknives while staying mobile. Large Starknives do 1d6 damage.

Edit: forget the starknife. Use a Chakram (martial). You get 1d8 damage, Crit x2 and 30 ft. range. It's a martial weapon so you can use it at first level. Stat priority also changes. Go with ++WIS>+DEX>+STR>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS 1st to boost monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki). going with Mantis style.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:

If you want a range weapon use martial weapon starknife (range 20 ft.). the damage is a little better then shuriken and you don't lose it if it hits. Generally you only need to throw 1 before you close in for melee.

If you want a reach weapon instead, try this:
Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Guisarme?
Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees, feet or head.
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach, trip CRB
M1: stunning fist, flurry of blows, unarmed strike, Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free attacks. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents, good time to power attack.
M10 improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon (a large Guisarme does 2d6 (3d6 if you use oversize and take -2. cheaper then power attacking) damage and your reach is 15-20ft(25-30ft oversize). for people 10 ft. or closer 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at the time.

lighten weapon>improved Lighten weapon also helps with your starknife. a Large starknife deals 1d6.

Edit: forget the starknife. Use a Chakram (martial). You get 1d8 damage, Crit x2 and 30 ft. range. It's a martial weapon so you can use it at first level. Stat priority also changes. Go with ++WIS>+DEX>+STR>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS 1st to boost monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki). going with Mantis style.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:

If you want a range weapon use martial weapon starknife (range 20 ft.). the damage is a little better then shuriken and you don't lose it if it hits. Generally you only need to throw 1 before you close in for melee.

If you want a reach weapon instead, try this:
Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Guisarme?
Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees, feet or head.
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach, trip CRB
M1: stunning fist, flurry of blows, unarmed strike, Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free attacks. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents, good time to power attack.
M10 improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon (a large Guisarme does 2d6 (3d6 if you use oversize and take -2. cheaper then power attacking) damage and your reach is 15-20ft(25-30ft oversize). for people 10 ft. or closer, use 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at the time.

lighten weapon>improved Lighten weapon also helps with your starknife. a Large starknife deals 1d6.

Edit: forget the starknife. Use a Chakram (martial). You get 1d8 damage, Crit x2 and 30 ft. range. It's a martial weapon so you can use it at first level. Stat priority also changes. Go with ++WIS>+DEX>+STR>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS 1st to boost monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki). going with Mantis style.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:

Suggested Stats ++STR>+WIS/+CON>DEX>-INT>-CHA. Rearranging your rolls would look like this>

STR 18
WIS 16
CON 15
DEX 12
INT 10
If you go DEX and want a range weapon use martial weapon starknife (range 20 ft.). the damage is a little better then shuriken and you don't lose it if it hits (regular ammunition gets damaged, so that leaves out slings/shuriken). I recommend a returning Starknife. Generally you only need to throw 1 before you close in for melee. I prefer reach weapons since I like STR builds.

If you want a reach weapon instead, try this:
Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Large Guisarme?
Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees or feet. (*=monk bonus)
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach, trip CRB
M1: *stunning fist, flurry of blows, *unarmed strike, *Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free attacks. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 *dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 *improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents you bull rushed, good time to power attack.
M10 *improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon, now you can use a Large Guisarme (a large Guisarme does 2d6 damage and your reach is 15-20ft. BTW add another +4 for size on CMB with Guisarme) for people 10 ft., use 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at...

Edit: forget the starknife. Use a Chakram (martial). You get 1d8 damage, Crit x2 and 30 ft. range. It's a martial weapon so you can use it at first level. Stat priority also changes. Go with ++WIS>+DEX>+STR>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS 1st to boost monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki). going with Mantis style.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Tell the scumba ... er, "professional thief" ... to take Profession (burglar) and make his weekly checks. ;)

Yeah and if he passes the check he made the houses robbed quota for the week.

++WIS>+STR or DEX>whichever you didn't pick first>CON>-INT>-CHA. I put WIS first to pump up monk abilities (SF, AC, Ki pool) then STR for attack/damage increase. If STR emphasis, use a reach weapon (combat reflexes should be your bonus feat if you use reach weapons). I like Guisarme (martial) for reach/trip AoO or Meteor hammer (exotic) for reach/trip & drag + AC bonus used 2 handed. follow up with FOB on opponents you dragged. take Mantis style. You need the caretaker trait so you can get heal as a class skill (1st you get +2 stun DC, then +2 to hit with SF, then different status effects like dazzled, staggered, fatigued, exhausted and for extra SF). if Dex emphasis, then throw a Chakram (martial) @ 1st level (a la TRON disc worn on your back and have 2 you can separate like Rinzler (make them returning). you get better damage and range (1d8, crit x2, 30 ft. range) then Shuriken and it's not destroyed after you hit. Generally you throw one then move into melee. If you wish you had spring attack at a given time throw the chakram instead.

make him a strangler. This lets you SA grappled victims.

Be a strangler. It will let you sneak attack a grappled victim.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Alejandro Acosta wrote:
edit: forget power attack. Use Piranha strike.
Pihrana strike only works on light weapons :P pretty sure elven blade doesn't apply

If you can finesse the weapon, you can use Piranha strike. ECB is a finesse weapon when used 2 handed.

be an unarmed fighter/rogue for high BAB and take strangler to guarantee sneak attack.

if you're mugging, use a sap or be a strangler. Don't kill. You can rob them again another day. Wait by the mailbox. hehehe.

Why don't you use a Meteor Hammer 2 handed instead of blowing a lot of feats?
Meteor hammer: 10 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 — 10 lbs. B reach, trip UC

This weapon consists of one or two spherical weights attached by a 10-foot chain. You whirl the weights and wrap them around an opponent’s body.

Benefit: If you succeed at a trip attempt with a meteor hammer, you can drag your opponent 5 feet closer to you rather than knocking her prone.

You may use this weapon in two different ways:
•Meteor: In meteor mode you use it as a double weapon.
•Fortress: In fortress mode you cannot use it as a double weapon but gain reach and a +1 shield bonus to AC.

Switching between these two modes is a free action decided at the start of your turn.
I'd say use it for single attack and AoO since it gives you reach. Then you can flurry after you drag them towards you. They'll be grappled. plus you get an AC bonus and a bonus for using a 2 hand weapon on trips

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

I'm sorry, but Alejandro's build is fairly terrible. You waste points in Str so you can take Power Attack. Just build a Str-based rogue. Youc an get similar AC, and eventually all of your Dex-based skills will be more than high enough. Plus, if you play a ninja instead of a rogue, you can just use a katana rather than wasting a feat on the ECB.

In another thread, I posted a level 10 ninja build that does over 50 DPR. It's not the top of the DPR charts, but it's more than respectable.

I always say power attack. I meant Piranha strike. Is the Katana fineseable?

Alejandro Acosta wrote:

If you want a 2 hander rogue try this:

Your stat array should look like this ++DEX>+CON>STR>INT>WIS>-CHA
r1 sneak attack 1d6, imp initiative, weapon finesse
r3 sneak attack 2d6, exotic weapon, Elven Curve Blade (ECB). A finesseable 2 hand weapon (deals 1d10 damage).
r5 sneak attack 3d6, desperate battler (gives you +1/+1 if you have no allies within 10 feet). Good for use on the surprise round. Alternately you can substitute a feat that gives you an extra 1d6 of sneak attack @ BAB +3 (sorry, I don't remember the name of the feat).
r7 sneak attack, 4d6, power attack (crank up that 2 handed weapon damage).
r9 sneak attack, 5d6, vital strike
r10 advanced talent (opportunist)
r11 sneak attack, 7d6, improved critical ECB
Make your ECB agile so you can add DEX to damage. Then add weapon pluses when you can. Also start working on step up & strike and maybe critical focus.

edit: forget power attack. Use Piranha strike.

n1 Poison use, sneak attack +1d6, imp initiative, weapon finesse
n2 Ki pool, *vanishing trick
n3 no trace +1, sneak attack +2d6, exotic weapon, Elven Curve Blade: a finesseable 2 handed weapon that dos 1d10 damage.
n4 *weapon training ECB, uncanny dodge
n5 sneak attack, +3d6, lighten weapon (a large ECB does 2d6 and you gain reach. you take minus 2, but look at the extra damage. No different then 2 weapon fighting. you can still wield it with 2 hands so finesse still applies) you lose a little sneak attack but I'm focusing on increasing the base weapon damage. plus I think the reach is more important.
n6 light steps, *ninja trick (I left this open so you can get your shadow clones if you want), no trace +2
n7 sneak attack +4d6, piranha strike (the finesse equivalent of power attack).
n8 imp uncanny dodge, step up (keep threatening with your large ECB).
n9 no trace +3, sneak attack +5d6, vital strike (now your ECB does 4d6)
n10 invisible blade, following step (better then step up)
n11 sneak attack +6d6, improved lighten weapon (the -2 disappears. you attack normally)
n12 opportunist
n13 sneak attack +7d6, step up & strike (whack'em if they try to break contact)
n14 crippling strike
n15 no trace +5, sneak attack +8d6, improved vital strike (now your ECB does 6d6)
n16 bleeding attack (add 1 point of bleed per die of sneak attack)
n17 sneak attack +9d6, improved critical
n18 no trace +6, *ninja rick ( I suggest combat reflexes since you have reach)
n19 sneak attack, +10d6, critical focus
n20 hidden master, assassinate
n21 bleeding critical (add another 2d6 points of bleed when you crit)

As soon as you can, add Agile to the weapon to add DEX to damage. Then put all the pluses you can.

If you do decide to go cleric, stock up on hold person scrolls.

Alejandro Acosta wrote:

Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Guisarme?

Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees, feet or head.
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach CRB
M1: stunning fist, flurry of blows, unarmed strike, Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free trip attacks to keep them down. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents, good time to power attack.
M10 improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon (a large Guisarme does 2d6 damage. Cheaper then power attacking) and your reach is 15-20ft. For people 10 ft. away, 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at the time.

Edit: You can't wield weapons greater than large (a 2 handed weapon is medium).

Morval wrote:
Alejandro Acosta wrote:

Normally, if a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature CAN'T WIELD THE WEAPON AT ALL.

normal medium human can use light one hand or 2 hand only. Can't wield anything larger. incorrect size means if I use a 2 hand weapon one handed (no feat required) -2.

with lighten weapon, can use a large weapon 2 handed for -2. otherwise he wouldn't be able to use it at all. The keyword is OVERSIZE WEAPON (like Cloud from FFVII with his ginormous Materia Blade).

I understand lighten weapon allows a medium creature to use a large two handed weapon where as without the feat he couldn't, I actually say that in my post. :)

My question is, the feat gives a medium creature the ability to wield the large 2handed weapon at a -2, no problem there. But the weapon still is an Inappropriately Sized Weapon for a medium creature. Do they also still get the -2 for this. You get -2 even if you are wielding a small lighthanded weapon since its not sized for you (not balanced right, different length screws up your attack, etc.). Lighten weapon makes no mention of helping with this penalty that I can read. It simply makes a weapon feel lighter in your hand (you know how to balance heavy weapons in such a way that a 2handed weapon can be easily used in one hand by you).

p144 Core Rulebook...

Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can't make optimum use of a weapon that isn't properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn't proficient with the weapon, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.

So lighten Weapon feat makes the large greatsword light enough to wield by a medium creature, but the sword is still a large weapon and is still hard to wield (not balanced for medium creatures, etc.)so they would take a further -2 I think,...

no. Actually a 2 handed weapon is medium size. A 1 hand is one size smaller and a light is 2 sizes smaller. a large weapon couldn't be wielded by a medium creature at all. without the feat you couldn't use it at all.

Normally, if a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature CAN'T WIELD THE WEAPON AT ALL.

normal medium human can use light one hand or 2 hand only. Can't wield anything larger. incorrect size means if I use a 2 hand weapon one handed (no feat required) -2.

with lighten weapon, can use a large weapon 2 handed for -2. otherwise he wouldn't be able to use it at all. The keyword is OVERSIZE WEAPON (like Cloud from FFVII with his ginormous Materia Blade).

1) Desperate Battler (Combat)

Benefit: When no ally is within 10 feet of you and you are not receiving benefits from the aid another action, you gain a +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage rolls.

Good for surprise round to pump up attack & damage at the same time.

2) Precise Strike (Combat, Teamwork)

You are skilled at striking where it counts, as long as an ally distracts your foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same the creature, you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

I know it's a teamwork feat but I'm sure someone other then you would like the extra damage. Ask the party if they'll cooperate with you.

Suggested Stats ++STR>+WIS/+CON>DEX>-INT>-CHA. Rearranging your rolls would look like this>
STR 18
WIS 16
CON 15
DEX 12
INT 10
If you go DEX and want a range weapon use martial weapon starknife (range 20 ft.). the damage is a little better then shuriken and you don't lose it if it hits (regular ammunition gets damaged, so that leaves out slings/shuriken). I recommend a returning Starknife. Generally you only need to throw 1 before you close in for melee. I prefer reach weapons since I like STR builds.

If you want a reach weapon instead, try this:
Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Large Guisarme?
Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees or feet. (*=monk bonus)
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach, trip CRB
M1: *stunning fist, flurry of blows, *unarmed strike, *Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free attacks. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 *dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 *improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents you bull rushed, good time to power attack.
M10 *improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon, now you can use a Large Guisarme (a large Guisarme does 2d6 damage and your reach is 15-20ft. BTW add another +4 for size on CMB with Guisarme) for people 10 ft., use 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at the time.

lighten weapon>improved Lighten weapon also helps with your starknife. a Large starknife deals 1d6.

About your bad rolls. Have you thought about getting another d20 (new die)?

ZanThrax wrote:
Alejandro Acosta wrote:

EDIT: Correction, he can do Sorcerer 1/fighter 1. Originally in 3.5 you needed Arcane spellcasting without preparation, language Draconic and Knowledge Arcana 8 ranks. in PF you only need 5 ranks of knowledge Arcana. Clarification on class skills/cross class skills needed. (I don't see cross class). So, Sorcerer 1/fighter 1/Dragon Disciple 3. even better.

okay so forget about PA for now. The fastest way to qualify for DD is sorcerer 2 or Sorcerer 1/fighter 1. Since he wants a fighter I say go with Sorcerer 1/fighter 1, the DD will beef up his physical stats. He can do Sorcerer 1/ fighter 1 and then pick up DD @ level 3 and go from there.
Alejandro, have you actually read the Pathfinder rules? You can't have five ranks in a skill until level 5.

I forget, I'm used to 3.5. so back to Sor1/ftr4. happy? Even with the new stats make a Dragon Disciple anyway When you reach level 6.

EDIT: Correction, he can do Sorcerer 1/fighter 1. Originally in 3.5 you needed Arcane spellcasting without preparation, language Draconic and Knowledge Arcana 8 ranks. in PF you only need 5 ranks of knowledge Arcana. Clarification on class skills/cross class skills needed. (I don't see cross class). So, Sorcerer 1/fighter 1/Dragon Disciple 3. even better.
okay so forget about PA for now. The fastest way to qualify for DD is sorcerer 2 or Sorcerer 1/fighter 1. Since he wants a fighter I say go with Sorcerer 1/fighter 1, the DD will beef up his physical stats. He can do Sorcerer 1/ fighter 1 and then pick up DD @ level 3 and go from there.

master_marshmallow wrote:
Alejandro Acosta wrote:

Maybe Dragon Disiple? Quickest entry is Sorcerer 1 (must have Draconic bloodline)>Fighter 4 or anthing else that fights well. Use magic to buff yourself, then go to town.

what you get with DD: HD (d12),2 good saves, average attack progression, extra STR/CON (ability boost)and natural armor. Best for fighters. BTW flying is a class skill. spells per day, Blood of Dragons (increases sorcerer level for bloodline powers), Breath weapon, bite attack, dragonform 1 or 2 a day, wings. (increased movement 90ft.)

Everything in this post is wrong.
Why do you say it's wrong? I gave him 2 different options. I think the Dragon Disciple will be better. Forget about the Rogue/fighter.

He wants a fighter build to lvl 5, DD cannot be achieved until a minimum of lvl 6, power Attack requires a STR of 13.

You didn't do what the OP asked, and multiclassing out, while the most viable option, is a cheap way of optimizing this fighter.

okay so forget about PA for now. The fastest way to qualify for DD is sorcerer 5 or Sorcerer 1/fighter 4. Since he wants a fighter I say go with Sorcerer 1/fighter 4, the DD will beef up his physical stats. He can do Sorcerer 1/ fighter 4 and then pick up DD @ level 6 and go from there.

master_marshmallow wrote:
Alejandro Acosta wrote:

fighter/rogue. 2 handed weapon with power attack. sneak attack will make up for damage. You can level however you want. Maybe even go rogue 5 for extra sneak attack damage. Maybe Dragon Disiple? Quickest entry is Sorcerer 1 (must have Draconic bloodline)>Fighter 4 or anthing else that fights well. Use magic to buff yourself, then go to town.

what you get with DD: HD (d12),2 good saves, average attack progression, extra STR/CON (ability boost)and natural armor. Best for fighters. BTW flying is a class skill. spells per day, Blood of Dragons (increases sorcerer level for bloodline powers), Breath weapon, bite attack, dragonform 1 or 2 a day, wings. (increased movement 90ft.)

Everything in this post is wrong.

Why do you say it's wrong? I gave him 2 different options. I think the Dragon Disciple will be better. Forget about the Rogue/fighter.

I thought about it and you should go Dragon Disciple ALL THE WAY. Keep increasing your strength as though you were a fighter. The enlarge spell will increase your STR and natural weapon damage at the same time and you get to play something cool.

Since he's a monster, will he the GM allow improved natural attack?

fighter/rogue. 2 handed weapon with power attack. sneak attack will make up for damage. You can level however you want. Maybe even go rogue 5 for extra sneak attack damage. Maybe Dragon Disiple? Quickest entry is Sorcerer 1 (must have Draconic bloodline)>Fighter 4 or anthing else that fights well. Use magic to buff yourself, then go to town.

what you get with DD: HD (d12),2 good saves, average attack progression, extra STR/CON (ability boost)and natural armor. Best for fighters. BTW flying is a class skill. spells per day, Blood of Dragons (increases sorcerer level for bloodline powers), Breath weapon, bite attack, dragonform 1 or 2 a day, wings. (increased movement 90ft.)

Piccolo wrote:
dark matter is a sci fi setting, not magical.

There are some ideas he can use, Arcane FX, necro, voodoo, ghosts. extradimension/possession, telekenetics (Carrie).

If you want a 2 hander rogue try this:
Your stat array should look like this ++DEX>+CON>STR>INT>WIS>-CHA
r1 sneak attack 1d6, imp initiative, weapon finesse
r3 sneak attack 2d6, exotic weapon, Elven Curve Blade (ECB). A finesseable 2 hand weapon (deals 1d10 damage).
r5 sneak attack 3d6, desperate battler (gives you +1/+1 if you have no allies within 10 feet). Good for use on the surprise round. Alternately you can substitute a feat that gives you an extra 1d6 of sneak attack @ BAB +3 (sorry, I don't remember the name of the feat).
r7 sneak attack, 4d6, power attack (crank up that 2 handed weapon damage).
r9 sneak attack, 5d6, vital strike
r10 advanced talent (opportunist)
r11 sneak attack, 6d6, improved critical ECB
Make your ECB agile so you can add DEX to damage. Then add weapon pluses when you can. Also start working on step up & strike and maybe critical focus.

Why don't you blind him first? This is a 3.5 monk/rogue I did a long time ago. just some ideas.
This is a 3.5 ascetic Rogue. Stat array: ++WIS>+DEX>+CON>STR>-INT>-CHA. I gave him fortitude so they couldn't do to him what he was doing to others. Start him out with quarterstaff until he gets UAS (they cost nothing), then buy Scorpion Kama (applies UAS to damage with Kamas) and enchant them when possible.
Ragged shadow (they look unassuming): They work in groups. one blinds the victim, the others set up flanks and use unarmed FOB (poor bastard). Pump up the damage with fiery fist.
R1 SA 1d6, trap finding, improved initiative, great fortitude
R2 evasion
R3 SA 2d6, trap sense +1, intuitive attack (adds WIS to attack roll)
M1 *stunning fist, flurry of blows, UAS 1d6
M2 *fiery fist (use SF[swift] for +1d6 fire to all UAS that round), evasion
R4 uncanny dodge, falling star strike from OA (SF blinds opponents)
R5 SA 3d6
R6 trap sense +2
R7 SA 4d6, ascetic rogue (+2 to stun DC), UAS 1d8
R8 improved uncanny dodge, UAS 1d10
R9 SA 5d6, trap sense +3
R10 special ability (opportunist), improved natural attack+UAS 3d6
R11 SA 6d6
R12 trap sense +4
R13 SA 7d6, special ability (crippling strike),
superior UAS 3d8
R14 UAS 4d8
R15 SA 8d6, trap sense +5
R16 special ability (improved evasion), ability focus SF (+2 to stun DC)
R17 SA 9d6
R18 UAS 6d6
R19 SA 10d6, improved stunning fist (+2 stun DC)
WIS is the primary stat because it increases your attack rolls, stunning fist DC and AC. The Kamas are for stuff you can't hit with your normal UAS.

If you want a 2 hander rogue try this:
Your stat array should look like this ++DEX>+CON>STR>INT>WIS>-CHA
r1 sneak attack 1d6, imp initiative, weapon finesse
r3 sneak attack 2d6, exotic weapon, Elven Curve Blade (ECB). A finesseable 2 hand weapon (deals 1d10 damage).
r5 sneak attack 3d6, desperate battler (gives you +1/+1 if you have no allies within 10 feet). Good for use on the surprise round. Alternately you can substitute a feat that gives you an extra 1d6 of sneak attack @ BAB +3 (sorry, I don't remember the name of the feat).
r7 sneak attack, 4d6, power attack (crank up that 2 handed weapon damage).
r9 sneak attack, 5d6, vital strike
r10 advanced talent (opportunist)
r11 sneak attack, 6d6, improved critical ECB
Make your ECB agile so you can add DEX to damage. Then add weapon pluses when you can. Also start working on step up & strike and maybe critical focus.

If you want a range weapon use martial weapon starknife (range 20 ft.). the damage is a little better then shuriken and you don't lose it if it hits. Generally you only need to throw 1 before you close in for melee.

If you want a reach weapon instead, try this:
Why don't you pick up martial weapon at 1st level and use a Guisarme?
Monk w/ reach weapon: You can fight armed or unarmed while wielding a reach weapon using elbows, knees, feet or head.
Guisarme: 9 gp, 2d4 x3 — 10 lbs. S reach, trip CRB
M1: stunning fist, flurry of blows, unarmed strike, Combat reflexes, martial weapon Guisarme, improved initiative. Use your reach and combat reflexes to trip opponents. you're armed (no attacks of opportunity) and you get +4 bonus for using 2 hand weapon. On the move, use bull rush to knock them prone (same pluses applies). then move in on your prone opponents and follow up with your weapon or FOB (whichever does more damage). If they move or try to get up you get free attacks. If you get grappled, use stunning fist for release and retain your weapon.
M2 dodge
M3 power attack, use on your prone opponents.
M5 lighten weapon (prerequisite. don't worry about this yet)
M6 improved bull rush (more pluses for bull rushing)
M7 improved trip (ditto)
M9 improved evasion, greater bull rush gives you a free hit on prone opponents, good time to power attack.
M10 improved critical, apply to your Guisarme.
M11 Improved lighten weapon (a large Guisarme does 2d6 (3d6 if you use oversize and take -2. cheaper then power attacking) damage and your reach is 15-20ft(25-30ft oversize). for people 10 ft. or closer, use 5 ft. step, then weapon or FOB, whichever does more damage at the time.

lighten weapon>improved Lighten weapon also helps with your starknife. a Large starknife deals 1d6.

If you want a 2 hander rogue try this:
Your stat array should look like this ++DEX>+CON>STR>INT>WIS>-CHA
r1 sneak attack 1d6, imp initiative, weapon finesse
r3 sneak attack 2d6, exotic weapon, Elven Curve Blade (ECB). A finesseable 2 hand weapon (deals 1d10 damage).
r5 sneak attack 3d6, desperate battler (gives you +1/+1 if you have no allies within 10 feet). Good for use on the surprise round. Alternately you can substitute a feat that gives you an extra 1d6 of sneak attack @ BAB +3 (sorry, I don't remember the name of the feat).
r7 sneak attack, 4d6, power attack (crank up that 2 handed weapon damage).
r9 sneak attack, 5d6, vital strike
r10 advanced talent (opportunist)
r11 sneak attack, 7d6, improved critical ECB
Make your ECB agile so you can add DEX to damage. Then add weapon pluses when you can. Also start working on step up & strike and maybe critical focus.


DawnForged Cast has a good Pathfinder Basics video tutorial on youtube.

I've always liked "Night Below". That's an old one.

Feats‎ > ‎Combat Feats‎ > ‎
Strangler (Combat)

Throttling the life out of enemies is second nature to you.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, sneak attack +1d6, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: Whenever you successfully maintain a grapple and choose to deal damage, you can spend a swift action to deal your sneak attack damage to the creature you are grappling.

lighten weapon & improved lighten weapon (3rd party0. They're in the PFSRD.

Permanency Spell:
Getting Greater Magic Fang cast with Permanency can be a huge boon to a Monk, and save you money too. If such spellcasting is not available, at higher levels you may be able to get your party Wizard or Sorcerer to cast it, if you provide them with the material cost (and scroll if necessary)Greater Magic Fang on unarmed: This is huge - so get it if you can. It means you can use that Amulet of Mighty Fists (which doesn't need a +1 minimum enhancement) to use exclusively on other enchantments (Holy, etc.).
Cost: 7500 gp material cost per casting, 3000 gp scroll cost (permanency) plus the cost of getting greater magic fang cast(as high caster level as possible).