Video Games

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LA Noire? Anyone getting this?

Commodore 64 Revival

Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale

Prisoners forced to play

Too Dumb for Words: "Educational" Portal 2 Game Contains "Offensive" Content


Web-based games - list and looking for more

It's Spring: The Sun is Shining, the Birds are Singing...

Rift MMO

Final Fantasy XIII tomorrow

COD: BLACK OPS - Escalation Map Pack

Nostalgia - Freedom Force and Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich

Hack attack on sony

Crysis 2

Dry season of games?

Metro 2033

Mortal Kombat: Legacy


Sandbox RPGs

Neverwinter Nights plus

KotOR fans, I've got a question

Ladies and Gentlemen, Diablo 3.

Robot Unicorn Attack

Arc Rise Fantasia

Dead Space 2

KoL Paizonian Clan Recruitment Office -- Now with Faster Rollover...


Shogun 2 Total War

Zelda Stained Glass

Sims Disses DnD as it promotes New Class, Level, Quest-based, pseudo-Medieval Game

Owned a game since '95 still can't beat it. Please Help!

Dungeons (Steam version)

PSP 3000; I'm Really Tempted

Rift MMO - Anyone else playing?

A Paizo Fan Guild Wars Guild?

DC universe online?

The Marvel VS Capcom 3 roster is painfully tempting now.

Looking for a good two-person RPG for PS3

Magicka - Why haven't you bought this already?

Lord of the Rings Online

L.A. Noire

Spelunky - A free randomized side-scrolling platform game

Dungeons & Dragons Online - Paizonian Guild!

LEGO Universe MMO

"Odin's Pizza Place!"

Recommend some PSP accessories and games

Paizo signed deal with Katauri Interactive to make turn based CRPG game!

Heroes of might and magic 1 on a Win XP machine?

Sims Medieval

What would you like to see in a new Lunar RPG for the DS?

iPhone / iPad Game Recommendations

New DnD Video Game

Looking for Space Exploration Strategy Game

Eversion. A game you should play.

Neverwinter nights...


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Free to a good home

Castle Age Facebook Paizo players

Star Wars: TOR

Nazi Zombies (yeh, I know)

SW: The Force Unleashed 2

Dawn of War into something else entirely....

Anyone out there been playing Elemental-War of Magic

Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition on

Hollow's Last Hope in NWN

Fable III

I am the lamest Dragon Age player ever . . .

Pathfinder CRPG Petition

I'll miss you APB

DIablo II and LoD - Ten Years Old and Still Kickin' Ass!

Civilization V

Dragon Age


Pathfinder videogames?

Delve Deeper

Demon's Souls

Final Fantasy XIV

Metoid Other M

Assassin's Creed

StarCraft 2

Dragon Quest IX

CoD MW 2

Free Fantasy (Sword & Sorcery) MMOs?

Red Dead Revolver any Good?

Portal 2 Trailer

Baldur's Gate options

X-Box 360 buyers guide?

Puzzle Quest 2

What would your ideal Final Fantasy game be like?

Game suggestions?

Warhammer 40,000 Online: Dark Millennium

A slimmer and quieter Xbox 360 arrives

Anyone playing Age of Conan?

Fallout New Vegas

Anyone Playing / Played Alan Wake for Xbox?

Fallout Shorts and Movies

Mass Effect 2

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