Video Games

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EA: No longer the 'Evil Empire'?

My new addiction

A little Lord of the Rings fix...

Ragnarok Online


Good D&D / RPG games for Playstation?

Fable 2

Need a WoW Guild ?

The Force Unleashed!

WoW Advice from the experienced community

Paizoan Spore Players?

WoW Widow / er support group

Too Human

Portal: Still Alive

Warhammer Online coming soon

Dutch Teens Convicted for Stealing Virtual Items

Looking for a good PC RPG

Diablo III

Baldurs Gate

Player created quests in a MMORPG? Ever been? Ever to be?

Halo 3 Recon

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Quiz: What type of video gamer are you?

Beer Tycoon!

Knights of the Old Republic II : Sith Lords.

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3

Baten Kaitos Origins Strategy guide beta is live

The retro RPGs on DS make me happy

Sony PlayStation 2 for sale

Tekken Series.

Your XBL Gamer Tag

Halo 3 and XBL

Dungeon Runners

Titan Quest


Wrath of the Lich King

Soul Calibur IV: Buy It Because It's Got Star Wars Characters?!?!?

Any Fans of the Tenchu Series?

Conquer Club

Mirror's Edge

Age of Conan

Fan-made Pathfinder point-and-click adventure game? (Adventure Game Studio)


Oblivion... I need help with leveling.

Turn based PC RPGs?

Xbox Live

Tomb Raider: Underworld

Knighthood on facebook

Jagged Alliance

Champions of Norrath: PS2

Final Fantasy 12

Too Human Demo (Xbox 360)

Knights of the Old Republic MMO Confirmed!?

Anyone play Kult: Heretic Kingdoms?


Crisis Core- Final Fantasy VII

Mass Effect (Video Game)

Mass Effect (The Video Game)

Buying an Arcade Cabinet Video Game (any tips?)

The Black Mushroom!

*cries* After 2 years, 2 months later..

Best PS3 Game?

Firefly MMO

World of Warcraft: Factions, Races, and Classes

Bioware needs writers

Anyone using an Intel Mac to play PC games?


Looking for a good MMORPG

X-RIFLE: XBOX for the outdoor player


Grimcleaver's First MMO: Matrix Online

D&D Online (The MMO)

Are You Buying NWN2?

Turbine is already messing up!

City of Heroes. (Need to know some info if you have any..)

Neverwinter Nights

Diablo D&D Stuff

The Power of Xbox

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