Video Games

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Silly question on GTA V....what real city does Los Santos look like?



Dragon Age: Dalish Names

BioShock: Infiniti

Dishonored - The Knife of Dunwall

Are roleplaying games getting better through videogame industry?

NWN Dire Mace and D&D Why Not?

State of Decay

City of Titans Kickstarter - City of Heroes successor

anyone else being surprised at the indie games?

skyrim load orders >.>

Telltale's The Wolf Among Us

Grand Theft Auto V

Video Games with a female protagonist don’t sell – Wait! What?

Titenic for NES

Divinity: Dragon Commander - Presenting real world issues through a fantasy lens

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Spacebase DF-7, Dwarf Fortress IN SPACE!!! (early access)

Have a account? Want a copy of The Witcher: Enhanced Edition?

Terraria, Edge of Space, Starbound...Lets Build Together!

:D Finds my some more old video games?

Battlefield 4

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD

Help! Dragon Age: Origins Promotional DLC Items Download Failed

Disgaea D2

EA Sports to stop making college football

The new Steam controller (and OS, and hardware)

Any good Co-op fantasy games out there?

Gaming Ennui

Microsoft is Touchy :D

Ducktales Woohoo

Total War: Rome II

The Biggest Upcoming MMORPGs you Need to Have on Your Radar

Blizzard Kickstarter Really?

Need a recommendation

how to get skyrim enb

War of the roses

People can be horribly disgusting

PS4, who is waiting for it ?

Star Wars: Battlefront

Van Helsing


Saint's Row 4

Playstation 4 release date announced

What games should i get / play

Might and Magic X

Xbox one is coming

Everquest Next (PC)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf designs

Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny remake

If you could design your own video game

KoToR for someone used to NWN?

Of Orcs & Men

Any good early medieval and / or gritty medieval / fantasy games out there?

Pathfinder has ruined me

Mech Warrior Online vs. World of Tanks

Looking for a PC game

Speaking of real money --> $US15,000 Super Carrier destroyed in EVE

MechWarrior Online: Sarah's Jenner Cancer Fundraiser

X-com: Strategy Unknown

So what's the damage so far? [Steam]

Borderlands 2 Love? Hate? Meh? *Spoilers*

Chaos Chronicles-Turn Based 3.5 how did this slip under the radar

Golden nugget games [Steam]

Fallout New Vegas

Remember Me

The Last of Us (PS3)

Uncharted 3

Dad, can I have a quarter?

[Crowdfunding Campaign] Sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Torchlight for FREE on!

The Walking Dead

Doom 3 BFG Edition

FTL: Faster Than Light

Crusader Kings II

Metro Last Light controversy

Chronicles of Mystara

I just realized that they're coming out with the next generation of consoles...

Ouya & GameStick

Who remembers the DragonStrike game with the VHS?

The Swapper

Star Trek Online - Anyone playing?

The new Tomb Raider

Well, Square Enix is murdering Deus Ex...

Rajat cant be serious?

DUST 514 Anyone?

So I just started playing DDO (MAC + other topics)

Player Generated Content: Neverwinter Foundry Quests

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic coming to iPad

Broadband Internet Connection as a Requirement

Tropes vs. Women in Video Games Kickstarter -- and the hate it's received

Changes We Would Like to See in Future Games

Bioshock Infinite(Spoilers, natch)

Question about an MMO Conversion...

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

Interesting question I gleaned from Facebook

Mass Effect 3

DOTA 2 Invites Giveaway

Nice move, Disney

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