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I have some concerns about the Monk

PF2e repeating the mistakes of PF1e (wizard powers)

Reformatting Spellcaster classes

Difficult to build an archery Ranger

Eldritch Knight builds

Paladin Retributive Strike First Read Analysis

Totems are somehow my biggest problem atm

Quick question about Heal and Healer's blessing

What's the point of Witch Hunter in this system?

Alchemist's Wish

Martial Training

Cleric, undead with reactions

No "Animate Deads" for the Necromancer?

Paladin lay on hands / heal?

Spontaneous Casters and the Inclusion of Universal Class Feats

Why are monks the biggest punching bags?

Hand of the Apprentice and its Spell Point cost

Various questions and corrections.


The Fighter Thread

Gray Maidens are extremely powerful, right?

[Monk] Legendary proficiency in saves is lacking right now

The Systems Agnostic's Too Long PF2E Critique Part 3

Paladin actual play feedback

What does the fighter's Exotic Weapon Training do?

Reactions to Classes after 6.5 PFP Tables

Alchemist updates and starting formulas

2E Alchemist has the same problem as 1E Druid: Thematic Overlap

Why do the bard's Lingering Performance and Inspiring Performance suffer under truenamer logic?

Alchemists, Bombs, and Resonance

The ideal fighter build

Fighter's Power Attack Class Feat Wording

Ranger's Double Slice wording

General Barbarian Thoughts

Improved Brutish Shove and sizes

The elven archer conundrum

Class Agency

[Ranger] Hunt Target + Animal Companion + Monster Hunter = No benefit from HT.

Do alchemists start with four formulas, or eight?

Question about Alchemist's Tools

Poison Touch is unable to be taken RAW

Fighter Suggestions, and more Martial Class options

Rogues and the Core Failing of the Stealth Skill

Suggested Alchemist Feat: Snares

Barbarian Rage should either give +1 hit or remove the -1 AC penalty

How does a dwarf make an armored titan / lets look at proficiencies gated by narrative elements

The fix to Warded Touch is clumsy

2e clerics seem heavily slanted towards Sarenrae, and to a lesser extent, Nethys

Sorcerer Hemmorage

[Ranger] Binary options like Trackless Step / Nature's Edge / Wild Stride should be put out to pasture

Radical Idea: Clerics Shouldn't Be Healers

Paladins seem odder

Wizard multiclassing into fighter quite powerful

Animal Companions - Why did we keep 5Es mistake?

With Exploration mode a thing isn't it now time to give a good skill selection to all classes?

Paladins don't get smite, but Clerics do?

Retributive strike and mount

Disallowing spontaneous heightning

General Alchemist Thoughts

Druid Str Modifier

Questions about the druid class

Fighter's "Combat Grab" failure is too much

Playtest= Bards are asking where there 10th level spells are at.

Save DCs?

Sorcerers: 9 + Int Trained Skills

Why are Wizards & Alchemists the dummies of the adventuring world?

Monk weapon "group" could be a little bigger. :)

Meta Magic Wizard Feats

The ultimate healbot cleric, because you might as well keep the party's hit points topped off

(Math) Power Attack is almost never worth it.

Quick Alchemy: Actions & Hands

master of many style should not be 16th level

Monk Flying Kick as 2 Actions?

Rogue's Poison Weapon class feat. Is it one off or normal poison?

Consolidated Paladin Concerns

Can a monk be in a stance in Exploration mode

Paladin Builds (Theorycrafting)

Is this right about Bard Spells?

Paladin Capstone Feats

How does Sorcerer's Dangerous Sorcery Feat interact with Magic Missile

Bring back the Cantrip "Summon Instrument"

Need advice on Healadin build

No more Sneak attack with non-agile / finesse weapons ?

Cavalier archetype - design space and design ideas

Fighter: Improved Riposte feats

Builds / Concepts that are easier under the new rules

[Cleric] There's a lot going on

Recreating PF1e classes in PF2e

Spellcaster multiclassed into spellcaster? How does it work

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer vs Dragon Totem Barbarian

Tentacular Limbs feel lacking in touch-range options


Alchemist = Bombs or Bust

PF2e Wizard - How was your experience (role) playing it?

[Druid] Capstone level 20

Is Quickened Casting worth it?

Knights and Barbarians

Rogues have a nasty right hook

Suggestion: "Weapon Expert" should increase proficiency, not set it.

Giant Totem Barbarian, Gargantuan Weapons, and Crits

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