November 2021 Organized Play Update

Thursday, Thursday 4, 2021

OPC Musings

By the time you read this, I will have returned from my first physical convention as a Paizo employee! I’ll be flying to Minneapolis with Tonya to attend SkålCon and I’m very excited about it. I’m writing this blog before the trip, so I don’t have any stories to tell, but ask future Alex (which, again, will be present Alex once you read this) about it!

Back when I was hired, which the calendar insists was only 20 months ago, I expected to be traveling a lot more than I have so far. I will admit the introverted, awkward part of me (that’s all of me) is glad I met the community online, where I’m much funnier and able to log off when I need to. Still, there’s something about physical gaming that I’ve missed, the energy is different online (but the prep’s a lot easier, so it’s a trade-off)!

Hopefully in 2022 I’ll be able to attend more shows and meet more people in-person, but I suspect the landscape has changed in ways we can’t expect. Until then, I look forward to more online games with all of you!

Digital Adventure Releases

Here are this month’s digital releases, available November 19, 2021:


Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-05: Inheritor's Rite*
Pathfinder Bounty #16: Boom Town Betrayal


Starfinder Society Scenario #4-11: A World's Ambition*

*part of a subscription

Starfinder Society Fame Updates

Earlier this year, we announced that Starfinder Society would be transitioning to the Achievement Points system, and that Fame would be disappearing. This sparked several questions to which we promised answers.

Good news, I have answers for you! But you’ll have to wait a little longer for them. There’s a second blog scheduled later today that’s dedicated entirely to that topic, to keep everything in one place. So, hang tight and we’ll circle back to this topic later!


First, the bad news: I have no new rulebook content to share with you at this time. I know everybody is eager to get their hands on guns, gears, and everything for sale in the Grand Bazaar, but we simply haven’t had the time to take a look at it yet. It’s the top of our priority list once the schedule crunch lets up, we promise.

Now, while we don’t have rules content for you, we do have some newly sanctioned adventures! For Pathfinder (second edition), Night of the Gray Death and Head-Shot the Rot are both sanctioned for play. You can find the sanctioning documents on their product pages. For Starfinder, we’ll have the next one-shot, The Great Grav-Train Robbery, sanctioned by the time it releases.

And finally, for our Pathfinder (first edition) players, the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path is now sanctioned for play! We know it’s been a long time coming; we tried to get it out at the same time the Owlcat game released, but the best laid plans of ysoki and men, etc, etc. The chronicles for this AP can be applied to a character of any level as well!

My goal is that by this time next month, we’ll have Guns & Gears and Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar sanctioned... just in time for the December releases! Hooray!

GM Recognition

Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios, as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!

This month, we had one GM reach their fifth star for Pathfinder Society (first edition) and one reach their fifth nova for Starfinder Society.

5th Star: Jason Thuel
5th Nova Stephan V

Congratulations to our new 5-rank GMs and thank you for your dedication! If you believe you have achieved your 5th rank but haven’t been announced, email us at

Upcoming Conventions

Winter tends to be our quiet time for conventions, but that doesn’t mean our schedule is entirely silent! We’ve still got plenty of great events, both online and in-person. Check out the conventions calendar for a full list and be sure to click on the events for more details.

Until next time—Explore! Report! Cooperate!

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Coordinator

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Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

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Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The links for Night of the Gray Death and Head-Shot the Rot link back to this blog, not the product pages

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

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J03_M4M4 wrote:
The links for Night of the Gray Death and Head-Shot the Rot link back to this blog, not the product pages

Fixed, thanks!

Paizo Employee 2/5 Pathfinder Society Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!

Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.

2/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Really sucks that Guns and Gear didn't get into this update.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Congratulations to Jason Thuel and Stephan V! It's a big achievement!


Grand Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Gamerskum wrote:
Really sucks that Guns and Gear didn't get into this update.

At least I can still stab things with my Piercing Wind, even if I can't find any bullets to shoot out of it!

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

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Wrath of the Righteous finally got sanctioned!!!!


Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

:< but...but I have a robot dog that must become real :P

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

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What do we want? Guns and Gears sanctioned! When do we want it! Now!

5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Some statistics from the way to 5th Nova:

Total d20s rolled: 32510

Average roll: 10,474213

Total Natural 1s: 1638
Total Natural 20s: 1577


Natural 1s in combat: 495
Natural 20s in combat: 529

Initiative rolls: 2288

Ranged attacks and melee attacks are closer than expected (5129 vs 5222) [no information on spells as they have too much variability].

1617 Reflex saves, 756 Fortitude saves, 696 Will saves


Acrobatics: 567; Athletics: 725; Bluff: 343; Computers: 1059; Culture: 951; Diplomacy: 782; Disguise: 35; Engineering: 1588; Intimidation: 229; Life Science: 498; Medicine: 431; Mysticism: 617, Perception: 2714; Physical Science: 266; Piloting: 894; Professions: 463; Sense Motive: 564; Sleight of Hand: 65; Stealth: 461; Survival: 573


Games played as a player at 1st level or with pregens: A few. Games played at 2nd level or higher with characters that were not pregens: Zero.

Manually generated chronicles: Around 768. Chronicles made with RPG Chronicles: Around 54. Joy about not having to fill out new chronicles manually: 100 %.

Some notes:

Almost every scenario from the four seasons should be included at least once, some several times. This includes the Skitter one-shots and One-Shot #1. Not included are the newly released 4-09 and 4-10, as well as Starfinder: The Starfinder Four VS. The Hardlight Harlequin and One-Shot #2 for obvious reasons. Due to AP credits, the total amount of games is probably a bit under 150 games.

The vast majority of the rolls should be rolls from the PCs, though NPC rolls will also be included (no way to really filter the rolls without specifying each and every PC name). This should mostly affect attack rolls and saves, NPC skill checks do not come up very often. NPC initiatives are usually handled automatically and will therefore not affect the amount of initiative rolls too much.

Note that this will not be 100 % correct, so treat it with some caution. Some rolls are from test games, there are also test rolls made by players, random rolls, rerolls, … A few rolls have been lost due to crashes or parsing errors. It’s also entirely possible I accidently attributed some rolls incorrectly, I just quickly adapted some older code. Trick attack rolls can skew certain skills. In some cases, players manually rolled d20s, making them not feasible to categorize.

Also bear in mind that for the rarer checks there is a self-fulfilling cycle: Players are less likely to take them, which also causes them to be rolled less. E.g. if a check allows Disguise or Computers, the Disguise check is unlikely to actually be rolled, even if it actually would be a RAW option.

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

Of all the 1st edition AP's, WotR was the last one I expected to be sanctioned. Heck, I assumed it would never happen.

Glad you enjoyed our little convention. Hopefully you brought back some plague dice and not any actual plague.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please excuse my ignorance but Head-Shot the Rot has been sanctioned. does this include the pregens and the guns or is it just the adventure?

So guns and gunslinger is but is not(yet) sanctioned?

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

CrimsonKnight wrote:

Please excuse my ignorance but Head-Shot the Rot has been sanctioned. does this include the pregens and the guns or is it just the adventure?

So guns and gunslinger is but is not(yet) sanctioned?

Like other one-shots, I suspect the pregens are sanctioned for use with Head-Shot the Rot only. Enjoy gunslinging in that adventure, while we all await the sanctioning of Guns & Gears!

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

stephan10 wrote:

Total d20s rolled: 32510

Average roll: 10,474213

Total Natural 1s: 1638
Total Natural 20s: 1577


Natural 1s in combat: 495
Natural 20s in combat: 529

Initiative rolls: 2288

Ranged attacks and melee attacks are closer than expected (5129 vs 5222) [no information on spells as they have too much variability].

1617 Reflex saves, 756 Fortitude saves, 696 Will saves


Acrobatics: 567; Athletics: 725; Bluff: 343; Computers: 1059; Culture: 951; Diplomacy: 782; Disguise: 35; Engineering: 1588; Intimidation: 229; Life Science: 498; Medicine: 431; Mysticism: 617, Perception: 2714; Physical Science: 266; Piloting: 894; Professions: 463; Sense Motive: 564; Sleight of Hand: 65; Stealth: 461; Survival: 573

My goodness, you kept detailed records! Now... How did you ever track these statistics?

stephan10 wrote:
Games played as a player at 1st level or with pregens: A few. Games played at 2nd level or higher with characters that were not pregens: Zero.

I hope that you get to play a bit more now. It's nice to mix things up a little. I like playing about 1 in 4 times, just so that I can keep track of my characters and have a chance to be silly!

Congratulations again on your magnificent acheivement!


Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
CrimsonKnight wrote:

Please excuse my ignorance but Head-Shot the Rot has been sanctioned. does this include the pregens and the guns or is it just the adventure?

So guns and gunslinger is but is not(yet) sanctioned?

Like other one-shots, I suspect the pregens are sanctioned for use with Head-Shot the Rot only. Enjoy gunslinging in that adventure, while we all await the sanctioning of Guns & Gears!

Hilary's got it right. Like previous One-Shots, you can use the included pregens with Head-Shot the Rot, but you couldn't take them to another game unless, say, you had a boon that said you could. Hypothetically.

And for those sad about not having new books yet: Linda and I spent about two hours in a call talking through G&G yesterday and got about halfway through. I estimate another session of similar length + another for LOGB will let us get them out the door, so patience! They're coming along, but G&G in particular is a very dense book with a lot of questions about access.

5/55/55/55/5 *****

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

My goodness, you kept detailed records! Now... How did you ever track these statistics?

I hope that you get to play a bit more now. It's nice to mix things up a little. I like playing about 1 in 4 times, just so that I can keep track of my characters and have a chance to be silly!

Congratulations again on your magnificent acheivement!



It does help to have VTT statistics and a simple parser, otherwise you'll likely never finish counting these rolls.

Thankfully, I do get to play a bit too, though rarely SF itself.

Also congratulations to Jason Thuel of course!

5/5 5/55/55/5

Cypher1 wrote:
What do we want? Guns and Gears sanctioned! When do we want it!

When the clock strikes click click click boom ?

2/5 **** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

The convention calendar has PAX Unplugged next month represented with TBD. Do you expect there to be any Paizo / Org Play representation there? Understand that it's only become a real thing in the last little bit and there may not be time. Mostly just trying to calibrate my expectations.

Dark Archive **

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm a big Paizo fan and up 'til now loved that I could say that generally new books/classes/ancestries were sanctioned very quickly for society play. Sadly Guns & Gears has ended my ability to say that as it looks like it will take 2 months after release (and even that after delay from original expected release). I understand release delays in this environment, but the content has been set in stone for quite a while now, so the lack of sanctioning seems to show a de-prioritization of organized play in the organization.

Sorry for the negative post as I truly am a great Paizo advocate. I just hope PFS moves back up the priority list soon as that keeps many of us subscribing and buying.

P.S. Hope you enjoyed your first convention as a Paizo employee. Can't wait to get these going in earnest again next year!

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

7 people marked this as a favorite.
cavernshark wrote:

The convention calendar has PAX Unplugged next month represented with TBD. Do you expect there to be any Paizo / Org Play representation there? Understand that it's only become a real thing in the last little bit and there may not be time. Mostly just trying to calibrate my expectations.

At this point, we have received no response from PAX when contacted by Paizo staff or volunteers. I do not expect any organized offerings at this stage.

Invictus Fatum wrote:
I'm a big Paizo fan and up 'til now loved that I could say that generally new books/classes/ancestries were sanctioned very quickly for society play. Sadly Guns & Gears has ended my ability to say that as it looks like it will take 2 months after release (and even that after delay from original expected release). I understand release delays in this environment, but the content has been set in stone for quite a while now, so the lack of sanctioning seems to show a de-prioritization of organized play in the organization.

First of all, talk to some PF1/older SFS players about how long it used to take to sanction books (hint: literal years). Believe me when I say that two months is nothing compared to historical data.

That being said: we have had a truly hellish couple of months, from the pre-Gen Con dustup to the ongoing pandemic. I know we basically lost a least a week of productivity around Gen Con, and when it comes down to it, getting scenarios out on time is the priority over sanctioning books. Guns and Gears and LOGB are also extremely dense books that are not a simple lift; compare to the adventures, which are up-to-date because it's just making a chronicle sheet and maybe a boon. Those are easy to knock out. It's probably a day of work for each book, and we simply haven't had the days to spare recently.

They will be sanctioned. We are working on them as hard as we can without burning ourselves out any further. Thank you for your patience.

2/5 **** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

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Alex Speidel wrote:
cavernshark wrote:

The convention calendar has PAX Unplugged next month represented with TBD. Do you expect there to be any Paizo / Org Play representation there? Understand that it's only become a real thing in the last little bit and there may not be time. Mostly just trying to calibrate my expectations.

At this point, we have received no response from PAX when contacted by Paizo staff or volunteers. I do not expect any organized offerings at this stage.

Invictus Fatum wrote:
I'm a big Paizo fan and up 'til now loved that I could say that generally new books/classes/ancestries were sanctioned very quickly for society play. Sadly Guns & Gears has ended my ability to say that as it looks like it will take 2 months after release (and even that after delay from original expected release). I understand release delays in this environment, but the content has been set in stone for quite a while now, so the lack of sanctioning seems to show a de-prioritization of organized play in the organization.

First of all, talk to some PF1/older SFS players about how long it used to take to sanction books (hint: literal years). Believe me when I say that two months is nothing compared to historical data.

That being said: we have had a truly hellish couple of months, from the pre-Gen Con dustup to the ongoing pandemic. I know we basically lost a least a week of productivity around Gen Con, and when it comes down to it, getting scenarios out on time is the priority over sanctioning books. Guns and Gears and LOGB are also extremely dense books that are not a simple lift; compare to the adventures, which are up-to-date because it's just making a chronicle sheet and maybe a boon. Those are easy to knock out. It's probably a day of work for each book, and we simply haven't had the days to spare recently.

They will be sanctioned. We are working on them as hard as we can without burning ourselves out any further. Thank you for your patience.

That's unfortunate, but understandable. Thanks for the update and communication. Hopefully they'll get back to y'all.

And thank you for working to get sanctioning done. I imagine you're as keen as we are to get those books out. Y'all have done a great job over the last year and a half getting stuff out on day 1. I think it's important to remember that it hasn't even been a month since G&G launched. If it's done before Dec, we'll still be way better off than we were during the 1e period, as you noted.

Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"In my day, to get to our sanctioning we had to travel the stars in a bucket, and it took YEARS. But then Alex came along, and we got our sanctioning at Drift Speed, and I got to upgrade to traveling in a much spiffier trash can." Trusty clangs his trash can lid with pride. "You young'uns don't know how good you have it!"


2 people marked this as a favorite.

i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

6 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.

Inventor and Gunslinger will both cost a grand total of 0 AcP to play.

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:

First of all, talk to some PF1/older SFS players about how long it used to take to sanction books (hint: literal years). Believe me when I say that two months is nothing compared to historical data.

Rocks in chair

Uphill. In the snow. Both ways! And they tucked the additional resources document in a badger den. AND the dm fiated the sucker not responding to wild empathy. Still got scars in places i didn't know i had places...

1/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.

my fear remains that gunslinger will be permitted, but firearms will be gated behind acp. I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
medtec28 wrote:
I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.


Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

6 people marked this as a favorite.
medtec28 wrote:
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.
my fear remains that gunslinger will be permitted, but firearms will be gated behind acp. I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.

Let me modify my above statement then: Inventor and Gunslinger will both cost a grand total of 0 AcP to play as intended. Part of what we have to sort through with G&G is "okay so which guns does any gunslinger get."

But we're not going to nickel-and-dime you to play a gunslinger who actually shoots guns.

2/5 **** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

medtec28 wrote:
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.
my fear remains that gunslinger will be permitted, but firearms will be gated behind acp. I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.

That's interesting. I'm actually hoping that some (many?) are gated behind regional access (Home Region) and AcP. I wouldn't even mind if the multi-class dedications are AcP locked (coming as someone who wants to use one).


3 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:

First of all, talk to some PF1/older SFS players about how long it used to take to sanction books (hint: literal years). Believe me when I say that two months is nothing compared to historical data.

Rocks in chair

Uphill. In the snow. Both ways! And they tucked the additional resources document in a badger den. AND the dm fiated the sucker not responding to wild empathy. Still got scars in places i didn't know i had places...

then you would have to reassemble the document because it was shredded and used for nest materials for the badger cubs that the parents where protecting. it is always good to have a high enough nature skill to recognize a badger sett.

1/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
medtec28 wrote:
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.
my fear remains that gunslinger will be permitted, but firearms will be gated behind acp. I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.

Let me modify my above statement then: Inventor and Gunslinger will both cost a grand total of 0 AcP to play as intended. Part of what we have to sort through with G&G is "okay so which guns does any gunslinger get."

But we're not going to nickel-and-dime you to play a gunslinger who actually shoots guns.

thank you for the reply.

As someone known to criticize the pace of sanctioning loud and often, I appreciate how timely it has been. The fact that people are surprised to have a month’s delay at this point i# at estimate to how hard the team has been working at it. As far as I can remember everything has been sanctioned on or around release date for over a year. awesome work in my opinion

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!
Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.

Mike, did you notice anything different about him? Maybe a glow, or a sense of serenity? Does he look or appear more healthy? A distinct smell of brimstone, perhaps?

I ask because he did purify himself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. I witnessed it with my own eyes and said a little prayer to Our Lord in Hell Below Us. I am positive The Prince of Lies would treat Alex well....

His left hand didn't fall off, did it?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
medtec28 wrote:
CrimsonKnight wrote:
i just hope there is no boon point tax on the new classes like there is for most ancestries.
my fear remains that gunslinger will be permitted, but firearms will be gated behind acp. I am not really interested in playing a gunslinger with a crossbow.

Let me modify my above statement then: Inventor and Gunslinger will both cost a grand total of 0 AcP to play as intended. Part of what we have to sort through with G&G is "okay so which guns does any gunslinger get."

But we're not going to nickel-and-dime you to play a gunslinger who actually shoots guns.

It's an understandable concern though. 1e did lock guns down hard (but this was more because they were intrinsically unbalanced).

Can you say whether other classes (say, Inventor) will be able to grab firearms? I've been kicking around several character ideas while waiting for sanctioning and some of them want to know that (Okay, mainly one, because the gun sword is a delightful idea)

Paizo Employee 2/5 Pathfinder Society Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!
Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.
Mike, did you notice anything different about him?

That information will cost you 80 AcP.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The most painful thing about the delay in sanctioning Guns & Gear and Grand Bazaar is NOT the wait to use the content in PFS.

It's the uncertainty.

There's so much awesome stuff in these books that it hurts to temper my excitement lest I grow attached to particular options and face a crushing disappointment if it gets banned or locked behind a boon.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Mike Kimmel wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!
Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.
Mike, did you notice anything different about him?
That information will cost you 80 AcP.

Hmmm… 80 AcP for Alex’s soul? Seems… high.

Dark Archive 1/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, North Carolina—Durham

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!
Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.
Mike, did you notice anything different about him?
That information will cost you 80 AcP.
Hmmm… 80 AcP for Alex’s soul? Seems… high.

Nah, he's a Unique option. Compared to the costs of Rare that exist, seems pretty cheap to me... better make sure we aren't getting jipped.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Update: I survived SkålCon and had a lovely time!
Can confirm. Alex (or at the very least a convincing digital simulacrum of Alex) is still around.
Mike, did you notice anything different about him?
That information will cost you 80 AcP.

Please note that Mike Kimmel does not set Achievement Point prices and thus should not be taken seriously.

Also it's 160 AcP and a Sense Motive check.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Need the DC for that check Alex.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

A measly 160 AcP?

Paizo Employee 2/5 Pathfinder Society Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
Please note that Mike Kimmel... should not be taken seriously.

Fixed that for you.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Mike Kimmel wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Please note that Mike Kimmel... should not be taken seriously.
Fixed that for you.

So it was too high!

I have a notoriously awful penalty to Will saves. Makes life more fun!

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Director of Community

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Removed a personally attacking post. Disappointment is understandable, aiming snark at a staffer who is providing updates is not. For those enjoying the side thread about Lake Minnetonka, please keep it out of the offensive/vulgar language trap (discussion of souls may not bother you, but very likely bothers someone!) Thank you!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Got it, boss!


saw AcP costs for many of the guns & gears options, and for the Grand Bazaar has been posted.

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