About Trusty TrashbotSFS # 820 - 706
Reputation See ITS Chronicles ★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★ Bot Me!:
[dice=Stabby (survival knife)] 1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Slashing Damage]1d4+4[/dice] [dice=Trick Attack]4d8[/dice] [dice=Pew Pew (Static Arc pistol)]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Bang Bang (Semi-Automatic pistol)]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Bluff Trick Attack]10+21[/dice]
In ship combat, he happily serves as Captain, Pilot, Gunner, Engineer, Chief Mate or Science Officer. ★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★ [dice=Acrobatics]1d20+20[/dice]
★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★ Trusty Trashbot
Personal Upgrade +2: Cha
Skills Acrobatics (Dex) — +20 (8 ranks, 3 class, 6 dex, 3 insight from operative’s edge)
*=Skills with skill focus Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Gunnery -- 12 Feats
Languages Common, Absalom Sign Language, Copaxi, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Jinsul, Kasatha, Lashunta, Vesk, Ysoki Other Abilities Combat Gear D-Suit 1, Static Arc Pistol, Semi-Automatic Tactical Pistol Other Gear Cybernetic Component: Vocal Modulator: A vocal modulator includes a series of miniature actuators built specifically to reshape your voice box, along with miniature hyper-resonant chambers that dynamically close or open. This allows you to change the pitch, timbre, and tone of your voice. You can more easily imitate accents or pronounce alien languages. When using Disguise to change your appearance, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus if the change in your voice also helps your disguise (at the GM's discretion). --------------------
Healing Circuit: In addition to being constructs and thus able to benefit from spells like make whole, SROs count as living creatures for the purposes of magic healing effects that work on living creatures, though the number of Hit Points restored in such cases is halved. A character must use the Engineering skill to perform the tasks of the Medicine skill on SROs. SROs also heal naturally over time as living creatures do, and can benefit from magic or technology that can bring constructs back from the dead, as well as effects that normally can't (such as raise dead). Holographic Clone Exploit: You can create holographic duplicates or psychic projections of yourself that conceal your true location. Once per day as a standard action, you can create 1d4 images of yourself that last for 1 minute per operative level. This ability otherwise functions as mirror image. You can use this exploit an additional time per day at 6th level, and again at 10th level. Integrated Equipment: An SRO has an internal, integrated standard datajack and comm unit. If an SRO is helpless, these can be removed or destroyed without damaging the SRO. They can be replaced or upgraded for the normal price of this equipment. An SRO has an additional built-in cybernetic component with an item level no greater than half the SRO's character level (minimum item level 1). Each time the SRO gains a level, they can swap out this piece of equipment at no additional cost to represent internal reconfigurations. These pieces of equipment don't count against the systems in which an SRO can install cybernetics. Robotic: SROs are immune to bleed, disease, death effects, poison, nonlethal damage, and sleep effects unless those effects specify they affect constructs. SROs can be affected by effects or spells that normally target only humanoids, but receive a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against such effects. SROs can eat and drink, though they don't need to, and they must recharge their internal batteries by entering an off-line mode that is similar to sleep for 8 hours every day. SROs do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum. Uncanny Mobility Exploit: When you make a trick attack, if you choose the target of your attack before you move, your movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity from that target. When you use your standard action to move, you can choose one creature; you don't provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature for this movement. Uncanny Shooter Exploit (Ex): Your ranged attacks with small arms do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Master of Disguise (Ex): You can take on the appearances of other creatures and even specific individuals. This functions as the quick disguise exploit, but the duration increases to 10 minutes per operative level. Alternatively, for 1 minute per operative level, you can take on the appearance of a specific individual that you have seen before. If you have heard the individual talk and can speak her language, you can also modulate your speech to match hers. This disguise is so convincing that creatures familiar with the individual must succeed at a Will saving throw before they can attempt a Perception check to pierce the disguise. You must have the quick disguise exploit to learn this exploit. Mentalist's Bane (Ex): If you fail your Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect with a duration of 1 round or more, you can attempt another saving throw against the effect 1 round later at the same DC. You get only one extra chance to save per effect. If you succeed at a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, you can prevent the effect's originator from knowing you succeeded. You gain basic knowledge of what the mental effect would have made you do or feel, and you can attempt a Bluff check to pretend you are under that effect. If the mental effect would provide a link between you and the originator (like the dominate person spell), you can choose to allow the link without the control Uncanny Agility(Ex): 7th Level You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesn't gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when you're prone. Furthermore, covering fire and harrying fire don't provide any advantage against you. --------------------
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