Sewer Goblin

Cypher1's page

Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.


* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

ACP is apparently still broken? I’m not getting ACP for anything since PaizoCon…

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What do we want? Guns and Gears sanctioned! When do we want it! Now!

Aaron Shanks wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Cypher1 wrote:
Where is the link to the pre-gens?
It’s all one PDF, I think?
One folder to download with two PDFs inside.

So can a player not preview the pregens without purchasing the scenario?

Where is the link to the pre-gens?

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

A hearty congratulations to our ECL VL Jocelyn! Kudos!

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
eddv wrote:

Cool! Hoping the Thaumaturge has some kineticist in its dna.

Hey where might someone find this playtest material (wink wink nudge nudge)

The “Get the playtest” at the end of the blog is a link.
We have a new blog system that will have more obvious buttons and we are dying to use it. #soon


3 people marked this as a favorite.

“He Who is Massive” is his own Pantheon…;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hope Jinin Elves are in here...

Michael Sayre wrote:
Cypher1 wrote:
I have heard this is repeatable with different characters in different tiers. Is this true?
Yes. There are three different versions of this adventure (a 1-2, a 3-6, and a 7-8), each of which will be reportable under its own designation. So technically it's not "repeatable" in the way that's normally defined, but you can play each version of the adventure once with a different character at each tier.

So if you’ve already played it at a given tier can you then play that same tier with a different character?

I have heard this is repeatable with different characters in different tiers. Is this true?

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

How do players sign up for ConCurrent? Is it on Warhorn?

The tier is missing from this one?

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

Nefreet wrote:

There's been a Blog on updates every month for the last three months. There should be another one this month.

I believe it's already been combed through, and is currently in the queue of the web development team.

Yeah back in October it was said it would be posted in the next “few weeks”

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

Any updates on when the Lost Omens World Guide will be posted to the character options?

* Venture-Agent, Washington—Seattle

So a few weeks has now passed since this update. Any eta on when the world guide will be posted to the guide to play?