September 2021 Sanctioning Status Update

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hello, Pathfinders and Starfinders! I wanted to take a moment here to discuss our current sanctioning status for both programs. We’ve had a lot of stuff roll out recently, and a lot more to come, so I wanted to get it all in one place.

Update of Sanctioning Documents

Last month, we announced a retroactive chance to some sanctioned adventures, and I promised we’d be getting sanctioning documents updated shortly thereafter.

Well. We’ve had…a busy few weeks. So I have not quite done that yet, at least not all of them. I am happy to report that the following adventures have updated sanctioning documents ready for download:

The rest of the files are waiting on the art team to have time to make some changes I need from them. These updates aren’t as simple as “swap out text;” in most cases, we need to insert additional pages or rearrange what’s already there, which is a task that requires art’s expertise. So, we’ll keep plugging away at them as the art team has time between making the beautiful books we love. In the meantime, the blog post linked above takes precedence regarding the total rewards to be given out.

New Boons

Eagle-eyed players (and those who I pointed it out to) will notice that along with the Secrets of Magic sanctioning, some new boons were added to the Boon Store for uncommon spells and archetypes, as well as some uncommon items from the Advanced Player’s Guide. If you didn’t notice, well, that’s why I’m pointing them out now!

Going forward, it is my hope that we’ll be able to release these boons at the same time as the books are sanctioned. I don’t want to promise anything; sometimes we have a lot going on and it’s all we can do to get the book out close to street date [eyes the upcoming October Monster nervously], but it’s a goal of mine.

Coming Soon to a Character Options Page Near You

For my fellow Starfinders, the newest rulebook, Starfinder Tech Revolution, has already been sanctioned and is now available on the Character Options page! Head over there and revolutionize your tech already, I don’t have a lot of other news for you yet. Next on the list will be Galactic Magic, more on that as we approach street date.

For the Pathfinders among us, obviously October is a double-punch of books, with the twin threats of Pathfinder Guns & Gears and Lost Omens Grand Bazaar. Let me set expectations up front: I do not anticipate that both books will be ready on October 13 when they release.

We’re only human, our volunteer review team is also only human, and we gave them a lot to do all at once. Our first priority is to get Guns & Gears sanctioned so you can start slinging guns and inventing gadgets. I will say that while both of the classes are uncommon, all Pathfinders will have access to them. After that, we’ll be aiming to get LOGB out the door as soon as we can, and we’ll keep you updated on its progress. Luckily, after this we get to rel—oh, Lost Omens Monsters of Myth? And the Absalom book? Both in December, you say? Okay, well. We’ll do our best on those! More on that as we have it.

Finally, Free RPG Day arrives on October 16th! The sanctioning documents for both of this year’s adventures, Threshold of Knowledge and The Starfinder Four vs. the Hardlight Harlequin are in their final stages, and we fully intend to have them up before the event. Keep in mind that while these adventures can be run on the 16th in conjunction with a participating local game store, they will not be available to the general public until one month later. If our sanctioning schedule slips on this, we’ll be sure to inform you all.

I think that’s all the news I had to share! Before I go, I just want to thank everybody who makes the sanctioning possible: our volunteer Additional Resources team, who review the rulebooks and find all the ways to break our lovely game; Linda and the OP developers who review the AR feedback with me; and our art team who put together the PDF sanctioning documents for adventures, and who are really the unsung heroes of the process. I know I’m out here talking about the process most of the time, but it’s really a team effort, there’s no way I could do it on my own.

Alright, that’s quite enough from me. Until next time—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And go build a weird new character!

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Coordinator

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Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tech Revolution - Rules and Subsystems: The dynamic hacking, custom vehicles, improving vehicles and mech subsystems are not used in Organized Play unless specifically included in a scenario.

I see what you did there.

Looking forward to seeing some of these in scenarios.

the links to AV & FotRP show the new style store page, which don't have any links to sanctioning docs that i can see - so could we get direct links to these?

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/55/55/55/5

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Glad to see Fly Free or Die sanctioned!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We appreciate all the hard work and super fast sanctioning Alex.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

dharkus wrote:
the links to AV & FotRP show the new style store page, which don't have any links to sanctioning docs that i can see - so could we get direct links to these?

The documents are linked on the individual store pages, but I should really ask Maryssa if we can get the sanctioning docs up on those nice splash pages too.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

Nice to see updated sanctioning! Kudos!


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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Any update on when we'll see a sanctioning document for Tyrant's Grasp?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber


1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gunslinger and Inventor available to all Pathfinders? Thank goodness! I was worried we were going to be forced into some home region shenanigans to have access to them.

Grand Lodge 2/5

How do we know what's on the "curated list(s)" before we spend 20 ACP for the uncommon item or spell access boon? I'd hate to blow the ACP only to find out that there's nothing of real use for the character I purchased it for.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nomadical wrote:
How do we know what's on the "curated list(s)" before we spend 20 ACP for the uncommon item or spell access boon? I'd hate to blow the ACP only to find out that there's nothing of real use for the character I purchased it for.

The full text of any boon with a price whose function is not immediately obvious is available on the FAQ page until we get a feature added to preview boons.

Dark Archive 2/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there an opportunity to get soul forger training in the near future (I see shadow casters and rune lords).

1/5 *

I'm hoping that not only will have access to the classes, but the gear as well. would stink to have access to a gunslinger, but not access to a gun.

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

I'm personally disappointed that I'll have to wait on Grand Bazaar, but completely understand the situation and appreciate the transparency so I don't have to sit wondering what's going on or when to expect it. Y'all have been killing it on keeping these books sanctioned as they come out.

3/5 **

I was looking at the BOON page under my Pathfinder Society characters and am no longer seeing the ability to purchase the different ancestry boons.

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I was looking at the BOON page under my Pathfinder Society characters and am no longer seeing the ability to purchase the different ancestry boons.

The sections are collapsable now. Try clicking on them.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

I'm by now genuinely wondering if Edgewatch article content will ever be available for players ^_^;

3/5 **

cavernshark wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I was looking at the BOON page under my Pathfinder Society characters and am no longer seeing the ability to purchase the different ancestry boons.
The sections are collapsable now. Try clicking on them.

I saw that. I purchased a free boon for one of my characters (should that be reflected some where on her profile) but I do not see anything else for the different ancestry boons. It looks like everything has to be added to a character name. Is that where the ancestry purchase would go as well? If so, I am not seeing it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Your pathfinder character buys the boon for "themselves" and then gives it to another one of your characters.

3/5 **

Even a wayfinder?


Cyrad wrote:
Gunslinger and Inventor available to all Pathfinders? Thank goodness! I was worried we were going to be forced into some home region shenanigans to have access to them.

I don't think the phrasing entirely rules that out tbh. The narrow reading of it is just that you won't need boons, etc. for it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope that COM can get re looked at at some point - qi adept is the coolest and now that it's been clarified I dunno why it wouldn't work out


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any idea what changed for the Starfinder Beginner Box? It wasn't on the previous list of adventures that need revision.

Dark Archive **

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Alex Speidel wrote:
Nomadical wrote:
How do we know what's on the "curated list(s)" before we spend 20 ACP for the uncommon item or spell access boon? I'd hate to blow the ACP only to find out that there's nothing of real use for the character I purchased it for.
The full text of any boon with a price whose function is not immediately obvious is available on the FAQ page until we get a feature added to preview boons.

Thanks, I had that question too. Glad I didn't buy it as I was shocked there were only 3 spells on this curated list.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Sidenote, I get feeling starfinder of note doesn't seem to be getting acp boon version at all :O Kinda wondering if its because devs are already overwhelmed with first batch of them or because they don't want to repeat that experiment. Probably means I shouldn't use my left over fame to buy more of them x'D

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin


Understanding that there's a lot on your plate, would you be able to comment on whether the most recent Paizo One-Shot, Head Shot the Rot, is on the sanctioning roadmap and where it might fall?

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.
cavernshark wrote:


Understanding that there's a lot on your plate, would you be able to comment on whether the most recent Paizo One-Shot, Head Shot the Rot, is on the sanctioning roadmap and where it might fall?

It was on-schedule to be sanctioned in time for release on the 27th and the Double AcP weekend next weekend. I have been informed that it was released early, which was a surprise to me.

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

Alex Speidel wrote:
It was on-schedule to be sanctioned in time for release on the 27th and the Double AcP weekend next weekend. I have been informed that it was released early, which was a surprise to me.

That's wonderful news. Thanks for the quick response. Have a restful weekend and congrats on union recognition.

2/5 *

Alex Speidel wrote:

It was on-schedule to be sanctioned in time for release on the 27th and the Double AcP weekend next weekend. I have been informed that it was released early, which was a surprise to me.

Next weekend is it only Head Shot the Rot the only Double AcP or is it all things run during that weekend?

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