The newest Pathfinder release, Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide, is hot off the presses, and the character options from this book have now been sanctioned for use in Organized Play! Please see the updates to our ongoing Character Options blog for these newest additions.
A poppet is one of several new options available for your spellcaster’s familiar; Art by Mirco Paganessi
This was an exciting opportunity for the Organized Play and Lost Omens departments to work together in presenting the story of the Pathfinder Society’s adventures, as well as new player options that your Pathfinder can learn as they interact with the leaders and lodges of the Society. Since the options in this book revolve around the Pathfinder Society, it's only natural that many of them are automatically granted out the gate to agents of the Society—that’s you! Have you learned some techniques from the greats, like pirate captain Stella Fane’s signature stance to throw playing cards with as much force as daggers? Or maybe you’ve picked up a special Arcadian wayfinder variant that can flit off to spy or scout?
Some options require a bit more training or specialist knowledge, or are more common at specific lodges. You can gain access to many of these through Chronicle Boons, which you can find by logging into your My Organized Play account and navigating to the “Boons” tab. These boons cost 0 Achievement Points and can be acquired once you’ve completed one or more specific scenarios. This means that as your Pathfinder completes scenarios around Golarion, they’ll naturally gain access to options from the regions and venture-captains that their adventures have taken them to. For instance, if you work with Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen out of snowy Iceferry Lodge, you may be able to acquire a pair of magical snowshoes of the long trek. We’ve gone back into some scenarios from Year 1 and created Chronicle Boons to grant access to thematically appropriate items, so check this out and see if there are any you might have!
The wayfinder is a badge of office for Pathfinders, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one kind; Art by Mirco Paganessi
Lastly, the four Pathfinder factions each have their own set of specialist gear that they’ve developed—for instance, the militant and defense-focused Vigilant Seal have created a special alchemical item to disperse cold iron or silver in a mist to drive off monsters. Your character can gain access to these special sets of faction gear by accumulating reputation with those factions and then taking the relevant Game Reward. These, like Chronicle Boons, are a type of reward that costs 0 Achievement Points and can be found in your My Organized Play account, the main difference being that they aren’t tied to specific scenarios. As your character builds reputation with each faction, they’ll be able to gain this specialized equipment.
If you did not see our earlier blog, you can check out Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist’s interview here. We’ll be back next week with previews of our October bounty and scenarios, courtesy of our organized play developer team!
Otherwise, enjoy the book, and remember: Explore! Report! Cooperate!
James Case
Pathfinder Society Developer
Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide Sanctioning Update
Thursday, October 15, 2020