Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide Sanctioning Update

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The newest Pathfinder release, Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide, is hot off the presses, and the character options from this book have now been sanctioned for use in Organized Play! Please see the updates to our ongoing Character Options blog for these newest additions.

Poppet familiar, a small string doll with linen clothes and braided yard hair holding a small stick with a bell as a staff. Art by Mirco Paganessi

A poppet is one of several new options available for your spellcaster’s familiar; Art by Mirco Paganessi

This was an exciting opportunity for the Organized Play and Lost Omens departments to work together in presenting the story of the Pathfinder Society’s adventures, as well as new player options that your Pathfinder can learn as they interact with the leaders and lodges of the Society. Since the options in this book revolve around the Pathfinder Society, it's only natural that many of them are automatically granted out the gate to agents of the Society—that’s you! Have you learned some techniques from the greats, like pirate captain Stella Fane’s signature stance to throw playing cards with as much force as daggers? Or maybe you’ve picked up a special Arcadian wayfinder variant that can flit off to spy or scout?

Some options require a bit more training or specialist knowledge, or are more common at specific lodges. You can gain access to many of these through Chronicle Boons, which you can find by logging into your My Organized Play account and navigating to the “Boons” tab. These boons cost 0 Achievement Points and can be acquired once you’ve completed one or more specific scenarios. This means that as your Pathfinder completes scenarios around Golarion, they’ll naturally gain access to options from the regions and venture-captains that their adventures have taken them to. For instance, if you work with Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen out of snowy Iceferry Lodge, you may be able to acquire a pair of magical snowshoes of the long trek. We’ve gone back into some scenarios from Year 1 and created Chronicle Boons to grant access to thematically appropriate items, so check this out and see if there are any you might have!

A decorated Wayfinder compass with an image of a hummingbird floating above the lit of compass-face

The wayfinder is a badge of office for Pathfinders, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one kind; Art by Mirco Paganessi

Lastly, the four Pathfinder factions each have their own set of specialist gear that they’ve developed—for instance, the militant and defense-focused Vigilant Seal have created a special alchemical item to disperse cold iron or silver in a mist to drive off monsters. Your character can gain access to these special sets of faction gear by accumulating reputation with those factions and then taking the relevant Game Reward. These, like Chronicle Boons, are a type of reward that costs 0 Achievement Points and can be found in your My Organized Play account, the main difference being that they aren’t tied to specific scenarios. As your character builds reputation with each faction, they’ll be able to gain this specialized equipment.

If you did not see our earlier blog, you can check out Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist’s interview here. We’ll be back next week with previews of our October bounty and scenarios, courtesy of our organized play developer team!

Otherwise, enjoy the book, and remember: Explore! Report! Cooperate!

James Case
Pathfinder Society Developer

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Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ooooh nice! Didn’t think about it, but yeah, that switch to digital let them add boons to previous scenarios now!!

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for putting this all together so soon after the book is released.

A quick question about the adventuring gear on pages 114 and 115. You don't mention them specifically but the opening paragraph is similar to that for the magic items and academy instructors (117 to 119)

Pathfinders use a wide variety of equipment on their journeys, ranging from standard adventuring gear to magical items.
Pathfinder agents have access to the following pieces of adventuring gear, including uncommon gear.

However the language is slightly different. Magic items and Academy Instructors both say Pathfinder membership but adventuring gear says Pathfinder agent. Does this mean that only those characters with the Pathfinder agent dedication can select the uncommon adventuring gear or should it be open to everyone?

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Page 15 of the book includes this:
"The Secret Signs skill feat (Pathfinder Adventure Path #147: Tomorrow Must Burn 73) is an excellent way to represent high proficiency in Napsu-Sign. All trained Pathfinder characters know dozens or hundreds of signs, but Secret Signs conveys mastery of the official Napsu-Sign lexicon."

Would it be sensible to make this feat available to characters in some way? (If it already is I can't find it.)

Horizon Hunters **

I'm getting an error when I try to apply a boon to a character who played through the required scenario. How should I report this?

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A couple of things to check Gnollvalue
a) Is it played credit or GM credit? GM credit is know broken and they're working on it.
b) On your Summary page, if you show sessions for the character, is the scenario name hyperlinked or not? If its not hyper-linked its a bug, and reporting the event id, session id, scenario name to pfsreportingerrors@paizo.com should help.
c) When you are trying to buy it, is the Playtest boon section the topmost section? If no, change tabs (back to summary, then back too boons). It seems like sometimes it gets confused if the order is not what it expects.
d) If you're trying to buy boons for multiple characters, it seems you have to log out, then back in, when you change characters.

Those are the bugs/workarounds I'm aware of. If none of those apply, report the issue to pfsreportingerrors@paizo.com. include the event code, session number, your paizo id, character number and details of what you were trying to buy, but getting rejected.

Horizon Hunters **

Eric Nielsen wrote:
Those are the bugs/workarounds I'm aware of. If none of those apply, report the issue to pfsreportingerrors@paizo.com. include the event code, session number, your paizo id, character number and details of what you were trying to buy, but getting rejected.

Thanks. None of those worked, unfortunately. I suspect it is because it's 2-00 and the multiple tiers. Sending an email now.

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

I seem to have access to every single quest and AP boon, despite playing only 4 quests and no APs.

I also seem to have access to multiple conflicting boons for scenarios that have multiple outcomes.

My AcP balance also looks like the aasimar heritage purchase I made a while back never happened. Should I sit tight and hope the site eventually remembers it again, or re-purchase?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I'm also unable to buy any of chronicle boons :( Plus double confusing when one scenario unlocks background boon I can use with all characters

Edit: Ah oki, so yeah it does work with scenarios where I was player in. Though still confusing with "you unlock this option for all your characters" boons.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Nekome wrote:

I seem to have access to every single quest and AP boon, despite playing only 4 quests and no APs.

I also seem to have access to multiple conflicting boons for scenarios that have multiple outcomes.

My AcP balance also looks like the aasimar heritage purchase I made a while back never happened. Should I sit tight and hope the site eventually remembers it again, or re-purchase?

You have access as in being able to actually get the boon or access in that you can see them? Because everyone can see them. What matters is actually being able to get the boon.


Nekome wrote:
My AcP balance also looks like the aasimar heritage purchase I made a while back never happened. Should I sit tight and hope the site eventually remembers it again, or re-purchase?

Is your AcP balance different from what you independently calculated it should be, or different from what you had before? Because AcP was way off before, it may be the case that your AcP had been undercounted by 80, offsetting the 80 you spent.

You can scroll to the bottom of the page, it should list your purchased boons. If aasimar heritage shows up there, then you purchased the boon.

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

Gary Bush wrote:
You have access as in being able to actually get the boon or access in that you can see them? Because everyone can see them. What matters is actually being able to get the boon.

As in the "Purchase" buttons are enabled and I don't want to click on something I shouldn't be able to buy, so I don't know if it'll actually work.

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

Watery Soup wrote:
You can scroll to the bottom of the page, it should list your purchased boons. If aasimar heritage shows up there, then you purchased the boon.

Thanks, I would never have guessed it would be buried down there. It says I haven't purchased any boons, so I'm going to cross my fingers and re-purchase it.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Nekome wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
You have access as in being able to actually get the boon or access in that you can see them? Because everyone can see them. What matters is actually being able to get the boon.
As in the "Purchase" buttons are enabled and I don't want to click on something I shouldn't be able to buy, so I don't know if it'll actually work.

You would think that it would work that way, but it does not. Only after you select a character and click the button do you get any action. And the only thing you will see is the boon appear a the bottom of page as Mr. Soup said. Otherwise, the system will not give you any feedback.

I have found that once I load into the Boons tab, I reload the page. This lines everything up (or me at least).

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

Gary Bush wrote:
Only after you select a character and click the button do you get any action. And the only thing you will see is the boon appear a the bottom of page as Mr. Soup said.

After purchasing the aasimar boon, I got a message at the top of the page about it. So maybe improvements are in progress.


Nekome wrote:
It says I haven't purchased any boons, so I'm going to cross my fingers and re-purchase it.

N = 1, but I purchased the aasimar boon back in August and everything was fine except my AcP calculation was still off (as in, my manual tally said 180-ish but Paizo said I had 120-ish). Either way, the boon purchase part went smoothly (Paizo said I had 40-ish after the purchase, and then a few weeks later, my AcP got revised to 100-ish).

You should get an E-mail with a PDF of the boon attached. Regardless of what happens with the online system, the paper PDF will carry a lot of weight with a lot of people for the near future. So even if your AcP goes haywire or whatever, just hang on to the paper/PDF boon and work it out with Paizo later.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Nekome wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Only after you select a character and click the button do you get any action. And the only thing you will see is the boon appear a the bottom of page as Mr. Soup said.
After purchasing the aasimar boon, I got a message at the top of the page about it. So maybe improvements are in progress.

Right, if all goes well, you will see a link at the bottom.

As to getting an email, unless they changed it, I have not received an email about my AcP purchases. I simply see something appear at the bottom with a link to generate the PDF.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I bought all the new free boons I have access to yesterday and got no email either. *shrug*


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Well, at least I'm not hallucinating.

I distinctly remember the boon arriving in my inbox, and I absolutely did get an E-mail with my boon in it ... but the E-mail was sent by myself. I must have downloaded it on my phone, and then E-mailed it to myself rather than re-downloading it from Paizo.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Watery Soup wrote:
You should get an E-mail...

Interesting. That must be a new feature as I have purchased quite a few boons and never received an email about it.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Watery Soup wrote:
Well, at least I'm not hallucinating.

Sorry to say that hallucating is a condition that can't be cleared so we have mark you as retired.... :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

We’ve gone back into some scenarios from Year 1 and created Chronicle Boons to grant access to thematically appropriate items

Are they still pending being posted? I searched through my boon list and I don't see anything new other than the boon for 2-03 which doesn't involve the Society Guide. For instance, which scenario involving Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen now grants access to a pair of magical snowshoes of the long trek? As far as I can see, Torrsen has only appeared in Q3, 1-10 and 2-04. The latter is not in the boon list and the boon attached to the other two does not reflect the item.

Radiant Oath 1/5 *

TwilightKnight wrote:
We’ve gone back into some scenarios from Year 1 and created Chronicle Boons to grant access to thematically appropriate items
Are they still pending being posted? I searched through my boon list and I don't see anything new other than the boon for 2-03 which doesn't involve the Society Guide. For instance, which scenario involving Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen now grants access to a pair of magical snowshoes of the long trek? As far as I can see, Torrsen has only appeared in Q3, 1-10 and 2-04. The latter is not in the boon list and the boon attached to the other two does not reflect the item.

It is "Iceferry Lodge Gear", which is rewarded for completing #1-10. Its under the Game Rewards section, rather thab the Chronicle Boons section.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Love the quick updates! Also, oh no so many Gabmits incoming XD

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

TwilightKnight wrote:
We’ve gone back into some scenarios from Year 1 and created Chronicle Boons to grant access to thematically appropriate items
Are they still pending being posted? I searched through my boon list and I don't see anything new other than the boon for 2-03 which doesn't involve the Society Guide. For instance, which scenario involving Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen now grants access to a pair of magical snowshoes of the long trek? As far as I can see, Torrsen has only appeared in Q3, 1-10 and 2-04. The latter is not in the boon list and the boon attached to the other two does not reflect the item.

He also appears in 2-00.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

The boons page is becoming incredibly congested and not very organized. Forgive me for not knowing every nomenclature, but what is "LOPFS?"

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Looks like the Wayfinder is now free to everyone. You just need to play two sessions with your character. So there is virtually no reason for every PC not to have one by 2nd level.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TwilightKnight wrote:
The boons page is becoming incredibly congested and not very organized. Forgive me for not knowing every nomenclature, but what is "LOPFS?"

Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide?

Dataphiles 4/5 5/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Colorado Springs

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I had the same question. Since the pages are not mentioned specifically, and the the note in the Character Option Blog that states "players have automatic access as members of the Pathfinder Society to many of the uncommon options in this book" is not helpful as nowhere can I find which of the "many options" have automatic access, unless this statement refers to the Rarity Adjustment section of the blog, which allows characters from the High Seas access to two items, everyone access to the everyneed pack and access to the items and feats on pages 117-119. To me, this is not "many of the uncommon options."

Helvellyn wrote:

Thanks for putting this all together so soon after the book is released.

A quick question about the adventuring gear on pages 114 and 115. You don't mention them specifically but the opening paragraph is similar to that for the magic items and academy instructors (117 to 119)

Pathfinders use a wide variety of equipment on their journeys, ranging from standard adventuring gear to magical items.
Pathfinder agents have access to the following pieces of adventuring gear, including uncommon gear.

However the language is slightly different. Magic items and Academy Instructors both say Pathfinder membership but adventuring gear says Pathfinder agent. Does this mean that only those characters with the Pathfinder agent dedication can select the uncommon adventuring gear or should it be open to everyone?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

TwilightKnight wrote:
The boons page is becoming incredibly congested and not very organized. Forgive me for not knowing every nomenclature, but what is "LOPFS?"

Don't feel bad. I asked the same question on another online board!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

People do have a tendency to use acronyms while assuming that the reader will know what they mean because hey, it's obvious isn't it?

No, it isn't. :-(

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Tristan d'Ambrosius wrote:
Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide?

Thank you. The Lost Omen's line is still new enough that its not embedded in my lexicon yet.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Eric Parker wrote:
I had the same question. Since the pages are not mentioned specifically, and the the note in the Character Option Blog that states "players have automatic access as members of the Pathfinder Society to many of the uncommon options in this book" is not helpful as nowhere can I find which of the "many options" have automatic access, unless this statement refers to the Rarity Adjustment section of the blog, which allows characters from the High Seas access to two items, everyone access to the everyneed pack and access to the items and feats on pages 117-119. To me, this is not "many of the uncommon options."

Most of the uncommon options in the book have "Access, member of the pathfinder society."

For example:

Members of the Pathfinder Society have access to this item.

Pages 114-16
Pages 117, Magic Items
pages 118-119 (with the clarification that they don't get access to the rare items.)
Pages 120-121

Members of the various Pathfinder Archtypes get access to the feats from pages 40-53

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

I want to know why it was necessary to specifically stat out the price of a ruler, separately from, say, a cartographers kit...


Jared Thaler wrote:
I want to know why it was necessary to specifically stat out the price of a ruler, separately from, say, a cartographers kit...

Not all nuns are cartographers.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Watery Soup wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:
I want to know why it was necessary to specifically stat out the price of a ruler, separately from, say, a cartographers kit...
Not all nuns are cartographers.

That was my first thought, but they didn't stat it out as a weapon. There is no damage listed.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Never know when a scenario calls for something to EXACTLY 11" tall. How is a character to know what is 11" tall if they don't have a stat for a ruler?

Now I want to write a scenario that calls for something to be exact measurement. Maybe around a treasure bundle or two.
What you don't have a way to prove something is exactly 5"? Give me a check.. opps.. .failed.. If you had a ruler, it would auto crit success and you get two treasure bundles!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gary Bush wrote:

Never know when a scenario calls for something to EXACTLY 11" tall. How is a character to know what is 11" tall if they don't have a stat for a ruler?

Now I want to write a scenario that calls for something to be exact measurement. Maybe around a treasure bundle or two.
What you don't have a way to prove something is exactly 5"? Give me a check.. opps.. .failed.. If you had a ruler, it would auto crit success and you get two treasure bundles!

I can hear the screams of Nerd Rage as the internet breaks already.

4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's a PF1 scenario with an 8 variables 8 equations puzzle to arrange 8 scepters in weight order.

Turns out if you have a set of merchant's scales you can just use that to put them in order as well.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jared Thaler wrote:
Watery Soup wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:
I want to know why it was necessary to specifically stat out the price of a ruler, separately from, say, a cartographers kit...
Not all nuns are cartographers.
That was my first thought, but they didn't stat it out as a weapon. There is no damage listed.

There's no physical damage, it's 1d2 mental plus 1d2 good. So if you're evil, you take extra damage.

Gary Bush wrote:
What you don't have a way to prove something is exactly 5"?

Paizo likes to keep their scenarios PG-13.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Watery Soup wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
What you don't have a way to prove something is exactly 5"?
Paizo likes to keep their scenarios PG-13.

**Eye-roll** Shakes head...

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Linda talked about it (the ruler) on the Know Direction twitch stream yesterday. I don't remember the specifics, but I think it was just because it didn't have a standalone price in the CRB, and Linda thought "Why not?".

4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Jared Thaler wrote:
Eric Parker wrote:
I had the same question. Since the pages are not mentioned specifically, and the the note in the Character Option Blog that states "players have automatic access as members of the Pathfinder Society to many of the uncommon options in this book" is not helpful as nowhere can I find which of the "many options" have automatic access, unless this statement refers to the Rarity Adjustment section of the blog, which allows characters from the High Seas access to two items, everyone access to the everyneed pack and access to the items and feats on pages 117-119. To me, this is not "many of the uncommon options."

Most of the uncommon options in the book have "Access, member of the pathfinder society."

For example:

Members of the Pathfinder Society have access to this item.

Pages 114-16
Pages 117, Magic Items
pages 118-119 (with the clarification that they don't get access to the rare items.)
Pages 120-121

Members of the various Pathfinder Archtypes get access to the feats from pages 40-53

Just so I'm clear though: since the blog/options blog does not call out the items in the 'Secrets of the Pathfinder Society' section on pages 120-123, PFS characters do not have access to those items or options? Despite the book section ending with "All characters affiliated with the Pathfinder Society have access to the uncommon options in this section."

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

It calls them out as standard availability. And the text details an access condition. So if you meet the access condition, they should be accessible.

If not they would be on the limited list. (I admit, I am a little surprised that Aeon stones are not on the limited list.)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I'm a bit disappointed that some of the items in this book have a stricter access condition in PFS than stated in the book, because that's not how PFS usually does those things.

For example, the Grand Archive gear is listed in the book as being accessible to all agents, but in PFS you need enough standing with the Grand Archive to access it. Which is entirely reasonable - it was weird that the Envoy's Alliance of all factions was the one with stricter access conditions than the other factions. But it's still annoying.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I'm a bit disappointed that some of the items in this book have a stricter access condition in PFS than stated in the book, because that's not how PFS usually does those things.

For example, the Grand Archive gear is listed in the book as being accessible to all agents, but in PFS you need enough standing with the Grand Archive to access it. Which is entirely reasonable - it was weird that the Envoy's Alliance of all factions was the one with stricter access conditions than the other factions. But it's still annoying.

I assumed that that was an editing error and each factions items were supposed to be faction specific. As you say, of all the factions it would be weird if envoys alliance restricted their gear.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Yeah the lack of symmetry was really weird. That said, the book was originally announced as "since it's written for PFS by PFS developers, it's all gonna be legal", and then it turns out to be one of the very few places where PFS access (and I really mean access, not availability) conditions have to be stricter than what's in the book. It's rather ironic.

Grand Lodge ***

I've got a question regarding Society II play.
The Access Blog states some information regarding the access to magic items and such.
On page 120 and following are the "Secrets of the Society", especially the "pearly white spindle aeon stone".
Some of my players argue, that they have access, as it states, it is uncommon, but members of the pathfinder society gain access to it.

Nevertheless the Blog with the character options states explicit access to the magic item chapter, where the same access ruling is stated.

In my ruling, a Pathfinder Society Character would NOT have access to the "pearly white spindle aeon stone", as it needs to be accessed by a chronicle sheet or similar.
Some people in my local group argue, that they HAVE access, due to the requirement of being a member of the Society.

Any official ruling on this issue?

Scarab Sages 4/5

They have standard access, and standard access is that members of the pathfinder society have access. The blog only notes where the access is different than that granted by the book.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"Standard access is that members of the pathfinder society have access".

If this is the case, and all organized play players are members of the pathfinder society, then all such players have access. The blog, as far as I know, deals with rules for organized play. So why would the blog just say players have access. Isn't that redundant?

Scarab Sages 4/5

The blog says:

Character Options Blog wrote:

Note that players have automatic access as members of the Pathfinder Society to many of the uncommon options in this book, and they can gain access to several others through free Chronicle Boons, which can be acquired once a character completes a related adventure. See our October 15th blog.


All options are of standard availability unless specifically noted otherwise.

It does not note otherwise for the aeon stones, so members of the pathfinder society have access.

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