Beltias Kreun

Tristan d'Ambrosius's page

Organized Play Member. 455 posts (456 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.


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Easl wrote:

If I had to look in my crystal ball, I'd predict more of this in future games. Not because it's better, but because making ttrpg mechanics that are similar to MMORPG mechanics helps them appeal to a larger potential player base and the folks who already dip into both. We're already seeing some of that, with some in the player base wanting more big boss fight - i.e., raid - type encounters and a de-emphasis on noncombat encounter mechanics.

So my cloudy crystal ball sees fewer and less emphasis on "per day" and "slow mana" magic systems with their whole-session resource management concepts, and more systems where the range of spells is once per combat, a couple times per combat, and at-will fast-as-a-sword. The scene, rather than the session or the "day", will be the unit of time in which resources are managed, with full between-scene resource regeneration.

Looks at your crystal ball. Looks at D&D 4th. Looks at your crystal ball.

Looks at D&D 4th.


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Kringress wrote:
everyone, I get that old characters are not going to be effected. My problem is this, I have people that will bring new characters built to the 2.0 rules and not the 2.1 or re-master rules. They do NOT look at NETHYS for character build rules. They do not care what NETHYS says. How do I get this understood? PEOPLE DO NOT LOOK AT NETHYS!

I guess I'm not a person, or belonging to the subset people.

But how is that controlling it with your spirit, like you said. You control it with 2 hands.

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Star Wars and The Hidden Fortress, another Akira Kurosawa movie

So like same/same

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So petty

Well la-dee-da.

So not gods then

I think the background Asgardians could be pretty subtle

That's why they have to be

Based on characters created by

Not really a cliffhanger, more a seeding of potential plots. There was no "I have to tune in next episode to see how this resolves."

A third Tron movie that can't film currently

Naah all you like, it doesn't change the fact it sounds like you are making light of what is going on.

Greylurker wrote:
Every season of Next Generation would end on a Cliffhanger, frustrating as hell. Come to think of it most shows in those days would Cliffhanger you end of season, they saw it as a way of making sure you came back for the next one.

Not every season, 4 out of 7.

Calling it "Hollywood shenanigans" implies you think it is a bad thing.
It diminishes what is going on, making it a triviality.

Hollywood shenanigans? Really?

......I always hated when movie serials used to do this

Ah, chaos, run thy course. Asgardians are aliens. Gods need worship. Who in the MCU worships the Asgardians?

But morality and real world application on Space Opera show on Mountain channel is par for the course. Pot meet kettle.

And yet...

Just cause you don't understand that they are aliens, don't put the blame on me

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Or the President in the last episode of Secret Invasion

So a a potential threat with powers like that? And from some alien to earth place? They need to leave.

Lets do the American thing and lump all aliens together and kick them off planet.

So New Asgard is full of gods from another planet who pose as a threat to earth due to their enhanced abilities?

Sounds like an extremist President would want them off planet being as the are powerful alien...gods

So are all Asgardians gods? Like every single last one of the nameless background Asgardians? Like every single one? Everyone in the ship attacked by Thanos?

I wonder what all their powers are? What are all their powers Thomas?


Le sigh

Being a God does not in and of itself preclude one from also being an alien

Vulcans have always been whatever the current plot needs them to be (see Journey to Babel, Amok Time, Star Trek The Motion Picture, Enterprise)

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They're usually found on "The Way to Eden."

Expectations sounds too forceful. "I expect you to follow my words verbatim." "I expect you to eat your disgusting vegetables." "The expectation is that I the obvious elder gamer expect you to follow what I say."

This may not by your intent, but the word choice in the title can be read as talking down to the reader.

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Dear Star Trek writers, producers, and showrunners, keep giving us good stories. If that means messing with the timeline, mess away.

That is all.

AceofMoxen wrote:
RedRobe wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
Tristan d'Ambrosius wrote:
PF2. Cleaner ruleset. Closer parity between classes. 3 Action economy.
This, and a million little things that make up keftiu's comment, and I was genuinely tried of 3.5's problems. PF1 starts with a 25-years out of date operating system. We've had so many innovations since then.
3.x was 25 years old when pf1 came out? That can't be right...can it?
No, it can't. 3.0 released in 2000, then 3.5 was like 2 years later. Pathfinder, as a system, released in 2009.
sigh. OP is starting with PF1 now, in 2023. So PF1 is running on a system that was cutting edge 23 years ago, which I rounded to 25. The quote is PF1 starts with a 25 years out of date operating system. No it doesn't. Since PF1 starts in 2009 from a 2000 launch date of the beginning of the system it cannot start with a 25 year out of date operating system 9 years later.

sigh. If the language were cleaned up and amended to PF1 runs on a 25 year (rounded up for simplicity) out of date operating system then sure.

le sigh

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Aberzombie wrote:

And, for some inexplicable reason, the party was able to battle (and win against) an undead Red Wizard, but had trouble with a displacer beast?

Or completely explained in scene. Displacer beast no weapons no magic. Undead red wizard weapons and magic readily available.

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I will never understand some of you not standing a movie after 10 minutes that I love

Freehold DM wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
Tristan d'Ambrosius wrote:
PF2. Cleaner ruleset. Closer parity between classes. 3 Action economy.
This, and a million little things that make up keftiu's comment, and I was genuinely tried of 3.5's problems. PF1 starts with a 25-years out of date operating system. We've had so many innovations since then.
3.x was 25 years old when pf1 came out? That can't be right...can it?

It is not. It's still not. Won't be until 2025.

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Or maybe for once it can be a mature thoughtful discussion on the nuances between the editions and not a war. Maybe a new person came here with hope about the brand and wanted quantifiable opinions on the likes of fellow posters.


Wouldn't it be nice?

PF2. Cleaner ruleset. Closer parity between classes. 3 Action economy.

I get that. There's these things called Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Backerkit.
And I just keep backing games I'm sure I'm never going to get to play or run. Alice Is Missing. Solemn Vale. Old Gods of Appalachia. Deviant: the Renegades.

But there's always something that I can use for some other game. Some lore, some setting, some mechanic or just inspiration for something else as I read all these games I don't play.

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In Middle School there was AD&D fizzled out but I got the concept. High School there was Teenage Mutant Turtles from Palladium, also fizzled out. College Sophomore year there was the epic AD&D 2nd edition campaign that lasted both semesters that really got me into gaming and made lifelong friends from. I also read a lot of Vampire the Masquerade 2nd edition (this being 1994-1995) while waiting for my turn. And D6 Star Wars, where we accidently killed Luke Leaving the second Death Star. Junior Year there was GURPS used to play an Angels vs Demons because we were excited for In Nomine but just couldn't wait for it. There was more GURPS and a LARP while camping. Then First Senior Year I pulled back on gaming to focus on trying to graduate, notice I said first senior year.

Then 2001 and the invite to Earthdawn where I've had a weekly game pretty much ever since, small gaps weeks nothing more than 2 months I think.
Deadlands. Exalted. Decipher Star Trek. Cinematic Unisystem for a ______ the Vampire Slayer Game (we had our own slayer, not Buffy), Angel type game. a mutant hero school game (similar to but distinctly different from any Marvel X-Men). Back to Exalted after having stepped into the DM, GM, ST, Director role with the mutant game that people believed i belonged in way back in that epic 2nd edition game sophomore year of college. And this was an epic Exalted game. 2 ST's. 2 different timelines. 4+ years to an epic conclusion.

Vampire the Requiem LARP. Vampire the Requiem ttrpg. Hunter the Vigil. Revisting D6 Star Wars ("I Will Blow This Planet Up!!!!!), 4th Edition D&D, Pathfinder, Scion, 2 5th edition games, FFG Star Wars ("I Will Crash This Super Star Destroyer!!!), Kitchen Sink Chronicles of Darkness Round Robin Story Tellers, Vampire the Requiem, PF2, FFG Genesys for a weird west Deadlands game. Hunter the Vigil 2e.

By the way I hear there's a stripped down rules lighter version of 3rd edition Exalted called Exalted Essence. Epicness on the Horizon.

Trinity Adventure! for a Call of Cthulhu game coming sooon

I didn't run all of these, some played.

1988 till now. I know I've left some out.

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GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:

Duh. That's why I say to talk to me like you're talking to a robot.

You ever see how Han talked to 3PO? This is gonna be fun.

Brevity. Embrace it.

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My god you suck the joy and fun out of using forums on messageboards, like completely.

Can you even ever give a direct answer to a direct question?

So Vampire the Masquerade with the name baked in, the Storyteller System, isn't a rpg?

Self why isn't anyone ever refuting me? It must be, Self, that you hold all the correct answers.

Self, if I hold all the answers why do people keep disagreeing with me? I was wrong, Self, you don't hold all the answers.

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Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it false GM DarkLightHitomi

And would you play them the same if the group playing wanted to play them differently?

Would you play Vampire the Requiem the same way you play Dungeons and Dragons? Would you play RIFTS the same as Ten Candles? Would you play GURPS the same as Deviant the Renegades?

If the same truths exist beneath the systems playing them the same should be fine, right?

So how about you journey on from the D(20)estination and talk about other systems like the intent of the thread?

You're 100% destination, 0% journey. You have failed the assignment.

And to be clear I mean the title of the thread. So when you try to say you don't understand I'm stating it here. We want to talk about the exploration of other systems and not keep brining it back to D20.

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