Paizo People, Spring 2020

Thursday, April 10, 2020

Please join us in welcoming our new employees, celebrating staff promotions, and generally bringing some orderliness to our titles. We invited each employee to add as much, or as little, as they would like to share.

New Employees

Alex Speidel, Organized Play Associate

Previously introduced here.

Calliope Taylor, Customer Service Representative

Calliope is a forever GM and slightly over-enthusiastic tabletop games evangelist. When not embroiled in one weekly RPG game or another, they can be found explaining the finer intricacies of Goblin culture to increasingly uncomfortable looking people in the supermarket frozen food section. You can follow them at @thegriefmop on twitter.

Devinne Caples, HR Generalist

Devinne has an educational background in Human Resources and Leadership and Management. This wife and mother of 3 children and 2 fur babies, is passionate about living life and always strives to do her best in everything. Away from the office she enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching her children play sports and traveling.

Ianara Natividad, Editor

Heya! My name’s Ianara (she/her), and I’m absolutely ecstatic to join the Paizo team as an editor. I’ve played tabletop and roleplaying games for over the past ten years, even running a few campaigns of my own. I hail from South Carolina, where I worked in the nonprofit sector while freelancing as a writer and editor. I regularly contribute to Worldbuilding Magazine, a fantastic community-driven digital publication for all things worldbuilding. When I’m not working, I take naps and play games. I’m also on Twitter, @imachinate.

Eric Powell, Accounting & AP Specialist


Adam Vick, Art Director

Leo Glass, Senior Editor

Leo has worked as an editor at Paizo for 2 years and has contributed to products such as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide, Starfinder Beginner Box, and Starfinder Character Operations Manual. He holds a B.A. in English with an emphasis in creative writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. If you’ve ever overused scare quotes or reflexive pronouns in your freelance turnover for Paizo, there’s a good chance he removed them. He is extremely excited to serve Paizo and his extended family on the editing team as senior editor. He’s also thankful for his loving partner, Ashley, his dog, Rocko, and his cat, Pixel. If you’re a fan of his freelance writing, you can follow him on Twitter @leoglasswrites.

Mark Moreland, Director of Brand Strategy

Sonja Morris, Managing Art Director

Title Changes

Brian Bauman, Software Architect

Brian has worn a number of hats over his two years at Paizo - some of his favorite pet projects have included making our watermarking service faster and more reliable, quadrupling the speed of our builds, and migrating our database to a more stable cluster solution.
He currently spends most of his days designing and implementing better tools for the developers, designing Paizo’s cloud architecture, and advocating for industry standards and best practices. In his spare time he plays baritone saxophone in a brass street band, sings tenor in a seasonal Victorian caroling quartet, and plays all the board, video and tabletop games he can get his hands on. His adorable dog Cosmo puts up with all of it.

Sarah Robinson, Director of Visual Design

Scott Keim, Finance Operations Specialist

Tony Barnett, Graphic Designer

Whitney Chatterjee, System Administrator II

From all of us here at Paizo, thank you for your patronage.

Adventures Ahead!

Aaron Shanks,
Marketing and Media Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Paizo Paizo Staff
Liberty's Edge

Welcome All!

Especially Alex as I play Organized Play.

Grand Lodge

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.


Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

12 people marked this as a favorite.

hey that's me

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Welcome you all!!
And nice for the promotions! :D

Customer Service Representative

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
hey that's me

hey that's me too!

Senior Editor

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Congrats to all of our new team members and those with new titles and responsibilities. I love our team and the awesome work we do! Also thanks to Aaron and the marketing team for their help compiling this announcement!

Paizo Employee Software Architect

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Congrats to all!

Why am I not on the list, haven't they gotten my manifestos.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Brian Bauman wrote:
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

I gotta lotta fond memories of that dog.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(looking around for it)
(not seeing it)


(apologies and credit to TOZ)


Congratulations, all!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16


Grand Lodge

Congrats all!

Welcome and congratulations.

Hello new people! :)

Paizo Employee Developer

Welcome and congrats!

Silver Crusade

Welcome welcome and congratulations all!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo wrote:
Brian Bauman wrote:
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

I gotta lotta fond memories of that dog.

Two Cos’s?...!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Welcome, and congratulations!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Pontiff Rysky, of Cult of Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Brian Bauman wrote:
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

I gotta lotta fond memories of that dog.
Two Cos’s?...!

Isn’t that a sign of the End Times?

It’s always great to see people being promoted (and to try and piece together what the various title changes actually mean.)

It’s also good to see the new hires. I’m particularly glad to see a new face in the customer service team without having to say goodbye to anyone!

Welcome all the new people and congratulations and thanks to all those moving into new roles. :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paul Watson wrote:
Pontiff Rysky, of Cult of Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Brian Bauman wrote:
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

I gotta lotta fond memories of that dog.
Two Cos’s?...!
Isn’t that a sign of the End Times?

Like the apocalypse, but with more clowns.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome everyone, and congrats on the promotions!

I especially want to thank Brian. I know not everyone appreciates the software developers and architects, but since I'm one it's one of those things that I notice.

I want to say that over the last months I've seen a noticeable improvement in the web facing portion of Paizo. I still think there is room for improvement, but it's definitely coming around. Thanks.

One more thing. When this Covid mishigas is over, I would really like to come out to Seattle and visit y'all at Paizo. I hope that's allowed (during more normal times).

Scarab Sages

Hail and Welcome to all who are new to Paizo!! Congratulations to those who have been promoted!!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Welcome to the new folks, and congratulations to all!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Congratulations on the new jobs and promotions, everyone!

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

We regret to have omitted a title change promotion for Scott Keim who is now our Finance Operations Specialist.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Congratulations everyone!!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pontiff Rysky, of Cult of Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Brian Bauman wrote:
Skeld wrote:


Cosmo is now Brian Bauman's dog?

I expected more of an announcement on that.

Whenever I discuss my dog in workplace chats, coworkers frequently experience a split-second where they mentally apply whatever I said to our mutual coworker.

In truth, I relish these occurrences and do absolutely nothing to prevent them.

I gotta lotta fond memories of that dog.
Two Cos’s?...!

If the universe collapses we know what caused it ;)

Grand Lodge

Welcome new friends! I look forward to meeting you all at PaizoCon 2021!


Welcome, new folks! And congrats on the new positions, all. :)

Silver Crusade

*offer farewell(?) hugs to Adrian*

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