Please join us in welcoming our new employees, celebrating staff promotions, and generally bringing some orderliness to our titles. We invited each employee to add as much, or as little, as they would like to share.
New Employees
Alex Speidel, Organized Play Associate
Previously introduced here.
Calliope Taylor, Customer Service Representative
Calliope is a forever GM and slightly over-enthusiastic tabletop games evangelist. When not embroiled in one weekly RPG game or another, they can be found explaining the finer intricacies of Goblin culture to increasingly uncomfortable looking people in the supermarket frozen food section. You can follow them at @thegriefmop on twitter.
Devinne Caples, HR Generalist
Ianara Natividad, Editor
Heya! My name’s Ianara (she/her), and I’m absolutely ecstatic to join the Paizo team as an editor. I’ve played tabletop and roleplaying games for over the past ten years, even running a few campaigns of my own. I hail from South Carolina, where I worked in the nonprofit sector while freelancing as a writer and editor. I regularly contribute to Worldbuilding Magazine, a fantastic community-driven digital publication for all things worldbuilding. When I’m not working, I take naps and play games. I’m also on Twitter, @imachinate.
Eric Powell, Accounting & AP Specialist
Adam Vick, Art Director
Leo Glass, Senior Editor
Mark Moreland, Director of Brand Strategy
Sonja Morris, Managing Art Director
Title Changes
Brian Bauman, Software Architect
Sarah Robinson, Director of Visual Design
Scott Keim, Finance Operations Specialist
Tony Barnett, Graphic Designer
Whitney Chatterjee, System Administrator II
From all of us here at Paizo, thank you for your patronage.
Adventures Ahead!
Aaron Shanks,
Marketing and Media Manager