Journey to the Pact Worlds

Thursday, January 25, 2018

We're just little over a month away before the next hardcover addition to Starfinder releases! Starfinder Pact Worlds is your guide to the 14 major worlds at the heart of the Starfinder campaign setting. Before we start revealing the content of Pact Worlds, we wanted to show off the book's amazing new cover by artist Remko Troost!

This book will be full of information about the civilizations of the Pact Worlds system, new aliens, starships, and all kinds of options for your Starfinder game. What are you hoping made it into Pact Worlds, and what are you most excited about for Starfinder? Let us know in the comments!

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder
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Very nice art! From the look of the muscle on that leg I certainly would not want to be kicked by that beastie! (Or anywhere within reach of it for that matter.)

Somewhere on Castrovel, per chance?

And who wrote this Paizo blog entry? :)

Also: first!

That art is like starfinder Monster Hunter.
i'm pretty ok with that!

Loving the game so far! If I had a wishlist it would contain Tieflings and more love for the Solarians. Can't wait!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seriously, Remko Troost is a friggin' find.

Artwork is gorgeous.

I'm hoping for more crunch to go along with the fluff. I needs me more spells, feats, themes, archetypes, classes and/or class options.


A humanoid made up entirely of a hive swarm would be interesting.

A Monster Hunter or Monster Tamer class would be fun, especially if you could get a pet from Aucturn. Several of my players want to adopt the [REDACTED] from 1-01.

Nice art.

Honestly, not really that interested in this book as my campaigns will probably be in homebrew systems outside of the Pact Worlds though I admit I am curious to see the new crunch.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Since it says Pact Worlds, I’m hoping for more information on the Veskium.

I am also looking forward to reading more about Eox. The stuff from the SFS scenarios and the Dead Suns AP has been very interesting.

space dinos!
hopefully with this book we also get stuff related to more bio enhancements from creatures ala Xcom Enemy Within!

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I'm just excited for information my player group has already discovered we need but lack, like Sarcesian maturation rates.

Here's hoping we get a future splat for the Veskarium system. I need more Skittermanders.

It will be fun to get more background and context for the setting.

Good stuff!

Liberty's Edge

LOVE the art,

great action poses and awesome alien-but-familiar fauna.

That is beautiful! Can't wait for this book to come out. Super excited seeing as I have just recently kicked off my campaign this should come in handy.

Silver Crusade

I'm hoping that there is more detail on the Veskarium. As Part of an alliance with the Pact Worlds, I just want a bit more information. I know the main focus will be the official Pact Worlds solar system but still....more info would be great.

Also a little bit more information on boarder tensions with none Pact World governments or independent powers. A little bit more information on the Azlanti Star Empire for these purposes would be wonderful. Just something that lets people know there government structure and culture so that they can be used as antagonists


This is one of the books I have been looking forward to the most ever since I heard about it!

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Living Ships! Living Ships! Living Ships!


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Oh, yeah, also, maps...please god let there be maps, especially of Absalom Station.

I really miss the good old days of TSR box sets full of maps.

Can't wait! I'm hoping for more information on the Contemplatives of Ashok.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Remko is rocking it!

Shadow Lodge

The linework is good, but it's hard to see that as anything but a t-rex sparkledog. Might just be intentional though.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

... what’s wrong with T-Rex Sparkledogs?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
mswbear wrote:

I'm hoping that there is more detail on the Veskarium. As Part of an alliance with the Pact Worlds, I just want a bit more information. I know the main focus will be the official Pact Worlds solar system but still....more info would be great.

Also a little bit more information on boarder tensions with none Pact World governments or independent powers. A little bit more information on the Azlanti Star Empire for these purposes would be wonderful. Just something that lets people know there government structure and culture so that they can be used as antagonists

I imagine both the Veskarium and the Empire are going to get their own books.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lucas VerBeek wrote:
mswbear wrote:

I'm hoping that there is more detail on the Veskarium. As Part of an alliance with the Pact Worlds, I just want a bit more information. I know the main focus will be the official Pact Worlds solar system but still....more info would be great.

Also a little bit more information on boarder tensions with none Pact World governments or independent powers. A little bit more information on the Azlanti Star Empire for these purposes would be wonderful. Just something that lets people know there government structure and culture so that they can be used as antagonists

I imagine both the Veskarium and the Empire are going to get their own books.

i doubt it.

they'll be detailed, i hope, and would bet, in the brief gazeteers in the back of the APs

Yakman wrote:
Lucas VerBeek wrote:
mswbear wrote:

I'm hoping that there is more detail on the Veskarium. As Part of an alliance with the Pact Worlds, I just want a bit more information. I know the main focus will be the official Pact Worlds solar system but still....more info would be great.

Also a little bit more information on boarder tensions with none Pact World governments or independent powers. A little bit more information on the Azlanti Star Empire for these purposes would be wonderful. Just something that lets people know there government structure and culture so that they can be used as antagonists

I imagine both the Veskarium and the Empire are going to get their own books.

i doubt it.

they'll be detailed, i hope, and would bet, in the brief gazeteers in the back of the APs

And/or there'll be a separate book for factions based/originating outside the Pact Worlds system.

definitely into the idea of more character backgrounds, and would love more pathfinder legacy races

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

emmens wrote:

definitely into the idea of more character backgrounds, and would love more pathfinder legacy races

If you don't mind my asking, which legacy races are you most interested in seeing, and why?

I'm hoping to see rules for playing the Eoxian's included. I have my own homebrewed undead race, and I'd like to see how they measure up.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
emmens wrote:

definitely into the idea of more character backgrounds, and would love more pathfinder legacy races

If you don't mind my asking, which legacy races are you most interested in seeing, and why?

For me, the races associated with Tian Xia; Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayangs, and Tengu. I'd be nice to see how they're doing in the future, as we know the Ysoki Ratfolk are outright thriving.

Arutema wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
emmens wrote:

definitely into the idea of more character backgrounds, and would love more pathfinder legacy races

If you don't mind my asking, which legacy races are you most interested in seeing, and why?
For me, the races associated with Tian Xia; Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayangs, and Tengu. I'd be nice to see how they're doing in the future, as we know the Ysoki Ratfolk are outright thriving.

EDIT: Don't forget Samsarans!

Dhampirs! Dhampirs all the way!

Also, I don't think anyone will complain about more Aasimar and Tiefling stuff.

Definitely agree with Arutema and Opsylum. Dhampirs, Tengu, and Kitsune especially. My group is fond of the Catfolk and (if you intend for them to play out as in Pathfinder) one player in our group would die for the Azlanti.

I'm willing to sacrifice Dhampirs to the great fusion reactor in the sky if I can save Wayangs, Kitsune, and Tengu. But I'm also really interested in Halflings. How are they faring now that the shadow of slavery is no longer looming over them? How have they changed? Are their starships built to have cozy 4-ft. high corridors and rooms, which incidentally makes customs inspections for Vesk and other biggies a pain?

Looks like James Jacob's getting a new avatar? ;)

Benjamin_Mahir wrote:
I'm hoping to see rules for playing the Eoxian's included. I have my own homebrewed undead race, and I'd like to see how they measure up.

Do we not have these?

I've been assuming this is the Eoxian stat block, based on Dead Suns 3 and Alien Archive's information on making something undead:


Ability Adjustments: +2 Int, –2 Wis, Con - (set Con to -)
Hit Points: 2
Size and Type: Elebrians are Medium Undead with the Elebrian subtype.
Find Weakness, Intellectual Knack
Darkvision (60)
Undead Immunities

(Obviously, this is before changing the thing via various grafts).

Grand Lodge

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
If you don't mind my asking, which legacy races are you most interested in seeing, and why?

Catfolk. No scifi should be without them.. I believe they are already teased somewhere.

After that, Thieflings. But that's too obvious.

Varun Creed wrote:
Catfolk. No scifi should be without them.. I believe they are already teased somewhere.

They're teased as being barbarians living on Vesk-6 in the RP writeup of the Veskarium. I don't think they'll be in this book, but they are in the Starfarer's Companion (along with Tengu, Tieflings, and about 16 other PF races).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
emmens wrote:

definitely into the idea of more character backgrounds, and would love more pathfinder legacy races

If you don't mind my asking, which legacy races are you most interested in seeing, and why?

Grippli, so I can make Kif Croaker from Futurama.

Also in the Starfarer's Companion.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i would like halflings to be made legal for society play, well really all of the core legacy races.
other then that an actual robot race like they have in the starfareer book would be nice

i like the cyborg stuff that has been put out 3rd party.
having cyborgs and the like have archtypes is a good idea.

i am wondering what the starknight archtype will be like and if they will be adding a race per world or if it will vary

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some unhelpful and baiting posts and replies.

"Counterpoint: all of those races should die in a fusion reactor fire," is not commentary that helps our forums be a welcoming and friendly place and only serves to escalate threads into fighting. Instead, try something like, "Counterpoint: I would rather not see legacy races because [I'd rather see new ones]."

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've got literally no use for catfolk in any form- but if we're talking about Pathfinder legacy options, I wanna know what's up with Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and other slavery-intensive nonhuman cultures in the "no slavery" Pact Worlds of Starfinder... oh, and things like ogres, hill giants, and so forth- what, if anything, are they up to these days?

Cole Deschain wrote:
I've got literally no use for catfolk in any form- but if we're talking about Pathfinder legacy options, I wanna know what's up with Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and other slavery-intensive nonhuman cultures in the "no slavery" Pact Worlds of Starfinder... oh, and things like ogres, hill giants, and so forth- what, if anything, are they up to these days?

Not to mention all the races that were humanoid, but unplayable, bugbear for example.

Seconding races that were barred primarily due to strength. I would not let a minotaur design my ship corridors, though.

Merfolk would be interesting just to see if they lean more towards fully underwater environments or develop rigs to better interact with air-breathing cultures.

In terms of new races, we have human variants tied to most other planes, why not the Drift?


Self Flight-capable Tengu(New/old race or not?), Strix, Syrinx, a bear-people, and gene-geneered/transgenic entities.

...already had one wish fulfilled with the Nuar...

I'd like to see more races that emphasize that, statistically speaking, virtually nothing in the Galaxy should be built like a human. We already have too many bipeds for my liking. The Barathu and the Urog are both very well done - I'd like to see more of that, before I get more humans in Star Trek makeup, like several more flavors of elf, or several more flavors of goblinoid. This is science fiction - you should be making us question how we define words like "person", rather than giving us distinct rules for what amounts to humans with a different phenotype. I'm still upset Skittermanders are described as "mammals" in Alien Archive, for example. Give me a race where each character is an entire swarm, give me a race of oozes that need to grow their eyeballs on trees, give me a race of consensus-driven ais, like the Geth. That sort of thing.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In terms of new races, something like Sgt. Schlock would be fun. I wouldn't mind an evolved Centipede/Millepede or silicon based life form either.

In terms of Pathfinder Legacy races Tengu, Kitsune and Grippli would be my first choices, followed by the elemental races, Fairie Dragons and Pseudo Dragons. I'm sure there are people out there who would love to run a Leshy as well.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cole Deschain wrote:
I've got literally no use for catfolk in any form- but if we're talking about Pathfinder legacy options, I wanna know what's up with Hobgoblins, Gnolls, and other slavery-intensive nonhuman cultures in the "no slavery" Pact Worlds of Starfinder... oh, and things like ogres, hill giants, and so forth- what, if anything, are they up to these days?

we have goblins already but i would also like to see some of the monster races

I would definitely like to see more about the elves.

Aside from the Drow, did the other variant elves (Mwangi, Snowcaster, Mordant Spire, etc.) also survive? If so, where are they now?

Can we get some varied racial traits - similar to PF's Advanced Race Guide - so that not all elves are cut from the same template? The same goes for other races.

Also, what's up with the SF legacy version of elves not getting the Weapon Familiarity racial trait that they used to have in PF?!? I noticed that the legacy dwarves kept theirs. (If using PF's ARG system, dwarves are still an 11 RP race in SF, while elves were dropped from 10 RP to 8 RP.)

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