Organized Play Potpourri

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

As January draws to a close, planning for our big conventions starts in earnest. Volunteer solicitations for PaizoCon and Gen Con went out, but that is the first step in a long list of tasks. Last week, the Organized Play team met and made decisions as to what scenarios/events to offer at each of the big conventions – PaizoCon, Origins, and Gen Con, as well as what special events would be on offer at UKGE and PaizoCon UK. Now we need to get granular and start looking at the daily schedules and numbers of tables.

Before we jump into convention chat, the org play team wanted to take a minute and revisit two other topics under discussion recently. The first is the Regional Support Program and the second is the retirement of the Scarab Sages Faction.

Regional Support Program

Last year, we indicated the Regional Support Program would run from 1 Feb 2017 to 31 Jan 2018, and that we would evaluate it for renewal heading into Feb 2018. The program last year met our goals of getting convention style benefits into GMs hands and promoting play in local stores and communities. Thus we will continue it for the 2018/19 cycle. At this point, John, Linda, and Thurston are putting the final touches on the new package and we hope to have it available for download to Venture-Officers by the end of the month. Qualifying events start 1 Feb. If you are unsure what is needed to run the program, visit our policy page for more information.

We received feedback from participating GMs who noted that not everyone completed their 2017/18 cards and that they would appreciate a chance to get their rewards for running games over the past year. The team discussed the issue and is extending the completion deadline for 2017/18 cards. During the 2018/19 RSP season, a GM may choose to check a box on their old card or their new card for every game run. Only one box may be checked per game. This change only applies to completing cards. No 2017/18 cards may be issued after 31 Jan 2018.

Scarab Sages

Thank you to all who posted feedback on the December 13 blog discussing mid-season faction changes. Taking this feedback into consideration, the team decided to not retire the Scarab Sages, but rather to make the faction inactive. All characters currently part of the Scarab Sages may retain their membership in the faction. Mechanically, this allows current faction members to accrue Prestige Points and Fame, buy vanities, and continue to complete faction journal card goals. However, there will be no new faction journal card produced for the faction in Season 10, and scenarios are unlikely to provide ongoing stories focused on the faction. This blends the requests of our player base with how the team sees the storylines progressing for the Society as a whole.

This change also means that with the publication of an updated Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide in the coming weeks, characters will no longer be able to join the Scarab Sages faction. If you would like to change your character's faction from the Scarab Sages to any other faction, you may do so at a cost of 0 Prestige Points. You should perform this change either by August 2nd, 2018 or at the beginning of the next adventure the character plays, whichever occurs last.

Convention Chat

With the other topics covered, I now return to convention information. Planning conventions the size of PaizoCon, Origins, and Gen Con, is nigh impossible without a team of leads and an army of volunteer GMs and HQ staff. First, a huge thanks to everyone who already volunteered for a 2018 event (or two or three). I’m starting to send out PaizoCon volunteer acceptance letters and look to have them done by the first of February. Gen Con letters are also in the pipeline and volunteers should see them soon. We are currently putting the Origins volunteer plans together and will publish that information asap.

Second, if you haven’t volunteered and would like to, there is still time. PaizoCon is mostly full, but we usually have a few cancellations before the event. Gen Con still has space, including for 8-block volunteers qualifying for hotel rooms. To volunteer for PaizoCon, complete this questionnaire For Gen Con, follow this link to the volunteer questionnaire.

One of the first tasks needing completion involves assembling a leadership team for each convention, without which the planning and running would be almost impossible. Below are the teams for each of the big three Paizo sponsored events. They assist with almost every aspect of the convention, from set up/tear down to schedule planning to on-site volunteer coordination. If you are interested in working as a lead/department head for one of the Paizo-sponsored conventions in 2019, speak to one of the people listed below and they can get you involved this year to see what goes into planning these conventions.

PaizoCon 2018
Leads—Louis Manko Levite & Walter Sheppard

Origins 2018
Lead—Michael McNerney
Assistants—Michael Costello, June Soler, Luke Woods

Gen Con 2018
Leads—Bob Jonquet, Todd Morgan, Lucas Servideo, Heather Vigil
Department Heads:

Demo—Kevin Baumann
ACG—Jen McTeague
PSA—Alexandra Melone
HQ—Joe Mathos
Assistant HQ—Michael VonHasseln

Administration Assistant—Alison Ooms

Next week we release the January scenarios for Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society, so we'll have two blogs. Tune in next Wednesday for a preview of what is in store!

Tonya Woldridge

Organized Play Manager

Until next time – Explore, Report, Cooperate!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Conventions Organized Play Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Regarding Scarab Sage: Thanks for listening and thanks for the change.

2/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Agreed with the status of the Scarab Sages thank you. Many of my players Thank you as well.

Also Tonya thank you for the update on Volunteer letters being sent as I guess many here have been checking constantly and looking to see if they made it in.



A question regarding the not-retirement of the Scarab Sages:
If a character wants to transfer to another faction, will they still be able to keep their Scarab Sage faction cards and the rewards on them (without filling in more boxes)?


Thank you for the extension on the Regional Support Program cards and on the Scarab Sages. Real life provides enough deadlines. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Thank you so much for both the Regional Support Program extension and the extension on the Scarab Sages. So many players will be ecstatic at this change.


Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber


Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5


Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

9 people marked this as a favorite.
shaventalz wrote:

A question regarding the not-retirement of the Scarab Sages:

If a character wants to transfer to another faction, will they still be able to keep their Scarab Sage faction cards and the rewards on them (without filling in more boxes)?

A Scarab Sages faction PC who switches to a different faction can keep his Faction Journal Cards and the earned rewards. However, he cannot check any further goals or earn more rewards on those cards.

This is our first time retiring/deactivating a faction since introducing the Faction Journal Card mechanic, and this seems like the most reasonable resolution—particularly because there's a Scarab Sages boon in a scenario that relies on one's number of Faction Journal Card goals accomplished.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The RSP has been very well recieved and I am happy we can continue the program.

Dataphiles 3/5

Great news regarding the RSP program and the Sages!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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John Compton wrote:
shaventalz wrote:

A question regarding the not-retirement of the Scarab Sages:

If a character wants to transfer to another faction, will they still be able to keep their Scarab Sage faction cards and the rewards on them (without filling in more boxes)?

A Scarab Sages faction PC who switches to a different faction can keep his Faction Journal Cards and the earned rewards. However, he cannot check any further goals or earn more rewards on those cards.

This is our first time retiring/deactivating a faction since introducing the Faction Journal Card mechanic, and this seems like the most reasonable resolution—particularly because there's a Scarab Sages boon in a scenario that relies on one's number of Faction Journal Card goals accomplished.

I'm very happy about this solution. I'd promised people (including Tineke) a chance to do the whole Sages thing from beginning to end, this makes it a lot easier to make it on time.

The blog doesn't mention the converse though: switching into the Concordance. Do people who go into the Concordance from other factions (say, the Exchange with Master of Trade, to name one of the juiciest perks that we'll wonder about) keep their old faction perks?

Grand Lodge 2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is this change going to have any effect on the "end of July" deadline to benefit from the Salvation of the Sages boon mentioned here?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

It is directly in response to that deadline and community discussion of it.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Great news about Scarab Sages. It means my Investigator doesn’t need to be reckless in Salvation of the Sages in an attempt to earn his Risen title. :)

My most recent Sages character will probably still switch to the Concordance, since he’s barely 2nd level (2.1) and elemental energy based.

But I like this idea of keeping the faction around but inactive. My Seeker who has been Osirion/Scarab Sages since my first PFS session appreciates not needing to form a new allegiance late in life. He is Ferious Thune the Constant, after all.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I want to add my name to the list of people thanking you for the adjustments made to the Scarab Sages. I only play a couple of times a year and this change means that my Scarab Sage character will have the opportunity to gain the full experience of the faction's "retirement" arc as a member of the faction.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Amazing Lau wrote:
The blog doesn't mention the converse though: switching into the Concordance. Do people who go into the Concordance from other factions (say, the Exchange with Master of Trade, to name one of the juiciest perks that we'll wonder about) keep their old faction perks?

This is my question as well. My level 8 bard, Cup, has two nearly full faction cards for Dark Archives. She’s done exceptional work for Zarta Dralneen. However, her number one goal is to travel the planes. She loves the Concordance! She will join them at the first opportunity even if she has to leave behind all her achievements with her current faction.

Still... It would be absolutely lovely if Zarta could give Cup her blessing, and allow her to keep the faction card checkoffs and boons she already has. I am hoping that there will be some consideration for us high-level characters who answer the Concordance’s call.



So I think the phrasing of a bit is odd.

You must change by August 2nd or when you next play, whichever is later.

This seems to be saying that if I played next week I could still change my guy since it's still before August 2nd. Is this true and intended? That I can play as SS as much as I want and still change for free on August 1st?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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Chess Pwn wrote:

So I think the phrasing of a bit is odd.

You must change by August 2nd or when you next play, whichever is later.

This seems to be saying that if I played next week I could still change my guy since it's still before August 2nd. Is this true and intended? That I can play as SS as much as I want and still change for free on August 1st?

Yes, that's correct. It's essential that a Scarab Sages PC be able to continue playing through the end of the season if they're to have a fair chance at finishing off the story content. Once the season's over though (including for a PC someone might not play more than once a year), it's time to make a final decision: stay with the faction (important for some folks) or join someone else.


John Compton wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:

So I think the phrasing of a bit is odd.

You must change by August 2nd or when you next play, whichever is later.

This seems to be saying that if I played next week I could still change my guy since it's still before August 2nd. Is this true and intended? That I can play as SS as much as I want and still change for free on August 1st?

Yes, that's correct. It's essential that a Scarab Sages PC be able to continue playing through the end of the season if they're to have a fair chance at finishing off the story content. Once the season's over though (including for a PC someone might not play more than once a year), it's time to make a final decision: stay with the faction (important for some folks) or join someone else.

follow up. If I play next week that will be my next time playing thus if I don't switch then and then I don't play them again until after august 2nd deadline I'm unable to swap. Is this correct?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

No, because the August deadline does not have a play requirement. You just make the switch by then.

** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

No idea why my post above got scrambled, but I'll try again.

I'd like to add my thanks for softening the removal of the Scarab Sages. I haven't yet had a chance to play any Sage storylines, and I'd rather keep my character a Sage to try to increase my chances of getting into one of them sometime. I haven't been able to do much with the faction cards anyway.

2/5 *

This is fantastic news thanks much.

Will a scarab sage character still be able to get sage specific chronicle sheet boons for newly finished old scenarios?

@chesspwn basically it just means if you get to august 2nd and you still haven't decided you can hold off playing that character until you decide. After August 2nd you're locked in once you play.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

I have one local GM who will be pretty happy to hear this.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Ohio—Columbus

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for continuing the RSP. And an especially big thanks for letting people keep working toward the Skinwalker boon. We are going to have a lot of happy GMs in my area.

Paperwork question, however: will existing locations need to “re-apply” to participate in the program for the new year?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
This is our first time retiring/deactivating a faction since introducing the Faction Journal Card mechanic, and this seems like the most reasonable resolution—particularly because there's a Scarab Sages boon in a scenario that relies on one's number of Faction Journal Card goals accomplished.

That boon is still impossible to acquire for any character with only one Journal Card (such as started in Season 9, or didn't acquire a card before Season 9).


Majuba wrote:
John Compton wrote:
This is our first time retiring/deactivating a faction since introducing the Faction Journal Card mechanic, and this seems like the most reasonable resolution—particularly because there's a Scarab Sages boon in a scenario that relies on one's number of Faction Journal Card goals accomplished.
That boon is still impossible to acquire for any character with only one Journal Card (such as started in Season 9, or didn't acquire a card before Season 9).

This is going to be me- stuck at 9, having accomplished all the Season 9 goals and forever locked out of the capping goal for the only Scarab Sage I'll ever get to play because I started at GenCon last year.

Grand Lodge 2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
It is directly in response to that deadline and community discussion of it.

Ok, no disrespect, but this doesn't answer my question. Baring in mind that I haven't seen the chronicle, and obviously won't prior to playing the adventure, I don't know if the extending of the faction has any effect on John's statement that we "have until the end of July" to get the boon. Does this mean that the bonus, whatever it is, is still earnable into Year 10 and beyond?

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Does this mean that the bonus, whatever it is, is still earnable into Year 10 and beyond?

Under the current circumstances, that appears to be the case. ^_^

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Does this mean that the bonus, whatever it is, is still earnable into Year 10 and beyond?

Yes, they changed their policy.


Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Great change for the Scarab Sages!


Darrell Impey UK wrote:
any effect on John's statement that we "have until the end of July" to get the boon.

I think John's statement was intended to convey that everyone still has until July to earn the boon, and still get a free faction change, as originally intended. Essentially, that this change to inactive instead of retired, now instead of later, does not impact that option for those who aren't interested in staying Scarab Sages.

5/5 5/5

Thank you very much for taking our input on the Scarab Sages retirement and creating a policy that I think is much, much better! Also, thank you for extending the ability to check boxes on the 2017 RSP GM boon - there are several GMs in my Lodge who will like that very much.

I see several requests for clarification on how the mechanics of the Scarab Sage ruling works and I would like to add my own. From what I understand in reading what has already been said, you can change your Scarab Sages character to a new faction for 0 PP cost at any time. Once the season is over, the first time you play the character, you must choose whether you stay in the inactive faction or change to a new one and this change still costs 0 PP. If you decide to stay in the inactive Scarab Sages faction, you may continue to check remaining boxes on your existing faction cards, purchase vanities, etc. If you change factions, you keep what you already have but may not gain new benefits. My question is: If you stay in the inactive faction, do you lose the chance for a 0 PP faction change? (I anticipate that the answer is yes and I'm okay with that - I think it is a fair trade for the chance to continue to check boxes beyond the faction going inactive.)


Are the new RSP items in our downloads? I can't seem to locate mine.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Robert Reine wrote:
Are the new RSP items in our downloads? I can't seem to locate mine.

You'll want to contact your Venture Captain (and have them contact their Regional Venture Coordinator) to obtain the RSP materials for your region. Hope that helps!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

This is an excellent compromise. Glad to see that feedback has been listened to.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Any chance of getting my Taldor PCs to still represent Taldor?

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

Are we still allowed to check boxes on the GM Incentive #2? The one with Aasimar & Tiefling.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber


Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

Awesome! Thank you for quick reply!

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