Leaders in Liberty 2

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Back in July, the organized play team launched an exciting contest called Leaders in Liberty to name and detail a new character in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild canon. We read the entries, narrowed it down to our top picks, and invited the community to vote on the best candidate. In mid October we had our winner, Karisa Starsight as presented by Sam Sampson!

When we first launched the contest, we were a little coy about exactly how this character might feature in the campaign. We were, after all, several weeks away from releasing Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons, which provides considerably more context. If you haven't played it yet, I both strongly encourage that you do so, and I will be providing only the slimmest spoilers (you can see more in the spoil-tagged section below). Namely, Major Colson Maldris is not currently available to provide the Liberty's Edge faction the necessary guidance and oversight. While this faction is likely one of the best equipped to operate without a leader, we want to bring in someone who can not only provide leadership in the difficult time, but also guide the faction's vision and steer its reforms in the wake of Maldris's rather spotty legacy.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-02 Spoiler:

Major Colson Maldris has gone missing, and it seems he's enlisted some very questionable allies. Without an appointed leader, the Liberty's Edge faction needs someone to keep the operation running smoothly and coordinate the hunt for Maldris.

That's right, we're asking you to help pick a faction leader.

We have two candidates, whose backstories I'll summarize below along with a snapshot of their strengths and style. The first is Leaders in Liberty contest winner Karisa Starsight, who you can read about in more detail in this September blog. The second is Tamrin Credence, a halfling smuggler and freelance freedom fighter. Let's meet them both.

Illustration by Tom Ventre

Karisa Starsight

The slaver Kolm Redarax found the infant Karisa aboard a derelict Bonuwat ship, and he was so taken by her unexplained presence and strikingly blue eyes that he adopted her as his daughter. She worked hard aboard that ship, tending to the slaves her adoptive father shuttled from port to port. Whereas he saw these souls as chattel, she quietly grew to respect and pity them. As she reached adulthood, Karisa struggled between her love and loyalty for her father and the plights of the people he bought and sold.

Several years ago, Andoren privateers known as the Gray Corsairs assaulted their ship, subduing the crew and freeing the slaves. When the Corsairs' captain was on the verge of slaying Redarax, Karisa intervened, swearing her own life, service, and freedom to Andoran in exchange for his life. Not want to condemn the young woman to anything resembling slavery, the captain provided a different offer: she could instead apprentice to an upstanding Eagle Knight, and Redarax would live out his sentence in an Andoren prison. Karisa eagerly accepted.

Her mentor was none other than Major Colson Maldris, and she has excelled as his aide. Over the past year, her duties have more resembled those of a steward, overseeing some of the Liberty's Edge faction's operations while Maldris traveled farther afield. Even so, there's a side of Maldris that she's only now uncovering as she tries to find his current whereabouts and holds together the initiatives he set in motion. All the while she wonders at the irony that no matter his morals, Karisa's father is in chains while she promotes liberty in the Inner Sea region and beyond.

Strengths: Karisa Starsight has a much more intimate familiarity with the faction's operations, which inclines her toward making changes and executing missions "within the system" while also watching for hypocrisies that undermine the faction's goals. She has solid connections within the Eagle Knights without being one herself. She's also the more self-reflective candidate, likely to examine the faction's moral pillars and assess how the faction could do better. Even so, her childhood on the seas leaves her ready to tackle threats head-on when needed.

Illustration by Kenneth Camaro

Tamrin Credence

Trained as a sommelier, butler, and shopping assistant, the halfling now known as Tamrin Credence spent his first 26 years as a Chelish slave, albeit a well-treated one. When a tiller (a member of the halfling liberation group called the Bellflower Network) infiltrated the estate and laid plans to lead a few halfling slaves to freedom, Tamrin made a counter-offer: he would create a distraction so the tiller could escape with twice as many souls. The plan worked, albeit at a cost. By the time the tiller returned to lead him out of Cheliax, the halfling butler had received many scars for his deception.

Tamrin Credence is a self-styled name that the halfling adopted in the decade since, both to distance him emotionally from his subjugated past and to create a new identity that wouldn't lead to his recapture. He's continued to assist the Bellflower Network as a spy and supplier, often leading him into dangerous territory or treacherous relationships. Although he's infiltrated and worked with the Aspis Consortium and Cheliax's port authorities to this end, his most infamous rivalry is that with Zarta Dralneen, whom he regularly undermined while she served Cheliax as that nation's liaison to the Pathfinder Society. Only once she fell from Cheliax's good graces, suffered unforgiveable offenses by her former allies, and sought refuge with the Society did the two agents begin finding common ground. They've now worked together on coordinating several missions, though years of thwarting each other's ambitions leave them prone to verbally sniping at each other over unresolved gripes they're yet to bury.

Tamrin's experience with the Liberty's Edge faction is modest, having only worked with Major Colson Maldris a few times before the former began more concerted collaboration in the past 18 months. Even so, he's a proud "liberator of humanoid assets" with criminal and business contacts in dozens of cities. What he lacks in faction experience, he makes up for in gutsiness, survivability, cunning, and a willingness to lead from the front as needed.

Strengths: Tamrin Credence is a pragmatic individual who doesn't mind breaking a few unreasonable rules if he can mitigate the harm to innocent bystanders and maximize the benefit for oppressed people. He's witnessed the dark underbelly of several infamous operations firsthand, and he knows that no matter how seductive those groups might seem at times, they're ultimately immoral. These experiences have left him hardened against corruption, and he takes a more decisive stance on correcting the faction's embarrassing past misdeeds. He has strong Bellflower Network connections, though he would broaden his agenda considerably if made the leader of Liberty's Edge.


Voting begins now! Let us know which of these two candidates should step up to lead the Liberty's Edge faction in Major Colson Maldris's absence. You'll have three weeks to pick your favorite candidate, and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, December 13. Our plan is to feature both of these characters at least once, so even the candidate that doesn't receive the most votes will still play a role in a future scenario. We're also looking forward to pursuing more of the Liberty's Edge storyline later in Season 9, discovering just what Maldris has set in motion!

John Compton
Organized Play Lead Developer

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Tags: Contests Kenneth Camaro Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Tom Ventre

Leaders in Liberty 2!

This poll closed Dec 6, 2017.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.

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5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

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When I made my first post, I hadn't realised Tamrin Credence was already an established character. That makes this contest a little unfair, IMHO. He has a whole development team behind his design (or at least one professional writer), while Karisa's entry is just a 300-word writeup with no interpersonal ties to other Society members. I've read the scenario where Credence is introduced, and while I still really like his style, I'd love to see how Paizo tackles Karisa's backstory in a scenario before I can formulate a fully-informed opinion.

1/5 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As a former slave myself, freed and led out of bondage by the Butterfly Goddess's mercy I cast my vote for Tamrin Credence!

Only a former slave, one who has lost their freedom and regained it, can truly appreciate what it means to be free! While I'm sure Miss Starsight has great empathy for those in bondage and has the best of intentions for our Faction, her past close association with the Major does her no favors! It can only cast aspersions and doubts about her leadership and our Faction as a whole!

Tamrin Credence stepped in to lead us during the Assault on Absalom when Major Maldris, her mentor, was missing in action! I find it convenient that she seeks leadership now, where was she then?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

"I dislike this entirely." Knight-Captain Pridbor Bitahson speaks up, "Captain Maldris is not some fullish idealist. He is a hero and has lead us proudly. Mistakes are only human. His, are understandable." with a gruff voice, his arms unfold and settle at his hips, the large half-orc in full steel falcon gear steps forward.

"Until we understand the situation and recover him from whatever has happend. I find myself hard pressed to choose. On the one hand, Karisa and I share a similar history with the Venture Captain. I was once liberated by him, and took up my own chains in defense of others through his guidance and leadership. I learned a lot from Maldris, I fear for his safety and mental state after all these years facing such a... seemingly endless battle."

"However, I have also worked with the Tillers. Have connections and all. So I know Tamrin's connections are strong and his people's determination is good. I"m surprised we don't work together more, the Liberty's Edge and the Tillers. I also was bound for Cheliax for the brief time I was in slavery... Seeing him and knowing what he faced and still choosing to fight the good fight takes heart."

Pridbor grins, reaching a hand over to gently pat his armored scorpion. "If it where up to me. I'd say we don't settle for one. Both are worthy leaders, and worthy warriors. One has been trained by the best, the other has had first hand view of the tyranny of this enemy we face. However, Karisa would be more valuable in the field to us then Tamrin and what we need is a leader in opperations. So for now, seeing as we need someone who wouldn't be in the field as much as at home organizing. I place my vote with Tamrin... At least until we can recover Captain Maldris."

Pridbor steps back frowning, thinking of what may happen if he where forced to face Maldris or worse. Hoping secretly that this could be salvaged.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Karisa Starsight should stand aside until an independent inquiry finds out exactly what her mentor is currently involved in. Otherwise she runs the risk of accusations of involvement. Tamrin, for the moment.

4/5 5/5 * Contributor

Mikko Kallio wrote:

Tamrin Credence not only has actual first-hand experience as a field agent but he also already donned the mantle of leadership during a recent crisis in Absalom. How many slaves were freed that day?

Right here! In Absalom! Our home!

I'm sorry to say, but the other candidate doesn't seem to have a lot of actual experience in the field or as a leader. However, her contacts and familiarity with the faction's official matters will be useful--when she's working with Tamrin as his second-in-command.

(Also, the Society needs more halflings.)

Do we count as celebrities, Mikko? Does that mean Tamrin has two celebrity endorsements? IS THAT AN ABUSE OF OUR POSITIONS, AND THEREFORE INHERENTLY AGAINST THE BELIEF OF THE FACTION WE WISH TO INFLUENCE?!

Maaaaaaaybe? :-P

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I find Maldris' recent actions to be dubious at best, and potentially treasonous. As a result, I am unwilling to support a protege who has not, as yet, distanced herself from the actions through both word and deed. She may sympathize with the plight of slaves, but unlike Credence, she cannot truly empathize with them.

I have had nothing but good reports from my associates regarding Tamrin Credence's ability to work for the good of the Society, the liberation of slaves, and the undermining of despots. So my choice is clear.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Good riddance, Major Indiscretion.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 *

** A muscle bound shonati warrior steps up **
I hope that little sister finds a road away from this corruption and out of the path that the major bound us towards.. Take the time to attain the wisdom and greatness leadership requires. Not all actions justify the destination.

Liberty's Edge

*A small unusually darkskinned Wayang tries his best to hide in the shadows. Obviously straining to make his voice deep as possible he proclaims*
Tamrin Credence shall be our beacon of freedom and justice, igniting in his path a hope and a guidance to those of us seeking freedom and rights to all! Together we shall break the shackles of oppression and tyranny!

The Exchange 5/5 *****

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A tall, dark haired man in expensive clothing holding a staff enters the room.

As a noble, Hellknight and loyal citizen of Cheliax the choice is obvious, Tamrin Credence must be the new leader of the Liberty's Edge. It is hard to contemplate that they could have a worse leader than the buffoon Maldris but Tamrin may just fit the bill and finally drive this remnant of Andoran into oblivion.

Tamrin Credence, first and last Halfling leader of the Liberty's Edge!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Signifier Antonius Gallonica wrote:

A tall, dark haired man in expensive clothing holding a staff enters the room.

As a noble, Hellknight and loyal citizen of Cheliax the choice is obvious, Tamrin Credence must be the new leader of the Liberty's Edge. It is hard to contemplate that they could have a worse leader than the buffoon Maldris but Tamrin may just fit the bill and finally drive this remnant of Andoran into oblivion.

Tamrin Credence, first and last Halfling leader of the Liberty's Edge!

At least you can use your voting SLIP wisely...

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Signifier Antonius Gallonica wrote:

It is hard to contemplate that they could have a worse leader than the buffoon Maldris but Tamrin may just fit the bill and finally drive this remnant of Andoran into oblivion.

"To be cursed by the devil is to be truly blessed."

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Alex Augunas wrote:
Maaaaaaaybe? :-P

Freedom--that's what Liberty's Edge is all about. That includes freedom of speech, a basic right to express our opinions so long as we don't attempt to drown out the voices of others.

Celebrities? Hmm, no. I don't know about you, Alex, you're a podcaster and publisher, but I can still go to conventions without having to worry about people lining up to get stuff signed or buying me more beer than I can drink. :-D

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I agree with Mikko here.

Tamrin has a much stronger background because it focuses more on things he has done rather than things that merely happened to him. Even the very first paragraph says that he not only cooperated with a plan to free slaves, but also made personal sacrifices to ensure more of them are saved.

He also has a personality that better fits the faction.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What the people expect from a faction leader.

While I'll accept Tamrin Credence as contact if he's elected, his lack of empathy about possible collateral damages is a black cloud (again, his squabbles with Zarta possibly mean Pathfinder deaths). His inability to get above the melee to see in the future is not really better. I can get wrong, but it's unlikely to be the case.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Philippe Lam wrote:
His inability to get above the melee to see in the future is not really better. I can get wrong, but it's unlikely to be the case.

Oh so we're going with short jokes now?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Grrl power!

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Grrr De'Bonaire wrote:

Oh so we're going with short jokes now?

The short joke was not what I had in mind, but happy that I incidentally hit below the waist *not feeling guilty any second*

4/5 5/5 * Contributor

Mikko Kallio wrote:
Alex Augunas wrote:
Maaaaaaaybe? :-P

Freedom--that's what Liberty's Edge is all about. That includes freedom of speech, a basic right to express our opinions so long as we don't attempt to drown out the voices of others.

Celebrities? Hmm, no. I don't know about you, Alex, you're a podcaster and publisher, but I can still go to conventions without having to worry about people lining up to get stuff signed or buying me more beer than I can drink. :-D

Shoulda taken that icon theme, Mikko!

(In seriousness, that makes sense. 90% of people who recognize me at Cons do so because of my voice.)

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

A pretty handsome Taldan fellow speaks up.

Rough description:
Imagine a young beardless Jonathan Frakes

"As a Shelynite, who am I to judge what or how Karisa comports herself with someone they may be in a relationship with? It may be all business, there may be love there, and how could a true follower of the Eternal Rose doubt the strength of that Love to bring forth the dream that a couple shares?"

"Tamrin appears to have no Love save that of freedom, which is a good thing, but not having someone is bound to hurt him inside. Well... maybe... maybe he and Zarta could hook up? Love knows no bounds."

There's then a metallic grumble from the fellow's left hip, about where a shiny sword rests.

"Rae appreciates romance, I'm a bit more practical. If Rae had taken the route of Karisa, I probably wouldn't be free to serve by his side now, whole and empowered. It's pretty obvious to see where my vote would go."

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Philippe Lam wrote:

What the people expect from a faction leader.

While I'll accept Tamrin Credence as contact if he's elected, his lack of empathy about possible collateral damages is a black cloud (again, his squabbles with Zarta possibly mean Pathfinder deaths). His inability to get above the melee to see in the future is not really better. I can get wrong, but it's unlikely to be the case.

No one mentioned collateral damage or lack of empathy (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong), just that he's willing to bend some rules for the greater good. While I agree it's a logical assumption to make that one leads to the other, it doesn't necessarily mean that. We'll just have to see once the votes are over.

To compensate the anti-Tamrin voices, I'd like to offer my worries that Karisa might be too cautious, possibly losing opportunities while she's mulling over whether it's ethical or not. As I've said before, I like some self-reflection within the Society, but not at the cost of opportunities. Indecisiveness could harm just as many people as rashness can.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Out of curiosity, has Karisa made her debut in a scenario yet? Please spoiler the answer.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

Ferious Thune wrote:
Out of curiosity, has Karisa made her debut in a scenario yet? Please spoiler the answer.

Karisa has appeared only in the Leaders in Liberty contest so far. There's not really anything to spoil there.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 ***

"Oh dear! I just returned from the Plane of Fire and, my, what a kerfluffle! Each candidate has their strengths. On the one paw, a fresh face but with unpopular ties to the Major (I do hope the fellow is all right...), and on the other paw a former slave with extensive field experience. I can't decide! I'm better with a blade than a ballot. I'll consult with those wiser than I."

Scarab Sages 4/5

John Compton wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
Out of curiosity, has Karisa made her debut in a scenario yet? Please spoiler the answer.
Karisa has appeared only in the Leaders in Liberty contest so far. There's not really anything to spoil there.

Thanks John. I should have said please spoiler if it gives away details of a scenario.

It seems like it makes the decision more difficult, since we’ve had first hand experience with Tamrin (could be a good or bad thing), but haven’t had a chance to meet Karisa yet. I’m leaning toward Karisa, but I wish I’d had a chance to see how she interacts in a scenario before having to make this choice. At least when Scarab Sages was facing this decision, we got to meet the newcomer (though had to vote essentially immediately on doing so).

EDIT: Tahanikepsu might have made 2 appearances, including the scenario where you vote. I can’t remember. Also, I do like that this is open to everyone, and not just people playing a specific scenario in a specific time frame.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 **

Late at night, that one bartender at the Wounded Wisp who's also (open secret) a priest of Milani remarks:

"I must say I'm rather disturbed at the lack of revolutionary spirit shown by some people here. Comrade Maldris has made some poor choices years ago, but ever since the Society's crusade into the Worldwound he's shown much better judgment. Yes, he's broken the law - but whose law was it? A law forged by canny politicians, corporate financiers and vestiges of a parasitic elite. People with enough money to buy themselves out of any courtroom. I'm not convinced his protege has enough stomach for doing what's necessary."

Liberty's Edge 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Large sized Dodo Bird, whose blue and gold feathers match an Eagle Knight's uniform speaks up.

Hi, I am Bertie. I am Ariel's Eidolon. I am writing having escaped from the plane which Ari Summons me to ask the canidates a very important question. Some would say I'm unfettered, but I plan to return after this important question.

I have loved and protected my half human since the gate opened in her chicken coop when she was just a girl and through over thirty missions. I love her to death. However, when she became a Coparal and then Captain in the Eagle Knights I found it odd that I did not get simular promotions in rank.

I'm mean, I do my fair share of the work, but I have not gotten a single promotion in rank. I think this is terribly racist for an organization that fights against slavery. BUT I DON'T PAID, AND DON'T GET PROMOTED. SOME WOULD SAY I AM A SLAVE---NOT TO ARI, BUT TO LIBERTIES EDGE AND THE EAGLE KNIGHTS. AND I THINK YOU'LL ALL AGREE PATHFINDER MISSION CONSTITUTE A HAZEDROUS WORK ENVIROMENT.

So I ask, do you know how either canidate stands on the ERFEPC (equal rights for extra planer creatures.)

I will advise Ari to vote accordingly.

Please sign my petition, I have donuts for all who do so.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Taking the longer view, as one might expect of an elven seeker, I believe Karisa's skills are best suited to leading the faction. Tamrin is a valuable and skilled operative who would be most effective continuing to work in the front lines.

- Not that Merisiel, she's a cousin

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll sign your petition, Bertie.
I've lost count how many times my Bigsley's healed someone, brought down the villains, or his skills have been crucial to success.

But he doesn't get thanked. Sometimes they'll compliment me, like it's my doing, or I'm his boss or somesuch. They'll talk over his head, like he isn't there.
But he's not stupid, he hears it all, and takes it in.
I'd bet he's brighter than half the Taldans we've been lumbered with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For freedom, you should be able to vote for whomever. So, vote for me! I'm not part of this faction, or even the Pathfinder Society, but why restrict your freedom of choice?

Oh wait, I just realized securing the Shirren voters won't help much right now.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Just to clarify, for the faction cards, we can check the box off for voting without actually playing a scenario, correct? Meaning we could still check off a different box the next time we play a scenario with those characters?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yes, check off all LE characters faction goal for voting, outside of scenario check offs.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5

Candi Payne wrote:
Grrl power!

"No "L" "

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Tho I'm mostly drunk I vote for the little lady.
My katana is yours.

ANOTHER ROUND bar keep !

Liberty's Edge 5/5 ***

A man, his identity hidden behind a mask and cowl, lofts his shield.

I stand as a symbol to the cause. My loyalties are to the ideals of Andoran and freedom, not to any one individual. It is right and just to see this done in an orderly fashion, by allowing all free members a vote toward who they would see lead. I will choose Karisa Starlight, though I ask everyone to vote their own conscience. Ask yourself, “Who represents not just what we would see ended, but the ideals that we stand for?”

Liberty's Edge 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A voice from the back speaks up, a figure hidden in shadows.

That’s the problem with trying to be a symbol: you can’t see what needs to be done! I cast my vote for Tamrin Credence! It would be good to see someone in charge who isn’t afraid to ge his hands dirty in order to bring about your vaunted “ideals.” Sometimes it takes crossing the line to make sure that evil doesn’t prosper... Maldris knew this, even if everyone else wants to sweep him under the rug and forget what he accomplished.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Jaymes Bucanon, Irresen Soldier wrote:

A voice from the back speaks up, a figure hidden in shadows.

That’s the problem with trying to be a symbol: you can’t see what needs to be done! I cast my vote for Tamrin Credence! It would be good to see someone in charge who isn’t afraid to ge his hands dirty in order to bring about your vaunted “ideals.” Sometimes it takes crossing the line to make sure that evil doesn’t prosper... Maldris knew this, even if everyone else wants to sweep him under the rug and forget what he accomplished.

To my mind, I think that Tamrin Credence would be very good as an operations manager, while Karisa Starlight seems to be more understanding of running the organization. As for Maldris, I am not sure what will happen. There are things that I both like and dislike about him. However, I suspect that we will learn soon what has happened to him.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

"Someone who was a slave and fought for their own freedom knows what we're trying to accomplish at Liberty's Edge. Someone whose early life was bent by living with slavers doesn't have the right attitude, in my opinion. For the Nine."

Sovereign Court 1/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"My my my. What a salacious little morsel for the rumor-mill. I would EAGERLY appreciate young fledgeling Karisa to ascend to the top of the heap. The scandals she must be covering for would fill... volumes, and my Mistress would be... pleased."

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 ***

A dwarf with a well trimmed beard and plain clothes walks up to the podium.

"Tis a disheartning development with Colson having some questionable ... activity now an' in the past. Me Lass, J, has had some questions fer me an I honestly don' know how to parly them.

Be that as it may, I doubt having another hard headed man atop the faction would help at this point, and I see a better transition wit' the lass, Karisa, than the hard boiled halfling."

He nods to the folks and hops off.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I vote for Tamrin.

Silver Crusade 1/5 5/5

"Did Major Colson ever come forward about that situation from that one journal we found? It's hard to trust the man's judgement if it is impaired by watching their tailfeathers all the time. Karisa seems like a good kid, Tamrin seems like an angry young man... I'm really glad you young'uns have the choice to make, because I'd probably have to give 'em each a whap upside the head and tell them to work it out themselves."

The Concordance 4/5

Andrietta Ebonfeather wrote:
"Did Major Colson ever come forward about that situation from that one journal we found?"

Can you be more specific?

Silver Crusade 1/5 5/5

"If he's not come forwards far be it from me to insist on it. Everyone's path to being a good person involves a journey they must walk alone, with help from others and helping others."

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Andrietta Ebonfeather wrote:
"Did Major Colson ever come forward about that situation from that one journal we found?"

Out of Character / Spoiler:
I assume that because players chose to either destroy it, give it to him, or turn it in, that depending on if GMs marked A, B, C, or D on the options at the end of that scenario during reporting... That maybe made the decision. As far as plot advancement I don't think it has come up yet but I believe this season it should.

Also if your reading this and don't got a clue what we are talking about. I got three scenarios I would highly recommend you play in order.

Pridbor grunts in response to these words, "I hear a lot about that. I would of given it to him myself. If I had been there. We know now there are corrupt politicians everywhere and the last thing we need is Liberty's Edge's enemies making a ruckus because of honest mistakes."

He growls soon after before taking a big gulp of his ale, "I can't believe how many of you see the clear, and obvious act to protect all of us from scrutiny as a selfish and corrupt act... For that matter I'm not too sure I wouldn't of helped Maldris if I knew what was happening. We break the law all the time. Steal slaves form Cheliax, liberate them from Absalom, launch secret raids into Rahadoum. . . To all of those people's leaders, we are clearly corrupt and a problem. Did he really step outside of what we normally do? I think not."

He takes another heavy drink. "I can see why we where not consulted. So many of us are already against him."

More IC but has spoilers:
"His brother wanted to help. Wanted to learn. Wanted to help the good fight. What happend to him is a shame. If I had a younger brother, who sought to learn to hunt, I would teach him and let him do so. I would help him skin his kills, and teach him to cook them. I would not coddle him. If my father was--" he hesitates in thought. "If my little brother learned our family where guilty of such of what we fought against. I would encourage him to fight against them. Even then. Because that is just a greater example of why we must fight."

Liberty's Edge 3/5

"Tamrin? now that's someone who knows how to get things done! May the entire might of Andoran be at his disposition!!"

Liberty's Edge 3/5

"Neighhhhhhh!!!" echoes Silvermane in a yay kinda way. :)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

"Finally a leader I can get behind... huh... I meant Tamrin! get yar minds out of the gutter!!"

Silver Crusade 1/5 5/5

"Oh, hey, no judgement! Love knows all sorts of forms and styles!"

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5

"Maldris' inaction over the years isn't a problem, but you want to give him guff over something he personally didn't do? No wonder he didn't tell anyone about it. "

"You wana toss the bum out toss the bum out I'm all for it, but make it for something HE did. Or didn't do. "

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