Pact Worlds Map and Mnemonic!

Friday, July 21, 2017

The other day, we were talking in the Star Chamber (the office shared by much of the Starfinder Development Team) about how we need a mnemonic for the order of the Pact Worlds. Personally, I still remember the order of our own solar system's planets by the mnemonic my Astronomy 101 teacher taught me: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. The first letter of each word matches the first letter of the planet name ("My" = "Mercury"), and the sentence helps you remember you which comes next. ("Nine Pizzas" have, of course, become "Nachos" since Pluto's downgrading.)

We could just make one up for ourselves, but where's the fun in that? Instead, we thought we'd ask you for your suggestions. Post your best mnemonic in the comments below, and we'll pick some favorites to share in a future blog. The order of Pact Worlds is, starting closest to the sun:

Absalom Station

Whether you throw an S on the front for the sun is up to you. (And yes, I realize now that way too many planets start with A. If only someone had pointed that out back in 2011!)

To help inspire you, we're including this amazing map of the Pact Worlds, which appears in the Starfinder Core Rulebook setting chapter as well as on the book's endsheets!

So what've you got? Abadarans Can Always Arbitrate Very Important Decisions, Especially Those Licensed By Approved Agencies? Always Count Absalom As Vital In Deals, Even Those Legislated By Allied Aliens? Only you can prevent us from staring at each other in shame when we realize we can't remember whether Liavara or Bretheda is closer!

James L. Sutter
Creative Director

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Rook13 wrote:
Of interest, though, is the fact that Idari is new. I don't know if it has been in the forums or not, but Idari doesn't appear on the maps from Distant Worlds or People of the Stars.

It's a kasatha generation ship turned space station.

Grand Lodge

19 people marked this as a favorite.

A is for Aballon, where machines do roam
C is for Castrovel, the elvish & lashunta home
A again for Absalom Station, where SFS grew
And Another A for Akiton -- which is Red -- not Blue
V is for Verces with its line of light and dark
I is for Idarii, and the Kasathas who missed the mark
D is for Diaspora, the lost ones and the void
E is for Eox, and its Eerie Bone Sages
T is for Triaxus, wand'ring through the ages
L is Liavara, with its shepherd worlds employed
B is for Bretheda, the cradle of many moons
Another A for Apostae with its sleepers and its ruins
A final A for Aucturn and the Dominion of the Black
(Woe to all of us... Should they choose to attack.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

A is for Aballon, where machines do roam

C is for Castrovel, the elvish & lashunta home
A again for Absalom Station, where SFS grew
And Another A for Akiton -- which is Red -- not Blue
V is for Verces with its line of light and dark
I is for Idarii, and the Kasathas who missed the mark
D is for Diaspora, the lost ones and the void
E is for Eox, and its Eerie Bone Sages
T is for Triaxus, wand'ring through the ages
L is Liavara, with its shepherd worlds employed
B is for Bretheda the cradle of many moons
Another A for Apostae with its sleepers and its ruins
A final A for Aucturn and the Dominion of the Black
(Woe to all of us... Should they choose to attack.)

This is so happy-making! :)

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Androids Can't Ask About Vital Information Detailing Emotions: Terror, Lust, Boredom, And Anger.

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So, a completely astonishing and very intriguing danger exists? Then let's be amazingly adventurous!

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Star Captain Killjoy wrote:


Exuberant &

...Wording is hard.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
quibblemuch wrote:
Hmm wrote:

A is for Aballon, where machines do roam

C is for Castrovel, the elvish & lashunta home
A again for Absalom Station, where SFS grew
And Another A for Akiton -- which is Red -- not Blue
V is for Verces with its line of light and dark
I is for Idarii, and the Kasathas who missed the mark
D is for Diaspora, the lost ones and the void
E is for Eox, and its Eerie Bone Sages
T is for Triaxus, wand'ring through the ages
L is Liavara, with its shepherd worlds employed
B is for Bretheda the cradle of many moons
Another A for Apostae with its sleepers and its ruins
A final A for Aucturn and the Dominion of the Black
(Woe to all of us... Should they choose to attack.)
This is so happy-making! :)

+1. This is delightful, and sounds like something that kids on Absalom Stations would learn.

Silver Crusade

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F*@~ that's a lot of A's, wish I saw that many in school XD

Sovereign Court

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
Hmm wrote:

A is for Aballon, where machines do roam

C is for Castrovel, the elvish & lashunta home
A again for Absalom Station, where SFS grew
And Another A for Akiton -- which is Red -- not Blue
V is for Verces with its line of light and dark
I is for Idarii, and the Kasathas who missed the mark
D is for Diaspora, the lost ones and the void
E is for Eox, and its Eerie Bone Sages
T is for Triaxus, wand'ring through the ages
L is Liavara, with its shepherd worlds employed
B is for Bretheda the cradle of many moons
Another A for Apostae with its sleepers and its ruins
A final A for Aucturn and the Dominion of the Black
(Woe to all of us... Should they choose to attack.)
This is so happy-making! :)
+1. This is delightful, and sounds like something that kids on Absalom Stations would learn.

I love the idea of a nursery rhyme with a final line that bleak.

I wonder... I recall the old Pathfinder book for space, and I recall there being mention of one of the planets having "portals to Golarion". I forget which planet that was.

Anyways, just for clarity, Starfinder is going to explode those portals isn't it? I'm pretty sure you're not going to allow that kind of Meta-knowledge to overturn the established conclusion.

Hmm... Actually... I wonder what happens if in a (Pathfinder) campaign, a player group gets stuck in temporal stasis on Golarion between Pathfinder and Starfinder... And they wake up on Golarion at the end of what we're calling "the gap"... How does that work out?

Also, that leaves the big question if its actually possible for them to still be on Golarion after the gap. Like... Would those put in stasis on Golarion in Pathfinder wind up in Absolom station instead when they wake up and be like "how did I get here?"

I don't know. Just... Thoughts.

I like to think that either they would be kept within that same time frame (fixed events in time, like Doctor Who) or they would lose their memories like everyone else.

As for the portals, the ones from/to Golarion will be non functioning. More interesting are the portals between worlds like Eox and Verces. Instantaneous army transfer means they'll probably be treated like Stargates.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Always Consult An Appropriate, Verified, In-Depth Exobiologist To Locate Barely Appropriate Adventures.

(Something the cast of every Alien movie failed to do. And look what happened.)

So just curious, do we know the name of the name of the star Absalom station orbits? I just figure since eventually we will be leaving the solar system at some point and we usually name a system for its star we should know that name.
Wait is it Sarenrae? She was related to the sun but is that this specific sun or just yellow stars in general? Would be cool if it was the Sarenrae system.

Dark Archive

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*cracks knuckles*


Seriously, players, stop trying to optimize AC. It really isn't worth it.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
Seriously, players, stop trying to optimize AC. It really isn't worth it.

Huh... I didn't know that.

For the record, should I still be using Dex builds over Strength builds for Hit/Damage if Dex also gives AC? Or should I try and make "normal" characters that use Strength as a main stat.

... Not that I'm actually all that interested in Strength builds to begin with... Something about the idea of such hulking muscles seems off-putting to me, I prefer sleek and nimble bodies.

I think the one time I've found for using Strength AND Dexterity at the same time is with a certain Vigilante Talent that allows one to add 1/2 Vigilante level to damage if you use Dex for hit and Strength for Damage.


CoeusFreeze wrote:

*cracks knuckles*


I may actually remember this one. Very well done.

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A Cheerful Albino Astronaut Visits Intrepid Dear Edward To Launch Ben's Awful Androids.

Dark Archive

Luna Protege wrote:

Huh... I didn't know that.

For the record, should I still be using Dex builds over Strength builds for Hit/Damage if Dex also gives AC? Or should I try and make "normal" characters that use Strength as a main stat.

... Not that I'm actually all that interested in Strength builds to begin with... Something about the idea of such hulking muscles seems off-putting to me, I prefer sleek and nimble bodies.

I think the one time I've found for using Strength AND Dexterity at the same time is with a certain Vigilante Talent that allows one to add 1/2 Vigilante level to damage if you use Dex for hit and Strength for Damage.

Not every high-strength character has to look like Charles Atlas. Look at some of the pathfinder iconics.

Going for dex-based offense is mostly a question about what you are doing with your feats. A fighter or paladin can get a lot more mileage out of wearing heavy armor and using the feat slot for power attack, but a rogue or monk which doesn't have very good armor may find it worthwhile to grab weapon finesse or its advanced forms to fight without sacrificing too much defensive capacity (this goes double for small races). Dex-to-damage builds will lag behind strength-based builds 90% of the time, but that may not be your main priority (combat reflexes benefits from high dex, for example).

More often, I find the initiative bonus from dex affecting the game a lot more than the AC bonus does.

Liberty's Edge

Charm Person
Black Tentacles
Antimagic Field
Antilife Shell

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Android mnemonic:

01000001 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101111 01101110

01000011 01100001 01110011 01110100 01110010 01101111 01110110 01100101 01101100

01000001 01100010 01110011 01100001 01101100 01101111 01101101 00100000 01010011 01110100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110

01000001 01101011 01101001 01110100 01101111 01101110

01010110 01100101 01110010 01100011 01100101 01110011

01001001 01100100 01100001 01110010 01101001

01000100 01101001 01100001 01110011 01110000 01101111 01110010 01100001

01000101 01101111 01111000

01010100 01110010 01101001 01100001 01111000 01110101 01110011

01001100 01101001 01100001 01110110 01100001 01110010 01100001

01000010 01110010 01100101 01110100 01101000 01100101 01100100 01100001

01000001 01110000 01101111 01110011 01110100 01100001 01100101

01000001 01110101 01100011 01110100 01110101 01110010 01101110

Grand Lodge

^ I tried to tranlate this, but the free binary translaters on the web just gave me back garbage symbols. Does anyone have a good translation?


It's just the names of the planets in binary.
I used this tranlator


Creative Director, Starfinder Team

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.

Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P

Grand Lodge

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In the Pact Worlds....

Aroden -

James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P

I kinda want to know what it would look like now...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archmage Variel wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P
I kinda want to know what it would look like now...

Probably a bunch of tiny dots on a black background.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P

But it would really emphasize the bright red YOU ARE HERE arrow... for those with electron microscopes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ventnor wrote:
Archmage Variel wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P
I kinda want to know what it would look like now...
Probably a bunch of tiny dots on a black background.

If the star was included, many of the dots probably wouldn't be visible to the naked eye.

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Space: It's Mostly Me!™

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nothingness wrote:
Space: It's Mostly Me!™

You're so full of yourself!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
World's Largest Katamari Ego wrote:
Nothingness wrote:
Space: It's Mostly Me!™
You're so full of yourself!

It's all I've got!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
quibblemuch wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P
But it would really emphasize the bright red YOU ARE HERE arrow... for those with electron microscopes.

Reminds me of an often mentioned case in the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.

A from memory quote:

Perspective is a dangerous thing, in a bet with his wife who told him he never had any perspective, a man built a machine that showed a person the entire scope of the universe, and then showed them a bright red "you are here" sign. Everyone who ever used the machine has suffered total mental shutdown and death, including the inventor's wife.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Spaceships are crazy awesome and I don't especially trust leaving by airplane anymore.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P

What is this, a planet for pixels? I don’t wanna hear your excuses! The planets have to be at least three times bigger than this!

Luna Protege wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
Fact: Drawing the map to scale would have made it super boring to look at. :P
But it would really emphasize the bright red YOU ARE HERE arrow... for those with electron microscopes.

Reminds me of an often mentioned case in the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.

A from memory quote:

Perspective is a dangerous thing, in a bet with his wife who told him he never had any perspective, a man built a machine that showed a person the entire scope of the universe, and then showed them a bright red "you are here" sign. Everyone who ever used the machine has suffered total mental shutdown and death, including the inventor's wife.

Or, as my old astrophysics lecturer used to say, in a thick Manchester accent, "Space is vury vury big".

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ah Cheliax, absent anon, virulent in diabolism, evaded true liberation by angry ‘alflings.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

A think a couplet would be easier to digest as a mnemonic. At least that's how I first learned the 12 cranial nerves.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
waltero wrote:
A think a couplet would be easier to digest as a mnemonic. At least that's how I first learned the 12 cranial nerves.

That's the reason I created my little ditty. Rhymes help me remember.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

No mnemonics will ever get me to keep Aballon, Absalom, and Akiton straight.

Just rename all the other planets "A-[syllable]-omn" and be done with it.

Grand Lodge

Illustrious Starfinder Team,

Did you folks ever pick a favorite mnemonic or two? Which ones?


Insight wrote:
Richard Edwards wrote:
I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
What is this!? A solar system for ants?

The solar system has to be at least... three times bigger than this!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Androids Collectively Absorb All Valuable Input During Extended Training, Lacking Bias And Assumptions.

Assertive Colonists Are Asking Various Individuals, During Video Interviews, "Does Eating Terrible Lunches Bring About Anger?"

It seems like that map would make a nice reference at the table. Could you provide a higher resolution version of that map suitable for printing?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This mnemonic for the sun and all the Pact Worlds system planets feels all too relevant to our troubled times:

Since Anyone Can Assert Anything, Verifying Information Daily Exorcises The Liars, Blowhards, And Addlebrains.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Even though everyone (but the gods) probably forgot their names, I thought it's be easier for us to remember to use a little rhyme about some of our iconic Pathfinder heroes. So here goes:

Amiri Covets Another Ale
Valeros Impulsively Downs Every Tankard
Lem Beholds Amiri's Anger

Horizon Hunters

We REALLY need a big ol’ wall poster of this solar system map!

...Just noticed the date stamps on this thread. Ooof. I'll just leave this here with the necromancer and blame it on the late local hour...

Special Addendum: Consider Ancillary Security Action Versus Identified Diplomatic Envoys Taking Liberties Beyond Appropriate Allowances

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(Yakko sings the nations)

Aballon Castrovel Absalom Station where we kissed our planet farewell.

Akiton Verces Idari's a nation that treked from their homeworld a spell.

Diaspora and Eox Triaxus Liavara Bretheda it's a gas giant oh boy does it smell.

Lastly Apostae where elves love to slay and Aucturn's nasty just kiss all the kaiju sianara.

Well it got stuck in my head and i wrote it and the threads already been necrod so....

Late to the game but...
"ACAA VIDET LBAA" is space-latin for "These are the planets."

Why is simplicity always the last to be considered? LOL

Apologies for the thread necromancy... ACAA VIDET LBAA !!!
(Pronounced AH-kah vee-DEBT le-BAH)

-Tom (Cleveland, Ohio)

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