Meet the Iconics: Quig

Monday, June 26, 2017

The countdown to Starfinder is on, and to celebrate, we're continuing to delve into the backstories of the iconic characters that appear in illustrations throughout the Starfinder line. Today we meet Quig Dexel, the iconic mechanic!

Illustration by Remko Troost

Born to a poor family barely eking out a living in the small settlement of Estuar on Akiton, Quig Dexel developed a fascination at an early age with the various water-purification plants that skirted the nearby polar ice caps. Spurred by this curiosity, he taught himself the basics of engineering by stealthily tinkering with valve-control mechanisms and reverse-osmosis regulators until he was old enough to work for one of the shady syndicates that controlled the flow of water out of town. Initially hired as a de-icer, he made sure that the storage tanks' outflow lines didn't freeze over during the cold nights. Though he worked odd hours, he was able to make friends by helping his coworkers when their shoddy flamers malfunctioned.

In his spare time, Quig began constructing the first iterations of what would become his drone companion, Scout, using spare parts he scrounged from Estuar's junk heaps and alleys. One early morning after his shift, as Quig hunted for scraps that he could fashion into an actuator, he was winged by a stray laser blast from a passing firefight waged between a shobhad bounty hunter and her human quarry. Ignoring the pain, Quig dropped the hunk of metal he was holding and chased after the fracas. He arrived on the scene in time to see the bounty hunter tackle the fugitive and slap him in restraints. Flushed with adrenaline, Quig realized then and there that this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

That afternoon, after gathering up all of his belongings and mounting a pistol to Scout's undercarriage, Quig said farewell to his family and set off into the wider world. He eventually made his way to the bustling streets of the Hivemarket, where he signed on as a caravan guard with a group of ikeshti traders. Quig spent the first few hours of the journey questioning the lizardfolk about their society, until several pointed stares gave him the hint that he should keep to himself. He proceeded to valiantly suppress his curiosity and tinker quietly on Scout for much of the trip, pausing only when a flock of hungry norkasa swooped too close to the caravan and gave him the chance to impress the ikeshti with the improvements he'd made to his trust de-icing flamer.

The journey ended in the ancient city of Arl, a haven for blood sports in the coliseum known as the Crimson Forum. After getting paid, Quig explored the city's labyrinthine streets and was promptly ambushed by a gang of street thugs who not only took his money, but disabled and absconded with Scout. Enraged yet already streetwise enough to be suspicious of the city authorities, young Quig began asking around about other gangs or freelancers that could help him get his revenge.

It was there, in one of Arl's seediest dive bars, that Quig ran into Dhareen the Vise, the same shobhad bounty hunter who inadvertently set him on his life's path. As an awestruck Quig launched into his entire life story, Dhareen sighed wearily and told him to forget about his lost drone and head back to his backwater town. But at last Quig said the four words the shobhad lived to hear:

"I can pay you."

Dhareen scoffed, but as the ysoki pointed out a dozen ways she could improve her gear, the bounty hunter reluctantly agreed, and the two planned a raid of the gang's headquarters.

One week later, Quig and Scout had been reunited, and the ysoki was apprenticed to Dhareen, having impressed her with his quick thinking during the rescue of his drone. Quig learned much from the gruff shobhad over the next year as they traveled the system, and though they often butted heads over methods of tracking and capturing their quarries, the two enjoyed a relationship of mutual respect. Upon the completion of a sizable job where they collected five bounties simultaneously—right under the noses of several competing bounty hunters—Dhareen announced that she was ready to retire and travel with her clan once more. Quig was saddened about the dissolution of their partnership, but also felt ready to operate on his own. The shobhad returned to Akiton to live what she hoped would be a quieter life, while Quig continues to make a name for himself across the Pact Worlds.

Quig is personable and outgoing—often significantly chattier than his comrades would like—and his constant traveling for work has left him with friends and contacts across the Pact Worlds. He prides himself on being a good judge of character, and while he's savvy enough to withhold actual trust until it's been earned, he's not above throwing himself into a fight on behalf of a near-stranger if he's got a good feeling about them. Though fully capable of working alone, he tends to get bored easily without people to talk to, and thus prefers to sign on with teams of adventurers, where he can act as the group's resident tracker and starship engineer. While he still keeps in touch with his family, he doesn't speak about his hometown much, as he's a bit embarrassed by his unglamorous upbringing—when he does mention it, it is with a liberal helping of humor. He's a fan of both taking minor trophies from previous jobs and scavenging spare parts that he's positive may come in handy someday, inevitably turning his cabin or bunk into a riotous nest of cherished junk.

Quig's closest companion is his drone, Scout, and he spends the majority of his downtime puttering about in the robot's systems. He often talks to Scout as way of thinking out loud or voicing his innermost thoughts, attributing them to the drone in a way that can make him seem a bit unbalanced to those who don't know him well. (And in truth, sometimes to those who do.) When he's captured a bounty and is feeling particularly mischievous, he often pretends to consult with the robot about the person's fate, ultimately claiming that he sympathizes and would like to let the target go, but "the robot says otherwise."

Jason Keeley

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Iconics Mechanics Meet the Iconics Quig Remko Troost Starfinder
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6 people marked this as a favorite.

Flamethrower weilding spacerat bounty Hunter with adorable robot companion, I am in!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

That last sentence won me over.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
ChrisLKimball wrote:
Flamethrower weilding spacerat bounty Hunter with adorable robot companion, I am in!

COMPANION? The last sentence CLEARLY lists Scout as in-charge!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nice, lots of thoughts about this.

First, minor bit but i think this is a typo in the write up, "made to his trust de-icing flamer." unless there is a new trust infusion i would guess it is his trusty de-icing flamer. though an infusion to make people believe you shot them with the best of intentions would be a lot of fun...

Next, i have had little to no interest in the Ysoki since everytime i see art of them they end up looking way to cutsy/cartoony for me to take seriously with the rest of the setting... somewhere between the write up and maybe a little bit of wearing a mask to hide his fluffy little face i ended up being much more interested in them. Nicely done, you got me.

Lastly, so very much i now want to use a Tau firewarrior and Gun Drone for a similar concept...

Cant wait to see the class preview!

EDIT: fixed a typo...

Would a drone companion gain any kind of specilization for weapon damage like a PC does? Can a drone shoot in the same turn as the PC?

Silver Crusade

13 people marked this as a favorite.

"I just got f#&*ing shot... THAT'S AWESOME!"

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Computer Scout says no.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I enjoyed the write-up, but I wanted a little more about Quig's relationship with Scout, and the robot's capabilities. I'm left with the impression that it is only good for being captured, rescued, and repaired.

Silver Crusade

13 people marked this as a favorite.
KingOfAnything wrote:
I enjoyed the write-up, but I wanted a little more about Quig's relationship with Scout, and the robot's capabilities. I'm left with the impression that it is only good for being captured, rescued, and repaired.

It also decides whether you live or die.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is that. :P

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Do his hobbies include going out with friends to pick up power converters?

Another great iconic background. Reading the Iconics backgrounds make me want to play....reading the mechanic previews make me just not want to play...sigh.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Do his hobbies include going out with friends to pick up power converters?

As long as he isn't mistaken for a Womp Rat...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Another great iconic background. Reading the Iconics backgrounds make me want to play....reading the mechanic previews make me just not want to play...sigh.

Funny. I'm all in on the mechanics -- at least as far as I've seen -- but this left me so-so. Loved the bit at the end about the drone "making decisions," but otherwise this just reminded me of Rocket Raccoon (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I suppose).

Pathfinder is severely over-complicated at this point. If anything, Starfinder could stand to tip matters even MORE in the other direction than they appear to have...

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:

Pathfinder is severely over-complicated at this point. If anything, Starfinder could stand to tip matters even MORE in the other direction than they appear to have...

I like over-complicated. It's the nature of the beast, as Gary Gygax himself observed.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I like over-complicated. It's the nature of the beast, as Gary Gygax himself observed.

Many people do. But I've yet to see any RPG with new mechanics published at anything close to the pace Paizo publishes them for Pathfinder endure. The faster you publish new mechanics for a game, the sooner you make that game -- as the forward to 2nd edition A&D put it -- "physically and intellectually unwieldy." In my personal opinion, Starfinder is, at least partially, a test balloon for a new edition of Pathfinder (not that Paizo would/should admit to that, of course).

That said, I probably shouldn't derail this thread any further, and instead just say that I'm looking forward to seeing what Paizo does with a clean slate (be it Starfinder later this year or, someday in the future, a hypothetical Pathfinder 2E).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So he worked on a water farm and longs for adventure. He has a robot buddy (that he talks to), and had a run in with a gang leader with bounty hunters.

Like Quig Skywalker! But a lot more fun at the parties.

Scarab Sages

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:



Ned Beatty, is that you?

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

*pant pant*

I'm maybe a little bit excited.

Dark Archive

bugleyman wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I like over-complicated. It's the nature of the beast, as Gary Gygax himself observed.

Many people do. But I've yet to see any RPG with new mechanics published at anything close to the pace Paizo publishes them for Pathfinder endure. The faster you publish new mechanics for a game, the sooner you make that game -- as the forward to 2nd edition A&D put it -- "physically and intellectually unwieldy." In my personal opinion, Starfinder is, at least partially, a test balloon for a new edition of Pathfinder (not that Paizo would/should admit to that, of course).

That said, I probably shouldn't derail this thread any further, and instead just say that I'm looking forward to seeing what Paizo does with a clean slate (be it Starfinder later this year or, someday in the future, a hypothetical Pathfinder 2E).

I´m quickly loosing interest in Pathfinder rules (playing rpgs for 30 years) at the moment, but i love the Golarion lore.

Starfinder has me re-excited because of streamlined rules (no multi-attack roling beyond two, no 7th-9th level spells) and i plan on adapting some rules that are already based on the excellent "Pathfinder Unchained" to Pathfinder after playing the first Starfinder AP volume. :-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What a good good ratboy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This makes me smile. I've had a fondness for intelligent rodents ever since Mrs. Brisby stole my heart when I was eight years old. This is beautiful writing.

bugleyman wrote:

Many people do. But I've yet to see any RPG with new mechanics published at anything close to the pace Paizo publishes them for Pathfinder endure. The faster you publish new mechanics for a game, the sooner you make that game -- as the forward to 2nd edition A&D put it -- "physically and intellectually unwieldy." In my personal opinion, Starfinder is, at least partially, a test balloon for a new edition of Pathfinder (not that Paizo would/should admit to that, of course).

That said, I probably shouldn't derail this thread any further, and instead just say that I'm looking forward to seeing what Paizo does with a clean slate (be it Starfinder later this year or, someday in the future, a hypothetical Pathfinder 2E).

I see someone is speculating about this being the beginning of Pathfinder 2.0, so let me make my case on this idea as i have for... geez, the APG, the ARG, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Unchained... every hard back book with new options since Core?

No, of course its not except that it kind of is. Everytime Paizo tries something new they get to learn from that and see how it interacts with things. And there will be hundreds to thousands of posts on their forums looking at a new mechanic from every possible angle. And they will retain a lot of the people who were involved in creating those rules and who themselves have used them in play. So when they get around to making new mechanics and rules they have all of this experience and feedback to draw on and influence their future decisions. We may very well see a lot of Starfinder's rules making their way into a future version of Pathfinder but that in no way makes this a secret beta test, that is just how brains work.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm realizing that I don't know who the Shobhad are.

Which makes me realize... is anybody doing a Starfinder Wiki that will be as useful a reference as the Pathfinder Wiki is?

Answer: Perhaps.

Paizo Employee Editor

18 people marked this as a favorite.

I couldn't quite get it to fit in the story as I wrote it, but my original pitch for Quig contained a longer example of conversation between him and his drone. And it went a little something like this:

Quig (to criminal he is about to take in): Let you go? It’s really not up to me, it’s up to my associate here. (to drone) What do you think? (drone whirrs and clicks in a way that couldn't possibly be language) No, huh? Wait, what? (drone beeps) And punch him in the stomach after I put the restraints on him? (turns to criminal) Sorry pal, you heard the robot.

In my mind, Quig just loves messing around with people, especially his bounties.

i would program the drone to respond to any question with something that would definitely make things worse.

I'm glad they said he's often their tracker. Gives me hope that we'll get perception as a class skill on the mechanic :D

Dark Archive

Jason Keeley wrote:

I couldn't quite get it to fit in the story as I wrote it, but my original pitch for Quig contained a longer example of conversation between him and his drone. And it went a little something like this:

Quig (to criminal he is about to take in): Let you go? It’s really not up to me, it’s up to my associate here. (to drone) What do you think? (drone whirrs and clicks in a way that couldn't possibly be language) No, huh? Wait, what? (drone beeps) And punch him in the stomach after I put the restraints on him? (turns to criminal) Sorry pal, you heard the robot.

In my mind, Quig just loves messing around with people, especially his bounties.

I liked the story, it gives a player using this iconic as a PC enough background material but not too much to not add his/her own ideas.

Well done!

Now I hope for the class preview! Super excited on that one.
So it is a legit companion rather than a tool. Wonder how that'll go mechanically.

Also somewhat hope there is an option for lack of companion. Just more my style.

like the story on this guy

TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
I'm glad they said he's often their tracker. Gives me hope that we'll get perception as a class skill on the mechanic :D

They mentioned tracking. Tracking isn't Perception, that's Survival, and probably comes part of the Bounty Hunter theme, with some side benefit like, "The Survival DC to track and the Diplomacy DC to learn information about your target is 5 lower."

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The drone handle is a nice detail. I wonder if it could carry a Small-sized creature through the air.

I said have me hope, not confirmed lol

Amanuensis wrote:

What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The drone handle is a nice detail. I wonder if it could carry a Small-sized creature through the air.

Nah, that's just so Quig can keep Scout from wandering off. It's like the leashes some parents put on their kids at Disney. Keeps the little guy from getting distracted on missions.

Joking aside, I'm curious if drones have a battery life. Do they need to be recharged on the ship for a few hours every day, or do they have infinite energy? If they just go like Energizer Bunnies, I'm gonna plug my guns into one of these guys.

Amanuensis wrote:

What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The drone handle is a nice detail. I wonder if it could carry a Small-sized creature through the air.

The kind that aren't needed alive.

Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've liked all of the iconics so far, but I think I love Scout and its flamethrower wielding companion Quig.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zwordsman wrote:
So it is a legit companion rather than a tool. Wonder how that'll go mechanically.

From what I saw in the first play preview you could spend a (move?) action to give your Drone a full action and then take an action yourself OR you could have your drone take a single action and take a full round yourself IIRC.

Dark Archive

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Amanuensis wrote:
What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The kind that surrenders because it doesn't want to be on fire? :)

12 people marked this as a favorite.

"Well, if it was up to me, I'd let ya go, but I gotta consult my partner here."

"01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01010011 01100011 01101111 01110101 01110100 00101110"

"Welp, ya heard 'em, it's off to the acid mines with ya."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:

Ned Beatty, is that you?

No, that was squealing like a pig -- this is more "squealing like a Quig."

Dark Archive

Doktor Archeville wrote:

"Well, if it was up to me, I'd let ya go, but I gotta consult my partner here."

"01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01010011 01100011 01101111 01110101 01110100 00101110"

"Welp, ya heard 'em, it's off to the acid mines with ya."

Had to look it up, but funny!

Gilfalas wrote:
Zwordsman wrote:
So it is a legit companion rather than a tool. Wonder how that'll go mechanically.

From what I saw in the first play preview you could spend a (move?) action to give your Drone a full action and then take an action yourself OR you could have your drone take a single action and take a full round yourself IIRC.

Hmm. I like that style more than a normal animal companion.

I could never... get into ACs....

but so far the bits of the Drones I hear, it sounds pretty interesting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Another great iconic background. Reading the Iconics backgrounds make me want to play....reading the mechanic previews make me just not want to play...sigh.

Funny. I'm all in on the mechanics -- at least as far as I've seen -- but this left me so-so. Loved the bit at the end about the drone "making decisions," but otherwise this just reminded me of Rocket Raccoon (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I suppose).

Pathfinder is severely over-complicated at this point. If anything, Starfinder could stand to tip matters even MORE in the other direction than they appear to have...

you pretty much have been saying Pathfinder is 'over complicated' since the Corebook has come out...and pretty much have repeated your dislike for the system pretty much constantly. Heck the only reason you play Pathfinder is that the only game your group will play.(Which I get can be very annoying)

But I dislike the fact they are separating the flavor from the mechanics in every aspect of the game. I found this to be lazy and simple minded.

But anyway this is not the place to discuss this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
david grubbe 586 wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Do his hobbies include going out with friends to pick up power converters?
As long as he isn't mistaken for a Womp Rat...

"In Starfinder, Womp Rat shoot you!"

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Amanuensis wrote:
What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The kind that surrenders because it doesn't want to be on fire? :)

"So it's like this, I can bring you in, then get paid and buy food...or I can cook you and eat you. Either way, I get a meal."

John Kretzer wrote:

But I dislike the fact they are separating the flavor from the mechanics in every aspect of the game. I found this to be lazy and simple minded.

But anyway this is not the place to discuss this.

Respectfully, I don't get what you mean but, yeah perhaps not the place to get into that.

Grand Lodge Contributor

7 people marked this as a favorite.

The words "iconic mechanic" very nearly rhyme, and now I got a song stuck in my head.

"Well babies, don't you panic. By the light of the night, it'll all seem alright. I'll get you an iconic mechanic."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
thecursor wrote:
Set wrote:
Amanuensis wrote:
What kind of bounty do you 'capture' with a flamethrower?

The kind that surrenders because it doesn't want to be on fire? :)

"So it's like this, I can bring you in, then get paid and buy food...or I can cook you and eat you. Either way, I get a meal."

I have used this almost exact phrase in negotiating before.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
rknop wrote:

I'm realizing that I don't know who the Shobhad are.

Which makes me realize... is anybody doing a Starfinder Wiki that will be as useful a reference as the Pathfinder Wiki is?

Answer: Perhaps.

The Shobhad - Akhiton's resident 4-armed giant nomads armed with Raydium rifles. :) They are an homage to ERB's Green Martians, though culturally distinct.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikko Kallio wrote:

The words "iconic mechanic" very nearly rhyme, and now I got a song stuck in my head.

"Well babies, don't you panic. By the light of the night, it'll all seem alright. I'll get you an iconic mechanic."

I mean.. he was an alien... so maybe? XD

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