Hunt, the PugWumpus |
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Can I nominate a new canon deity with a portfolio of technological failure, space tragedies/mishaps, entropy, and the eventual heat death of the Prime Material itself? 'Cos, I think we all know the perfect candidate...

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All of the art you're seeing is concept art. It's meant to provide a palette of impressions for future refinement. It's not representative of what you'll see in the finished product, but it does convey a possible sense of the design style we're contemplating. The logo is also temporary, and is likely to change, quite possibly in its entirety.

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I wonder if they'll eventually add Starfinder Companion, Starfinder Campgaing Setting, and Starfinder Module lines.
Currently, the plan is that the Adventure Path line will provide all of the rules and campaign setting support alongside the adventures. Of course, if you all tell us you need more, that plan could be revised, but that's our starting point.

Oceanshieldwolf |
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All of the art you're seeing is concept art. It's meant to provide a palette of impressions for future refinement. It's not representative of what you'll see in the finished product, but it does convey a possible sense of the design style we're contemplating. The logo is also temporary, and is likely to change, quite possibly in its entirety.
Fantastic news. I'm not trying to be overcritical, just like my aesthetics!!!
One thing I would really like to see is some Wayne Reynolds iconics. I understand you might want a different stable of artists for a new branch of the game, but Wayne's versatility can more than match the genre. All the equipment, gear, weapons etc would be beautifully rendered and limned by his eminent brush!

Oceanshieldwolf |
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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:I'm not impressed by the art though. Please get WAR front and centre. ;)No thanks...it's past time for a new direction in RPG art. Besides, a distinct game deserves a distinct look.
Like I said, I understand that feeling. But his work on Iron Gods (and Eberron back in the day) is very good...

Knowbrainer |

How much of d20 Future and Star Wars d20 are OGL? There's a lot in them that I wouldn't mind seeing Paizofied.
D20 Future was part of D20 Modern and is in fact part of the D20 Modern SRD. I know because I utilized a lot of it last year trying to cobble together a space/sci-fi game and setting for my group. I had been inspired by Killjoys, Dark Matter, and Firefly, so there was absolutely no magic and I didn't want any magic. That said, I was looking forward to this when I heard it and now that I find out that there's going to be Adventure Paths and real support for it...? I can't wait. I always found that to be one of the great shortcomings of D20 Modern: no real support for it.
Star Wars D20, though... I highly doubt much - if any - of that is OGL.

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I find this to be an odd business move considering:
*Lisa is the one who pointed out part of TSR's downfall was due to self-competition with different campaign settings
*Paizo's reluctance to reprint old APs as that would mean competing against current APs
I hope this doesn't come back to bite Paizo in the behind.

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Kodyax |
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My all time favorite D&D setting is SpellJammer, it's been that way since I played lupin ranger in the 90s and has not changed one iota since then. I am hoping for more support for humanoid animal races like cat folk, rat folk, grippli and vanara; maybe expand this to include a race of humanoid canines and/or bears. They could be treated as PC available, and thus friendly, alien races for all I care as long as there is that option. Space Opera is resplendent with this element. In the d6 Star Wars game I played Shistavenan Wolfman Jedi Heck, tap the folks at Legendary Games and ask them to allow the dog folk race they developed for their most excellent Legendary Planet AP to exist as an option here. Or make some provision that this is compatible with Aethera, especially the one large race they created for that setting. There is a lot of potential here and I hope to support this as fully as I can.