New Options

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Year of the Sky Key, Season 6 of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, is approaching, and that means the new Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play is on its way. It's still a few weeks before we preview the new guide, but we can share a few new options available at the start of Season 6. In fact, there's something for players and something for GMs and organizers.

I imagine you've already spotted the art and guessed that expanded race access is one announcement—spot on. Just as non-standard race access is a hot topic on the messageboards, it's a common talking point during our meetings. It's tough to balance the lure of race boons for conventions against letting as many people as possible play the types of characters they want. Add to that the heated discussions about whether or not some non-standard races are overpowered and the concerns about the so-called "cantina effect." That's a lot to juggle when making a decision, but we decided that introducing a few new options would be best for the campaign. Beginning August 14th 2014 at Gen Con, three new races will be available for play without requiring a special Chronicle sheet: kitsune, nagaji, and wayang. These races have been in circulation through extra Chronicle sheets for nearly three years now, and even though some players have had an opportunity to create these characters, we want newer players to have new options to enjoy. Like other race options, it is still necessary that a player have a book or watermarked pdf reference for the race, such as from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer, Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer, Pathfinder RPG: Advanced Race Guide, or Pathfinder RPG Bestiary: Bestiary 4.

Illustration by Eva Widermann

So let's see... seven core races plus three Bestiary races plus three Dragon Empires races. That equals 13, right? Well, there's one piece missing from that equation. We're also removing two races.

For several years, aasimar and tieflings have enjoyed a prominent role in the Pathfinder Society, but as the organization concludes its work in Mendev—where numerous pit-born fight for recognition and heaven-blooded warriors wage holy war—it's time for them to step back. Beginning on August 14th, creating an aasimar or tiefling character will require a special Chronicle sheet, as was the case years ago. The exception is any aasimar or tielfing character with at least 1 XP; these characters are grandfathered into the campaign.

Does this mean you can create several new characters, play a scenario with each, and have several native outsiders waiting for when you need them? Well, we debated long and hard whether to require 4 XP per character, as at that point one is past the free rebuilding stage. However, we also recognized this as unnecessarily punitive to casual players who may only be able to play once or twice in the next month. To answer your question, yes, you can make 10 aasimars and play The Confirmation an equal number of times, but we're trusting you'll exercise some good taste and respect a decision made with the larger community in mind.

Now that we've covered the more controversial news, let's wrap things up with something outright awesome.

We (both Mike and John) both have experience as venture-officers and event coordinators, and we understand that sometimes it's tough to convince a new player to commit to a full 4-5 hour experience. Some events just are not conducive to running a full game, whether that's because it's a weeknight with lots of folks who need to get to bed early or because the location is only open for a few hours. What do you do when a scenario just isn't short enough?

For years the answer has been quests, one-hour mini-adventures intended to last an hour or less. They're great little adventures, but they're a little difficult to schedule for a few reasons. First, there's no easy way to tell a bigger story by connecting a few quests together. Second, the quests—though replayable—offer no gold, XP, or Prestige Points, giving them a reputation of risk for little reward. The most difficult hurdle is that there are only two of them in print (not counting the Goblin Attack demos or Beginner's Box Bash demos).

This year at Gen Con, we're debuting six new 1st-level Pathfinder Quests that take place in and around the River Kingdoms. Each one is a standalone adventure, but they are all loosely tied into a common plot thread, allowing a GM to combine anywhere from two to all six to make a larger adventure as suits the needs of the group and event location. Play them in any order—one can even play the finale quest early—and earn a Chronicle sheet with rewards that scale based on the number of adventures you played.

John Compton and Mike Brock
Developer and Global Organized Play Coordinator

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

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Kyle Baird wrote:
Yes, play The Confirmation 10 more times in the next month.

You get royalties?

Sovereign Court 3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Ohio—Columbus

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I too am underwhelmed by the race changes. None of them appeal to me from an aesthetic or mechanical perspective, while Tieflings and Aasimar both did. That's just one person's opinion of course.

I completely understand the rationale, but for me it's very disappointing.

Dark Archive

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So glad that I am once more valued for my rarity, like a scarlet bird of paradise, trilllllling its song amid its beautiful plumage, and not one of those unwashed, Johnny-Come-Latelies, that purport to be my brethren.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

First off, John and Mike: thanks. This looks like a nice shot of fresh air, and I'm glad to see it.

I'm particularly interested in the River Kingdoms quests. The two quests that we've been running have felt very Season 3 and Season 4 to me, and I'm glad to see something that helps the River Kingdoms area.

Here's hoping that, in another 6 months or so, we might see quests for higher level characters (around 4 or 5).


We should expect, if not a deluge, then at least a steady stream of the new free races. And so I'm going to ask the Paizo staff, in general, for a little more support on them. (For example, what does a female wayang look like? I'm thinking chibi.)


5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm VERY disappointed about Tieflings and Aasimars. Only had one Aasimar because I knew they were powerful, but now I feel compelled to abuse the grandfather clause to keep these options open to me in the future. :(

Sovereign Court 2/5 *

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So what is the reasoning for removing of the two races?


Cylyria wrote:
So what is the reasoning for removing of the two races?

It's more a cycling of races, in a few years the new one will be gone and another set may replace them. You will still have the option of getting an Aasimr boon or Tiefling boon in the future, so they're not completely locked out.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

John Compton wrote:
Paz wrote:
So are unused triple race boons now only good for lining the cat litter box?

I had wondered the same thing upon learning that aasimar, tieflings, and tengu would be "always available," and that query led to the creation of the Xenophobia boon ("sacrifice" a race boon to Xenophobia to gain favored enemy against one of that creature's subtypes). I'm very open to creating another boon that provides additional uses for devalued race boons.


Bonus on social interactions with those races. Or a benefit when adventuring with someone of that race, such as raising aid another bonus to +3 when assisting a character of that race.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I am glad they are opening up more races and sort of happy they are closing aasimar and tieflings. Been at tables with four aasimar lately. Also glad they kept Tengu!!

I like what they are doing over all, I only wish they would bring back the the Faction missions or something like it. Maybe go back to the notes in the mods but only have certain factions have them so they do not have to force every faction into every mod. The over arching faction stuff is good to have but the contact with the faction leader was good. Overall still very happy!!! Thanks for all the work and leadership


Belafon wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Paz wrote:
So are unused triple race boons now only good for lining the cat litter box?

I had wondered the same thing upon learning that aasimar, tieflings, and tengu would be "always available," and that query led to the creation of the Xenophobia boon ("sacrifice" a race boon to Xenophobia to gain favored enemy against one of that creature's subtypes). I'm very open to creating another boon that provides additional uses for devalued race boons.


Yeah, now I'm kinda regretting attaching my Tiefling boon to a Xenophobia.

Hmmm... how about Crossing Cultures - You may take a take a feat of the attached racial boon that has no prerequisites other than race in place of a normal feat gained by leveling.

I haven't checked all of the possible feats yet. That may be a little bit too exploitable or just difficult to explain (Nagaji Spit Venom Feat).

Or allows you to take a racial archetype...

Something like this could be workable...I like it. The Nagaji Spit Venom feat wouldnt apply unless you were of a race that could spit venom. Vishkanya maybe.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Kitsune are so much more^^

5/5 5/55/55/5

Cylyria wrote:
So what is the reasoning for removing of the two races?

With whats effectively the floating +2 +2 as well as some of the best abilities in the game (early entry to PRCs, darkvision,) the two races were a majority at a lot of lowbie tables. There was little reason not to be one.

Shadow Lodge

John Compton wrote:
Paz wrote:
So are unused triple race boons now only good for lining the cat litter box?

I had wondered the same thing upon learning that aasimar, tieflings, and tengu would be "always available," and that query led to the creation of the Xenophobia boon ("sacrifice" a race boon to Xenophobia to gain favored enemy against one of that creature's subtypes). I'm very open to creating another boon that provides additional uses for devalued race boons.


How about a Racial Heritage, similar to the human only feat, though it might have to allow the usage of the ARG to really work.

Speaking of boons that eat other boons, when can we expect to see boons of the core races simply for feeding to things like Xenophobia?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Justin Riddler wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Paz wrote:
So are unused triple race boons now only good for lining the cat litter box?

I had wondered the same thing upon learning that aasimar, tieflings, and tengu would be "always available," and that query led to the creation of the Xenophobia boon ("sacrifice" a race boon to Xenophobia to gain favored enemy against one of that creature's subtypes). I'm very open to creating another boon that provides additional uses for devalued race boons.


Bonus on social interactions with those races. Or a benefit when adventuring with someone of that race, such as raising aid another bonus to +3 when assisting a character of that race.

I like the idea of a benefit when adventuring with someone of that race. There's a lot you could do with this.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

John Compton wrote:
Paz wrote:
So are unused triple race boons now only good for lining the cat litter box?

I had wondered the same thing upon learning that aasimar, tieflings, and tengu would be "always available," and that query led to the creation of the Xenophobia boon ("sacrifice" a race boon to Xenophobia to gain favored enemy against one of that creature's subtypes). I'm very open to creating another boon that provides additional uses for devalued race boons.


So after a spin through the ARG, I really like the idea of a boon you attach to a racial chronicle which allows you to take a racial archetype. Some of them are a little iffy on the lore side of things (wishcrafter) but the only legal race I see that really wouldn't work is the Suli Elemental Knight (Magus) archetype since all the abilities rely on the Elemental Assault racial trait.


Cultural Curiosity - As a youth you were fascinated by the rich heritage of another culture. It may have been the ancient and exotic professions practiced by your neighbors or tales of distant civilizations only read about in books. This curiosity drove you to learn all you could of this fascinating heritage. In many ways the object of your infatuation is more your native culture than the one you were born into.

You may attach this boon and a Chronicle sheet that enables you to play a character of a different race to a newly created first level character. Regardless of the character's actual race you may take levels in racial archetypes available to the race granted by that Chronicle. You receive no other benefits from this Chronicle. (You may only take racial traits, racial favored class options, racial feats, racial spells, or use items that only function for one race if that is your actual race.)

You may only attach one Cultural Curiosity and one racial Chronicle to any character. For Chronicle sheets that allow you to choose a race, you must make that selection when you include the sheet with this boon. Once you include a boon granting access to a new race with this Chronicle sheet, that boon can no longer be used to create a character of that race. Cross out the Chronicle sheet's text and write "Cultural Curiosity" beneath it.


Benjamin Falk wrote:
Kitsune are so much more^^

Rocking this at 200 Watts in the Mancave, wife is gonna kill me soon! lol.

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Excellent news about the new quests. Keep 'em coming! :-)

Also excellent news about phasing out Aasimar and Tiefling. I've got two or three characters that availed themselves of the mechanical boost, but honestly there are way too many Aasimar and Tiefling characters running around. Really makes it less special.

I'm not very excited about the newly available races, but that's no real loss.

I *am* looking forward to three years down the road when we may get the elemental-kin races, though! :-P

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Benjamin Falk wrote:
Kitsune are so much more^^

What? I can't even... WHY!?!?!?!


Belafon wrote:

Cultural Curiosity - As a youth you were fascinated by the rich heritage of another culture. It may have been the ancient and exotic professions practiced by your neighbors or tales of distant civilizations only read about in books. This curiosity drove you to learn all you could of this fascinating heritage. In many ways the object of your infatuation is more your native culture than the one you were born into.

You may attach this boon and a Chronicle sheet that enables you to play a character of a different race to a newly created first level character. Regardless of the character's actual race you may take levels in racial archetypes available to the race granted by that Chronicle. You receive no other benefits from this Chronicle. (You may only take racial traits, racial favored class options, racial feats, racial spells, or use items that only function for one race if that is your actual race.)

You may only attach one Cultural Curiosity and one racial Chronicle to any character. For Chronicle sheets that allow you to choose a race, you must make that selection when you include the


A bit too powerful as written. Perhaps just allowing the use of a racial archetype or one feat or one racial spell.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

June Soler wrote:
A bit too powerful as written. Perhaps just allowing the use of a racial archetype or one feat or one racial spell.

Did I miss something? Allowing the racial archetype was supposed to be the only benefit. I thought I closed loopholes off with

You receive no other benefits from this Chronicle. (You may only take racial traits, racial favored class options, racial feats, racial spells, or use items that only function for one race if that is your actual race.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Finlanderboy wrote:
Cylyria wrote:
So what is the reasoning for removing of the two races?
I have seen a lot more of these than any other races after they opened them up. If the VCs complain about anythign enough changes will be made.

They probably could've just banned the alternative racial heritages from Blood of Angels, and it would've had the same effect.


So hypothetically if you have the old boons that let you play a Tiefling then you can use them again? Though I guess I know what my ball of GM credit is becoming now.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Very disappointed about the removal of aasimars and tieflings. There's a lot of potential for diversity with those races-- so many different types of good and evil Outsiders to draw one's heritage from. I had been kicking around some ideas for characters of these races, but now I feel very rushed to make and play them before the deadline.

Shadow Lodge

David Neilson wrote:
So hypothetically if you have the old boons that let you play a Tiefling then you can use them again? Though I guess I know what my ball of GM credit is becoming now.

You never stopped being able to use them, however if you have a character with 1 xp or more before the first day of Gencon, they still don't need the boon to be a tiefling.


Belafon wrote:
June Soler wrote:
A bit too powerful as written. Perhaps just allowing the use of a racial archetype or one feat or one racial spell.

Did I miss something? Allowing the racial archetype was supposed to be the only benefit. I thought I closed loopholes off with

You receive no other benefits from this Chronicle. (You may only take racial traits, racial favored class options, racial feats, racial spells, or use items that only function for one race if that is your actual race.)

Lol. I misread it. I thought you were giving them the option of all the benefits.

I blame Benjamin, my ears are still ringing from his Kitsune video.

Looks good to me then.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Excellent news. Add me to the list of people who think both parts of this are great.

I also think you're handling retirement about right.

The timing is typical, though :-). I recently traded for a Kitsune but haven't created it yet since he'll be a swashbuckler and I wanted to wait for the actual book. And I got my first Tengu character started about 2 weeks before Tengus became generally available :-)


Well technically the boon was temporarily redundant. However I was curious if after August 14th if for some reason you lacked a 1XP character the boon would function as it did original.

4/5 * Venture-Captain, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

I'm excited. We're getting three new races to play with.

Silver Crusade

i have a question, i can't make it to public games cause of my busy schedule so i can only play society games through play-by-posts. I'm doing my first game as an aasimar and i dunno if i'll finish and get the 1 xp by the deadline. Does that mean i'll have to retire her after the game?

4/5 *

You can rebuild for free and keep the credit at least.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Retire her? No. Rebuild her to non-Aasimar? Yes.
(On the bright side, though, you'll be able to rebuild her as a Kitsune)

4/5 *

Great stuff, Mike and John! Not surprised or upset to see aasmimar and tieflings go back in the can. The new races are a bit of a surprise, though, given that the Tien Xia theme has largely disappeared from PFS since Season 3. Can we get some suggestions for in-game canon on why suddenly the Tien Pathfinders have all emigrated to Absalom? Is Amari Li still well, or has disaster befallen the Lantern Lodge?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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As we found out recently through an informal poll, Aasimars and Tieflings were tied for the 2nd most played race, right after humans.

I'd say that's good enough reason to thin the herd and introduce a few new breeds.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

19 people marked this as a favorite.

So, interesting little story:

I was given a tiefling boon a couple of years ago, and decided to use it with a cleric idea I was already working on. As luck would have it, I hadn't actually finished making the character when I saw the news that tieflings were becoming open-access. At first I was a little bummed that the boon wasn't special anymore, but I'd gotten so deep into his backstory and personhood that I was still excited to play him. I tucked the boon behind his first chronicle sheet, and decided that doing so made him special.

He was fun to play; I enjoyed making a hero out of a tiefling, especially without doing the obvious angsty anti-hero. He was fun mechanically as well, versatile and hard to keep down.

As he reached mid levels, he was really taking on a life of his own. He had stories, he had accomplishments. He even had, amidst his versatility, a hidden specialty: since he knew first-hand the pain that demons can bring to the world, and since I knew that sometimes PFS used demons for high-level baddies, I built him (from 1st level!) towards being able to fight demons. He shreds their SR, fights with a cold iron sword, has solid Kn(planes), and even has bless weapon as a domain spell. Hadn't really come up yet, but he was poised to pull it all out when the time came.

Then, the time came: Season 5, the Year of the Demon. He has spent the past year fighting demons, gathering armies, winning allies, and saving lives. He is saving the world. And now, at 11th level, his time is ending. Having already played EotT, he's only a few XP from (effective) retirement. As such, I've planned for his final game to be at GenCon. As the threat of the Worldwound recedes, so too does his role in facing it. The end of the story of demons is also the end of his story; having helped save the world, he will fade into memory.

And then I see that on the very day the curtains close on the tiefling hero's two-year story, tieflings go back to being boon-only. I open up my binder, and sure enough: the old boon is still there, unused, ready to start a new story of another tiefling.

My favorite character leaves a legacy.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

One question. If one has a character with a single experience point does that character have to actually PLAY the scenario as an Aasimar/Tiefling? Or just rebuild it as an Aasimar/Tiefling before playing the second scenario?

It is not clear how the rebuild rules apply. I HOPE that the character has to actually have been PLAYED in its last scenario played as an Assimar or Tiefling and NOT just rebuilt to that after the scenario is played. If that is correct then the GM should presumably note that on the chronicle sheet.

Edit: And how does this work with GM credit?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

In order to rebuild as an Aasimar or Tiefling after August 14th you'd need a race boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
Great stuff, Mike and John! Not surprised or upset to see aasmimar and tieflings go back in the can. The new races are a bit of a surprise, though, given that the Tien Xia theme has largely disappeared from PFS since Season 3. Can we get some suggestions for in-game canon on why suddenly the Tien Pathfinders have all emigrated to Absalom? Is Amari Li still well, or has disaster befallen the Lantern Lodge?

I seem to remember reading that Season 6 will have us heading back to Tian Xia for at least some scenarios.


We're heading back to the Minkai to catch up with Amari li, see how the family is doing after getting the monetary notes from the sword in [redacted]. Plus I'm sure we'll be using the Hao Jin Tapestry to explore some Tian areas the society has yet to see... more to follow in season 6.

Maybe the Sky Key really opens up the sky.

Shadow Lodge *

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Love the race cycling.

I have one Aasimar and one Tiefling. I don't need any more.

The only race I want to play that I haven't is Sylph, and now I have hope that in the next year or so that will open up as well.

In the meantime, I can make a non-stereotypical Kitsune. I'm thinking Bloodrager. Or possibly Slayer.

Grand Lodge 4/5

pH unbalanced wrote:

Love the race cycling.

I have one Aasimar and one Tiefling. I don't need any more.

The only race I want to play that I haven't is Sylph, and now I have hope that in the next year or so that will open up as well.

In the meantime, I can make a non-stereotypical Kitsune. I'm thinking Bloodrager. Or possibly Slayer.

Given that Mike has stated that the Elemental races will continue to be the race boons through GenCon 2015, I wouldn't expect to see them be opened up until GenCon 2016 at the absolute earliest.


Jiggy wrote:
I open up my binder, and sure enough: the old boon is still there, unused, ready to start a new story of another tiefling.

I'll take that back now..

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Jeff Merola wrote:
pH unbalanced wrote:

Love the race cycling.

I have one Aasimar and one Tiefling. I don't need any more.

The only race I want to play that I haven't is Sylph, and now I have hope that in the next year or so that will open up as well.

In the meantime, I can make a non-stereotypical Kitsune. I'm thinking Bloodrager. Or possibly Slayer.

Given that Mike has stated that the Elemental races will continue to be the race boons through GenCon 2015, I wouldn't expect to see them be opened up until GenCon 2016 at the absolute earliest.

That's pretty much what I'm expecting.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

this always happens the moment i finally use my race boons *facepalm*

I'm honestly a little glad that the aasimar's are going back to boon form, as it was kind of taking away from the "you are special and rare" aspect of being an aasimar. As for the newcomers to the always available crew, i'm hoping that we'll actually see some variety from people's kitsune now. as everytime i've seen them it's been carbon copy rogues or ninjas. It also means less hiding of their true selves by pretending to be human all the time. now they can be like, "Yeah, i'm a fox, so what? Deal with it."

I've actually had several varying ideas for each of the new races that I've hesitated to put into play because I couldn't make up my mind and only had so many race boons. while i don't like those boons becoming somewhat less prestigious, I do like having the pressure taken off, and being able to just make the characters I want. I have a feeling my number of characters is going to double over the next season.
Tho for the same reason, I think I may have to spam in at least a couple new characters for Aasimar and Tiefling concepts i've got in mind during the next month.

Silver Crusade

John Francis wrote:

Retire her? No. Rebuild her to non-Aasimar? Yes.
(On the bright side, though, you'll be able to rebuild her as a Kitsune)

if it comes to that it'll probably be a Nagaji since i'm a pali... but man is my int going to take a hit.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thanks for going the 1 xp to grandfather the Tiefling and Aasimar instead of the 3xp.

For the most part PFS groups in my area meet one or twice a month. This will enable them to nail down a tiefling or aasimar before they get cycled out.

Yayyy! Very happy to see the dragon empires races don't require boons anymore. It will be very difficult to resist making legions of kitsune characters :)

Honestly, I am also happy to see the Aasimar and Tieflings go. They were a little too powerful compared to the standard races to be unrestricted. It got really tiring to see nearly entire tables made up of Aasimars and Tieflings.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On one hand I'm disappointed androids still don't even get to be a boon, especially for Season 6. On the other hand I accept, very begrudgingly so, that they are obviously not going to appeal to everyone, and I can see how immersion-breaking it can be for some people to have a party somewhere in Tian Xia, where all of the party members are traditional ninja or samurai or wizards or whatever, and among them is an android gunslinger or something.

Have androids even been talked about, whether for or against including them, by anyone?

2/5 ****

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So glad to see the Aasimar Orphanage Cadre winding down...

And while I have fewer grumps about the Tiefs...15 Race Point characters in a game where Dwarves are 9 point characters and everyone else is a 7 or 8? Yeah, kinda glad to see them go.

Now I'm tempted to make a Kitsune Bard.

"I am Saito MacFluffy o' the Clan MacFluffy. And ye gaijin sassenachs cannae hae any o' oor land wi'out goin' th' us first, ye fookin' Andoran weaboo fookeads!"

*skirling of Bagpipes playing the theme from Seven Samurai*

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