Pathfinder Battles Preview: Au Revoir!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Next week I'm off to the great nation of France to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our partners at Black Book Editions, who publish Pathfinder in French. I'll be taking a little vacation at the end of the trip, so the Pathfinder Battles Preview will go on a two-week hiatus following today's preview. I usually try to post these updates from the road, but this time I'm going to let vacation be vacation. I hope to come back to finish out the last few Reign of Winter figures, and that should coincide with some previews (and heck, an announcement!) for the next set.

But that's all in the future. Let's focus on today.

As I mentioned in last week's blog, we've made some changes to the subscription benefits that will kick in with the Reign of Winter set, which is still scheduled for a late May arrival. Going forward, customers with an ongoing Case Subscription will receive a 30% discount on their case purchases. The comments thread to last week's blog contained a number of questions about which price the discount applies to. In fact, this discount is applied to the final price, not the MSRP. In the case of Reign of Winter, subscribers will take the 30% discount off the $399.99 list price, bringing the price of a case (before the incentive figure) to $279.99. We'll get updated shortly to reflect these new changes.

With that out of the way, let's take a look at some miniatures!

Here we have a Goblin Alchemist, drawn from the pages of the second Reign of Winter Adventure Path adventure, The Shackled Hut, by Jim Groves. In the adventure, the Goblin Alchemist is named Grindtooth, and he leads a small gang of snow goblin bully-boys in the city of Whitethrone. In your campaign, he makes a nice addition to the hordes of goblins we've already produced, albeit this one is dressed for maximum warmth and his skin is a bit more on the blue side of things. The Goblin Alchemist is a Small, common figure.

This chilly lady is a Crone Queen, a former leader of the nation of Irrisen and a daughter of the immortal witch queen Baba Yaga. When one of Baba Yaga's chosen daughters has served her 100-year tenure as Queen of Irrisen, the Queen of Witches comes to replace her with another daughter. These former queens never leave the confines of the witch's Dancing Hut. Drained of their vitality and power by Baba Yaga and imprisoned deep inside the hut's innermost chambers, these daughters become crone queens, undead mockeries of the powerful witches they once were. Soiler alert: You fight a bunch of them in the final Reign of Winter adventure. With a clear "ice" staff and crown and a dynamic pose, this scary lady is a Medium-sized, uncommon figure.

Speaking of the final Reign of Winter adventure, your PCs will also meet our next figure there—Queen Elvanna, the current leader of Irrisen and the instigator of the events of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path. The fewer words spent on her role, the less spoilerific this blog becomes, so let's just leave it at this: You'll need a miniature of her. She's got a cool (ha!) ice staff and crown, and a raven perched on her shoulder. (The same Raven that is also a figure in this set? YOU decide!) Queen Elvanna is a beautifully sculpted Medium figure slated at the rare rarity.

And that's it for this week. I'm off to France. See you in two weeks!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter
Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Wow, 30% off the case as well, that's a nice deal, looks like my subs will be staying for a while.

Love the goblin and the crone queen. Uncertain of Elvanna, something doesn't sit right, perhaps the ice crystal in her left hand. Sure she'll look great in hand.

Quick couple of questions...

Why so blue on the ice? I thought the more colourless look the ice wight had in the runelords set was a little more ice like. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the transparent plastic (when used well) and I like the blue; just curious why ice always need to be so blue.

The next set isn't the "special" set you were talking about is it? That's the one after.

You enjoy your holiday


lol "Those lots of questions" were me being pesky. Sorry for being annoying!

I'm putting in a preorder cancellation request with popular collections now.

I'd much rather buy through you guys, it just wasn't cost effective before.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

In this case I think we took the cues from the art, which had a very blue palate for this AP.

I'm not sure which ice figure you're talking about for Rise of the Runelords. I just looked over the whole set and I don't think there are any ice figures in there (or if there are, someone stole them from the case outside my office).

The blue in the ice golem and weapons is pretty analogous to the blue of the Glass Golem in Shattered Star, although the consistency of the plastic is different and there is more white drybrushing on the Reign of Winter ice stuff.

It's less blue than the Water Elemental from Shattered Star, but a little more blue (and with a lot more white drybrushing) than the Air Elemental from that set.

As for the next set, all I can say at the moment is that it is NOT based on an Adventure Path, and that it has lots of really awesome figures. It's a 45-figure set like Reign of Winter. I think the set after _that_ will have some special stuff in it, but things are not locked down yet so I don't want to raise expectations I can't meet due to decisions that have not yet been made.

I'm sure he's thinking of Lamatar Bayden, right?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Ah, yes. That's certainly it.

Yep, the ice in Reign of Winter is much more blue than the ice on Lamatar Bayden. I'd totally forgotten about him. Also, we tend to get a little more ambitious than "just make it clear" these days when it comes to clear effects on minis. :)

Not that Lamatar isn't a totally awesome miniature. Because he totally is.

Dark Archive Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to need a postcard.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Bien sur!

Good looking miniatures and i really like the Crone Queen. Looking forward to the future previews of the next set as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bon Voyage!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Yeah, Lamater Bayden. And he is indeed an awesome miniature. I do like the blue, was just curious as to the choice of colour. Thanks for the response.

As for raising expectations. Too late, the sets keep get betting so my expectations keep rising. I can not wait to see what you can do with a non-AP set this time round. Legends was an awesome set, even if people did have some paint issues. For now I'll just settle for getting through to May.

Again, have a great holiday.

Does the soiler alert refer to a particularly scary encounter?

I need a goblin gunslinger!! But otherwise, this looks awesome. The last two would be perfect for the one-off game I'm setting up, except that they won't be out in time.

Guy St-Amant wrote:

Bon Voyage!

C'est çà, bon voyage.

I agree, a goblin gunslinger would be awesome. I been thinking about it for quite a while. That alchemist is pretty neat as well

Pathfinder Adventure Path, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Have a good trip, looking forward to the reveal in 3 weeks!

Happy to hear about the price.

Lorian wrote:


lol "Those lots of questions" were me being pesky. Sorry for being annoying!

I'm putting in a preorder cancellation request with popular collections now.

I'd much rather buy through you guys, it just wasn't cost effective before.

Wow, this is awesome news on 30% off the already adjusted price for the case. I was in the same boat as Lorian. Where I would have preferred to keep my ongoing subscription with Paizo, it just wasn't cost effective for me to do so.

But with this change, I will be canceling my Miniature Market preorder.

Now Erik, it says it doesn't include the gargantuan incentive, so the final number would be $289.99? It's still 75% off for the case promo, correct?

Hobbun: the new subscription advantages are already on the store page. Yes, still 75% off promos.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Isil-zha wrote:
Hobbun: the new subscription advantages are already on the store page. Yes, still 75% off promos.

The case subscription that is sitting in my cart waiting for me to purchase lists the Reign of Winter set at $368.00 w/incentive.

I don't remember what the prices were before on the main page, but it doesn't look like they've updated it once it's in the cart.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Pigraven wrote:
Isil-zha wrote:
Hobbun: the new subscription advantages are already on the store page. Yes, still 75% off promos.

The case subscription that is sitting in my cart waiting for me to purchase lists the Reign of Winter set at $368.00 w/incentive.

I don't remember what the prices were before on the main page, but it doesn't look like they've updated it once it's in the cart.

The savings are listed on the subscription shop option, which is what Isil-zha was talking about. They've yet to be applied to the actual products correctly, as Erik said the were going to update it 'soon' last thing on Friday.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
Isil-zha wrote:
Hobbun: the new subscription advantages are already on the store page. Yes, still 75% off promos.

The case subscription that is sitting in my cart waiting for me to purchase lists the Reign of Winter set at $368.00 w/incentive.

I don't remember what the prices were before on the main page, but it doesn't look like they've updated it once it's in the cart.

The savings are listed on the subscription shop option, which is what Isil-zha was talking about. They've yet to be applied to the actual products correctly, as Erik said the were going to update it 'soon' last thing on Friday.

You are correct. Thank you for clearing it up for me.

I notice that you're an Adventure Path subscriber, among other things. Are you pretty happy with the service and the shipping costs for that line?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So, anyone able to estimate what Paizo charges as the shipping cost for a case (within the U.S.)? I tried putting it in my cart to see what it would be, but it doesn't seem to show that information anymore short of clicking the "Confirm Order" button.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cintra Bristol wrote:
So, anyone able to estimate what Paizo charges as the shipping cost for a case (within the U.S.)? I tried putting it in my cart to see what it would be, but it doesn't seem to show that information anymore short of clicking the "Confirm Order" button.

I think it's determined by weight and distance. I'm in Ohio and I believe the cheapest option for a case is $15-$20. But with the case + incentive costing around $290.00, that's only going to run me $305-$310.00, and that's very doable.

Your profile mentions Tennessee, so if you're still there I can't imagine the shipping is that different from mine.

The Queen Elvanna mini looks really nice and very usable. I'm definitely looking forward to getting that one!

It's also good to know the exact price of the case subscription. It's definitely a lot cheaper!

As I mentioned in another thread, because I'm in the EU and the uncertainty of import costs are an issue, I'll continue to buy from a local supplier, but I suspect they have several case subscriptions, so I hope I might be able to benefit from some of the reduced prices that way ^_^

Regardless, this set looks awesome to me, and the miniatures in it looks like a good distribution to me so definitely getting me some of this.

Favorite is the Crone Queen. Great minis! Goblin is nice, but I have many by now so it doesn't get me all that excited. Queen Elvanna looks OK, but I also feel something feels wrong about her.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First thing first : Welcome in our beautiful country Erik !
Hope you'll have a blast.
Will try to show up at Black Book Edition this week :-)

For the "other" subjects :
- Less sculpts per release is never good news. Well, we will have to deal with it.
- I fully agree that the mix that sells is :
1) A bunch of potential characters that we can play (from gnomes to half-ogres with of course humans), with variety of class/sex/looks/weapons...
2) A bunch of classic or nearly classic monsters (make sure you have the basic Bestiary well covered) - you never have enough gobs, kobolds, trolls or purple worms.
3) A few exotic monsters (not that much)
4) 2 or 3 of the "big boss" type
5) and forget about animal farms or modern stuff - if I want some, I get them eslsewhere

But that's my 0.02$ ... oops I meant 0.02€ now that you are travelling in the real world

Scarab Sages

I'm thrilled to play with you next week-end ! ;-)

Bienvenue en France !

See you in France! I'll be in Paris on Tuesday (if all goes well).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Pigraven wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
Isil-zha wrote:
Hobbun: the new subscription advantages are already on the store page. Yes, still 75% off promos.

The case subscription that is sitting in my cart waiting for me to purchase lists the Reign of Winter set at $368.00 w/incentive.

I don't remember what the prices were before on the main page, but it doesn't look like they've updated it once it's in the cart.

The savings are listed on the subscription shop option, which is what Isil-zha was talking about. They've yet to be applied to the actual products correctly, as Erik said the were going to update it 'soon' last thing on Friday.

You are correct. Thank you for clearing it up for me.

I notice that you're an Adventure Path subscriber, among other things. Are you pretty happy with the service and the shipping costs for that line?

Service is brilliant - there have been a couple of problems with shipment (mostly to do with the postal services between them and me), but they've always been solved quickly and helpfully.

Shipping is expensive (I'm in the UK), but I think that the combination of the discounts (both on the volumes and across the site), plus the advantage of the free PDF and the simple convinience of having the stuff dropped off straight at my home more than make up for it.

Responses done in-line.

Frencois wrote:

First thing first : Welcome in our beautiful country Erik !

Hope you'll have a blast.
Will try to show up at Black Book Edition this week :-)

For the "other" subjects :
- Less sculpts per release is never good news. Well, we will have to deal with it.
- I fully agree that the mix that sells is :
1) A bunch of potential characters that we can play (from gnomes to half-ogres with of course humans), with variety of class/sex/looks/weapons...

Hopefully no more than half a set at a shot, otherwise it is of limited utility to many GMs

Frencois wrote:

2) A bunch of classic or nearly classic monsters (make sure you have the basic Bestiary well covered) - you never have enough gobs, kobolds, trolls or purple worms.

Hopefully no more than 1/4 of any given set, and then not every one, otherwise you end up losing regulars who have too many of these 'Classic Monsters' (Contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to have too many kobolds, orcs, trolls, Dragons, and even Goblins (though this is one I have yet to hit the too much threshold on) )

Frencois wrote:

3) A few exotic monsters (not that much)

15% to 20% per set to keep long-time collectors interested, with the cut comming out of PC types at the rarer end of the spectrum if need be.

Frencois wrote:

4) 2 or 3 of the "big boss" type

This is fine.

Frencois wrote:

5) and forget about animal farms or modern stuff - if I want some, I get them eslsewhere

Um, No. Animals are needed as familiars, animal companions, summoned allies, and wildshape forms. It is remarkably hard to find decent, appropriately-scaled animals, especially for the size small animals. As for modern pieces, if they are appropriate to the theme of the set (Russian Soldiers and Rasputin in the Reign of Winter set) then put them in. As for buying them elsewhere on moderns, where would you suggest? I've been looking for a decent source for pre-painted modern pieces (18th century on in fact) but apart from an occasional piece here and there, there just aren't that many (even paint it yourself, pieces only increase the numbers by a handful until you get into Ultra-tech wargamming in the distant future.)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think all these miniature posts should have a big Spoiler Alert plate stamped on top. you're killin me here. my players are only on book 2, but i know some of them are gonna see this.

I'm referring of course to the reveal of what the crone queens are. one of the biggest lore drops in the AP.

nonetheless, these all look great and I wish i wasnt too poor to get a case or subscription

Liberty's Edge

hxcmike, I thought the same thing when I read it! A little too much info there! We are starting the third book now.

I was about to cancel my subscription but with the new discount, I can justify it a little longer!



hxcmike wrote:

I think all these miniature posts should have a big Spoiler Alert plate stamped on top. you're killin me here. my players are only on book 2, but i know some of them are gonna see this.

I'm referring of course to the reveal of what the crone queens are. one of the biggest lore drops in the AP.

nonetheless, these all look great and I wish i wasnt too poor to get a case or subscription

There was a spoiler tag when these started at the beginning of the first blog post... maybe that should be copy/pasted to the first blog post of each set based on a AP.... But when a set is based on reign of winter, you should expect reign of winter spoilers, no?

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
hxcmike wrote:

I think all these miniature posts should have a big Spoiler Alert plate stamped on top. you're killin me here. my players are only on book 2, but i know some of them are gonna see this.

I'm referring of course to the reveal of what the crone queens are. one of the biggest lore drops in the AP.

nonetheless, these all look great and I wish i wasnt too poor to get a case or subscription

There was a spoiler tag when these started at the beginning of the first blog post... maybe that should be copy/pasted to the first blog post of each set based on a AP.... But when a set is based on reign of winter, you should expect reign of winter spoilers, no?

Spoilers warning for those who aren't there yet?

I can't see how the spoilers here can be any worse then those given in the various threads about the AP. If my players are going to ruin it for themselves, they will one way or another. The info is out there.

So 2 more days and we get another preview huh, I'm excited. Will we get 3 weeks worth? ;)

Also, I agree with Leo_Negri's take on case breakdown

jimibones83 wrote:

So 2 more days and we get another preview huh, I'm excited. Will we get 3 weeks worth? ;)

Also, I agree with Leo_Negri's take on case breakdown

"Friday, April 11, 2014"

"two-week hiatus following today's preview".

I thought that meant today. Yur saying we've got another week to go huh

jimibones83 wrote:
I thought that meant today. Yur saying we've got another week to go huh

Well, today is the end of the second week, so yeah.

I would interpret a two-week hiatus as two weeks without a blog, hence no preview until next week.

Paizo Employee CEO

Isil-zha wrote:
I would interpret a two-week hiatus as two weeks without a blog, hence no preview until next week.

Yep, Erik is out until next Monday.


Lisa Stevens wrote:

Yep, Erik is out until next Monday.


That is what I figured as well. While I miss his weekly posts, I can only hope Erik's enjoyed his holiday. He certainly deserved one, as do so many good people at Paizo. To most of us fans, working at Paizo feels like heaven, but we all know you work extremely hard and everybody needs a break from time to time, even from 'heaven'.

I'm sorry for you, Erik, that your holiday is over so soon, but I'll be happy to see you back at work. I'm sure those two weeks fired up the engines again and gave your heaps of new energy and inspiration to continue your job, so Paizo can continue to fill most of my holidays with wonderful magic and creativity :-)).

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