
rectulo_Fr's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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For the French-speaking community, these major changes mean a permanent loss. We don't have all the tools provided by the much larger English-speaking community.

The French publisher cannot allocate resources to set up and maintain a wiki for PF2 & SF 2. Not even a VTT or premium modules.

There is no alternative solution for us. No nexus, no infinite, nothing without what we do is allowed any more even though it allowed Pathfinder to emerge and have a community among French speakers.

There are three of us fans who translate and maintain the PF2 system for the foundry VTT platform. We use it to have the only existing wiki in French for PF2.

A team for SF2 was getting ready to use what we're doing to promote SF2 products and we're working with them to prepare the release of the Field Test.

Without our project, there are no resources to play with, excluding two-thirds of the French-speaking community (nearly 400 groups).

We have no choice but to put an end to our initiative. I'm angry because I spent nearly 15 years helping to develop Pathfinder on PF1 and then PF2.

In the Bastion of the Inheritor armor

The armor's cloak becomes red for 1 minute. As long as the cloak is red, you gain the benefits of the armor's deflect melee trait without needing to spend an additional action to activate it during each turn.

The trait seems to be the entrench melee rather than the deflect one

silencer (G&G p. 179)

Attaching a silencer to a firearm takes 1 minute, and the silencer is consumed the first time a shot is fired through it.

Does this item should be given the consumable trait ? Or is it because of the special consumable crafting rules ?

Consumable (trait)
An item with this trait can be used only once. Unless stated otherwise, it's destroyed after activation. Consumable items include alchemical items and magical consumables such as scrolls and talismans. When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four.

Thanks for the answer.

I will keep only x2 for the moment.
And I will survey for a possible erratum of the typo in the future.

It does not list just x2 but 20/x2 !
It is the only weapon to do it.
That's why I asked the reason for this weird change.

Yes, you are right. It is in the advanced race guide !
But what about critical ?

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I'm trying to fill the Pathfinder's french wiki and I have a question about the ratfolk tailblade

PRD (and french translation of ultimate equipment) says :
Ratfolk Weapons
Martial Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special
Light Melee Weapons
Tailblade 11 gp 1d2 1d3 20/×2 — 1/2 lb. S —

My question is about the critical : 20/x2

is it just x2 or is it missing something like 19-20/x2 ?

Help me to fix it, please...

Bienvenue en France !

Is that problem officially fixed ?
I need an answer for the french prd.

Where is the rage power : greater primal scent ?
It is mentionned in the True primitive - barbarian archetype but I could'nt find it elsewhere.

Nawtyit wrote:
The "Note 2" seems unnecessary.

I wasn't sure. Now, I am.

Thanks a lot.
I will suppress the note in the french wiki and flag an erratum.

I don't understand the note 2 in the early firearms table (ultimate combat) :

prd wrote:
A weapon with two types is either type (wielder's choice) if the entry specifies “or.”

In the table, no firearms specifies "or". They are all B and P except one that spcifies P

What does it means ?

In the advanced firearms table, the note 2 states :

prd wrote:
A weapon with two types is both types if the entry specifies “and.”

I don't know. The french-speaking market for rpg insn't as big as the english-speaking one.

But BBE have a very nice idea with those products and Paizo could copy it for the english-speaking fans.

Les fans francophones de la gamme Pathfinder vont avoir droit à des étuis cartonnés pour les AP :

cliquez ici

Il faut avouer qu'on est gâtés.

Is there a way to have specific threads for foreigners who are quite lost on this website ? I'm sure italian and french speaking will be glad to have one. (i.e. Hirst arts have such a thread, for example)