Meet Our New Editorial Interns!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The editorial team is excited to announce our two new interns, Austin Bridges and Kate Sprague.

Here's Austin:

Greetings! Austin Bridges here, your brand new editorial intern for the winter. I'm incredibly excited to join the team and get to know all of you, so allow me to kick things off with a personal introduction.

I graduated from Western Washington University in 2012 with a Theatre/Playwriting major and a minor in German. After college I wrote for The Cheezburger Network's The Daily What Geek news blog, and more recently spent the last year at Amazon working for the Kindle Direct Publishing and Kindle Worlds platforms. Outside of work, I spend my time reading comics, playing tabletop and PC games, going on podcast binges, writing sketches, and listening to mashups with the theme music from Space Jam. Currently, I'm crafting seasonal adult beverages and developing a radio play about mermaids. In the near future, I'd like to move to Los Angeles to pursue television writing. Or honestly just whoever will hire me to write.

I'm well acquainted with other tabletop roleplaying games, but only recently discovered Paizo and Pathfinder through the release of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. I got hooked pretty quickly, and now I'm happily crash-coursing all that Golarion has to offer. Please be gentle! I'm just a sunken-eyed, bearded child scampering around the Paizo office eating crusts, but I can't wait to get started and begin currying your favor!

And here's Kate:

Hello, my name is Kate Sprague. I am currently a student at Bellevue College, studying Digital Media Arts. I'm particularly interested in game design, and have pursued this internship due to my enduring love of tabletop roleplaying games.

I started playing Pathfinder a little over two years ago with a group at our local game store. Not long after that, my husband and I found our way to a weekly Pathfinder Society meetup in Redmond. Our early experiences with Pathfinder led us to assemble a weekly home game. Currently, we are following the Kingmaker Adventure Path through the River Kingdoms.

My most played class is hands down the Druid. Currently, I have five pathfinder society Druids. My favorite is Dr. Chrysanthemum Moonbeam; an elderly aasimar practitioner of gnomeopathy whose day job is representing the ‘Make a Limited Wish Foundation.' Her animal companion, Tasha, is a sabertooth tiger who unfortunately suffers from a terminal case of gigantism.

I'm looking forward to contributing here at Paizo, and will work tirelessly towards making the Druid class not only a good choice, but a mandatory one.

Austin and Kate will be helping us out for the next few months, so please feel free to say hi to them on the messageboards!

Jessica Price
Project Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Interns Paizo

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Welcome Austin!
Welcome Kate!

Hi! :)

Shadow Lodge

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Starfinder Superscriber

Welcome folks! Don't let Cosmo touch you...;)

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Welcome folks! Don't let Cosmo touch you...;)

I'd be more worried about the Poodle Lords. And the zombies. And those stodgy celestials.

But the slaadi are perfectly safe, so stop by anytime... we'll leave the larva on for you.

A warm welcome to Kate and Austin!

Welcome and good luck(you'l need it muwhahahaha).

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Welcome folks! Don't let Cosmo touch you...;)

I'd be more worried about the Poodle Lords. And the zombies. And those stodgy celestials.

But the slaadi are perfectly safe, so stop by anytime... we'll leave the larva on for you.

Don't forget about the baby aboleth that escaped and is still hiding in the office.

welcome Kate

Herzlich Willkommen Austin

Welcome to our new intern overlords! Remember, when it comes to the raptors in the warehouse, "feeding time" is all the time!

Scarab Sages

Welcome, both of you. I hope you will have an awesome time!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I heard s rumor that Paizo has lessened their requirement for interns to have crazy hair. Is that true?

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Just ignore the Mwa ha has that come from various parts of the office.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Welcome folks! Don't let Cosmo touch you...;)

I'd be more worried about the Poodle Lords. And the zombies. And those stodgy celestials.

But the slaadi are perfectly safe, so stop by anytime... we'll leave the larva on for you.

A warm welcome to Kate and Austin!

You forgot the undead triops.

But yes, many warm welcomes to Kate and Austin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome and be careful of the dice all over the office's floor that act as caltrops. I'm sure they got there by accident after a messy game and not as a means to keep people from escaping.

I shouldn't need to tell you this, but be careful of that Cosmo guy, but also feel the need to blame all your problems on him. They're all his fault anyhow.

You should also be careful and afraid of the warehouse raptors and the entire warehouse in general, the basement, the second floor, accidentally drinking the last of the coffee or coming in at all during a coffee shortage, the butter, that creepy Paizo Golem in the bathroom and his never ending gaze at you, weird portals that pop up, people that ask you to "donate" blood without informing you of how much they are going to take or for whom it's for or if it's even going to be voluntary, mysterious disembodied voices (Don't get fooled and think that's the intercom. Paizo doesn't actually have one of those.), going mad from looking at any computer code the programming people are doing, strange murmuring that comes from some of the supposedly empty offices, anything thumping under the floor, trying to figure out how things are shipped out, and the messageboard posters.

We fans of Paizo always hope to see inters make it. It's sort of like how people secretly like to see the ant that struggles to keep from going down the sewage drain on a rainy day make it out. That's why we got together and are enclosing a care package for each of you that includes:

A scroll of dimension door
A potion of invisibility
A potion of expeditious retreat
and a +5 raptor bane flyswatter

We implore you to use those to make a quick exit when necessary and not fall into the temptation of using those to swipe all the cookies and cupcakes on the first day they are brought in no matter how tempting that seems.

Ehrrr, actually, we just found out all those things are extremely expensive and we will have to wait until a latter batch of interns come along to be able to afford all that. Who knew piles of gold would add up to that much in the real world? Still good luck to you both and we'll be rooting for you.

Welcome aboard, folks! :D

Grand Lodge

Kate Austin? Is this a Lost reference?



Say, have you two been run through the Gauntlet of Horrific Trials yet?


I prefer Kate's intro, apart from it having too many currently's.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Welcome aboard!


Editorial Intern (Blood)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Morfiedev wrote:
I prefer Kate's intro, apart from it having too many currently's.

I prefer other welcome posts.

Welcome, Kate and Austin!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What is the plural of currently? Probably currentlys, but currentlies feels better to me. I should ask an editorial intern.

Sounds of chains clanking, lock tumblers rolling, iron doors slamming
crazed laughter echoes across the offices

Dark Archive

welcome Austin and Kate to the madness of the Paizo boards


Congrats and welcome to both of you!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

"The Make a Limited Wish Foundation" -- that's pretty awesome. :)


Editorial Intern

9 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
welcome Austin and Kate to the madness of the Paizo boards

You think the madness is your ally, but you merely adopted the madness. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light of reason until I was already a woman; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding. You see, I'm not commenting in these boards with you. You're commenting in them with me.

On a more serious note, thank you all for the warm welcome. If you are well behaved, I may post pictures of my Corgi of Tindalos.

Editorial Intern

Trinite wrote:

"The Make a Limited Wish Foundation" -- that's pretty awesome. :)



I already admire the creativity that you two bring to the dungeon, er, table! Welcome aboard!

Liberty's Edge

Calex wrote:

Sounds of chains clanking, lock tumblers rolling, iron doors slamming

crazed laughter echoes across the offices

We don't bite. Cut, prod, stab, whip, and strangle, sure, but never bite.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hello and welcome, Austin and Kate!

Kate Sprague wrote:
On a more serious note, thank you all for the warm welcome. If you are well behaved, I may post pictures of my Corgi of Tindalos.
{squeals in a pitch only cats, dogs, and CoTs can hear} I must notify Dr. FrankenBadger to build a corgi of Tindalos ASAP.
The Cathezar wrote:
We don't bite. Cut, prod, stab, whip, and strangle, sure, but never bite.

...Unless you ask nicely. :)

Dark Archive Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Virgil Firecask wrote:
Don't forget about the baby aboleth that escaped and is still hiding in the office.

You mean Cosmo?

Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The Cathezar wrote:
We don't bite. Cut, prod, stab, whip, and strangle, sure, but never bite.
...Unless you ask nicely. :)

Well yes luv, that goes without saying.

Justin Riddler wrote:
Virgil Firecask wrote:
Don't forget about the baby aboleth that escaped and is still hiding in the office.
You mean Cosmo?

I was going for the triops, but it might have Cosmo under its control.

And they were never seen nor heard from again...

Dark Archive


There is a black hole in the submission room at Paizo.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

There is a black hole in the submission room at Paizo.

You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.

Welcome Kate and Austin!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Dr. Hans Reinhardt wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
There is a black hole in the submission room at Paizo.
You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.

It used to be called the Render back in the Day.

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