Advanced Class Guide

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just a few weeks ago, we announced the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide, an exciting new addition to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game due out next summer. While we talked about it a fair bit at Gencon, this blog post is here to get you caught up on all the news!

This 256-page rulebook will contain 10 new classes, each a mix of two existing classes, taking a bit from each class and adding new mechanics to give you a unique character. Around the office we're calling them "hybrid classes." You can think of the magus (from Ultimate Magic) as our first test of this concept. It takes some rules from the fighter, some rules from the wizard, and then adds its own unique mechanics.

At this point, you're probably wondering what new classes you can expect to see in the Advanced Class Guide. So far, we've announced five of the ten classes.

Bloodrager: This blend of sorcerer and barbarian can call upon the power of his blood whenever he goes into a rage. He also has a limited selection of spells he can call upon, even when in a mindless fury!

Hunter: Taking powers from both the druid and the ranger, the hunter is never without her trusted animal companion, hunting down foes with lethal accuracy.

Shaman: Calling upon the spirits to aid her, the shaman draws upon class features of the oracle and the witch. Each day, she can commune with different spirits to aid her and her allies.

Slayer: Look at all the blood! The slayer blends the rogue and the ranger to create a character that is all about taking down particular targets.

Warpriest: Most religions have martial traditions, and warpriests are often the backbones of such orders. This mix of cleric and fighter can call upon the blessings of the gods to defeat enemies of their faiths.

Of course, those are just half the classes in this book. There are four more we have yet to reveal.

"Four?" you say. "But I thought there were ten!" And you would be right—because I'm about to let you in on another of the classes that will appear in this book, which we haven't announced until this moment!

Swashbuckler: Break out your rapier and your wit! The swashbuckler uses panache and daring to get the job done, blending the powers of the fighter and the gunslinger! For those of you who don't use guns in your campaign, fear not—the base class is not proficient in firearms (although there will certainly be an archetype in the book that fix that).

But that's not all! This book will also contain archetypes for all 10 new classes, as well as a selection to help existing classes play with some of the new features in this book. There will also be feats and spells to support these new classes, as well as magic items that will undoubtedly become favorites for nearly any character. Last but not least, the final chapter in this book will give you a peek inside the design process for classes and archetypes, giving you plenty of tips and guides to build your own! Since class design is more art than science, this won't be a system (like in the Advanced Race Guide), but rather a chapter giving you advice on how the process works.

So, there you go. That's six of the 10 classes that will appear in the Advanced Class Guide and an overview of what else you can expect from this exciting new book. While it's due to release next August, you won't have to wait too long to get your hands on these classes, because we're planning to do a public playtest here this fall! Check back here for more news as the playtest draws close!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Scarab Sages

It's only going to be released on the 19th for North and South America isn't it? The rest of us plebs (twice as many continents!) are going to be waiting 'til tomorrow.

AndIMustMask wrote:

myself as well--particularly for the arcanist. im interested in how they'll differentiate it from it's parts without it being better (or worse) than either of them, or stepping on their toes. not sure how i feel about having three arcane casters with the same spell lists though.

too many cooks and all that.

I'm hoping something like...

  • Learns spells like a wizard
  • Only prepares a handful (2-3) per day
  • Casts them spontaneously.

We'll know in the next few hours, though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Quick guys, keep hammering your F5 keys! It'll make it go quicker!

I'm being kind of productive too. I can hit my F5 key between tasks.

i'm only really updating between youtube videos and other thread's i'm commenting on.

Hopefully before EST 18:30, I have a PFS game then!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm honestly refreshing more for the running commentary than for the actual update.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's a lie.

Nice Orthos. I'm refreshing, and my Cable Guy it´s breaking my TV! UA!

New blog post out!

About Magnimar.

Tangent101 wrote:

New blog post out!

About Magnimar.


Hey, I'm running a campaign in Magnimar! Gonna go check this out.

'Course, Magnimar in this timeline has been taken over by Karzoug.. so its a teensy bit different. Ruins of Pathfinder, Woo!

DM Crustypeanut wrote:

Hey, I'm running a campaign in Magnimar! Gonna go check this out.

'Course, Magnimar in this timeline has been taken over by Karzoug.. so its a teensy bit different. Ruins of Pathfinder, Woo!

It's just about the comic series.

Oh.. dang. Well, its neat anyways!

It's so unfair.

It's GMT +2 here. TEN hours of time difference. Hopefully I'll see the guide before dawn..

At this point, I'm not sure if I want it to drop before or after I go to bed. On the one hand WANT TO SEE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! On the other, I really need to get a decent amount of sleep before I go to work tonight and if it drops I will spend the next several hours going over it.

then leave now while you have the chance, and catch some extra sleep.

i will be disappointing, but you'll likely wake up when the servers are back from the strain of so many people refreshing the site to download the pdf.

Im currently running RotRl and the hole bunch of villains is going to get an overhaul:

Burnt Offering Villains:
Goblin Warsinger: Skald
Goblin Commando: maybe bloodrager or hunter
Tsuto: Brawler
Gogmurt: maybe Hunter/shaman? im somewhat conflicted here because the encounter is propably a lot less memorable if he's missing woodland stride.
Bruthazmus: maybe Slayer
Lyrie: maybe Arcanist
Nualia: Warpriest

Jessie Scott wrote: Playtest-For

And Jessie wins!

Why are you doing this to me!



I can't download it. The page is blank :C

Only downside, it doesn't seem to be fully functional yet.

Orthos wrote:



Broked. Y-Y

ecw1701 wrote:
Jessie Scott wrote: Playtest-For
And Jessie wins!

I tried to quickly rectify posting that (I was excited to see it!) when I realized the page is blank.

I'm guessing that's where the PDF will show though once it's ready to go.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

We all beat the page on our initiative rolls and caught it flat-footed.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It redirects to a blank page.


Ilorin Lorati wrote:
Orthos wrote:



Broked. Y-Y



It does say 11:00 am on the news blurb...


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

me too

Grand Lodge

Right as I'm supposed to be leaving for work... with a blank page teasing me.

Says 2:00 PM here for me (currently 1:15 East Coast time). So I imagine it will be up for downloading in ~45 minutes from this post.

f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5...


*Edit*: Says 12 pm for me - 44 minutes.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Manimal wrote:
It does say 11:00 am on the news blurb...

Really? Mine says 12pm. I'm on AZ time, which this time of year is equal to Mountain time. So, in about 45 minutes...

We are so weak...

Ashanderai wrote:
Manimal wrote:
It does say 11:00 am on the news blurb...
Really? Mine says 12pm. I'm on AZ time, which this time of year is equal to Mountain time. So, in about 45 minutes...


...I'm in AZ time too! *Eyes Narrow* You stalkin' meh?!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM Crustypeanut wrote:

f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5...


*Edit*: Says 12 pm for me - 44 minutes.

You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly.

Please wait a minute before trying again.
:P ops....

williamoak wrote:
We are so weak...

I prefer to consider myself fascinated by a Mythic Bard.

T minus 41 minutes...

Ashanderai wrote:
Manimal wrote:
It does say 11:00 am on the news blurb...
Really? Mine says 12pm. I'm on AZ time, which this time of year is equal to Mountain time. So, in about 45 minutes...

You are like the third or fourth person I've found on these forums living in AZ, three years after I left. While I was living there I knew of my own group and no others. <_<



Azran wrote:

Im currently running RotRl and the hole bunch of villains is going to get an overhaul:

** spoiler omitted **

Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. I'm gonna be running RotR in a few months, and I'm already thinking similar changes. I'd keep Gogmurt the same though, IMHO. My Kingmaker party is literally at the Stag Lord's fort, and I think that Staggy may get a Slayer redo.

I have plans on modifying Shattered Star with numerous of these new classes for NPCs - even my players plan on testing them out.. at least some of 'em are.

And, if all goes well, when Rob does his Ruins of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, I might just go Brawler and take the fight to the Worldwound with my fists. Luchador-style.

Curious now: the name "Arcanist"

what pronounciation do you use?

(a) arr CAN ist

(b) arr CANE ist

(c) ARR can ist

I've never had to say it out loud. Mentally I began with version B but at some point without noticing I've starting using version C and it's stayed that way.

uh, is it just me, or does the link now redirect to the paizo homepage now?

Silver Crusade

They've taken the press release down.

But we saw the timestamp! Doesn't that mean that, by the rules of the internet, by setting our expectations to 32 minutes from now, Paizo has committed itself and will subject to endless abuse if the playtest comes even 30 seconds later than promised. ;-)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Shelton wrote:

Curious now: the name "Arcanist"

what pronounciation do you use?

(a) arr CAN ist

(b) arr CANE ist

(c) ARR can ist

I've never had to say it out loud. Mentally I began with version B but at some point without noticing I've starting using version C and it's stayed that way.

...the third one makes me think a pirate is saying it. I approve!

Matthew Shelton wrote:

Curious now: the name "Arcanist"

what pronounciation do you use?

(a) arr CAN ist

(b) arr CANE ist

(c) ARR can ist

I've never had to say it out loud. Mentally I began with version B but at some point without noticing I've starting using version C and it's stayed that way.

i generally use B unless it's got a setting specific pronunciation (such as in some video games).

you also forgot (d) ARR cahn ist

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