
Benkalas's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The Exchange

I want give this weapon to one of my pg but there isn't it as an easter weapon in Pathfinder.
Anche idea about its possible stats?!?

The Exchange

Is possible increase an Hydra HD without increase also the number of the head?

The Exchange

Daenar wrote:
Sounds good to me.

On an italian forum advise me about the Exceptional Stats (Ex} special ability ( PAP #74 pag 60) and the CR of Staunton Vhane (CR 10) confirm what i write

CR of Staunton Vhane = 6 (lv.-2)
+1 CR for antipaladin level (7)
+1 CR for 25 buy point (8)
+1 CR for PG equipment (9)
+1 CR for half of his Mythic Tier (10)

The Exchange

wraithstrike wrote:
Benkalas wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
25 point buy is a +1 CR for NPC's.
This stack with the +1 of a heroic NPC; so a NPC with class level and 25 point buy point has a +2 CR ?!?

No. The heroic stat array in the rule book is based on 15 point buy. This is more limiting than using an actual point buy, but that also skews the chances of success in favor of the PC's which is intentional game design.

In AP's if they use 25 point buy the CR adjustment is +1.


Level 5 fighter using the heroic stat array is a CR 4

Level 5 fighter using 25 point buy is CR 5

You say no but in example you made is yes

CR of NPC is lv.-2
if he has class level he has +1 CR (lv.-1)
if he has 25 buy point it has a +1 CR (so CR=lv.)

The Exchange

wraithstrike wrote:
25 point buy is a +1 CR for NPC's.

This stack with the +1 of a heroic NPC; so a NPC with class level and 25 point buy point has a +2 CR ?!?

The Exchange

The rules to create NPC set two series of ability scores one basic and heroic.
If we use buy point to get the heroic NPC series we use 15 buy point (Standard Fantasy)
If i want to use Epic Fantasy buy point for a NPC ability scores how does the CR increase?!?

The Exchange

I want to add two special ability (Valiant and Impact) to my Valor's Minion but i really don't know how much it cost.
Someone can help me?!?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM Crustypeanut wrote:

f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5...


*Edit*: Says 12 pm for me - 44 minutes.

You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly.

Please wait a minute before trying again.
:P ops....

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Grick wrote:
Bigtuna wrote:
1) Does natural weapons count as "light weapons" so they can be used for spellcombat, without having to have a actual weapon in your hand?

Spell Combat (Ex): "To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand."

It must be in the other hand.

But if i use two talent, Improved Unarmed Strike and Feral Combat

Training i'm always considered armed so considered with a weapon in hand

The Exchange

Steve Geddes wrote:
Are wrote:
I really doubt that anyone who is actually interested in buying APs in the first place would want to wait decades (if one is released every 5 years, Shattered Star's hardcover wouldn't be released until 50 years from now) to buy a new AP because it might at some point in the (very) distant future be released as a hardcover.
But they might decide not to subscribe to Shattered Star if a revised Legacy of Fire was coming out next year (as an example).

It's a very easy solvable problem: is enough put the collection APs in the AP subscription of the date of collection release

The Exchange

Trinite wrote:

On collections of other APs:

There are currently no plans to do collections of any other APs.

I don't talk about all other APs but only the 3.5 OGL APs (we speak of 3 APs)

Trinite wrote:
There are important business reasons that seem to make it a bad idea for Paizo to do this for other APs. The basic problem is that they'd essentially be competing with their own products, so there wouldn't be much room for net benefit, and they'd risk messing up their core business model. The circumstances surrounding Rise of the Runelords were unique and particular to just RotRL.

Why 3 APs collection isn't "competing" their own product?!?

I suppose not many guy buy CotCT o SD o LoF APs...reprint in a collection mean sell material that in this moment they do not sell...
Vic Wertz wrote:

It doesn't matter how well it sells—we will not be training customers to avoid purchasing APs upon release by giving them the expectation that a better and cheaper collected edition will be released in the future. Rise of the Runelords is an exception, not the start of a pattern.

Sorry i did'nt read this post

I agree with your idea infact is a nosense collect APs after the 25th but the first 24th are a non PFRPG
Un update version of the first 4 Adventure Path let to make them "ready to play" like the other

The Exchange

Q: Will you be doing hardcover compilations of all of your Adventure Paths?

Off all Adventure Paths it's not useful but the hardcover compilation of the 4 OGL Adventure Path maybe yes...

The Exchange

A question about the Roughrider archetype: Ride Them Down and Unavoidable Onslaught replace both Armor Training 4.
Maybe there is an error and one of them replace Weapon Training 4.
There is some official errata about?!?

The Exchange

A very first impression after a quick read of you pdf.
Very interesting project except for one things: they are not Archetypes but an Alternate (Multi)Classes
However as soon as i have more time i read more depht the pdf and the two topic

The Exchange

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

There are some official F.A.Q about Heat Metal works with firarms and how they are damaged (bullet;gunpowder) from the spell?!?

The Exchange

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
yukarjama wrote:
Iomedae is listed as a LN goddess of honor and rulership. Isn't she a LG goddess? or am I missing something?

Hmm. Sounds to me like a typing error on the Alignment. The last time I looked in the Core Rulebook she was listed as LG.

Official confirmation may have to wait until GenCon is over though... I'm not sure if there's anyone apart from the warehouse staff back at the office to judge by the blog posts and other reports. :D

All other fonts says LG:

Core Rolebook
Inner Sea World Guide
Faith of Purity
Inner Sea Primer
so...i suppose that LG is the right allignment

The Exchange

golem101 wrote:

Why not?

Bards have an often overlooked martial aspect, and the archetype concept seems to fit quite well.

yes right only two little detail in the Campaign Setting is said they are the elite of Sarenrae clergy.

Inner Sea World Guide says "At such times, Sarenrae’s clerics become dervishes,dancing among foes while allowing their scimitars to give their opponents final redemption"
So i start as i divine caster and finish as ad arcane caster?!? it's doesn't look so logic

The Exchange

But....but....T_T i start to read this handbook but suddenly i stopped: Dawnflower Dervish a baaaaaaaaaaaaaards?!? Why?!?

The Exchange

thomax wrote:
My first version of the Pathfinder Reference Document is out now as an iPhone app!

Do you think to made also an Android version of this App?!?

The Exchange

SunsetPsychosis wrote:

It seems to be the common thought that the various 'planetouched' races are a bit more powerful than the core races, but not enough to warrant a full level adjustment.

The problem is that Fetchling looks more powerful of other planetouched:

His magic give three spell instead only one, double resistance instead only one and the bonus to two skill that other planetoched don't have

The Exchange

In Bestiary i read:


"There are a number of monsters in this book that do

not possess racial Hit Dice. Such creatures are the best
options for player characters, but a few of them are
powerful that they count as having 1 class level, even
without a racial Hit Die. Such characters should only be
allowed in a group that is 2nd-level or higher."

Fetchling in Bestiary 2 is one of this "few of them"?!? there a sort of list of this +1liv. monster?!?

The Exchange

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Benkalas wrote:

Agathion Subdomain:

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the holy lance power of Good domain
Agathion are race of neutral good outsiders (see Pathfinder Bestiary II)
And so?!? i can't use this subdomain until November 2010?!?
Of course you can. Your cleric just won't know anything about the creatures he venerates until then. :P

Good and what can i do if i want use 6th liv. spell [i]planar ally[i](Agathion only)?!?

The Exchange


Agathion Subdomain:

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the holy lance power of Good domain
Agathion are race of neutral good outsiders (see Pathfinder Bestiary II)

And so?!? i can't use this subdomain until November 2010?!?