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Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Why are you doing this to me!

So, where can I get this play test?

Nice job. Is it cool if I copy your ideas to a document so that I can show it to my DM? (Also thinking of doing an actual skill tree illustration for it.)

wow, do you have any lists likeyour mutagen one for the other branches? I really like the bomb idea and would like to see your input on it's discoveries.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Sachiye wrote:
Velderan wrote:
Not really. Alchemy on that show was just a creative name for magic. You could easily have changed all of their "principles of alchemy" to laws of magic. The alchemist here is closer to what I see the class doing.
I agree with you Velderan. Plus, a transmutation wizard seems more like a Full Metal Alchemist character, than the alchemist.
Drawing Transmutation Circle = Somatic Components

Or the basic slapping your hands together, depending on the spell of course.

It still has the same concept. And you weren't exactly being specific dude -_-

A gnome hulking out? Are you going to use a Enlarge person extract before or after?

Ben Adler wrote:

I dunno, having a single dose of poison being viable for multiple attacks is quite a good discovery, even at 1/4lvls discoveries. Mainly it's due to the new pathfinder poison and disease mechanics though, and better poisons being available.

That's true, but with the ability he made there would be less actual poison buying. And if you level base the discoveries instead of making them so that you have to have a certain number of other discoveries, then being able to use a poison more then once will be fair, considering that the saves of the enemies goes up in the high levels that discovery would need.