![]() Dunno if this should be here or the Third Party board, but here goes: Let's say I was making a 3P monster from outer space. I know I can't say "It's from Marata, the forest moon of Bretheda", but can I give it Maratian as its language and say "It's from the forest moon of a gas giant, check Distant Worlds for more planetary info"? Which is less likely to get me in hot water? ![]()
![]() Shadow (Bestiary 1) Puppeteer (CR +2): Puppeteer shadows appear thinner and more elongated than others, their smoky fingers tapering to inky black strings. They can take over a creature's shadow and control their movements and attacks, often times using a slow-witted and slumbering warrior to slay his allies. The touch of these shadows deals Wisdom damage instead of Strength damage and they gain the following ability.
Soul Eating (CR +0): Soul eating shadows are tinged a deep, dark purple instead of the matte black of regular shadows. While their touch is less potent than a normal shadow's, that touch feeds and bolsters a soul eating shadow. A soul eating shadow's touch, regardless of the type of ability damage it deals, only deals 1d4 points of ability damage to a living creature, but gives the shadow temporary hit points equal to the amount of ability damage inflicted. A soul eating shadow can only have a number of temporary hit points equal to half its total number of hit points. The typical soul eating shadow is found with 2d4 temporary hit points. ![]()
![]() Name: Chastity Mother F#ckin' Jones
The Gory Details
Holy crap, in my years of DM'ing this was my first full on PC death. Kinda feel bad because it was a random fight, but things like this happen. Chastity's player already has a dwarven barbarian taking form to set up a brewery in Mercy. ![]()
![]() We just finished up book 1. My PCs have only killed about 5% of the bandits I've thrown at them. During the first encounter with Happs, our wizard used arcane mark, prestidigitation, and his redonkulous Bluff check convinced Haps and the other two surviving bandits that they were geas'd to serve the trading post for a year and a day. All told they've got about 20 former bandits, not including Akiros, "under their spell" so to speak. This, coupled with their cavalier of the penitent order and their gunslinger with his ranks in Profession (sheriff), led them to name their capital city Mercy. ![]()
![]() My suggestion is to simply change smite evil to smite "that guy". If the smite goes against their code, ie: a protector of the innocent smiting a non-combatant, the smite doesn't work, just as though the target were non-evil. Alternatively, if the smite is in line with the paladin's code, ie: a liberator of slaves smiting a slaver, the smite functions like the smite is against an evil outsider, undead, etc. ![]()
![]() Set wrote:
...those are all awesome. I wish I had thought of them first. [/covetous glare] ![]()
![]() First off, big congrats to the top three. Great job! Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
And while I might not have made the top three, I'm glad to see that 4 of my 5 submissions made it to the honorable mention list. EDIT: I'd be all for the honorable mention pdf. ![]()
![]() Drejk wrote:
*scrolling through the thread* *see mention of my submission**see more praise of my submission* *see people figuring out what it is on name alone* [CONFIDENCE BOOSTED] Glad you guys liked it. Hopefully I'll have more before the 3rd. ![]()
![]() Next up, Bluuvi the Brawler! Bluuvi Bluuvi always loved throwing things at other things; Darts at birds, rocks at frogs, uneaten bird and frog remains at other goblins. Then one day she happened across gnome with a shiny metal tankard. She threw that at the gnome. Now she has shiny, dented tankard, and a bunch of new stuff! Female goblin brawler 1
Bluuvi is currently Martial Maneuvers to grant herself the Point Blank Shot feat. Her base stats are:
![]() Insain Dragoon wrote: How did a party hit level 4 before the stag lord? Unless you threw a lot a lot of stuff at them with the random encounter table. I'm using this 6-player conversion. Alexander has conversions for all of them here. ![]()
![]() Spatula wrote: Interesting idea. I kinda like the idea of Auchs as someone who hurts things with his hands. He jumped off the upper floor yelling "OH YAAAAAY!" in his best kinda slow Macho Man imitation. He got gored by the cavalier's auroch and immediately focused on "Bad Kitty". Spatula wrote: EDIT: So have they confirmed that levels in the hybrid class count as levels in the alternate classes for feats? I'm assuming so, given that you gave Auchs Weapon Specialization as his martial maneuver feat. I forget where in the Advanced Classes Board the answer specifically is, but yes, they do count as levels in their "base" classes. ![]()
![]() Insain Dragoon wrote:
My PCs are level 4, and were built with a 22 point buy. Granted, if the wizard didn't go all Spiderman, I more than likely would've been dealing with a dead PC. Maybe even two. However, this is the first time they were really worried. They steamrolled bandits and mites, made allies of kobolds, and have obliterated the threats they couldn't convert to their cause using a combination of fantastic teamwork and creative tactics. While I was worried that one of the party would fall, I wouldn't have had them face him at that level. I knew that they could take him, I just didn't know how. The cleric preparing hold person was a surprise to me, though the 3 staring back up at me when he asked for the Will save certainly didn't hurt their chances for survival. All in all, they had a blast. 14 mooks, Brawler Auchs, Dovan, the Stag Lord, AND Beaky the Advanced Owlbear. They wouldn't have had me do a thing different. ![]()
![]() New classes, new goblins. Ronk Ronk comes from a long line of tree-dwelling goblin shamans. Many, many, MANY of his forebears have had the honor of "Best Flamey-Handed-Fire-Boom-Boom Maker" in the Licktoad tribe. Though try as he might, Ronk can't master even the simplest of fire spells. And that makes Ronk just SO very angry... Male goblin bloodrager 1
When not raging, statistics are:
![]() A little bit of cross-posting from the Advanced Class boards... My party was just about to finish the first Kingmaker book, The Stolen Lands, so I took the opportunity to test out some of the new classes. I'm running with 5 well-statted PCs, so I'm using the six player fan conversion. Auchs Spoiler:
Auchs Male human brawler 4 CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +1; Senses Perception +8 ------------------ Defense ------------------ AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 38 (4d10+12) Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 ------------------ Offense ------------------ Speed 35 ft Melee unarmed strike +11 | +9/+9 (1d8+10) Special: Brawler's Flurry ------------------ Statistics ------------------ Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 4 Base Attack +4; CMB +9 (+10 trip), CMD 20 Feats: Fleet, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) Skills: Perception +8, Swim +12 Languages: Common (illiterate) Special Qualities: Maneuver Training (trip), Martial Maneuvers Combat Gear: 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of lesser restoration Other Gear: masterwork chain shirt, amulet of mighty fists +1, knight and dragon toys (45 gp), silver Stag Lord amulet (20 gp) Base Stats: Melee unarmed strike +11 | +9/+9 (1d8+6) Auchs used Martial Maneuvers to give himself Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike) as combat starts, which is already factored in to the damage above.
The Stag Lord Spoiler:
The Stag Lord Male human slayer 9 CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +4; Senses Perception +10 ------------------ Defense ------------------ AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 dodge, +1 natural) hp 84 (9d8+27) Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +24 DR 5/cold iron ------------------ Offense ------------------ Speed 30 ft Melee +1 longsword +12/+7 (1d8+3/19-20) Ranged +1 composite longbow +12/+7 (1d8+8/x3) Special: Favored Target +2, Sneak Attack +3d6 ------------------ Statistics ------------------ Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12 Base Attack +9; CMB +11, CMD 25 Feats: Deadly Aim, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (composite longbow) Skills: Acrobatics +13, Appraise +1, Climb +11, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography) +4, Perception +10, Stealth +13, Survival +8, Swim +11 Special Qualities: Track (+4), Slayer Talents (combat trick x3, weapon training), Stalker Combat Gear: 2 potions of cure serious wounds Other Gear: +1 leather armor, +1 longsword, +1 composite longbow (+2 Str), 20 arrows, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1, stag's helm, cold iron band, one +1 human-bane arrow Base Stats: Ranged +1 composite longbow +15/+10 (1d8+2/x3) The Stag Lord is currently using Deadly Aim to take a -3 on his ranged attacks, and gaining +6 damage. Auchs performed like a champ, elbow-dropping our cavalier from the upper floor and almost knocking off her mount. He held off the cavalier, her auroch mount, and the cleric of Gorum, dealing scads of damage bare-handed. While that was going on, the Stag Lord made the cleric his favored target (from cover and hidden) and sunk an arrow into the holy warrior's side. Luckily for the cleric, not close enough for sneak attack. Mobility is incredibly limited due to the party wizard's web, so those engaged stay close. With a quick jab from Auchs, the cleric drops to negatives, and the cavalier responds with a yard of steel through the simpleton's spine effectively ending the brawler playtest. The Stag Lord, still hidden thanks to fantastic dice rolls, switches his favored target to the wizard and lets another arrow fly. Still standing, the wizard dumps a healing potion down the cleric's throat. The cleric, now in the positives, sits bolt-upright and hits the Stag Lord with hold person, turning the villain from threat to statuary, and then statuary to bleeding pile. Overall, the brawler feels good. Nicely balanced between fighter and monk. The martial maneuvers, for an NPC, only really add a feat. It's nice to be able to swap on the fly, but the average NPC lasts a few rounds at most. It's something that I really want to see a PC use before I pass judgement. The slayer has a LOT of potential for wrecking faces. Admittedly, I tried keeping him as "canon" as I could, so instead of trying some of the more interesting slayer talents, he just took more feats. I really want to toy with more of the talents. Deadly Range, Slowing Strike, and Sniper's Eye would have drastically changed the shape of the battle (if our wizard hadn't gummed up the battlefield with his web...). All in all, the brawler and the slayer feel like a lot of fun, I just need more time to play with them. ![]()
![]() My party was just about to finish the first Kingmaker book, The Stolen Lands, so I took the opportunity to test out some of the new classes. I'm running with 5 well-statted PCs, so I'm using the six player fan conversion. Auchs Spoiler:
Auchs Male human brawler 4 CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +1; Senses Perception +8 ------------------ Defense ------------------ AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 38 (4d10+12) Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 ------------------ Offense ------------------ Speed 35 ft Melee unarmed strike +11 | +9/+9 (1d8+10) Special: Brawler's Flurry ------------------ Statistics ------------------ Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 4 Base Attack +4; CMB +9 (+10 trip), CMD 20 Feats: Fleet, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) Skills: Perception +8, Swim +12 Languages: Common (illiterate) Special Qualities: Maneuver Training (trip), Martial Maneuvers Combat Gear: 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of lesser restoration Other Gear: masterwork chain shirt, amulet of mighty fists +1, knight and dragon toys (45 gp), silver Stag Lord amulet (20 gp) Base Stats: Melee unarmed strike +11 | +9/+9 (1d8+6) Auchs used Martial Maneuvers to give himself Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike) as combat starts, which is already factored in to the damage above.
The Stag Lord Spoiler:
The Stag Lord Male human slayer 9 CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +4; Senses Perception +10 ------------------ Defense ------------------ AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 dodge, +1 natural) hp 84 (9d8+27) Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +24 DR 5/cold iron ------------------ Offense ------------------ Speed 30 ft Melee +1 longsword +12/+7 (1d8+3/19-20) Ranged +1 composite longbow +12/+7 (1d8+8/x3) Special: Favored Target +2, Sneak Attack +3d6 ------------------ Statistics ------------------ Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12 Base Attack +9; CMB +11, CMD 25 Feats: Deadly Aim, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (composite longbow) Skills: Acrobatics +13, Appraise +1, Climb +11, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography) +4, Perception +10, Stealth +13, Survival +8, Swim +11 Special Qualities: Track (+4), Slayer Talents (combat trick x3, weapon training), Stalker Combat Gear: 2 potions of cure serious wounds Other Gear: +1 leather armor, +1 longsword, +1 composite longbow (+2 Str), 20 arrows, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1, stag's helm, cold iron band, one +1 human-bane arrow Base Stats: Ranged +1 composite longbow +15/+10 (1d8+2/x3) The Stag Lord is currently using Deadly Aim to take a -3 on his ranged attacks, and gaining +6 damage. Auchs performed like a champ, elbow-dropping our cavalier from the upper floor and almost knocking off her mount. He held off the cavalier, her auroch mount, and the cleric of Gorum, dealing scads of damage bare-handed. While that was going on, the Stag Lord made the cleric his favored target (from cover and hidden) and sunk an arrow into the holy warrior's side. Luckily for the cleric, not close enough for sneak attack. Mobility is incredibly limited due to the party wizard's web, so those engaged stay close. With a quick jab from Auchs, the cleric drops to negatives, and the cavalier responds with a yard of steel through the simpleton's spine effectively ending the brawler playtest. The Stag Lord, still hidden thanks to fantastic dice rolls, switches his favored target to the wizard and lets another arrow fly. Still standing, the wizard dumps a healing potion down the cleric's throat. The cleric, now in the positives, sits bolt-upright and hits the Stag Lord with hold person, turning the villain from threat to statuary, and then statuary to bleeding pile. Overall, the brawler feels good. Nicely balanced between fighter and monk. The martial maneuvers, for an NPC, only really add a feat. It's nice to be able to swap on the fly, but the average NPC lasts a few rounds at most. It's something that I really want to see a PC use before I pass judgement. The slayer has a LOT of potential for wrecking faces. Admittedly, I tried keeping him as "canon" as I could, so instead of trying some of the more interesting slayer talents, he just took more feats. I really want to toy with more of the talents. Deadly Range, Slowing Strike, and Sniper's Eye would have drastically changed the shape of the battle (if our wizard hadn't gummed up the battlefield with his web...). All in all, the brawler and the slayer feel like a lot of fun, I just need more time to play with them. ![]()
![]() AndIMustMask wrote:
I've been pronouncing it ar KA nist. ![]()
![]() Azran wrote:
Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. I'm gonna be running RotR in a few months, and I'm already thinking similar changes. I'd keep Gogmurt the same though, IMHO. My Kingmaker party is literally at the Stag Lord's fort, and I think that Staggy may get a Slayer redo. ![]()
![]() For the love of the Nine, plan out "random" encounters. Nothing breaks the flow of the game like rolling out whether or not an encounter shows up and what it is. Use everything you have to foreshadow everything else. Random troll encounter? He's an envoy from book 2. Tatzlwyrms? Slap a fey-type template on one of them. Show hint and teases without giving your party the full info. And don't be scared to pad out some of the encounters. Big, mean monsters are nice, but the fight turns into a bit of a boring blanket beat. Adding some similiar enemies or interested terrain helps a bunch. I've got a litter of Tusk-lets for the Tuskgutter fight, and while the party is dragging the carcasses back to Oleg's I'm gonna run a threeway fight between the party, a pack of wolves led by a worg, and a hungry grizzly bear. Here's hoping I won't be adding anyone to the obituaries. ![]()
![]() Here's what I've cobbled together from my ideas and Threeshades.
Spoiler: Level 0 characters are considered level 1 characters of their class except for the following adjustments. - A level 0 character gains none of the benefits listed in their class's table under "Special" except for the listed abilities. Alchemist - Bomb (1 + Int mod per day, 1d4+Int mod fire)
- A level 0 character can only cast 0 level spells, if the class doesn't have 0 level spells or extracts, the character can't prepare or cast any.
![]() One more thing: - Spells: Clerics, druids, magi, witches, and wizards prepare one less 0-level spell than they would at 1st level. Inquisitors, oracles, and sorcerers know one less spell than they would at 1st level. Magi, witches, and wizards have a number of cantrips equal to 3 + their Intelligence modifier in their spellbook/familiar at 0 level. Magi and wizards also have read magic in their spellbook as well. While it's not expressly needed, I'd suggest to PCs playing a 0-level wizard to lean towards their favored school, if they're picking one. ![]()
![]() I, for one, love the idea of the pre-adventurer adventure. Here's my 2 cp:
Now, as for making 0-level adventures, I'd suggest using a lot of measely, little threats. Goblins and kobolds with broken weapons, undead forest critters, drunken bandits with no armor, stuff like that. Maybe the boss is a warrior that has proper armor and weapons, or a first level spellcaster of some sort. Looking forward to more. ![]()
![]() Timitius wrote:
Possible final question: Should I send each monster individually, or just send them as a bunch? ![]()
![]() Timitius wrote: 2. Bestiary entries are not separate articles. They, therefore, do not quite hold up to the 750 or 1500 word limits. Most monster entries are 300-500 words, with the playable race ones hitting 750. As a general rule, no monster entry should be over 750 words in length. Anything longer merits being its own article. Thank the Nine. Is there a limit as to just how many monsters can be submitted? ![]()
![]() If you're looking for a pretty durn good adaptation of the Rise of the Runelords AP, take a look at Tales from the Rusty Dragon. I helped with the channel divinity feats, and honestly love what Scott did with it. ![]()
![]() Very nice. I may change the template to something more rage-y. As for a full-fledged secondary runewell, I'd make it broken, drained, and serve only as foreshadowing. Detect magic would only show a lingering aura with nothing really concrete to go on. Maybe one or two glyphs in Thassilonian with a hard Linguistics DC to decipher, and only then they'd be just small pieces of info. Stick a sinspawn skull hidden half-buried in the dirt at the base of the well, it's more human-like top half the only part visible, again to foreshadow future badness. ![]()
![]() IIRC, Green Ronin had done up an eye tyrant template as bonus content for their Advanced Bestiary. The pdf used an eye tyrant phase spider as the example critter. Aside from the anti-magic eye, you can customize which spells the eyestalks can shoot. <tangent> For a Christmas in Candyland oneshot I ran, I had an Eye-Scream Tyrant Cookiesaurus Rex with cone of vanilla and atomic fireballs. </tangent> |