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Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.
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bugleyman wrote: Nice to see some news on this front, but...two skeletons? Two zombies? Two giant rats? It seems like you'd need at least two boxes -- if not four -- to make most common, low-level encounters. This assortment is arguably less useful than the original bestiary box in that respect.
Obviously there is finite space and trade-offs had to be made, but they seem to have emphasized completeness over pure utility...which is not the direction I'd hoped they would take this time around.
I've repeatedly said, I really want to see encounter packs for Pawns based on terrain, typical encounters, low-mid-high levels, etc etc. I'd buy those a lot more often and more frequently than I have ever the AP or Codex packs.
Gary Teter wrote: I'd really like to get tablet support working really well because it's cool. It's not going to be a primary focus, at least at first, just because there are so many aspects to focus on. But we have done some testing for tablets and phones and whatnot. My favorite experiment was having the map full screen on the computer and running the combat on the phone... As a gamer who relies on his iPad for a number of uses on and off the table I can't begin to describe how awesome it would be for me and my players (a number of whom are distance players skyped in) to be able to use tablets (especially iPad) for this.
Still, I do understand why it's not quite the main focus at this time.
Please, please make this compatible for iPad and Android tablet devices.
So, as a GM I have a lot of chances to look at how my players build their characters. In fact, I can say with a certain amount of confidence that I'm a fairly good authority on building characters.
Except, it seems, for cleric.
I've been trying to build one and I just can't seem to put together an optimal design.
Anyone have advice?
I'm not married to any particular deity, but this is set in the Dragonlance universe and we're playing good/neutral characters.
We're using 20 point buy, standard races with the exception of where they greatly differ from the Dragonlance setting (i/e no half orcs)
The GM is letting us use traits if that helps anyone with offers of advice.
I have begun to consider how I will be playing this. My wife and I have already gone over the FAQ over at GoblinWorks.
I am excited beyond belief, even karate chopped my desk in glee.
Thanks for this Paizo, it made my night.
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Wow, apart from my copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire the Masquerade I wasnt expecting much excitement in the realm of gaming this month. (Not that V20 isn't exciting in its own right, I've just had time to mellow since realizing it was coming) But now, I'm drooling over this. I've just started chatting my eldest up about gaming with me and I think this product's perfect for what we'd like to start with.
Thanks again Paizo, another home run. Though it would've been cool if the beginner minis shipped same day (not a complaint just an observation)
Also: any plans to make those tokens available separately or perhaps more of the same later? I mean those things looked fantabulous!
I'm also curious if we'll be seeing a game centered around the miniatures as well.
Not that I'm not looking forward to using them specifically with my tabletop games, but it'd be cool if we could count on a new miniatures war game.
LOL. I didn't even think to ask about that. My play group never seems to roll up rogues, I'm the only one with one and he's sitting at lvl 1 because I've dumped all my GM credit into a fighter.
Ah, that's good. I was worried. I have three adventures in the AM and three more in the evening to run this weekend. I was worried both Rangers were going to be dissapointed when they showed up saturday.
I noticed someone else posed the question, but I didn't see a response from anyone. Has the Ranger Hit Die been changed to d8 in PFS or is this a typo? I have players rolling up new characters for this weekend and they're bugging me to find out whats up.
Just curious if anyone has tried or is considering trying to run Pathfinder Society Scenarios using the game table at www.infrno.net ?
Myself and another player are extremely interested in getting involved in a game preferably as players.
This is so cool it hurts.
A pit trap leads the party into a room with a single exit, each time the door's handle is touched a mass teleport spell brings them to the top of the pit to fall again. (1d6 nonlethal from the fall)
Currently I'm looking for players who might be interested in a bi-weekly saturday night game using the PFRPG and other systems as we vote on when games are completed. We run games at my place in Butler, PA but I'd discuss moving location if it mattered.
Anyways, we're looking for anyone who wants to join as a player or as a GM after the current game is concluded.
PM me for details if interested.
I've already built a Gnome alchemist for a quick one shot dragonlance game that a friend of mine wants to run tonight, and we're getting ready to run it in the next half hour.
So far I think that both classes are fantastic and are a great wrap up to the APG playtest stuff, the feats were also a great addition and my friends who play fighters are excited to see them in play.
It depends on the game for me, I have several large three ring binders filled with the different games that we run.
For my Legend of the Five Rings game I have an old L5R Clan Rivals Binder depicting the Crab vs. Mantis that contains all the npc's, maps, and histories of the characters and plot hooks as well as any other notes I might have. It also contains all of my players character sheets.
For my Dragonlance games: I have an older black binder that has every D&D sticker/Fantasy Sticker I could find, I've had this binder for something akin to nine years. It contains everything in no specific order save that one divider splits "stuff for my players" and "stuff for my eyes only"
For my various World of Darkness games I was in a weird mood and put them in three different colored folders each one roughly the same color as the game we were playing. Green for Masq, Red for Apocalypse, Purple of Ascension. Orange for misc.
every other game has pretty much a variation of this for itself, with the noted exception that our Star Wars and Aberrant games are both much more modernized with most of my notes being on my Acer Netbook and characters being printed on excel spreadsheets.
For my dice its a large leather skull dice bag filled to the point where I can barely tie it, another cloth skull dice bag that is half full and a plastic green pencil case with wet-erase markers, a flash drive with paper mini's on it, pencils, and a couple of "one's" for the pizza guys tip.
you've talked so much about paizo and pathfinder that your FLGS employees now don't even ask you if you want them to order the latest product, it's just in your box.
It's that reasoning that I use the system of rolling 4d6 dropping the lowest and allowing a reroll of 1s for any single roll.
Ive found that a single 18 isn't game breaking for my players, and often adds a little bit of what I call "adventurer arrogance" that they need for their characters to feel that they are up to the task at hand.
My quintessential wizard player often places that single high stat in his intelligence but would like to play physically fit wizards and I see no reason not to say ok to that by allowing them a system that generates fairly good numbers.
Granted, there is the problem of the one guy who always rolls REALLY high (you all know that guy, and if you're a DM you secretly wish he'd crit fail every so often just to knock him down a peg or two) but on a whole I think it's better than point buy.
As a DM that runs games in the Midnight Campaign Setting, I enjoy a dark gritty feel to my games, my players appreciate it as well. Still, this dosn't change that sometimes...Feeling nostalgic they want to be heroes of the four-color variety.
When that comes about I support it the best I can (which is why I created the Dragonlance plot that I run on occasions) and our other DM runs very lighterhearted heroic games for the players when I'm at work.
Still, I've found that the AP's provide just enough grit and darkness for me to feel satisfied and yet still allow for the PC's to be the "light in the dark".
I know that I've had friends recently who just don't have the time to come over and game anymore, one has decided to spend all his time with his significant other, while the rest just never want to get together on the one weekend a month I'm off.
I've taken to PbP for now, but I'm lookin to make my way into using msn or IRC just to keep my hobby breathing while I work out a plan to keep a group together.
problem with Western PA is that there arent a lotta gamers around.
Oh I'll be honest, I don't have this issue at my table. My players leave all final rulings to me, we don't dispute things unless I say "maybe".
I suppose I am just spoiled, they have all accepted and expect any new members to also accept that I am "god" when it comes time to sit at the table.
I'm of the opinion that the tweek would be too much book keeping, but it's only because I don't encounter obstacles like you've mentioned.
KaeYoss wrote: Nope, works fine as it is now, too much unnecessary bookkeeping (all bookkeeping is too much if it is unnecessary) Amen to that, I don't see anything wrong, if your players can't figure out that they shouldn't be cheesing like you mention, then there is no point in having that player at the table.
Let cheese be it's own punishment, not the rules.
I love high adventure with serious impact on the world from the players choices, moral gray areas are a must, with plenty of do or die decision making in the process.
Dragonlance is my favorite place to put this all.
Then again...there's something to be said about a romp in the tomb of horrors or temple of elemental evil (sigh, wish I had kept that box set)
I like the way theyve got the fighter put together, i think the only suggestion I might make is a increasing CMB bonus (aside from stat bumps and bab) for them somewhere as they go up in level, I've always seen the fighter as the guy who charges in, or grabs the staff from the bad guy, or breaks the bandit's silly little quarter staff in two...