Ulserad's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 30 Organized Play characters.



Congratulations David!!!

Looks great, like eveything you guys do!! High quality!!!!


Mark Garringer wrote:
Ulserad wrote:
I am running Pathfinder at a convention called "Totalconfusion", it's held in February in Mansfield, Ma. How can I get The Year of the Shadow Lodge to run there?
Send an email to hyrum.savage@paizo.com

Thank you Venture Captain


I am running Pathfinder at a convention called "Totalconfusion", it's held in February in Mansfield, Ma. How can I get The Year of the Shadow Lodge to run there?


We ran 15 tables and they were almost all new players. We had planned on running high and low mods, but we didn't have many advanced characters.


Ulserad wrote:

We are offering a wide selection of Pathfinder Society mods at Carnage by the Lake, a convention in Fairly, Vermont, November 6-8.

We have GMs and space at the con, now all we need is you!

sorry, it's Carnage on the Mountain and "Fairlee" VT.


We are offering a wide selection of Pathfinder Society mods at Carnage by the Lake, a convention in Fairly, Vermont, November 6-8.
We have GMs and space at the con, now all we need is you!


I have posted the schedule for OGC on warhorn.net/pathfinder at OGC and the OGC (ogc-con.com) website will be up soon.
I hope to see you there


I am organizing the Pathfinder Society events for a con at the end of July. I am planning to offer the first nine mods and the last nine mods.

What I need to know is how many mods are going to be available by that point. I am under the impression that there will be 26 year 0 mods by then, am I correct?

Anyone interested in attending can log on to www.ogc-con.com


My group uses a couple of different yahoo groups and warhorn to muster games, they are invaluable


I don't know if you can get to Nashua but there is going to be a convention there in July. There will be a new thread here soon for OGC, (Open Gaming Con)and by the way I play in the same group as "Tobias"