YourSwordisMine |
I heard from my Younger Cousin (who played Ezren) about the first session. Evidently things didn’t start out to well… Amiri started a new job on Monday, so that’s why I’d not heard from her yet.
I need to give a little bit of a background about my oldest cousin whom Amiri is dating. My cousin was born a crack-baby, and because of that he has some behavioral problems… This was compounded a few years ago when a stupid doctor explained it to him… So now he uses it as an excuse to be an even bigger a+$$%%#. He is now 20, and he is not the nicest person to be around a lot of the time… At least, my urge to punch him in the throat has lessened since he started Amiri. She has been a somewhat calming influence on him, but I still can’t understand why anyone would want to spend time with him, let alone date him… I’m family, so I have an excuse to deal with him… Luckily it doesn’t happen very often.
So, according to the younger cousin, Amiri had jumped full on ubergeek with all her books. She spent hours reading and preparing for her first game. She called me several times so this wasn’t a surprise to me. Unfortunately, during this time, Amiri and my older cousin hadn’t had sex in the week leading up to the game. The way my younger cousin described it they were usually at it like rabbits. This of course had the oldest cousin in a bit of a fit since if the world isn’t revolving around him 24/7 he gets pissy… Of course, being the Drama Llama that he is, he waited till the group had assembled on game day to throw his temper tantrum…
The game was being hosted by one of Amiri’s friends brother. Said brother used to be a bouncer and proceeded to “bounce” my cousin across the room, and then drug his unconscious form out into the front lawn. Of course my younger cousin found this highly amusing, but Amiri was quite upset. Still, everyone calmed her down, my cousin was being a dick and what he got was well deserved. My cousin usually gets away with his b&@&!&@*, but the host wasn’t having any of it; not in his house anyway.
My cousin was only out for a little bit, and the host told him he could come back in and join the game once he cooled down… Being the entitled moron that he is, my cousin called the police… When the cruiser arrived, the Officers talked to the host for a few minutes while my cousin raved that he wanted the host arrested. Evidently the Host and the Officer knew each other from the Bouncing job. Since my cousin was still raising a stink, the officers told him if he didn’t shut out, they would arrest him… That of course was that and the cops left a sputtering cousin in the front lawn. Incensed, my cousin drove home in a huff, stranding his brother and girlfriend at the hosts house…
Suffice it to say, things didn’t get off to a good start… About this time, the hosts partner got home from work. Everyone encouraged Amiri to not let my cousins stupidity ruin her game. From the way my cousin explained it, a lot of this reassurance came from the Host and his partner. So, after some time to calm down and compose herself, Amiri started Rise of the Runelords for her group.
I don’t have a lot of details since my younger cousin couldn’t talk long but I gather it went very well despite the whole mess with his brother. The host was playing Seoni, and his partner took my older cousins place as Valeros. There was a lot of roleplaying as Seoni and Valeros were flirting outrageously. I’ve not played or run RotRL, so I don’t know what it entails, but it sounds like they got some roleplay and a combat in before game was called for the night. Since only a few of the group had ever played a roleplaying game before, the combat took a bit longer, but that’s expected for a new group. But from what it sounds like, everyone had a great time. The host drove my cousin and Amiri home after the game. He seems a cool guy.
Despite everything that happened, it looks like everyone wants to keep playing. I think they are going to play again next Saturday. I’ll update more after I get a chance to talk with Amiri tonight.