DM Crispy | that I've ensnared you, it's time to share my expectations for this game:
1) I have stuff going on...I work full-time, have six beautiful kids and a lovely wife. If you need to be out for any extended period, just let me know and we'll work something out. That being said, I expect 1 post/day, with no exceptions for weekends. If we can manage a good rhythm and get more in, that's great. You can expect the same from me.
2) I don't own any of the advanced guides, so we'll be on the honor system as far as your abilities go. Know what you can do and be ready to explain it if I ask.
3) Rules - I tend to go by Rules as Intended. So no rage cycling and things like that, if you catch my drift.
4) Rules - Also, I know most of the rules, but I will occasionally screw up. If it wouldn't affect gameplay (i.e. I give an enemy a charge action he shouldn't get, but misses), then let's just let it go. I don't like to retcon.
5) Experience - Short version, there won't be any. When I feel you should level up, I will let you know.
6) Gameplay and Combat - In a combat situation, I will post initiative order. Then I would like you to post your character's actions in that round. Provide alternatives, just in case. Combat is fluid, so your guys aren't just standing around waiting for each other to act, and can occasionally screw up because they aren't in sync.
7) Discussion - The discussion tab is strictly for ooc ramblings only. Any planning, etc. will be put into the Gameplay tab. This makes eavesdropping/magical scrying a concern.
8) Gameplay in General - This is my first PbP DM experience, but I've been doing tabletop for close to 20 years. I usually have to settle for hack n slashers, but this format provides for a rich story-telling environment, and I expect you to do your part.
DM Crispy |
A couple more things...
9) Combat - We'll be running the 24 hour rule, which means you get 24 hours to post your actions when a new initiative is posted. If you linger, you will get DMPC'd.
10) More Combat - In regards to item 6, this doesn't mean that you guys can not communicate to each other. Yell that you're going to take out the baddie in C6 to your friends so they know what you're doing.
Look forward to hearing from each of you.
Gaius Tindareus |
Would you guys like to recruit another player or two, or just move forward? I believe these AP's are designed for 4 PC's.
Yep, APs are designed for 4 PCs actually with a 15 point buy (and we were 20). So we should be fine with 4 (I'd vote against adding).
Are you familiar with the SRD? I don't own tons of books, but I just use this site:
Pyron Firehide |
I think we are perfectly fine with the four of us. Thank you for taking over. I look forward to playing this game with you.
On an important side note. I created my character up to third level and made an amazing backstory for a different game in which I was still not accepted due to too many players vying to get inside the game. I scaled my character to level one. With that being said, I would like to incorporate the backstory into the game somehow for what happens to him. I also had a couple of rules questions that I asked the other GM, but I never received an answer. I will PM you or post the questions here for you. In terms of allowing source books, which materials do you accept and which do you reject or is it on a case by case situation?
Again, thanks for taking the helm for us.
Tolenn |
Hello, Hello
Thanks for taking us in Crispy.
One question: do you mind if I switch Tolenn to a regular Paladin and drop her Undead Scourge archetype, her original character creation was random.
Also, another artifact of that previous failed campaign is the contacts and persons known in her profile, feel free to make use of them.
Pyron Firehide |
Rules Question #1:
I use d20pfsrd website for my information on Pathfinder. The editor posted this on the purifier page:
"Though the text stating so is missing from the Advanced Race Guide, the purifier's bonus spells are likely meant to replace the bonus spells granted by the oracle's mystery. GMs are encouraged to include this text: 'These bonus spells replace the oracle’s mystery bonus spells from the indicated levels.'" er-oracle-aasimar
Rules Question #2:
Can I use my Charisma modifier for cleric spells and effects that use Wisdom, such as spiritual weapon?
As written, those effects say "Wisdom" (because they were written before the idea of the oracle class as a Charisma-based caster), so an oracle has to use her Wisdom modifier.
However, it is a perfectly reasonable house rule to allow an oracle to use her Charisma modifier (or bonus) for cleric spells that refer to the caster's Wisdom modifier (or bonus).
If anyone else is interested since you may notice it in game, the GM accepted both alternative rulings on these two rules. Thanks DM Crispy.
Pyron Firehide |
Shouldn't we be playing at page=last or is this location fine?
Pyron Firehide |
I just purchased Hero Lab a couple of nights ago including a lot of supplements. Do you want me to keep the information updated in the character's profile page or just use Hero's Lab?
Do you use action points, hero points or words of power?
Gaius Tindareus |
@Pyron--wow, I'm surprised there isn't an official errata to that (your rules Question #2). Oracles use Charisma as their casting stat so it really seems implied to me that it would affect other aspects of the spells as well. I'm glad you mentioned that point so I know it now for PFS and whatnot.
@DM Crispy: I don't have any experience with action points or words of power (the latter I think is fairly complex), but I have used hero points as both a GM and player and they can be really cool especially to preserve the story (by providing the GM with a little wiggle room). My players have used hero points strategically in the Skull and Shackles AP I'm GMing, preventing at least 3 character deaths.
Here's the rules if you're interested:
DM Crispy |
Hero Points - Hmmmmmmm, you guys technically are already overpowered. I'll allow 2 hero points per PC, and the ONLY thing they can be used for is to cheat death. One Get Out of Jail Free card.
Active Effects - In the body of your posts in a spoiler, please let me know what active effects your PC has. I won't remember that your character cast haste 30 posts ago, likely, so keep a running tab of what your character has going on to make my life easier.
Pyron Firehide |
I appreciate the Get Out of Jail Free Card. Thanks for that!
Do you use the following Ultimate Combat rules:
Called Shotes
Piecemeal Armor
Wounds & Vigor
How about the following optional rules?
Don't require memorized spells (I assume we are required.)
Enforce animal magic item slots
Free upbringing feat (I assume not since we are overpowered.)
No coin weight
No encumbrance
Skills don't need tools
Use drawbacks
Use flaws
Use backgrounds
Use prestige awards
Use skill tricks
How do you do hit point advancements? I assume standard die roll on the forum for proof.
DM Crispy |
No Ultimate Combat rules. As this is my first PbP, let's keep it simple.
You ARE required to memorize, unless you are a spontaneous caster. Sorcerors don't, wizards do. Etc.
Yes, I enforce animal item slots, if you are so inclined.
No Free Upbringing.
Encumbrance is a thing and so is coin weight.
Skills usually can be used without tools. Depending on circumstances, I might give penalties/bonuses.
You guys already have characters built, so no drawbacks that don't already exist. No flaws, prestige awards, or skill tricks.
I will attempt to incorporate backgrounds, but I will mainly leave it for you to flesh out your own story.
HP advancement - Half + 1.
Pyron Firehide |
Do you prefer us to edit our last post if we are going to post within one hour since our last post or do you want us to just make a new post, so you know a new post has been made by looking at the link on top which states that a new post has been posted for ease of use?
Also, thanks for answering the above questions.
Wednesday Daud |
Sorry for the delay, you were all posting during my sleeping hours hehe.
Hello DM Crispy!
Gaius Tindareus |
@DM Crispy--re: hero points, are you saying that we still get one each level (but the cap is 2 instead of 3), so right now we all still have 1, right?
We actually incapacitated Hookshanks, too (if you read the last couple of posts of the other thread you can see it). This is what we were all doing when Rakdon was getting "Shark-Weeked" ;-)
@Wednesday--you appear to be missing a feat. You have Alertness (granted from your animal companion /w bodyguard archetype) and Pack Attack (your bonus teamwork feat granted from Cavalier), but you don't have your regular-ole First Level Feat. Perhaps DM Crispy will let you add it in?
I have a Huntmaster Cavalier in a different campaign so I've looked up some of this stuff, and there's a pretty cool feat that will basically make your doggy tougher if you want.
It's actually called Huntmaster, too.
Something to consider for now or in the future with your build, anyway.
Pyron Firehide |
The group loot so far is a garnet, a light crossbow with 10 bolts, and a dagger. I stated that I thought that I might want to use the studded leather rather than my hide shirt, but I change my mind. Pyron will keep the hide shirt, so the studded leather is still group loot. Since I realized that I have approximately a fifty percent chance to activate the wand of acid splash, someone else can have the wand. It has 28 charges left according to GM Fenwick when my character did the spellcraft check. Since no one else claimed the light crossbow and ten bolts, and since it would be a good ranged weapon for Pyron, I'll have him claim it unless others feel otherwise.
Accordingly, here is the new group list of available loot: a garnet, studded leather armor, dagger, and wand of acid splash (28 charges). Since Rakdon said he would keep the list of the loot, I can have my character carry the group loot with the exception of the studded leather; otherwise, my character would go from medium load to heavy load. Any thoughts or disagreements?
Pyron Firehide |
@Gaius: I think he was intending us either 1) only to have a total of two hero points over the entire course of the game = One Get Out of Jail Free Card OR 2) to have a cap of two and the only thing we can use it for is to keep from dying, which means that we can die once every other level at maximum and still be okay, which is an acceptable option in my opinion, because we are capped at 2 instead of 3 and we are limited to one ability, which balances it out with the characters being a little bit overpowered.
Gaius Tindareus |
The group loot so far is a garnet, a light crossbow with 10 bolts, and a dagger. I stated that I thought that I might want to use the studded leather rather than my hide shirt, but I change my mind. Pyron will keep the hide shirt, so the studded leather is still group loot. Since I realized that I have approximately a fifty percent chance to activate the wand of acid splash, someone else can have the wand. It has 28 charges left according to GM Fenwick when my character did the spellcraft check. Since no one else claimed the light crossbow and ten bolts, and since it would be a good ranged weapon for Pyron, I'll have him claim it unless others feel otherwise.
Accordingly, here is the new group list of available loot: a garnet, studded leather armor, dagger, and wand of acid splash (28 charges). Since Rakdon said he would keep the list of the loot, I can have my character carry the group loot with the exception of the studded leather; otherwise, my character would go from medium load to heavy load. Any thoughts or disagreements?
Me, Tolenn, and Wednesday all have good strength, so if it's a matter of encumbrance we can always spread it around. Also, anything overly encumbering we can always set down and get it on our way out.
@Gaius: I think he was intending us either 1) only to have a total of two hero points over the entire course of the game = One Get Out of Jail Free Card OR 2) to have a cap of two and the only thing we can use it for is to keep from dying, which means that we can die once every other level at maximum and still be okay, which is an acceptable option in my opinion, because we are capped at 2 instead of 3 and we are limited to one ability, which balances it out with the characters being a little bit overpowered.
Yep, I couldn't distinguish which one of these two DM Crispy wanted.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited for the showdown with Lamm!
Wednesday Daud |
@Gaius: thanks! I think I actually have that on Daud's real world character sheet, need to go find it now that I'll actually be using him hehe.
Pyron Firehide |
Then the armor is available for anyone to grab. A garnet is not heavy, so Pyron can hold it unless there is trust issues in the game and it be given to another member for RP purposes since it was not really brought up in the game so far. If no one wants the wand, then Pyron will continue to use it since he loves using magic devices.
DM Crispy |
I have no problem with Wednesday adding the feat as appropriate.
Party Loot - If someone would be so kind to keep a list, that would be great. I'll need names beside each item, as far as who is carrying what, just in case of theft, encumbrance, etc.
Hero Points - We'll say you start out with the 2, then can get 1 every level thereafter. Only useable for 'OOPS I charged the boss by myself with 2 hp and he has Power Attack and Improved Critical' moments. LOL
Pyron Firehide |
I have attached everything so far except for the studded leather to my character sheet on Hero Lab for purposes of encumberance, theft, etc. They are not notated as party equipment. Is anyone else really excited to keep a list for the long haul? Otherwise, I can put it in the journal notes on Hero Lab.
Pyron Firehide |
I have a background details section in Hero's Lab that I can list the party loot. I put our current loot list in there right now. Just a note, Pyron is actively using the wand (it is in his primary hand).
Pyron Firehide |
@DM Crispy: Should I assume you have read through the gameplay in the other forum?
DM Crispy |
Everyone ok with the maps?
Also, I have been rolling some checks for you guys to speed things along. The in-game dice roller seems pretty impartial, so I didn't think you'd mind.
Once Tolenn states her action, we'll roll initiatives for everyone else and then I'd like a stated action, with perhaps a contingency. That way I don't have to take too much liberty with what you're doing, but we don't wait around for the last person to go before our next person acts.
Example: Gauis shoots down in the hole at spider 2. If spider 2 is down, he instead attacks spider 3. Etc.
Pyron Firehide |
Well, he was born with it, so I assumed he could have it manifest just as if he was batting an eye, especially when I read it as at-will.
Pyron Firehide |
According to the variant Aasimar abilities table at d% 3, it reads:
As a move action, you can manifest or dismiss a halo around your head that sheds colored light as a torch.
I think that is reasonable.
Pyron Firehide |
If this is the case, and since I already had it showing on the current character sheet that I sent to the GM that Pyron was wielding his buckler, I will assume that if he had turned off his halo, then he will use his move action to turn it back on if we are going to go with the reading from the variant Aasimar abilities tables.
DM Crispy |
This comes from the PRD - Halo: Some aasimars possess the ability to manifest halos. An aasimar with this racial trait can create light centered on her head at will as a spell-like ability. When using her halo, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled. This racial trait replaces the darkvision racial trait.
Where are you getting your info? Can I have a link? I'm not trying to nitpick, but I need to know what you're looking at.
Pyron Firehide |
Go to
It is halfway down the page. You can search for halo on the page; it is the fifth halo word on the page.
Pyron Firehide |
Here are the two sources for Aasimars. The second source is where I believe this table is listed and from where the website received its information. My friend has a copy of it, so I can check it myself if you would like.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Amber E. Scott.
Pyron Firehide |
Also, I have darkvision from my revelation that is available through my mystery.
Pyron Firehide |
Just a quick note: This game is going faster now. Thanks for getting us going and transitioned smoothly DM Crispy, so we can play and have fun.