Pyron Firehide |
Ok, I think we're on the same page now. You are not using your Halo spell-like ability, you are manifesting a halo of light that gives no other benefit. Is that correct?
The halo from d%3 is replaces an aasimar's spell-like ability racial trait. Any abilities that grant spells or spell-like abilities are treated as having a caster level equal to the aasimar's character level. This one only gives colored light like a torch at a move action. I didn't give up my spell-like ability racial trait for this ability; therefore, I should not have this ability.
I gave up the senses racial trait darkvision for the halo alternate ability which provides all the listed benefits that you mentioned above. I have darkvision from another route. This one does not mention it to be a free action.
I thought that since the d% 3 halo was manifest as a spell-like ability as a move action, then that would mean my halo ability was also manifest as a move action. It doesn't appear to be so. Therefore, I have to assume that my halo is manifest as a standard action. However, I think it would be reasonable that if one halo is manifest as a move action then the other halo would be manifest as a move action, but this is a GM's call.
Regarding the game: After looking back in the old forum, he did not cast halo today. He cast it last night. I usually do not have it manifest, because it causes too much attention. So, I will assume he does not have it manifest right now.
Pyron Firehide |
Well, thank you for the ruling and for allowing me to have a lesser version of my halo.
Pyron Firehide |
Also, here is a conversation about the my halo, which has brought up a couple of other questions: link. I am still unsure about the answers to question numbers three and four. Any thoughts?
Pyron Firehide |
If halo plus gives light like the spell: link to light spell and the d% 3 halo gives light like a torch, should I assume that the light-only halo is to represent the d% 3 halo, which can then be just called either light-only halo or basic halo and should I assume that the light-only halo provides light like a torch just as the d% 3 halo provides? Essentially, are we basically merging the light-only halo with the d% 3 halo and providing that benefit to my character since it already has the more advanced halo at the cost of the stock darkvision that Aasimar's receive?
Gaius Tindareus |
Also, here is a conversation about the my halo, which has brought up a couple of other questions: link. I am still unsure about the answers to question numbers three and four. Any thoughts?
I only saw one question there, regarding what type of light is produced.
What were questions 3 and 4?
Pyron Firehide |
One other question then, if I use a swift action to create the light-only halo, would I need to use another swift action on another turn or a move action to switch it from light-only halo to halo plus?
Pyron Firehide |
Ah, wrong link (a similar one though): other link with four questions about the halo plus.
Pyron Firehide |
They are mutually exclusive. No upgrade. And it's a move, not a swift.
Right. My mistake. Thanks. I thought so.
So then that means my following ability is a standard action then too:
Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Aasimars can use daylight once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Pyron Firehide |
I say it's light as the spell 'light' cast at your character level. Thus, any darkness spell of 1st or above would counter it.
So, is this how it would play out in these three basic situations?
1a) Caster A (level one) casts darkness while my caster (level one) has the halo, then the halo would be countered. 1b) And if I then cast halo again, then it would counter their darkness spell.2) Caster A (level one) casts darkness while my caster (i.e. level five) has the halo, then the halo would not be countered.
3) Caster A (level five) casts darkness then my caster (level one) casts halo, then nothing would happen, because the darkness spell is more powerful than my halo spell-like ability.
Pyron Firehide |
I like it so far. I am happy that I get to actually enjoy the speed of the game and the story aspect of it. Everyone is pitching in to help everyone else immerse into the story. I think there is a good working balance between getting people to take their actions, stating the character's intentions, and keeping the game moving forward. Sometimes, changes may affect how someone would play a character a bit, so there may be problems at that point. My concern is that sometimes it does feel a bit rushed when you don't have all the information available; however, it is acceptable. I check the forum consistently, so I can wait for other's actions if I am really unsure, because we do have that 24 hours leeway, so at least that is available for us when we don't have a definite plan in mind.
Pyron Firehide |
By the way, I was mistaken about the daylight spell. I forgot that it was replaced by another ability as a Peri-Blooded Aasimar.
Gaius Tindareus |
Pyron, just making sure you understand you're gonna have a hard chance hitting anything in the room with a crossbow, as it stands right now. Your companions are providing a lot of cover for potential bad guys. Want to retract that readied action?
Tolenn pauses at the doorway, ten years of suppressed emotion and mental suffering come to the forefront as she stands at the threshold of the creature who left her for dead those years ago. The light chop of the water is the only sound heard in the small cramped space as Pyron's glow bathes the companions in a holy light.
Just a point--you actually can't ready actions before combat starts. Flavor-wise you can hold your crossbow and try to be ready if someone opens the door, but mechanically that would be represented by Pyron rolling higher initiative than the door opener.
I only say that because when we had first started playing 3rd edition our DM would always have the enemies behind doors ready action ranged attacks at us. In a dungeon crawl we were constantly barraged by arrows because we HAD to open the doors. Then we were like: "Fine, 3 of us will ready action bow shots while the 4th opens the door" until we finally looked up the rules and discovered that ready actions can only be done once combat has started. When two sides are aware of each other, initiative is rolled.
Just thought I'd share that as I'd played that way for a while. ;-)
Pyron Firehide |
Got it. I think I have learned that once before, but then I forgot that rule. It has been a while since I have played 3.5. I have played many games since then including 4.0 and Pathfinder.
Wednesday Daud |
Huzzah for the Animal Kingdom!
Gaius Tindareus |
Daud, I meant to ask you--how many dogs are you planning on getting in your hunting pack? I ask because it would be cool if you adopted Gob (Lamm's dog), you know?
Wednesday Daud |
No that was awesome with Gobblegut! And I was probably just have Vuk for my Hunting Pack but he'll probably still adopt Gob anyway.
Gaius Tindareus |
So, it seems that we're going to be leveling up soon. Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a level (and maybe one more later on) of Urban Ranger. That'll give me some disable device for situations like we're in now, and then I can get a longsword or greatsword or something for my blade of mercy instead of this tiny dagger.
What is everyone else thinking of?
Gaius Tindareus |
At Level 2 I'm taking a level in Ranger with these two archetypes: Urban Ranger and Warden
This gets me:
+7 HP
6 skill points (5 + 1 favored class)
Bluff, Disable Device, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Perception, Stealth
+1 BAB
+2 Fort Save
+2 Reflex Save
Track (+1 survival to follow tracks)
Wild Empathy (+2)
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Master of Terrain-Urban-(buildings, streets, sewers)
The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).
Wednesday Daud |
Lol, I can hear the culprit arguing with the guards as they lead him to the gallows "But don't you guys know how much exp a King is worth!"
Pyron Firehide |
Level 2 and 3 I will be taking witch. I will probably go off and play some of my backstory now after this day is over.
Wednesday Daud |
Just checked my profile aaaand it's gone. The update anyway.
*grumble**grumble* stupid 30 minute forum timeout *grumble**grumble*
Pyron Firehide |
Always copy your work before submitting. By the way guys, I am going to have Pyron become a witch through informal, sudden, mind-blowing way.
Wednesday Daud |
Lol, sleepy time! Not scary time!
Wednesday Daud |
Who'd thought, random drunk being a harder encounter than Lamm. Is there a Gator nearby?
Gaius Tindareus |
Before we go to investigate the butcher shop, I'd like to find a fence for our stuff and purchase some things, including a "longsword of fine make" and a "chain shirt of fine make", hehe.
Anyone else looking to buy anything?