Darkvision is black and white, so he should realize that one.
On the other two counts, though... he doesn't know he's an Aasimar? Wow. Interesting choice. I've played characters unaware of their race before, it can be fun. I don't think I ever had them ignore a racial ability, though. But, on the other hand it was easier to explain claws since it was Ravenloft and he was an arcanist who just assumed he'd failed some powers checks.
While on the topic of Wednesday, though, I've been growing curious about something. What happened to Vuk? I must have missed or forgotten the bit where he disappeared.
(Forgot that about Darkvision) He's probably just lived with it for so long he just doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
As to Vuk I'll just flat out say I'm a crappy AC user who forgets about him like a total jackass. But seeing as how we're dealing with undead he probavly would have left him at Zellara's or Crofts.
Hey Daud, it just occurred to me that this could be a good roleplaying opportunity to set your character on the path to discovering her true heritage (I'm assuming you want this eventually....). Maybe Daud could see his companions struggling and just wish with all his might for it to be brighter in here. Then, to his complete surprise...
Only a suggestion, but if you do want your character to discover something more about himself, now's not a bad time.
Don't normally like posting about motivations and the like but given the nature of the situation I felt it a little bit warranted. Regarding the "interferes", you don't have to block the blade, just calling him on it would be enough.
No problems. Zart isn't exactly the all out confrontation type. Raamanti might block, but really doesn't lack the will. Both are resigned to let it play out.
Don't worry about motivations, either - this is just how Zart would respond. As a player, I'm cool with it.
Okies, I've just been in a bunch of RL groups where the moment something hostile happens everyone becomes resigned to the outcome so was just wanting to avoid that malaise.
My reduced posting has come from this being a busy time for me at work (almost through it!), but also because of the seemingly-small (but more annoying than I thought it would be) issue of not being able to log in on my phone. One, I can't see when there's a new post so I have to manually go check the thread (not a huge deal). Two, I can't really post until I get home (because I can't post on my phone), and many times by then things have already progressed beyond where it would be natural in the conversation for me to say something. I've been reading everything each day and wanted to comment on many of the issues, but I don't want to retcon everything, and most times a different character says something similar to what I was going to say anyway.
So it's led to Gaius' seeming-silence on these issues.
Also, minor note--I have +4 initiative, but it looks like that didn't matter for this fight, just fyi.
It's modified somewhat in the Disney movie to be hypno eyes but in the book Kaa has "The Dance of the Hungry Kaa" which is pretty much what's happening now.
Taking a quick peek at the gameplay thread, no, the creature is not standing after the second round barrage. I tend to not update my games in combat until after the kids go to bed around 9-10 (since map updates and combat resolution take a bit longer than a character post).
Nice work Gaius! Even if you can't reel him in, that -4 to Dex will work well. So... with Pyron's hex and a -4 total to his AC? Phew! Extra concentration check required for each casting (additional to casting defensively) from being entangled? Very sweet indeed. We may even win this one.
Nice work Gaius! Even if you can't reel him in, that -4 to Dex will work well. So... with Pyron's hex and a -4 total to his AC? Phew! Extra concentration check required for each casting (additional to casting defensively) from being entangled? Very sweet indeed. We may even win this one.
Thanks! I thought about doing a ready action to do that if he starts casting a spell, but if he didn't cast my action would be wasted. Depending on how he is flying, it might also prompt a fly check.
You know, I could also use a swift action to cast litany of sloth on him. Then he can't cast defensively at all for a round.
Maybe I'll do that next round--let's see how this shakes out first.
Sorry about the relatively quiet front, guys. I have computer access to post, but the computer I have all my map and DM stuff on is currently in house-cleaning bonanza central (my wife decided it was time...and I decided to agree). I'll be back with an update hopefully tomorrow evening.
Nice work finishing the guy off, Gaius! Great use of your abilities to get that crossbow out. Thought he was going to escape (or finish us off) for sure! That AC and his being out of reach could have easily been game over.