GM Philippe Lam |
Okay so sounds like I still haven't received my confirmation mail despite asking for it again 2 minutes ago, so I won't be able to register my empty chronicle - somebody else might have to do it
Just in case of, my info
GM/Player Name : Philippe Lam
email :
discord : phil#0958
Advancement : Normal
PFS Number : 117194-31
Character Name : Zaga
Faction : Sovereign Court
DM Carbide |
I didn't last time, but will do so just in case:
Boon check: 1d20 ⇒ 9
DM Carbide |
I'm still unable to find the scenario on RPGChronicles. Is it listed under another number?
Philippe, I think you get one boon roll per role; a couple of specials ago I GMed, played at a Core table, and played at a Standard table, and I rolled three times.
GM Philippe Lam |
Just received my email confirmation so currently filling it
Weird that the special isn't on my list of available sessions to report, so I might get stuck with that detail, but everything else is there
boon (GM role) : 1d20 ⇒ 20
EDIT : You will have to manually modify the GMed scenario on the reporting because I have none of the specials on the available list, apparently.
I had to placeholder with the 2-00 Year of the Shadow Lodge for lack of a better solution, but report has been done for the specific character to credit to.
But it might be slow to arrive because given I got stuck with the mail thing, I didn't have HQ access,
EDIT 2 : Trying to check where to put my proof of ownership for that chronicle
The info I entered is there : pregame
(When I edit it doesn't show the space after the / but if you want to copy paste, you'll have to manually remove that space)
DM Carbide |
I've just been talking to bigrin, and he says that Cosmic Captive should be available to report soon.
Also, I'm still working on finding out if we could run Solstice Scar D.
Thanks much!
DM Carbide |
Thanks again on both counts.
Redelia |
Yep, official word that SSD is still available as scenario support
That has a very low minimum table count (I forget if it's 3or 4 tables and it's hard to look it up on mobile), and will be very popular since it was only run once in PbP and many people sat it out because they were tired from the previous solstice scar specials.
DM Carbide |
Let's go with that for Outpost, then. I'll set this inactive in a day or so.