GM Philippe Lam's page

14 posts. Alias of Philippe Lam.


Grand Lodge

@Redelia : you can take it back from there or I still need to deputize for a little bit more ?

Grand Lodge

Jarlaxle's initiative :1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Tusk's initiative :1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Trigar's initiative :1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Daeron's initiative :1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Cleric 1 initiative :1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Cleric 2 initiative :1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Daeron senses something wrong as he gets at the doorstep, he detects a trap right before falling inside it, and given the depth of it, anybody falling over would suffer quite substantially. He might have some difficulty dealing with the partial cover, but he has a line of sight against one of the clerics.

Daeron attacks with a longbow :1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Damage if it hits :1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

The shot goes wide, and said cleric reacts shortly thereafter. He tries to send an acid dart in retaliation IT's +2 to hit, not +3

Acid dart touch :1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage if it hits :1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Because of Daeron's high protection against touch attacks and the partial cover of the wall, the shot barely goes wide.

Jarlaxle is able to disable the trap by preventing the soil from falling over after mowing close and poke at it. Both Tri'gar and Tusk can move at full speed afterwards. The other cleric starts to find himself a little bit too close for comfort but see there's no point falling back, so comes forwards and releases a wave of negative energy against the partu

NEgative channeling :2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
DC13 for half. I botted the first round for the needs of pacing, Daeron's turn

Grand Lodge

Encounter B2, successful Diplomacy, tallying a clue for part 3

Grand Lodge

Covering for GM Redelia since she has to step away for a bit

Jarlaxle looks the one to go to when it comes to talk to others, if others want to chip in they won't be prevented to do so though. The survivng crysmal is free of the mephit's domination, and while the creature won't immediately start to help them, is certainly amenable to negotiate.

Jarlaxle's diplomacy attempt : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

The creature won't help them in a future combat but at least will provide them with clues about what might await them later closer to the actual prison of the entity that is calling for help. Will come into play in part 3

Additionally the hint of where they need to go next, and in the horizon there's a double gate to some sort of vault. Before they go their separate way, the crysmal provides them with one last hint of their next possible enemy : they might face followers of Ayrzul, the Lord Elemental of Earth, but evil-aligned.

After moving for a couple of minutes, they arrive closer to the gates. There aren't actual gates, the passageway acts more as a funnel given the walls are high enough that it's quite difficult to climb them. The creature didn't lie : two divine-like followers are expecting them with murderous intent once they see the party getting closer.

You can roll initiative, change maps to slide 4

Grand Lodge

Hopefully a quick rest, GM Redelia

I'm on it for the backup - every 24 hours for the bump/bot if I don't see a move ?

Grand Lodge

GM Redelia wrote:

For a multi-table special, the GM needs to bot any players who don't post within about 24 hours of the turn of their initiative block.

I strongly believe that it needs to be botting, not delay, because delay is far too likely to get characters killed.

Also, I'm back, and will be taking over again.

Thanks, GM Phillipe Lam, for taking over for a few days.

I almost considered short-cutting the whole fight and doing it in a cinematic way considering the lack of movement. I think I was afraid of botting entire blocks of characters, but if you think it's fine, then I should have taken my gloves off.

Grand Lodge

I'm still on the encounter in the crater due to lack of activity. What I should do ?

Only one crysmal and the mephit left, so the outcome is likely in little doubt

Grand Lodge

The crysmal was already weakened somehow by the fact it's fighting the mind enslavement the mephit is inflicting, so while it won't leave itself defenceless, that certainly makes the party's life easier. The hit Tri'gar is landing is hard enough to finish it off, considering Jarlaxle already threw an initial hit. Not entirely true, but given the PC moved and action wasn't specified, I have to imagine in the realm of the plausible

Grand Lodge

@Jarlaxle : What's your action ? Seeing the character is in melee, but what's the action next (If there's less action during the week-end I might have to do some level of botting or doing the rounds in a more narrative way ). But strictly speaking, given Either you, Tri'Gar and Daeron act in a single bloc, you can arrange the internal turn order as you see fit. Tusk can also anticipate the action if it makes it easier.

Grand Lodge

Might have to consider botting a not small part of the current sequence in Redelia's table, no new activity since her last gameplay post yesterday

Grand Lodge

GM Redelia : Enjoy the trip !

Grand Lodge

I'll be interventing in the gameplay topic from next Friday to Monday (it's the approx timeline when Redelia will be off for IRL reasons)

Having a fair grasp on where the party is, I will just have to imagine how I would continue the current sequence.

Grand Lodge

Wouldn't be technically a lie either since it's also a byproduct of the ravener sweeping past through

As for whether they choose to face the Ravener or the xiomorn, if they unanimously say they want so but lacks some of the needed tools, then it's on them only. I would only intervene if at least one player says about not feeling it (and it's fair)

So ultimately yeah depict as best as you think you can, and then hope for the best.

Grand Lodge

Just lurking a little bit

I'll deputize for GM Redelia when she becomes unavailable because of IRL
should happen around the end of next week, once it gets closer to that timeline more details will come (should last a couple of days)

Good luck