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Torrin can draw a weapon as he moves... does he have a chance to draw his shield after reaching the surface (or can he drop it into place as he moves/charges)?

cmlobue |

You can draw a weapon as part of a move action. Climbing is a move, but requires two hands. Dropping is a free action, so you could not also draw as part of that action.

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Not to be obtuse...
Climb 10 ft, Move
Drop 5 ft to surface, Free
Ready Shield, Move
All in one round.

cmlobue |

Sorry, thought you were using the ability to draw a weapon as part of a move action if you have a BAB of at least +1.

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No need for apology my question was sorta ambiguous.
And yes that's that I was alluding to. But that's next round with the charge!

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This is my second (out of three) games from this GameDay with an encounter that consisted of my PC working on disabling something impeding their progress while the rest of the party was fighting. I don't mind, it's how these PCs are built, I'm just amused that my baby occultist is echoing my high-level technomancer. Though I may end up wishing they were even remotely as hypercompetent for their level...

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Who/what hit Red for 6 hp?
Thor hit it (while prone and flanked) for 10 damage, but one of the magic circles gave it 4 temp HP, so it only lost 6 real HP. (It took me a moment or two to scan posts to figure this out myself.)

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Torrin Garr wrote:Who/what hit Red for 6 hp?Thor hit it (while prone and flanked) for 10 damage, but one of the magic circles gave it 4 temp HP, so it only lost 6 real HP. (It took me a moment or two to scan posts to figure this out myself.)
Grazie! (delayed, thought I'd replied)
Funny thing about the rolls, is they were across all games. One DM felt so bad he took pity on a stealth check (party Rogue) he decided to roll (behind screen, in person) and used that.
It usually doesn't bug me at all, except when it's regarding the one thing the character is built for. I mean that's their niche/role.
Ahh well.
Good game folks, thank you for having me!

cmlobue |

We are approaching the end of the scenario. Please fill out or check your information on the >Sign-In Sheet<. Also, please roll a d20 to see if you win a prize (1 or 20 is a success here). If you do win, you need your email on the sign-in sheet to receive it.
GM Prize?: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Sadly, two 1s does not win two prizes.

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To Boon or Not to Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 11

cmlobue |

Dora and Torrin, if you want credit for this adventure, you need to fill out the >Sign-In Sheet<.
Dora can also roll for a boon.

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So...now I just need to find someone running Unleashing the Untouchable (or convince myself that I'm crazy enough to run a Seeker-tier adventure myself) and then I will finally have completed the full Season 8 metaplot.

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So...now I just need to find someone running Unleashing the Untouchable (or convince myself that I'm crazy enough to run a Seeker-tier adventure myself) and then I will finally have completed the full Season 8 metaplot.
I could maybe be convinced to run that after my current seeker level adventure ends.

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Thanks GM for running and all of my teammates!

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Good game all and thank you very much GM. It was nice to stretch Micah’s playing legs.
Dayjob Craft: Armor + Tool: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 2 = 18
Did our elemental god we happened to rescue maybe fall under this faction journal card goal?
Rescue a named NPC who is a divine spellcaster with a good-aligned deity or a named outsider with the good subtype.

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Profession (barkeep): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Moe has some trouble at the bar.

cmlobue |

Good game all and thank you very much GM. It was nice to stretch Micah’s playing legs.
[dice=Dayjob Craft: Armor + Tool]1d20+6+2
Did our elemental god we happened to rescue maybe fall under this faction journal card goal?
Rescue a named NPC who is a divine spellcaster with a good-aligned deity or a named outsider with the good subtype.
The powers that be say that this does count toward the faction goal.
The powers that be also would like to know what specials you may be interested in for future cons (especially if you are willing to GM).
Reporting has been send to HQ, and chronicle sheets will be available within 24 hours.

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I'm not sure about GMing, but I still have a half-dozen specials from PFS 1E that I haven't played yet: 2-00, 6-00, 7-00, 8-99, 9-00, 10-00. Of those, 10-00 (The Hao Jin Cataclysm) is probably the one I'm most interested in, as I've played or run pretty much very other Tapestry adventure. (Sadly, my PC who is most invested in the demiplane is Seeker-level now, so out of tier.)

cmlobue |

Chronicles are >HERE<. Please let me know if there are any issues. I will leave the thread open for a few days for any final questions or roleplaying.
Thank you all for playing!

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Chronicle looks good. Thanks again for running!