[Gameday XIII] PFS1 #8-00 The Cosmic Captive

Game Master cmlobue


Current Characters

Master Historian

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺
(5,154 posts)
The Exchange Allanarion

LN nonbinary aphorite occultist 2 | HP 17/17; mental focus 4/6; crystalline dust 1/2 | AC 21, T 12, F 19 | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +2 | DV 60', Perc +5; [reroll used]

played by Tim Emrick (29 posts)
Golden Orb
Arod PFS

played by Redelia (3 posts)
Sargava Vignette
DM Carbide

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

played by John Woodford (14,328 posts)
Silver Crusade Dora 2

Android Alchemist(tinkerer) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | F:+4,R:+6,W:+1 | Perc +8 | Init +9

played by Redelia (46 posts)
Grand Lodge Koli and Thor

N (she/her) human brawler (wild child) 1 || HP 13/13 || AC 17/12/15 || Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 || Perc +4 || Stealth -1 || Speed 30 || Init +6 || Active Conditions: Planetary Adaptation

played by Meranthi (25 posts)
Silver Crusade Micah Elum

HP 17 (-0) | Mods: Endure Elements, Planetary Adaptation | NG Male Ifrit (Native Outsider) Summoner (Unchained) 2 | AC/Tch/FF 18/13/15 (-1 shooting xbow) | CMD: 14 | F/R/W +2/+3/+2 (5 Fire Resist) | Speed 30ft | Level 1 Spells 2/3, Summon Monster 7/7 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1 | Perc: -1 (Darkvision), SM: -1 | Init: +3

played by Pete H. (108 posts)
Liberty's Edge Moe "The Fighting Caydenite"

CG male human (Chelaxian) warpriest of Cayden Cailean 1 | AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 | Hit Points: 10/10 | Init +3; Senses Perception +1, Sense Motive +1 | Languages: Common | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 Trait bonus vs. mind-affecting effects for 1 hour after drinking alcohol | Blessings: 3/3
Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Craft (alchemy) +4, Diplomacy +4, Profession (barkeep) +5

played by Lysle (22 posts)
Headless Horseman's Horse

HP 13 (-0) | Mods: Combat Reflexes w/ Reach, Endure Elements, Planetary Adaptation | N Male Elemental Eidolon Outsider 2 | AC/Tch/FF 16/12/14 (18/14/16 vs. Evil) | CMD: 14 (16 vs. Evil)| F/R/W +4/+5/+0 (+6/+7/+2 vs. Evil) (Evasion; Immunity Fire, Paralysis & Sleep) | Speed 40ft | Perc: +4 (Darkvision), SM: +4 | Init (See Summoner)

played by Pete H. (38 posts)
Thor Steggy

N (he/him) stegosaurus || HP 9 || AC 20/14/16 || Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1 || Perc +4 (low-light vision, scent) || Stealth +4 || Speed 30 || Init +4 || Active Conditions: none

played by Meranthi (6 posts)
Liberty's Edge Torrin Garr

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1 | HP 6/12 | AC 18

played by Hassan Ahmed (41 posts)