Game Master Hack Anslash

Greetings, oh you unlucky and unfortunate few! Welcome to the fun!

Say hi, let us know who your character is/was in the life they used to know, and maybe say something about who YOU are too.


GM Labyrinth wrote:

I’m looking for 5 - 6 players for this. (If there's enough interest, I MIGHT consider a couple more, but then character deaths will be more likely to be permanent. It's unlikely, but we can discuss how dark we want this to be.)

So. What do YOU guys think? Do we need just stick with the six of you, and just make it deadly like it should be, or add another head or more and make it ridiculously difficult?

I'm inclined to stick with 6, but "the more the merrier" comment was tossed my way in a PM.

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Female Gnome

I think more than six might get a bit unwieldy but that's just my experience.

And I'm bringing in Isidiana, who is of the concept of 'what if Cinderella were born of a family of cobblers and never got a fairy godmother? ' :)

She was mistreated by her stepmother and step sisters, her birth parents dead and buried. She was to be wed against her wishes so her step mother could cash in... but fortunately (?) she was abducted before it could be sealed. She has been nice and compliant all her life.

She's just about hit the end of her rope there :)

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Male Human Bartender

Dak Pastie lives and works in Cayden's Hall, a meadhall and temple to Cayden Cailean in The Ascendant Court in Absalom. He's worked there since we was 9 years old, taken in by the clergy off the streets. He buses tables, fills drink orders, collects coin, and cleans while learning all he can about being a caydenite. When some of the female clientele get too deep in their drinks, they like to tease and flirt drunkenly with the young bartender. Dak awkwardly gets back to his work, to much laughter and good ribbing.

Dak figures he's going to be a cleric of Cayden Cailean someday. High Priestess Saphira has taken a shine to the young acolyte, helping him to learn her native varisian language. For as long as anyone remembers, Dak has always been interested in firebirds. Occasionally, Dak will have vivid dreams of seeing flaming hawks or eagles high in the sky above him.

Dak was given an important job by High Priestess Saphira. The bartender is to accompany a shipment of ale to Sothis in Osirion. Dak is to make sure all 36 barrels make it to their destination. And the clerics of the temple wanted Dak to go and see the world outside of Cayden's hall for a bit; get some experience.


Will work on completing things after sleep.....

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Male Human

Excited for this game. Every now and then we run a 0-level game and they are a blast... but mostly deadly.

For the record, my intent is NOT to kill you guys off, but rather to give you a lively adventure to start off your character careers. BUT, with 0 - level characters, ya never know...

Female Gnome
GM Labyrinth wrote:
For the record, my intent is NOT to kill you guys off, but rather to give you a lively adventure to start off your character careers. BUT, with 0 - level characters, ya never know...

Our hearts are pure so we must truly triumph!

M Halfling

0 level characters. Sounds like something right out of Dungeon Crawl Classics!

Miro was an on the run halfling from Cheliax who had managed to get to Andoraian and get apprenticed to a brewer so he could establish a life for himself.

Then he got kidnapped.

Miro is an angry, angry halfling.

Female Gnome

It's Monday, I'm gonna go ahead and post I think

Male Human Bartender

Yeah, me too.

Female Gnome

We may need to give the GM time to respond to our roles and let other RHMG Animator introduce his smith

RHMG here, got the the critical stuff in an alias now.

Female Gnome

Yay, another gal, poor Isidiana won't be the only one :)

Male Human

Anyone hear from the GM

Female Gnome

Not since last post. Hope RL hasn't started up trouble again

Male Human

Just incase things were to get stirred up and going, I will be pulling myself out. I have my own game going and I think I would prefer to give my gaming attention fully to that group.

Hope all is well for everyone, especially the GM.

M Halfling

I will be bowing out as well.

Female Gnome

I understand that. I am probably going as well. Darn shame. Looked to be a good group.

Yeah, I'm out.

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