Half-Fiend Minotaur

GM Labyrinth's page

29 posts. Alias of Hack Anslash.


Sure. That works. Choice of Profession or Craft, keeping in mind the idea behind it is that you're commoners/mundane at this point.

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A Treasure Hunt!

Marooned on a barren isle…
The island of the mighty Sea King, Viledel, was sacked by a pirate army 60 years ago.

Its destruction was so complete that even the location of the island was lost and forgotten. Despite the stories and rumors of immense treasures still hidden in the ruined stronghold, no one ever found the Sea King's island again.

Until now.

Through a cruel twist of fate, a small band of unwilling adventurers is kidnapped from their normal lives and then washed ashore on a small, barren island, where they discover what remains of Viledel's settlement.

But they aren't alone; marauding orcs and vile goblins have found their way to the island, too, and are frantically searching for the lost pirate hoard.

It's a race against time and monsters in this desperate treasure hunt, where the real reward, the greatest treasure, may simply be to survive!


Treasure Hunt is going to be a little different from most of the other adventures on this site in a number of ways, the most important being that it was originally written for 0-Level AD&D.

The Set-Up

The game will be run with the players starting as common folk (farmers, smiths, hunters, merchants, shoemakers, barkeeps, scribes, etc) with the goal of ending the adventure with everyone earning their first level in one of the CORE classes. (More on development below)
Each character will start as a 10 pt build for their ability scores. (Ideally, none of the scores should be exceptional, but that’s up to you guys. No score can go below an 8.)

All characters will start with 6 hps. Each character will start with a Profession Skill and one Skill of their choosing, that should be representative of their background in some way. None of the characters will start the game with equipment.
Races Allowed: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, ½ Elf, Halfling, ½ Orc


What happens next is based on the story and what the characters do, succeeding or failing at various tasks as you try to survive and (hopefully) escape being marooned on a pirate island!

When it’s all said and done, the characters SHOULD get a pretty good idea of what they are good at and what they’re not, based on what happens more than on the whim of the players that created them.

By the end of the adventure, each character that survives will:
1. Gain 1st level in the CORE class of their choice.

2.Rebuild their character scores as a 20 pt build. Also, if the players so choose, Archetypes can be chosen for their characters.

3. Gain a single Trait.

Now, SHOULD the game continue on after this point, characters may, upon achieving 2nd level, rebuild their Class as one of the Base classes rather than level as their Core class, provided roleplaying towards that end and whatnot has been done during their first level. Also, each character will earn a second Trait.


About Me:

I've been tabletop role-playing since I was 13 years old. I'm in my 50's now, and teaching my kids to game. In the past I've run a long term (3+ years) pbp game for my college friends (from back in the day) in 3.5 D&D and both Marvel Supers (FASERIP) and Pathfinder on table top.
I've played everything from all the various D&D editions to ShadowRun and d6 Star Wars.
I recently started playing 5e D&D on Discord with some friends, and that gave me the itch to play and/or run something here. I figured if I wanted to play, it would only be fair to offer to run something as well. I considered 5e, but since this is a Pathfinder site...

My style is best described as "Heroic Fun" I think. No evil characters, but not requiring goody goodies, either. Humor is encouraged, but keeping in mind that adventuring can be horrific and dangerous at times.
Players have to come up with reasons to have their characters hang with the party and for them to work together. And if you want to try and convince the GM to allow something outrageous, fully expect NPCs to have a chance to do likewise and gain the same advantages you do.

The Recruitment

I live in Michigan so all my posting will be EST,
I’d like to see daily posts (hopefully at least 5 a week), and will aim to do likewise, though likely more. Obviously real life gets in the way sometimes, so just communicate with me and the group, and we can work through most slow spots…
I think that’s about it.

I’m looking for 5 - 6 players for this. (If there's enough interest, I MIGHT consider a couple more, but then character deaths will be more likely to be permanent. It's unlikely, but we can discuss how dark we want this to be.)

Recruitment will run until July 19th at 6pm EST


ABSOLUTELY interested.
Will get working on a character right away! Leaning towards a Dwarven Cleric or a Human Wizard. (Actually, it's more like rocking back and forth than leaning, I suppose...)

Not so far, Aeshuura.
- Labyrinth aka Hack

Aeshuura wrote:

GM Lab, if you want to lurk for a bit and be an alternate in case someone drops, I would welcome you.

And to answer your previous question, I believe we decided on Free Archetype & Ancestral Paragon.

Then I shall do so. I just don't want to be the reason to ruin the fun of the game for someone else, by being an extra wheel, you know?

Considering our other conversation, I'll definitely roll up a Champion. :)

* sigh *

Love the idea of this adventure but man I can't get the idea out of my head of thinking that having 7 characters might mess up the fun for somebody. I'd hate to be the guy to make things awkward and cause anyone to lose interest in the game.

And so, sadly, I'm gonna withdraw from this for now. If you eventually need a new recruit or two down the line, maybe I'll toss my name back in for consideration.

Have fun, and happy gaming.

Reading through this, I saw something mentioned about a Free Archetype. Was Did you guys decide to go that route or no?

No worries if seven chars are too many, I'll understand.

I'm leaning toward a Dwarven Ranger or Rogue, depending on which class Doc would like to play. (If I go Ranger, it wouldn't include an animal companion...if there's already 7 characters, that'd be just silly overkill.) Are you sure you're ok with 7?

Aeshuura wrote:

Cleric is back, Doc, so make whatever you like. We have:

  • Mira - human fighter
  • Mangrove - leshy warrior muse bard
  • Anthony Slater - human warpriest cleric
  • Snag - goblin sorcerer
  • Kusano - human magus (currently NPC'd)

I would personally be fine with GM Lab jumping on, but I think that should be the limit. That would put us at 7 total.

If you're sure that's not too many, I'd be thrilled to play. If Doc is still going the divine route, I'll likely go with Rogue (seems most needed), Ranger, or Wizard. Any preference?

Still busy, but also still interested. This looks like too much fun...can't help myself.
Keep me on a lurker list, should you have need of a character.

You know what? I just found out today that we'll be doing some extensive OT at work, so rather than stress about it, I think before we get started, I'll step aside on this one. Especially knowing that the good Doctor is volunteering his services.

Have fun. Good travels!

I'm thinking dwarven warpriest with much the same idea on his age as the Dr suggests for the elf. He's ONLY going to be 17 years older. GMTA?

Ok, I can work with all that. :)
Will start looking over clerics and champions. Preference, anyone?

Might just be interested...haven't GM'd 2e yet...but I could probably work it out and be willing to take a turn. If that'd be ok? lol

What character roles are you looking to fill?

Cellion wrote:
For what it's worth, I will be posting a recruitment for Rusthenge into Seven Dooms in the next week or so, if y'all want to wait for that.

Any idea when you might be posting for this?

Cellion wrote:
For what it's worth, I will be posting a recruitment for Rusthenge into Seven Dooms in the next week or so, if y'all want to wait for that.

Suriya, just so you guys know, it looks like we're actually going to be applying to Cellion's Rusthenge and then Seven Dooms...

Still, nothing stopping you from doing likewise once the recruitment is posted. ;)

Planning on a Dwarven Warpriest of Angradd for this.

Cellion wrote:
For what it's worth, I will be posting a recruitment for Rusthenge into Seven Dooms in the next week or so, if y'all want to wait for that.

Now THAT's an idea.

Probably going with a Dwarven Cleric or Champion, but unsure beyond that. Won't get a chance to work on it before tonight at the earliest.

I'm good with Free Archetype, and haven't tried Ancestral Paragon yet, so..why not? LOL

As for classes, what do you WANT to play MOST guys, in a perfect world? This is the time, right? In any event, I'll adapt with my character. :D

For the recruitment, I'm thinking we have the three of us (one always being an "active" NPC), and probably what, two or three others? And for clariffication, Remastered or PF2e standard?

I'm thinking of playing a dwarven something...

Probably a good idea. What characters do you guys want to play? You already have specific ideas, no?

Is this already a pf2e AP or will it need conversion? Either way, I'll be available to take a turn running a chapter as well, if you're open to it, and I'll look into getting a copy of the adventure.

Edit: OK. A few questions answered by reading the players guide. Now, the guide suggests Rusthenge as a possibility for a lead in to 7 Dooms..
Should we consider that? Or just start at 4th with Dooms?

Edit2: Nevermind. Having players read through and discuss "Your First Adventure" could be really cool. That's my vote. ;)

Ok, I'll toss my name into the hat for this. If a few of us take turns running sections as GM, that's more play time for each, no? I'll take Skinsaw...

Maybe you could both make characters, put them with the party, and then whoever is running the game will treat their character as an NPC, and then go "active" with that character when the switch happens?

It's how we used to do it in my high school days so nobody ever had to be the forever DM.

Just an idea.

I'd offer to run this, but as I said as "Johawn" above, I haven't even played PF2e yet, so I doubt I could handle the conversion. Sorry.

Hmmmm. Interested.

Andostre wrote:

It looks like you're not terribly active on these forums (which is fine), but I'm curious what your GMing experience is like (PbP or otherwise). Thanks!

Ok, here goes:

I've been table top role-playing since I was 13 years old. I'm in my 50's now, and teaching my kids to game. I've run a long term (3+ years) pbp game for my college friends from back in the day in 3.5 D&D and both Marvel Supers (FASERIP) and pathfinder on table top.

I've played everything from all the various D&D editions to ShadowRun and d6 Star Wars.

I recently started playing 5e D&D on Discord with some friends, and that gave me the itch to play and/or run something here.

I figured if I wanted to play, it would only be fair to offer to run something as well. I considered 5e, but since this is a Pathfinder site...

My style is best described as "Heroic Fun" I think. No evil characters, but not requiring goody goodies, either. Humor is encouraged, but keeping in mind that adventuring can be horrific and dangerous at times.

Players have to come up with reasons to have their characters hang with the party and for them to work together. And if you want to try and convince the GM to allow something outrageous, fully expect NPCs to have a chance to do likewise and gain the same advantages you do.

I think that's about it. Anything else?

Edit: Is there something else at 1st level that people would rather I run? In either Pathfinder or 5e?

Anyone want to go fight a Dragon??

Provided there's enough interest, I'll post a proper recruitment, looking for 5-6 players/characters. It's a 1st through 7th-8th level run.

Here's the Player Guide I'll be using: The Dragon's Demand Player's Guide

I didn't create it, a person on these boards called LichLoved did and they did a fantastic job on it...so we're gonna give him credit, and take advantage of our good fortune and use it.

Rough sketch of Character creation:
15 pt attribute buy

All core and advanced classes allowed, with the following exceptions: alchemist, summoner, vigilante.

Only core races allowed.

2 Traits, one must be a game specific trait.

Full hit points at first level, and rolled or half hit dice per/level after that.