Game Master S's "Feuding Faiths"
Game Master
Chris Marsh
HANDOUTS | Tactical Map
GM Tracker
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Please sign up on RPGChronicles Just in case there's turn over between the two scenarios, I'll likely create a new thread for the next one.
Female LG half-orc dream prophet solarian 8 | SP 64/64 HP 62/62 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24; KAC 26 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perc:+6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Attunement: none | Active conditions: None.
I switched to my solarian since everyone was going high tier! (She is level 7, despite her current profile. I’ll get her updated tonight or tomorrow.)
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Also, let me know if any of these characters have played Starfinder Society Scenario #4-04: Mission Not Found.
Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
I will play my paladin 7th
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
Sorry, I’d gotten out of the habit of checking the Castimir Recruitment thread.
Since it looks like we have another soldier signed up, I’ll bring Endre, Envoy 7. I should be able to get him leveled and profile updated tonight.
Female LG half-orc dream prophet solarian 8 | SP 64/64 HP 62/62 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24; KAC 26 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perc:+6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Attunement: none | Active conditions: None.
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
I have Endre leveled, but ran out of time to build his profile tonight. It'll be tomorrow evening before I have a chance to do that, probably.
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
It's a holiday for me tomorrow, but I'll drop the intro later today and we can RP until everyone is ready.
Female LG half-orc dream prophet solarian 8 | SP 64/64 HP 62/62 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24; KAC 26 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perc:+6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Attunement: none | Active conditions: None.
Trylara and Eselar should be fun together as two Iomedaeans. Is Eselar a Knight of Golarion?
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
sorry everyone! the 4th got away from me. I'll be posting in the thread today.
Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
Yes, Eselar is a Knight Errant of Golarion.
N/A Hologram Biotechnician Operative 8 (SP 64/64) (HP 52/52) (EAC 16, KAC 17) (Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +6) (Init +13) (Perception +16)
Psst... Klonac, this is a 5-8 scenario, so if you are playing Iseph, it will need to be the level 8... which I know has a +16 on Computers, not +10 ;-)
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Sorry for the delay today! Long story...
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
The dice are certainly in our favor so far in round 2!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
Sorry for my unexpected absence this last few days.
My last weekend hadn't happened as I expected and then work hit hard as well as Real Life with my two little boys.
I'm back now
Human Mystic 9 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 21 KAC 22 | Spells 1: 7/7 2: 6/6 3: 4/4 | F+4 R+5 W+12 | Init+0 | Perc+18
I will be absent from Wednesday through Monday. I am running the SF2 Playtest Scenario #1 Shards of the Glass Planet at GenCon. I will post if I can, but I am not expecting much free time.
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
klonac's Pregen wrote:
Iseph draws both pistols, and fires them both at the approaching Kuthite.
[dice=Semiauto Attack]1d20+4
[dice=Arc Pistol Attack]1d20+4
[dice=ArcPistol Damage]1d6+2[/dicew]
"Chancellor, get out of the line of fire." Iseph yells, gesturing for the Iomadean to duck behind a desk or run for the doors.
Based on these numbers, Klonac , it looks like you're using the level 4 Iseph. With a high-tier party, you should be using the 8th-level pregen . You also don't seem to have included the bonuses from Get 'Em (+2 attack, +2 to damage).
Female LG half-orc dream prophet solarian 8 | SP 64/64 HP 62/62 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24; KAC 26 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perc:+6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Attunement: none | Active conditions: None.
This seems like a bad setting to supernova, ha ha.
Iseph HP 28/28 SP 24/24 RP 6/6 Init +6 Perception +9 Fort +1 Reflex +8 Will +4
The next week is going to be really hectic for me, so my posting is going to be sporadic. Feel free to bot me if needed.
Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
I will be on vacation until Sunday with only my phone to access the internet.
Please bot me if necessary.
Human Mystic 9 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 21 KAC 22 | Spells 1: 7/7 2: 6/6 3: 4/4 | F+4 R+5 W+12 | Init+0 | Perc+18
I wasn’t sure if you forgot Ohmarc on the initiative tracker.
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
What kind of action is the check to convince the crowd to move?
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Apologies. Funeral, then convention. Home Monday morning!
Iseph HP 28/28 SP 24/24 RP 6/6 Init +6 Perception +9 Fort +1 Reflex +8 Will +4
Thank you for botting me, I was overwhelmed with life and forgot to tell any of you. My apologies.
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
We are wrapping this session up! Not everyone has logged on to RPG Chronicles yet. Please do so so that I can report.
We've got some roleplaying left, but I'll start up the sequel shortly after we conclude this scene and fill out the chronicle information.
| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Your chronicles are HERE . I did save the conditions of the playthrough, but it doesn't look like it made it on to the chronicles. you should select that you made allies with each of them.
If you're joining for part 2, "Hope for the Future", then check in HERE .
I'll close this thread once everyone is there or I know you aren't coming.
He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 12/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on:
Thanks for running, GM! See you all for part two!
N/A Hologram Biotechnician Operative 8 (SP 64/64) (HP 52/52) (EAC 16, KAC 17) (Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +6) (Init +13) (Perception +16)
Profession(Vidgamer): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (16) + 24 = 40 .
Thank-you for running. I am definitely joining the next game, although I will need to change PCs.
Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
Thanks for running GM!
Profession: Psychologist: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 + 4 = 25
I will join the next game, but I will need to use a replay.
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