Hell's Rebels

Game Master bigrig107

Roll20 Link
Map of Kintargo
The Seven Proclamations of Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune
Long Roads Coffeehouse map

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Basdemar wrote:

I'm looking for a game too, I recently "got abandoned" with Koldemar fighter natural attacker (kinda advanced kobold)

Since I'm last here, I am willing to play whatever the party needs

But if I can chose, I'd go with an alchemist :)

Dark Archive

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shajnal wrote:
Basdemar wrote:

I'm looking for a game too, I recently "got abandoned" with Koldemar fighter natural attacker (kinda advanced kobold)

Since I'm last here, I am willing to play whatever the party needs

But if I can chose, I'd go with an alchemist :)

We are still in the recruitment phase. No players or characters have been chosen yet, so here is how this works:

1) you take a look on the first post to know what are the building rules;
2) you make whatever character you want to, respecting the mentioned buiding rules. Do your best to make this character really shine... think of this as a job interview!
3) wait for the GM to choose from the pool of applicants which four will get to play.

If you are worried about "what the party needs", there isn't much to do besides take a look on the characters/ideas the others are submitting, but truly, the most important thing to keep in mind is for you to do your best effort. Recruitments for APs tend to be very competitive.

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Just want to throw in my 2 cents: These APs can take years. I'm in the last book of CotCT right now with Robert Henry and Your Benevolent Dictator. The first gameplay post was in September 2020. And that campaign has cycled through many players...

..the only way to get through these campaigns is to play a character that you personally like. People will drop out. Builds will evolve. If you play something that 'the party needs' then all you are doing is hurting yourself.

So yeah. My free advice to everyone is think about what kind of character you would be happy playing for several years and build that. Personally, I like to plan out the build all the way up, to ensure that it is something I will keep enjoying. But that's just me.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As this is PF1, it feels necessary to ask..

GM, what is the preferred power level throughout this game?

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I appreciate the question! I, as a GM, am heavily in the “RP over combat” corner. If you’re looking to power game and solo encountered this might not be the game for you.

Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting that, just not my personal playstyle.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for the answer. I have a follow up, where does high bonuses to skill checks play in your analysis of power gaming?

For example: I build a character that is exceptionally good at Disguise and Bluff.

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Saashaa wrote:

Thanks for the answer. I have a follow up, where does high bonuses to skill checks play in your analysis of power gaming?

For example: I build a character that is exceptionally good at Disguise and Bluff.

Definitely not power gaming imo, I love skill use in games. Just don't expect them to be auto-win buttons in every situation.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for answering my questions.

Then I will likely be submitting a human investigator with infiltrator archetype from the Jhaltero family.

Llewela Oakfield: Half-Elf Warpriest of Milani 1
She works as a barrelmaker in Kintargo with her father, but has been secretly training under a priest of Milani, who has recently disappeared.


Standing at 5'7", Llewela has a solid build from years of hard work. Her grey eyes reflect a steely resolve, while her chestnut brown hair is usually tied back in a braid or tucked under a scarf. She wears practical, sturdy clothing—thick linen tunic and pants, and leather shoes. When expecting trouble, she dons simple leather armor. Various cooper tools hang from her belt, cleverly balanced to serve as weapons if needed.


Llewela is determined and resilient, driven by her faith in Milani and a burning desire for justice. She is cautious around those whose loyalties she does not trust, but fiercely protective of her friends. Her righteousness ignites when confronting enemies of freedom, and she does not shy away from combat when necessary.


Llewela Oakfield was born and raised in Kintargo, a city under the shadow of Cheliax's oppressive regime. Her father, Haldir, a skilled half-elven cooper, and her mother, Elaria, an elven herbalist, instilled in her a strong work ethic and an appreciation for nature's healing arts. Despite their modest livelihoods, they ensured Llewela grew up understanding the importance of resilience and self-sufficiency.

From a young age, Llewela felt a sense of dissatisfaction with the world around her. This dissatisfaction grew as she witnessed the injustices perpetrated by House Thrune. She found solace and purpose in her father's workshop, learning the cooper's trade and discovering her own strength.

As a young adult, Llewela's path took a pivotal turn when she met Garren, an elderly priest of Milani, the goddess of hope, devotion, and uprisings. Garren recognized a kindred spirit in Llewela and began secretly training her in the ways of Milani. Under the guise of making deliveries for her father's business, Llewela learned combat, divine magic, the history of rebellions and tales of the Silver Ravens from Garren.

When the new Lord Mayor imposed martial law, Llewela's world grew even darker. Garren disappeared suddenly, and with no knowledge of any other worshippers of Milani in the city, she's been left feeling isolated and vulnerable. But she has just received a mysterious letter telling her to go to the protests, so she is holding on to hope.


1. What is your character’s name?
Llewela Oakfield
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Half-elf; 5ft 7; solidly built; grey eyes, chestnut hair tied back; Practical clothes, tools/weapons on belt, looks like a woodworker.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Llewela speaks with determination and clarity, often watching others closely. She has a cautious demeanor but warms up to those she trusts. When deep in though she has a habit of tapping her fingers on any nearby wooden surface.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Born and raised in Kintago by her parents.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Haldir (half-elf) and Elaria (elf) are both still alive. Haldir is a cooper, Elaria is a herbalist.
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Garren - Human cleric of Milani (missing);
Dorin - Dwarven blacksmith who supplies metal components to her father's business.
She occasionally has drinks with fellow artisans whose workshops are near hers.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, no kids
9. What is your character’s alignment?
10. What is your character’s moral code?
She is guided by Milani's teachings to protect the downtrodden and inspire hope.
11. Does your character have goals?
To find out what happened to the Silver Ravens, continue Garren's work, and ultimately see Kintargo free from House Thrune's tyranny.
12. Is your character religious?
She follows Milani
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
She believes in hard work, the power of rebellion against oppressive forces, the importance of hope, and the need for justice and freedom.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks?
Llewela is idealistic, but also naturally secretive. She is cautious about revealing too much of herself to others.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why would you join the rebellion?
She wants to fight against oppression. The rebellion is how she can do that.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
She is a protector and liberator.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
She has a scar on one hand from a work accident when a blade slipped.
18. How does your character get along with others?
Polite, but generally cautious and reserved to strangers. Protective and loyal to friends.
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
She hates betrayal, arrogance, and overly spicy foods.
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Not being able to find allies, losing her loved ones. She also is a bit wary of snakes after an unfortunate incident when she was a young girl.



STR: 16 = Base: 14; Racial: (+2) Half-elf
DEX: 12 = Base: 12
CON: 12 = Base: 12
INT: 12 = Base: 12
WIS: 15 = Base: 15
CHA: 12 = Base: 12

Fort: +3 = Base: +2; CON: +1
Ref: +1 = Base: +0; DEX: +1
Will: +4 = Base: +2; WIS: +2

AC: 16 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+1); Armor: (+4) Chain shirt; Shield: (+1) Shield, light wooden
Touch: 11
FF: 15

BAB: 0
CMB: 3 = BAB: (+0); Strength: (+3)
CMD: 14 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+0); Strength: (+3); Dexterity: (+1)

Init: +5 = Dexterity: +1; Misc: (+4) Improved Initiative
Speed: 30ft
HP: 9
Languages: Elven, Common


Handaxe +4 (1d6+3, x3)
Dagger +3 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Morningstar +3 (1d8+3, x2)


Acrobatics: -2 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-3) ACP
Appraise: 1 = +1 INT
Bluff: 1 = +1 CHA
Climb: 0 = +3 STR; Misc: (-3) ACP
Diplomacy: 5 = +1 rank; +1 CHA; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Disguise: 1 = +1 CHA
Escape Artist: -2 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-3) ACP
Fly: -2 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-3) ACP
Heal: 6 = +1 rank; +2 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Intimidate: 1 = +1 CHA
Knowledge (history): 2 = +1 rank; +1 INT
Knowledge (religion): 5 = +1 rank; +1 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Perception: 4 = +2 WIS; Racial: (+2) Keen Senses
Profession (Cooper): 6 = +1 rank; +2 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Ride: -2 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-3) ACP
Sense Motive: 2 = +2 WIS
Stealth: 3 = +1 rank; +1 DEX; Trait: (+1) Historian of the Rebellion; Misc: (+3) Class Skill, (-3) ACP
Survival: 2 = +2 WIS
Swim: 0 = +3 STR; Misc: (-3) ACP

Race Features

Low-Light Vision (CRB 24): You can see twice as far in conditions of dim light.
Adaptability (CRB 24): You receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat.*
Elf Blood (CRB 24): You are a humanoid with human and elf subtypes and count as both an elf and human for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities (CRB 24): You are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses (CRB 24): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.*
Multitalented (CRB 24): You choose two favored classes at first level.

Class Features

Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light, Medium and Heavy Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
Aura (Ex) (ACG 60): You have a particularly powerful aura corresponding to your deity's alignment.
Blessings (Su) (ACG 60) (3 /day): 3 times per day, you can call upon one of the following blessings to aid yourself or your allies. (DC: 12)

  • Powerful Healer (ACG 66): As a swift action, you can treat any cure spell as if it were empowered, causing it to heal 50% more damage. This does not stack with the Empower Spell feat.
  • Increased Defense (ACG 67): You can gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws and AC for one minute.
Focus Weapon (Ex) (ACG 60): You gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.*
Sacred Weapon (Su) (ACG 60): Weapons you wield are charged with the power of your faith. When you wield a Medium version of a Sacred Weapon - your deity's favored weapon or one in which you have Weapon Focus - you may deal 1d6 damage instead of the weapon's normal amount.*
Spontaneous Casting (ACG 61): You may convert the stored energy of a prepared spell into a cure spell of the same level or lower.


Historian of the Rebellion (APHR 11): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks* and Stealth is a class skill for you.* You can grant a +2 bonus on an Organization check of your choice once you reestablish the Silver Ravens. You can change who gets this bonus at the start of the Upkeep phase.
Split-Second Defense (ISG 222): When you are the target of an attack by an opponent that is flanking you, as an immediate action once per day you can foil that opponent’s attack. For that attack, the opponent does not gain any of the bonuses or effects that are associated with flanking.
Veiled Disciple (UCa 61): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to pass secret messages and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.


Improved Initiative (Core 127): You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.*
Weapon Focus (Handaxe) (Core 136): You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make with this weapon.*


Chain shirt, Light wooden shield, Handaxe, Dagger, Morningstar

0th (DC 12): Mending, Create Water, Guidance
1st (DC 13): Bless, Shield of Faith

Dotting to figure out what I can cook up.

I was just waiting on a couple of recruitment results before deciding to commit to this one. I have a Cleric of Shelyn in mind, and will try to have her details up later today.

Update on my vigilante….. moving on to something else. The vigilante class is frustrating. I love the flavor but otherwise blah :(

However, I’ve latched onto a concept that I’m excited about (but probably not optimized). A halfling, slayer (cleaner archetype). He is a former slave to the Serini family… cleaned up after the family’s indiscretions and ran away/escaped with their daughter after they preformed some diabolical rite on her. He will be strength based and focused on halfling fighting style (improvised weapons since slaves can’t train with real ones). Also, may dip into halfling opportunist down the road.

Also, visiting my son in Texas but over the next week but it shouldn’t effect my submission (other than coming in at the last minute).

Finally, are we allowed a drawback for an extra trait?


G-unit wrote:

Update on my vigilante….. moving on to something else. The vigilante class is frustrating. I love the flavor but otherwise blah :(

However, I’ve latched onto a concept that I’m excited about (but probably not optimized). A halfling, slayer (cleaner archetype). He is a former slave to the Serini family… cleaned up after the family’s indiscretions and ran away/escaped with their daughter after they preformed some diabolical rite on her. He will be strength based and focused on halfling fighting style (improvised weapons since slaves can’t train with real ones). Also, may dip into halfling opportunist down the road.

Also, visiting my son in Texas but over the next week but it shouldn’t effect my submission (other than coming in at the last minute).

Finally, are we allowed a drawback for an extra trait?


Love the character concept. The halfling slayer sounds neat.

On an unrelated note, I love Vigilantes as unarmed builds.
(1) Oni archetype. Gives 1/2 level to unarmed damage up to +5
(2) Fist of the Avenger. Gives 1/2 level to unarmed up to +5
(3) Lethal grace gives 1/2 level to damage
(4) Signature gives weapon focus and specialization.
(5) Heavy hitter trait for +1 unarmed damage

At lvl10, with power attack, Str22, dragon ferocity, and +2 enchantment….
1d3 (base) +12 (Str) + 15 (class) + 2 (enchantment) +1 (trait) +6 (Power Attack) +2 (Enchantment) = 1d3+38 damage

As a vigilante being able to just punch your fist right through someone is very satisfying. Given that the damage falls off at lvl10, the next 10 levels makes for a great time to switch to something else.

I recently had a hell rebels campaign sadly die after the end of book one, but my character was pretty fun to play.


Eliza is... attractive. Extremely so. And looks like you would expect a tiefling with more then a bit of Succubus heritage to look. Growing up in Mialari Dolors boarding school, with her tuition paid in full by an unknown benefactor, Eliza was just having her first major performance! A sizeable role in the Huntress of heroes opera! And she got to play no other then Nocticula, who has a role! (altough not as major as Desna and Aolar).

The custome was pretty hard to research and made, as was the rigging for the wings, the three tails also actually normal cow tails, but are animated by 3 overworked helpers constantly casting magehand!

And just before the big performance, BARZILLAI F$@*ING THRUNE JOINKED THE OPERA HOUSE!!!
This demands vengeance, blood, fire, cease and desist letters!

Funnily enough, she is an angelkin aasimar, its just that she, and everyone who sees her, thinks she is a Succubus-spawn-tiefling.
Her abilites, alter self once per day, innate ability with languages via truespeaker alternative racial trait? And being really good at lying and b~@&%%+$ting? She absolutely thinks she is a tiefling as well, its a bit weird that her resistances are different, but tieflings are quite varied arent they?


Since would either be a fated champion skald, or an oracle, depending on party needs. By various antics and shenanigians, she would be a decent enough secondary fighter, primary face and buffer. Just dont expect her to duke it out with hellknights mano a tieflingo.

background plots:

Her role as Nocticula in the opera may have... gotten her some unwise, or perhaps just overly optimistic, assumptions on the redeemer queen being a thing.
She would likely have a polytheistic approach, and also give plenty of credence to Callistria, Desna and Shelyn.

dont make an aspiring diva with a 18 str score unemployed:

Eliza will plot to:
--Make a fake over the top pro Thrune newspaper, that is so over the top it makes them a laughing stock
--Insert steamy fanfiction by one "Tharzillai Brune" regarding the empress, the empresses Erinye advisor and Queen Galfrey of Mendev, in order to get Barzilai into as much trouble as possible
--Use a heavy wooden shield with a scantily clad empress lounging on a divan as a weapon, and be like "YOU DARE POUND OUR EMPRESS! VILLAIN!" whenever a thrunie hits the shield.

I decided to make my character submission an oracle, but also plan to take a single level of brawler. Meet Seannon Starfall, Desna's champion! She's an aasimar halfling, and though I think of her as middle-aged, I've built her with no bonuses or penalties for age. Stats are in the profile, and here's my answers to the background questions.

Background questions:
1. What is your character’s name?
Seannon Starfall (pronounced "SHAN-nun")

2. How old is your character?
Like many halflings, Seannon might appear to be a young human at first glance, but her graying hair and wrinkles around her eyes suggest she is much older. (I figure she's at least 50, but with her aasimar heritage she could still be on the cusp of middle-aged.)

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
She appears to be an older halfling woman, about half the size of a typical human, with warm-colored skin and ruddy cheeks. Her hair is dark brown mixed with silvery-gray, and her brilliant eyes have bright purple irises. She wears medium armor, carries a shield, and wields a distinctive starknife. She has a butterfly pendant at her neck.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
She has a strong Varisian accent, like she did not grow up in Cheliax, and an otherworldly quality that suggests she has a celestial heritage. She struggles to hide her adherence to Desna, and obviously does not like subterfuge, even in a dangerous place like Kintargo. Like many halflings, her voice is musical and lilting, and it often rings like she is singing even when she is speaking normally.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Seannon was born and raised in Varisia, though she is not sure exactly where. She and her mother led a nomadic life, traveling with a traditional Varisian caravan that ranged all over western Avistan.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Seannon's mother died a few years ago, which ultimately prompted her move to Cheliax. She knows absolutely nothing about her father, and her mother absolutely refused to speak of him, claiming she did not know who he was. She once joked that Seannon had been born by sheer force of will. Seannon has not investigated too closely to honor her mother's wishes, and has privately decided that her birth was a lucky miracle.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Seannon's mother was part of a large family of halflings living in Cheliax, and had managed to escape enslavement when she was very young. She had two brothers that Seannon believes work for the Bellflower network, and several of their children still live in Kintargo. She has met one of her uncles and her cousin Laria, but they have not fully embraced her into their circles as of yet.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Seannon is not married, and probably never will be. She has two children in Varisia who both remained with the caravan when she left, and though she loves them both, she respected their decision to stay. She often worried that her strangeness would isolate them from their peers, so she allowed the community to help raise them, in the Varisian tradition. She would dearly like to see them again once her work in Cheliax is done.

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Seannon is neutral good, which represents how she is somewhat conflicted between lawful and chaotic. Her goddess is very chaotic, and her mother was also, and that has led Seannon to crave order and structure even while she rebels against oppression and enslavement. She doesn't like to lie, and she would never break a promise. But she is not against disguises, pranks, or thievery (as long as it's not from her friends and family), though she isn't very good at it.

10. What is your character’s moral code?
Seannon thinks of herself like a paladin of Desna, and she does her best to follow the rules that feel right to her. Over time, these have developed into the following tenets (Originally written by Margherita Tramontano).
• I trust dreams, feelings, and premonitions. Through them, Lady Luck speaks. I trust my own forebodings above external warnings.
• I will travel in search of adventures and wrongs to fix. There are many more creatures needing my help than I could find if I stay in one place. I will sleep under the cover of stars whenever I can.
• I defend everyone's right to have and fulfill their dreams. Unjust impositions will find me ready to fight, with my words or my blade.
• When I have no specific destination in my travels, I entrust myself to the guide of Fate. Luck will guide my path and bring me where I am needed.
• I am relentless in hunting and destroying evil creatures. I will prevent fiends and aberrations from crushing the hopes and invading the dreams of innocents. I will purify the beauty of the night from unrighteous menace.
• I protect beautiful flying creatures. Their grace inspires dreams of good and glory.
• I benefit the poor and needy in every way I can. I am the hand of Luck sent to change their lives. If the rich won't share their luck with others, I will take it upon myself to restore the balance.

11. Does your character have goals?
Seannon wants to prove herself to her cousin Laria, so she can become a member of the Bellflower network. Her family's good opinion is very important to her, but more than that she desperately wants to be part of the force that brings great social change to the people of Kintargo. With Desna's aid, she wants to free other halflings from servitude, free other citizens from imprisonment, and to free the city as a whole from the tyranny of House Thrune.

12. Is your character religious?
She is a devout follower of Desna.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
She is very Good with a capital G, in that she believes that anyone can change for the better so long as they are willing to focus on their community and perform selfless rather than selfish acts. She believes in might for right rather than might makes right. She doesn't think anyone is inherently more suited to government leadership over anyone else, and so she doesn't generally support feudalism or the aristocracy. She is fervently opposed to authoritarian rule, but she would rather her city not descend into anarchy.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Seannon is both rebellious and legalistic, which is often confusing. She stands up to bullies and chafes under restrictions imposed by others, but she is cursed to constantly set up rules for herself that she cannot break without consequences. She makes a lot of promises and then struggles to keep them. She prefers to sleep where she can see the sky, and she doesn't like to sleep in the same place two nights in a row. She cares a lot about her dreams-- she shares them with anyone who will listen. She is anxious to prove herself, despite her age, and that makes her slightly belligerent. She has also been known to smoke. She likes good food and good drink and eats more than her share as "padding" for when she must go without, but she usually tries to finish quickly so she can sing-- she believes music during meals helps the digestion and heightens the flavor. She loves bright lights and sounds, and is particularly drawn to unusual patterns, musical or otherwise. She likes syncopation, though she doesn't like to dance. She will often hum along when other people are singing or when she hears sounds like the bells on top of the Temple of Asmodeus, and feels almost compulsively obliged to stop whatever she is doing to listen.

15. Why does your character adventure? Why would you join the rebellion?
She wants to enact social change for the glory of Desna on a grand scale! She delights in the challenge of fighting unequivocally evil systemic oppression. Guided by her dreams, she believes that adventuring is the best way to grow powerful enough (in allies, resources, and abilities) that she can meaningfully threaten the status quo.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
Seannon is an oracle that acts like a very unconventional cleric. Her magic is mostly defensive support spells like shield of faith and protection from evil, with a few aggressive control spells like color spray and obscuring mist. She will take it upon herself to heal everyone after a fight and to buff herself and her allies before known encounters. Like many clerics, she is not afraid of combat, and will likely rush in to attack enemies with her starknife. She is also eager to participate in negotiations to influence others and gather information, being well-trained in Diplomacy and Sense Motive.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Seannon believes tattoos are a cultural symbol of great life achievements, and she has two small ones on her right ankle: a wildflower and a horse. Her cheeks are lightly freckled, though faint enough that they make her look cheery rather than burnt.

18. How does your character get along with others?
Seannon gets along very well with others, her halfling family notwithstanding. She grew up with humans, and she currently shares a house with a human family, so she knows how to interact positively with members of different races and backgrounds. She makes a special effort with other halflings, but for some reason has yet to make any lasting friends. She suspects it is because they can tell she wasn't born in Kintargo, and thus hasn't had to deal with the pervasive racism that they have endured for centuries. Many halflings will listen to her preach about Desna, but few remain to speak with her afterward. She also goes out of her way to accommodate and defer to other nonhumans when she encounters them, as she believes that Cheliaxian privilege must have similarly oppressed them. However, she does not obsequiously bow and scrape to humans like many of them expect her to do, which can often start her off on the wrong footing with them.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
Seannon doesn't like to use the word 'hate', but she definitely hates devils, and she also hates how Cheliaxian culture invokes devils for everything. Most bad people she can at least understand their motivations and try to convince them to mend their ways, but she believes that the denizens of Hell are inherently evil and unable to change. She generally hates oppression and bullying, but it might be fairer to say that she loves underdogs and wants to help them against their opponents.

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Seannon has lots of nebulous fears (fear of monsters, fear of rejection, fear of losing what is important to her), but as a tangible fear she is afraid of dogs. She's never been around them for any significant length of time and has heard lots of scary stories about them. The idea that they are beasts who are fanatically loyal to their master and will commit horrific violence without questioning the rightness of their actions terrifies her.

Alright. I've decided on a Pact Witch of the Maelstrom / Cleric of Ydajisk / Mystic Theurge with busted Linguistics.

I'll have them drafted up within the day or two.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

When I was trying to figure out what to make I pored through this thread a bunch of times, wishing I had a comprehensive list. I imagine others here feel the same, so I compiled this together. Apologies for any errors!

Ythiel - "Tiny" Litsy - CN human rogue (Discretion Specialist)
Grumbaki - Lars Ulcaster - human magus (Golemfist)
Andrea1 - Beorn the Divine - CG half-orc bard (Chelish Diva)
bluedove - Believer - LG tiefling (Shackleborn) oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) of Milani / paladin?
Sir Longears - Old Man Hors - N half-orc barbarian (Untamed Rager)
Veniir - Nory Kaar - NG human bard (Negotiator)
Wyshart - Maccha Licinus - N human unchained rogue / Rose Warden
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainright - NG human spiritualist (Fractured Mind / Phantom Blade) of Milani
Rabscuttle - Llewela Oakfield - CG half-elf warpriest of Milani
eriktd - Seannon Starfall - NG aasimar (Musetouched, halfling) oracle (Warsighted) of Desna / brawler (Exemplar)

In Progress
G-unit - halfling slayer (Cleaner) / Halfling Opportunist?
Steffanio - bard?
Ollie-Twist - ranger (Dandy)?
Critzible - Sister Asmodia Voralius - NG tiefling inquisitor (Living Grimoire) of Shelyn
AdamWarnock - summoner (Soulbound Summoner)?
Profession Smith 6 ranks - ranger (Urban Ranger)?
Robert Henry - bloodrager?
Violant - CN witch (Pact Witch) / cleric of Ydajisk / Mystic Theurge?
shajnal - alchemist?
Saashaa - human investigator (Infiltrator)?
Pancakes - cleric of Shelyn?
Mightypion - tiefling? skald (Fated Champion) or oracle?

Crunch and basic questions should be done, I'll likely add some roleplaying samples later. Anyways, I would have gone for a Ganzi proper instead of mere fluff, but between the -2 to INT and the lack of extremely absurd potential for document forging, I knew I had to pick a Tengu.

The reason I picked Ydajisk here is because of the connection to Irori with the Pillars of Knowledge Pantheon in 2e, along with the group of Irorians that just got wiped off the face of the earth in Kintargo a while ago, leading to a chaotic Ganzi-Tengu.

(That, and your average Joe doesn't really know about the Protean Lords as much as they do, say, Milani or Cayden)

This is Steffanio with my build, I ended up going with a Tengu Cleric of The Lost Prince who became a cleric after his mother (a Shackles Pirate Free Captain) was killed and he and his father moved to Cheliax. All requested details are in the profile, and I'm working on fleshing out backstory a bit more so some of the 20 questions may change a bit.

eriktd wrote:

bluedove - Believer - LG tiefling (Shackleborn) oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) of Milani / paladin?

Robert Henry - bloodrager?

Yes, Believer is meant to take Paladin (Hospitaler) levels in the future. Thank you for the listing! ^_^

Also I believe Robert Henry will not be submitting as I noticed he did get picked up in another recruitment. Congrats, RH!
Happy Gaming!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A week plus still....hmmm.... tempting as the ambiance is well set up and the Cheliaxian flavors are quite juicy...

Hello All!

Seems to be a plethora of interest in kicking old Cheliaxian in the proverbial...franks, jimmies, coconuts.

Full disclosure, I have completed this AP years ago in a weekly home game.

Played a Shaman (Slums) and it was fun!

I would like to be greedy, but I will mostly (maybe not just) lurk a bit for nostalgia sake.

Thank you for running!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Believer wrote:

Also I believe Robert Henry will not be submitting as I noticed he did get picked up in another recruitment. Congrats, RH!

Happy Gaming!

Thanks BD, long time no see.

Honestly, I'm still thinking about it. That recruitment put me in ten games and running one (yes you heard that right, I gave in and ran a game) I've been at as many as eighteen. There are two other games I'm waffling on, a home brew and continuing in a PF2 I'm in. Not quite right to tell those folks I'm in too many games then applying here, Yeah looking at you DG

I'm just trying to decide if I want to bring Taldo's page up to speed and answer the 20 questions.


Taldo is a proud son of the Silver City of Kintargo and Cheliax. His family has been in Kintargo for generations. As long as his family can remember they have been craftsmen, operating in the tanning business. Their original location was on the riverbank in the Redroof District, as the city expanded they moved the tannery to the outskirts of town on the north-west bank, near the Night road to take advantage of the herds coming in from Nidal.

Taldo’s father is a shrewd business man named Toridan the Tanner, who started his business career inheriting his father’s tanner shop but in time he purchased the nearby slaughter house, meatpacking plant, soap making facility leather works and eventually a large upscale butcher shop. Toridan had several children with his first wife who passed away from a lingering disease. A few years later, seeing a business opportunity, he married the much younger Shaela, the only daughter of the well-to-do butcher, Festidious. As Festidious’ only child Shaela and Toridan became not only husband and wife but business partners as well.

Taldo’s older siblings ran the other aspects of Toridan’s businesses and Shaela ran the butcher shop with her father, Festidious and mother Cecile. When Taldo was little he spent a lot of time with his Grandmother Cecile. It was she who, when he was throwing a temper tantrum, learned he was a bloodrager. She taught him how to recognize when he was losing his temper and how to control it. Being a sorceress herself she taught him about hiding the heritage they shared and how to understand spell casting. During the time they spent together she told him about the different groups that had resisted the thrice-damned House Thrune, focusing on Kintargo history. She also introduced him to her goddess Milanite. They spent many mornings in grandma Cecile’s rose garden talking about all of these things. Of course if anyone asked why she kept roses the answer was simple, they used rose petals in the wash water and soap to remove the smells from the butcher shop and tannery.

As Taldo became a teenager he spent a lot of time working and learning the crafts of many of the other business, but always made time for his grandmother. He learned she was not the only family member who served gods other than Abadar, who his father claimed to serve, using their facilities for banking. Most of his siblings worshiped Desna or Cayden Cailean. He became a worshiper of Milanite, but publically claimed Abadar, like his family members. He learned that his grandmother was one of the priestess.

When Taldo was a young man his maternal grandfather, Festidious died, and he began to spend most of his time at the butcher shop, helping his mother and grandmother. He moved from his father’s house and lived upstairs over the shop. Around the same time he volunteered for the “outer-city” watch that many of his family were part of, putting to use the simple weapons skills he had learned from his grandfather and other family members. It was after he moved to the shop that he learned just how involved his grandmother was in other activities; coming home late in the evening or spending the entire night in Kintargo. When he would ask her about it she would tell him that the less he knew the better.

Everything changed after Thrune’s representative, Paracount Barzillai, arrived. That morning of the seventh of Abadius, Taldo awoke before dawn as was his habit, noting that grandma had not returned from the city, as had become her habit more and more. He noticed the odd smell of sulfur, brimstone and smoke in the usual smell of brine and seaweed as the fog settled, but thought nothing of it. By the time his mother arrived to open the shop Taldo became concerned with his grandmother’s absence. Hearing the Devils Bells ringing off in the distance, His mother, also concerned, agreed that Taldo should go into the city to inquire of grandma’s friends to see what was going on. DM Crustypeanut you can provide me with an appropriate name to place here later.

Taldo arrived near the Opera House a few moments after 7:00, just in time to hear the declarations implemented by the new Lord-Mayor: Paracount Barzillai Thrune. As the city guard and the Dottari began to force the crowd’s dispersal, Taldo was not able to find his Grandmothers friend. He returned home with the oppressive news. Since that morning Taldo has spent the last week carefully asking questions concerning his grandmother and for general news about what is happening. Speaking to each trusted customer he knows at the shop, and in the evenings going into the city to different establishments to hear word of what is going on in the city.


Taldo’s physical appearance, like so many Chelaxian, is a subtle and attractive mixture of heritage. His height, light brown hair warn in a high ponytail and blue eyes reflect the Ulfen heritage that occurs here more in the north than in the south. While his pale skin, thick bone structure, prominent brows and high hairline receding into a widow's peak clearly points back to his ancient Azlanti heritage.

When Taldo is about town he dresses to suit a well-to-do craftsman, properly displaying a bit of the leather work his family does. His doublet expensive spit leather dyed in maroon, His broad leather tooled belt with matching riding boots, a fine linen shirt and lambskin breaches. When you approach close enough the only smell is the slight hint of rose .

When Taldo is at the shop or about shop business, the finery is put away. He wears a heavy leather apron over his heavy double lined hide jacket and kilt. Heavy work boots, sturdy cotton work pants and shirt, usually seen with cleaver or hammer in hand, depending on the job he's is doing. The smell is no longer roses but blood and offal.


Taldo is the perfect merchant’s son; a combination of hardworking, industrious, organized but also affable, outgoing and engaging. Because of his bloodline he has learned self-control and patience. Thinking before he acts and weighing every decision. He is proud of his cheliax heritage but desires, above all else, freedom.

On the Myers-Briggs scale Taldo would be:ENFP - The Inspirer

Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.

I have had an idea for a heritor knight fighter build for a while that I have felt would be great in Hell's Rebels. I will see if I can get it posted soon.

Much appreciated, Eriktd! Always love when someone does the list for me.

Applications looking awesome, might end up closing it earlier than the first, but I'd for sure give a few days time. How many people are still working on characters?

eriktd wrote:

Wyshart - Maccha Licinus - N human unchained rogue / Rose Warden

First of all, thanks a lot for the list. It helped point out I messed up (once again) on the Character's alignment, it's supposed to be CG otherwise Rose Warden PrC wouldn't be possible! Probably a vestige from the layout of a previous character I made.

My character, aside from potential roleplaying examples, should be finished. I plan to play the character as a most-of-the-time subdued Chaotic Neutral, befitting of a [future, probably after level 3] Cleric of a CN god with a following consisting of linguists, librarians, archaeologists, historians, and poets.

I may have Accidentally began researching Gnome Mesmerist ( Vexing Trickster )....

Would it be reasonable to say that Bate works at Crissali's Fine Tomes? Seems to be the only bookstore in town.

GM Thrune wrote:

Much appreciated, Eriktd! Always love when someone does the list for me.

Applications looking awesome, might end up closing it earlier than the first, but I'd for sure give a few days time. How many people are still working on characters?

I still be :)

Sure thing, GM! I've updated the list with a few of the additions since yesterday.

Ythiel - "Tiny" Litsy - CN human rogue (Discretion Specialist) - Natural Born Leader
Grumbaki - Lars Ulcaster - human magus (Golemfist) - Ex-Asmodean
Andrea1 - Beorn the Divine - CG half-orc bard (Chelish Diva) - Diva In Training
bluedove - Believer - LG tiefling (Shackleborn) oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) of Milani / paladin (Hospitaler) - Finding Haleen
Sir Longears - Old Man Hors - N half-orc barbarian (Untamed Rager) - Natural Born Leader
Veniir - Nory Kaar - NG human bard (Negotiator) - Gifted Satirist
Wyshart - Maccha Licinus - CG human unchained rogue / Rose Warden - Ex-Asmodean
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainright - NG human spiritualist (Fractured Mind / Phantom Blade) of Milani - Pattern Seeker
Rabscuttle - Llewela Oakfield - CG half-elf warpriest of Milani - Historian of the Rebellion
eriktd - Seannon Starfall - NG aasimar (Musetouched, halfling) oracle (Warsighted) of Desna / brawler (Exemplar) - Pattern Seeker
Violant - Bate Mael - CN tengu witch (Pact Witch) / cleric of Ydajisk / Mystic Theurge? - Pattern Seeker
Steffanio - Koga, Lorekeeper - LN tengu cleric of The Lost Prince - Historian of the Rebellion

In Progress
G-unit - halfling slayer (Cleaner) / Halfling Opportunist?
Ollie-Twist - ranger (Dandy)?
Critzible - Sister Asmodia Voralius - NG tiefling inquisitor (Living Grimoire) of Shelyn
AdamWarnock - summoner (Soulbound Summoner)?
Profession Smith 6 ranks - ranger (Urban Ranger)?Robert Henry - bloodrager?
shajnal - alchemist?
Saashaa - human investigator (Infiltrator)?
Pancakes - cleric of Shelyn?
Mightypion - tiefling? skald (Fated Champion) or oracle?
J Scot Shady - fighter / Heritor Knight?
Dorian 'Grey' - gnome mesmerist (Vexing Trickster)?

Ack. I forgot the languages, they should be there now. Yes, that says Jistkan, based off a Paizo Blog Post about Ydajisk vandalizing the boneyard with graffiti, as well as to take advantage of a free Power Word Kill or two later.

Hi, Mightypion WIP Fated champion submission is here, 2 quick questions:

1: Is a relevant drawback fine? Something like paranoid or vain would definitly fit her, and would allow me to grab disguise as a class skill, which would work well with an opera singer who very much does her own makeups/costumes etc.

2: Starting gold? Average? Max? Roll?

3: I am assuming Elephant in the room (feat tax rule) is not active?

Here's Pancakes' Cleric of Shelyn.

Background Questions::

1. What is your character’s name? Louise Serelian
2. How old is your character? 20
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Average height and weight, with short blonde hair that seems to shine with an inner light at times, and deep saphire eyes. She typically wears long dresses, but if she's going or coming back from training, she'll be wearing her breastplate over more practical clothes, carrying a glaive and a backpack with her writing and painting supplies. She usually has her right hand uncovered, proudly displaying her divine brand on the back of her hand.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? Not much. She tends to speak calmly and greet everyone with an honest smile, hoping to avoid conflicts whenever possible.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? Kintargo, by her parents.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? They are alive. Her father comes from a minor noble family, with a long military tradition, and serves as an officer in the Cheliax army. Her mother is a famous singer at the Kintargo Opera House.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? She has two older brothers, both following their father's example in their career choices. Her oldest joined the nation's army like their father, and the middle one has joined the city watch. Most of her other friends are either other nobles of her age, or the people from the temple.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Single and with no kids.
9. What is your character’s alignment? Neutral Good
10.What is your character’s moral code? She always tries to find a peaceful solution, an will try to get their enemies to back down before striking them.
11. Does your character have goals? To improve her artistic skills, as she feels she's been too focused on learning the glaive and that the time she has devoted to the arts to be much less than it should have been.
12. Is your character religious? Very much so, dedicated to Shelyn
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? That everyone has some measure of good in them, that she should try to bring forward.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? She's mostly optimistic and a pacifist, and might come off as a bit naive at times.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why would you join the rebellion? While she doesn't set out to join the rebellion, she will do it as a way to protect the people of Kintargo
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? She feels her main responsibility is to care and protect others (both the party and the people)
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? A divine brand of Shelyn, clearly visible on the back of her right hand
18. How does your character get along with others? She should try to get along well with others, believing there is good in everyone and trying to resolve things peacefully whenever possible
19. Is there anything that your character hates? Fighting, although she recognises the need when it comes to protect others, and that is why she complies with her parents' wishes that she focuses on her martial skills as well during her clerical training.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Related to the above, she fears ever being called to take up arms to fight another. She has tried to steel herself for that occurrence as best she can, but she still hopes she never has to put her martial training to use.


Born with a brand in the shape of Shelyn's holy symbol on her right hand, as well an otherworldly, angelic beauty, everyone always considered Louise had been blessed by Shelyn, and she was inducted into temple of Shelyn from a young age, with some expecting her to follow her mother's Sophia's career as singer at the Kintargo Opera House.

Her father's nable family, however, was renowned for its skill at arms, and Louise's father, a strict, disciplined, military man, and made sure each of their children were trained for combat from a young age, Louise included.

At first, Louise resented this imposition, thinking it was just to fuel his pride in the family tradition, when she'd much rather follow a more peaceful path, dedicated to the arts. But now that she's older, and more aware ofnthe country's political landscape, she's starting to think it came more out of concern for their safety than anything else - especially hers, since her dedication to Shelyn would be impossible to conceal.

With things getting worser by the day, with nonsensical laws being forced on everyone, the opera being closed down, certain faiths being persecuted and their temples destroyed, and even some nobles' houses being burned down, her father's words to train hard so she can be able to protect herself and those who can't from everyone who would do them harm ring closer than ever. While she has always prayed for a peaceful future for her city, she has started to have doubts if it could ever be achieved.

When a close friend of hers told her that he/she was going to a protest and asked her to tag along, her first impulse was to refuse - things could get out of hand and the consequences for her and her family could be serious. But the more she considered it, the more she felt she had to go - exactly so she could try to defuse any situation before it got out of hand, and protect her friend and others if things went wrong.

Stat Sheet:

Aasimar (Angelkin) Cleric (Divine Paragon) 1;
Neutral Good Medium Outsider (native)/humanoid (human)
Init: +2 Senses: Darkvision, Perception +2

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
hp 10 (8 +2 Con)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4

Resistance acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5.

Speed 20 ft.
Glaive +3 (1d10+4 x3)
Cestus +3 (1d4+3 19-20)


Spell-like Abilities Alter Self 1/day

Spells Prepared (CL 1; (3/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0) Concentration+3)
1st- Divine Favor; Bless; Bonus: Shield
0th- Detect Magic; Guidance; Stabilize

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Combat Reflexes, Deific Obedience


Skills (2 + 2 background per level , +1 fcb - 3 ranks, 2 background ranks)

Diplomacy +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 cha);
Knowledge (Nobility) + 5 (1 background rank, 3 class, 1 trait);
Knowledge (Religion) +4 (1 rank, 3 class);
Linguistics +6 (1 background rank, 3 class, 2 racial);
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 wis, 2 racial));

Traits Fate's Favored, Inner Beauty, Child of Kintargo
SQ Adoration; Aura; Channel Energy (Cleric) +1d6; Devoted Domain; Divine Brand; Domains: Charm (Love); Protection (Defense);
Languages:Common, Celestial, Infernal
Money: 49 gp, 9 sp, 1 cp

Armor: Breastplate, Buckler
Items: 10x Parchment (1 sheet); 2x Ink; 3x Scroll of Cure Light Wounds ; 4x Charcoal (1 stick); Backpack, common; Inkpen; Outfit, Noble's; Ring, signet;

Racial Options

Angel-Blooded (Angelkin)
Angelkin are mortal paragons of exceptional beauty, and they serve as exemplars of good and light regardless of the myriad forms they may take.

Ancestry Angel
Typical Alignment Any good
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Cha
Alternate Skill Modifiers Heal, Knowledge (planes)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Angelkin gain alter self as a spell-like ability.

There are some aasimars whose language transcends all boundaries. They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Scion of Humanity
Some aasimars’ heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.

Reason to Protest: Tagging Along (I left the details about who I'm going with proposedly vague so it can be another PC as suggested in the guide, if I get picked. But I can make up a default NPC for it if you prefer.)

Dark Archive

'Eliza' wrote:

Hi, Mightypion WIP Fated champion submission is here, 2 quick questions:

1: Is a relevant drawback fine? Something like paranoid or vain would definitly fit her, and would allow me to grab disguise as a class skill, which would work well with an opera singer who very much does her own makeups/costumes etc.

2: Starting gold? Average? Max? Roll?

3: I am assuming Elephant in the room (feat tax rule) is not active?

Per the OP with the building rules, wealth is max for class.

There were no mentions about the feat tax rules I believe.

This is Dorian Grey's work in progress.

He will be a riot!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Tessa Sarini
Female azata-blooded aasimar (musetouched) soulbound summoner 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 22, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder Unchained 25, Tyrant's Grasp: Midwives to Death 82)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1/day—glitterdust (DC 15)
Soulbound Summoner Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1st (2/day)—celestial healing, grease
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, mending, message
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Noble Scion of Sarini[ISWG]
Traits charming, child of kintargo, intense artist
Skills Artistry (literature) +6, Bluff +3 (+4 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy +5 (+6 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Perform (dance) +10, Perform (sing) +10, Perform (string instruments) +5, Perform (wind instruments) +5, Spellcraft +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perform (dance), +2 Perform (sing), +2 Perform (string instruments), +2 Perform (wind instruments)
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ curse (possessed), eidolon (unchained), life link
Other Gear 240 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Eidolon (Unchained) Can summon a powerful aspect of an outsider.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Life Link (Su) Damage that dismisses Eidolon can be taken by you. It weakens if not in 100 ft.
Noble Scion of Sarini You are a member of a proud noble family.
Possessed -2 concentration, mantaining spell provokes AoO. Roll twice to resist domination.


Eidolon (Unchained) CR –
CG Medium outsider (azata)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2
Resist electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Light Armor Proficiency
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +7, Perception +4, Stealth +5
Languages Common
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.


- Tessa was born to the Sarini family about 20 years ago.

- Due to her obvious celestial heritage, she was kept locked away for most of her life.

- She spent most of her time in her room reading.

- Her family tried to sacrifice her, using her as bait for an erinyes they wished to subjugate and use as a family guardian.

- During the ritual, she and an azata were bound and laid on the altar. Her panic unlocked a power she wasn't aware she had as the celestial was bleeding out. The magical energy released knocked out all of the house's members, guards, and servants, allowing her and Bendoc too escape.

- The azata was bound to Tessa as an eidolon.

- The erinyes was also bound to Tessa, but in her mind. The erinyes sometimes partially possesses Tessa, but is more of a voice in the back of her mind most of the time.

Reason for joining the Protest: Tagging along. While at the moment this is Bendoc (G-Unit's character), I can change it if need be.

Apologies for the very rough outline. I figured it would be better to get that up now than to wait. I still need to pick gear and answer the questions.

Oh yeah! Reason to protest: Looking for Trouble. Public disobedience time!

I’m hoping I can together a submission before recruitment closes. Currently thinking about an inquisitor.

GM Thrune wrote:
Applications looking awesome, might end up closing it earlier than the first, but I'd for sure give a few days time. How many people are still working on characters?

I am working on a Ghost Rider Cavalier for this and should have it completed tomorrow or Tuesday. Solid martial abilities without being overpowered; all the face skills; a reason to have decent Charisma; useful anti-devil abilities (e.g. fear immunity); and potentially some good backstory ties to the Chelish Civil War.

Here is G-unit’s submission. Bendoc is a Halfling slayer (cleaner). Any questions let me know.

Reason to protest Meeting a contact (One of Bendoc’s students has gone missing and someone at the protest has some info)(Also, Tessa Serini (Adam Warnock’s pc) is tagging along with him. However feel free to pick one without the other).


10-minute Background

Step 1: Background and Concept elements (at least 5) (history, description, personality) 

1. (Description) Bendoc, a Halfling, is small but well-muscled like a racehorse. The willowy halfling has an emotionless face that always looks like he is about to pass judgment on those around him. The most prominent feature is his large bulbous nose which sits above a thin lipped mouth set in a perpetual frown and recessed chin. His small, squinty, grey, eyes appear to miss little. Bendoc’s skin is pale from a lifetime spent indoors and stands in stark contrast to his styled dark colored hair. He is always freshly shaven, well groomed, and dresses impeccably, usually adorned in a red waist coat with dozens of pockets concealed in its lining. The diminutive halfling smells of roses and lavender.
2. (Personality) Bendoc comes across as officious and sardonic. The halfling is direct and to the point, not kind nor cruel, just blunt, but often condescending. He has a dry sense of humor which catches people by surprise. Bendoc is impeccably tidy and clean, and is meticulous about his gear keeping it organized and pristine. He often gives unwanted advice in a nasally monotone voice.
3. (Background) He was born a slave, property of House Delronge, in Egorian the imperial capital of Cheliax. His parents and brother were also bonded to the household. Life was hard but their owners were fair, if uncaring, and it was comforting that they were all together. That all changed when Bendoc turned nine and was sold to House Serini and carted off to their manor in Kintargo where he was secreted away as a slave, kept inside their estate, away from prying eyes.
4. (Background) The lord of House Serini was a harsh taskmaster and cruel for the sake of being cruel. Bendoc endured many beatings at his capricious hands. Overtime, he learned to feign obedience, and was given responsibility over the other slaves, acting as majordomo for the household. More importantly, to lord Serini, the officious halfling was found to possess a keen eye for detail, a quick wit, as well as steady nerves and became useful in helping his master cover up his indiscretions.
5. (Background) Bendoc learned the secretive halfling fighting arts from Jako, another slave a Serini Manor. This fighting style uses everyday items as weapon so slaves can train under the noses of their masters. He excelled at this training and after his escape started teaching it to other halflings in secret.
6.As unlikely as it sounds he formed a friendship with one of the Serini daughters, Tessa. She always offered Bendoc an extra measure of kindness, smuggled him books to read, and shared her hopes and dreams with him. Regardless, even after their escape, he refers to her as Mistress and never uses her first name.
7. One night, Bendoc was summoned by his master, who informed him that his skills would be needed. To his dismay he was taken to a room that had been prepared for a ritualistic sacrifice. Bendoc tensed prepared to fight as he thought he was the one to be sacrificed. However, he quickly realized, to his great dismay, that the evil Serini family were sacrificing one of their own, their daughter, Tessa.
All to soon the ritual began and Bendoc stood helpless as an ominous presence filled the room. In desperation the halfling rushed in and kicked over one of the candles encircling the alter, knocking it down, and disrupting the wicked ceremony. An insidious pulse of energy pushed its way through the room tossing people aside. This otherworldly force was being drawn into his friend and without thinking Bendoc ran towards the helpless woman and grabbed her. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop the spirit from entering her and unwittingly became a conduit for another spirit to come into his body.
8.All who attended this ritual, except for Bendoc and Tessa, were incapacitated by the release of mystical energy allowing for the pair to escape. They didn’t go far, staying in Kintargo, finding a place to live in the Redroof district.

Step 2: Goals (one character, one player)

1. (Player) To see Bendoc grow into a leadership role.
2. (Character) To earn enough coin to buy the freedom for the rest of his family from the bonds of slavery.

Step 3: Secrets (known & unknown)

1. (Known) He secretly teaches a handful of halfling students the halfling improvised weapon fighting arts.

2. (Known) His hand has become possessed by a spirit. He is still trying figure out a way to live with it.
3. (Unknown) One of his students is a traitor secretly serving Thrune (you decide who.. it’s a secret)

Step 4: People (at least two allies/friends and one adversary)

1. (Ally) Khonnir, Peck, Joi, Inego, and Willup - a group of halflings being taught the halfling improvised fighting arts by Bendoc.
2.(Ally) Mistress Tessa Serini - daughter of his slave master. She was unwillingly subjected to a diabolical ritual resulting in her having a strange symbiotic relationship to an otherworldly creature. After the ritual the two escaped together (PC of Adam Warnock).
3.(Ally) Jako - old and wizened halfling slave who taught Bendoc the halfling improvised weapon fighting.

1. (Adversary) Lord Serini - Lord and Master of House Serini in Kintargo. The cruel and heavy handed man wants to see his errant property recovered, intact or in pieces.

Step 5: Three Memories, Mannerisms, or Quirks 

1. (Memory) The tears seemed to burn the young halfling’s eyes as he was torn from his mother’s grasp. The whip repeatedly brought down upon his head and shoulders as he was separated from her and stuffed into the back of a wagon.
2. (Memory) Bendoc held the mop in his hands swinging it around his head like a tornado, faster and faster. Jako’s encouraging voice rang in his ears, ”Good… good… you found the mops balance. But don’t forget your balance, everything starts with the hips. In the end it’s all about balance.”
3. (Memory) From his place of concealment the halfling watched in horror as the dark ritual progressed, the chanting reached a crescendo, and the horror came for the girl. He watched frozen, feet rooted in place, unable to act. Somehow he managed to move toward the circle and kicked over one of the candles, disrupting the ritual, but unprepared for what he unleashed.

GM Questions:

Background Questions
1. What is your character’s name? Bendoc, and he dislikes nicknames. His name is really the only thing he owns and he holds it dear.
2. How old is your character? Bendoc is 38 years old although he appears older.
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? The first thing you notice about Bendoc is that he is small, very small, even for a halfling. Despite his straight and rigid posture he stands noticeably under three feet tall but is well-muscled with broad shoulders and a narrow waist weighing close to 3 stone (42lbs). Upon further inspection of the wiry halfling you would notice his, large, bulbous nose which dominates his face making his small squinty grey eyes look more squinty and his recessed chin appear sunken by comparison. Bendoc’s skin is pale from a lifetime spent indoors and stands in stark contrast to his styled raven colored hair. He is always freshly shaven, well groomed, and dresses impeccably, usually adorned in a red waist coat with dozens of pockets concealed in its lining. The diminutive halfling carries a walking stick but you notice that his limp comes and goes. If you get close enough you realize that he smells of roses and lavender.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? The halfling is overly formal, officious, and polite. He can often be heard giving advice (at times unwanted) in a nasally voice.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? Bendoc was born into slavery and, like his parents, owned by the Delronge family. He was born and raised at their manor in Egorian until he was sold to the cruel House Serini at age 9. The young slave was moved to the Serini Manor House in Kintargo where he was kept secretly as a slave.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? His parents, Delgo and Lillac, are both still alive and are currently slaves in Egorian owned by House Delronge but he hasn’t seen them in almost 30 years. His father, Delgo, works in the kennels and has a way with hounds. While his mother, Lillac, works in the kitchens.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? Yes, he has a brother who is still a slave owned by the House Vashnarstill where he serves as a shipwright in Kintargo. He also considers Mistress Serini his friend (Adam Warnock’s PC). Khonnir, Peck, Joi, Inego, and Willup - a group of halflings being taught the halfling improvised fighting arts by Bendoc. Jako, the halfling who taught him improvised fighting is still a secret slave of House Serini.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Very single, when he was a slave he was not selected as a breeder. Since he escaped with Mistress Serini he hasn’t been in any major relationships.
9. What is your character’s alignment? Neutral, Bendoc has learned it’s best to stay flexible and go whatever way the wind blows to survive. (Although he has chaotic good tendencies).
10. What is your character’s moral code? Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, but do what it takes to survive.
11. Does your character have goals? Prior to the current changes in Kintargo he was saving coin to buy his family’s freedom.
12. Is your character religious? Sort of, he is a Shelynite but not a fanatic. He makes an offering or a quick prayer every now and then to the goddess of protection and luck as it is only common sense.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? People should be free, kind, and treat others with respect. Halflings should look out for each other.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? The former slave is impeccably tidy and clean, he is meticulous about his gear keeping it organized and pristine. He can be condescending especially towards humans.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why would you join the rebellion? He would view it as an opportunity to improve the lot for his fellow halflings and his upbringing as a slave has left him with little tolerance for bullies. He is going to the protest to meet a contact to who has information on Bendoc’s missing student Willup.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Bendoc views it as a calling and a responsibility to his fellow halflings.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? Angry red welts crisscross Bendoc’s back, a testament to his time spent as a slave.
18. How does your character get along with others? He gets along well with others, he is helpful but wary.
19. Is there anything that your character hates? Slavey, large dogs, and bullies.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Whips, large dogs, and people who wield whips.Snakes, clowns, snake-clowns…. Lego Batman reference.

This diminutive, peculiar looking, halfling is well dressed and watches those around him like a bird of prey.
Male, Halfling, Slayer (Cleaner) - 1
N, Medium Humanoid (halfling)
Initiative +3
Senses Perception +7
Move 20

AC: 18, touch 14, flat footed 15 [ooc](+ 3 Dex +4 Armor +1 size)
HP: 12 (10 class, +1 con, 1 fcb)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 +2 vs fear

Walking stick, improvised +7 (1d4+3/20)
Dagger +5 (1d3+3 /19-20)
Sling +6 (1d3+3 /x2) range 50
Dagger +6 (1d3+3 /19-20) range 10
Special Attacks: Studied Target +1
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14 Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Possessed Hand (1st level), Deceitful (Bonus Class)
Skills 10 ranks/ level(6 class, 2 int, 2 background)
Acrobatics [+7] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class)
Bluff [+8] (1 rank +2 int +3 class +2 feat)
Disable Device [+9] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class +1 trait +1 feat)
Disguise [+5] (1 rank -1 cha +3 class +2 feat)
Knowledge (Local) [+6] (1 rank +2 int +3 class)
Linguistics [+6] (1 BGrank +2 int +3 class)
Perception [+7] (1 rank +1 wis +3 class +2 race)
Sleight of Hand [+6] (1 BGrank +3 dex +1 trait +1 feat)
Sense Motive [+5] (1 rank +1 wis +3 class)
Stealth [+11] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class +4 size)
Modifiers: +1 on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks vs Studied Target. +2 diplomacy while wearing fashionable accessories, +4 sleight of hand w/ hollow heeled boots, -2 on untrained skills
ACP -2
Traits Surprise Weapon(combat), Clever Word Play(Social), Natural Born Leader(Campaign), Gold Finger(Faction) Meticulous(Drawback)
Languages Common, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven, Infernal

Ability Scores+2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Str.
Clever Word Play Use intelligence in place of charisma for bluff skill.
Deceitful +2 on Bluff and Disguise checks +4 if you have 10 or more ranks in the skill.
Favored Class Bonus +1 hit point.
Fearless +2 on saving throws against fear.
Gold Finger +1 trait bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks, and disable device is a class skill for you.
Halfling Luck +1 bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Meticulous –2 penalty on skill checks for skills with which you're untrained.
Natural Born Leader treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 instead of its actual score to determine how many teams you can manage and as a bonus to your managed teams’ actions. Also, gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score if you take the Leadership feat.
Possessed Hand When using your possessed hand gain +1 insight bonus to attack/damage/ disable device/ sleight of hand. Once per day as a swift action, retrieve any stowed object that weighs less than 5 pounds you carry. -2 on concentration checks.
Resourceful Take no penalties for using improvised weapons and count as having the Catch Off Guard or Throw Anything feats for the purpose of qualifying for feats.
Slow Speed Base speed of 20 feet.
Small Gain +1 to AC and attack rolls, a –1 to CMB and CMD, and a +4 on Stealth checks.
Studied Target (Ex) +1 Study an opponent as a move action (or an immediate action as part of a sneak attack) to gain a +1 on Attack/Damage/Bluff/Knowledge/Perception/Sense Motive/Survival and DCs of class abilities.
Surprise Weapon +2 trait bonus to hit with improvised weapons.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies All simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor, and shields

Weapons Dagger(2gp/ .5lbs), Sling (-/-)
Armor Lamellar (Leather) (60gp/12.5lbs), 
Slotted Items Talisman of Beneficial Winds:[neck](50gp/-)
Wands, Rods, Etc
Carried/Worn, Belt Pouch (1gp/.25lbs), Cane Simple Hollow (3gp/1.5lbs), Alchemist Fire (20gp/.5lbs), Courtier’s outfit(30gp/3lbs), Fashionable Accessories (20gp/2.5lbs), Hollow Heeled Boots (10gp/.5lbs), Potion Cure Light Wounds (50gp/.5lbs), Sling bullets (10) (1sp/2.5lbs), Wrist Sheath [spring loaded] (5gp/.5lbs), Thieves Tools (30gp/1lbs)
In Belt Pouch Alchemist Fire,
In Wrist sheath Dagger
Hollow cane Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Hollow Boots Thieves tools

Carried by Bendoc 25.75lbs (<43.5 light load)
Total(cost) 279gp, 1sp,
Wealth 20gp, 9sp,

I'm fixing this profile to be a swashbuckler, maybe take a couple levels of virtuous bravo later on.

I should be able to get my submission done by tomorrow or Tuesday, I've just stalled out on finishing the equipment for the crunch, and writing all the background and questions should be pretty quick from there.

I've decided for sure on the Dandy archetype ranger, the heretic inquisitor idea was a little too close to a character I'm already playing off the forums. Might go for some swashbuckler or rogue levels later on, I'm not entirely sure, right now most of my plan is going with the Underhanded ranger fighting style to focus on dirty trick.

Alright, everyone. I recently got accepted into another game, putting the number of tables I am in at a fairly high number. I will not be applying here. Good luck, everyone, and have fun!

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I've updated the list again. :)

Ythiel - "Tiny" Litsy - CN human rogue (Discretion Specialist) - Natural Born Leader
Grumbaki - Lars Ulcaster - human magus (Golemfist) - Ex-Asmodean
Andrea1 - Beorn the Divine - CG half-orc bard (Chelish Diva) - Diva In Training
bluedove - Believer - LG tiefling (Shackleborn) oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) of Milani / paladin (Hospitaler) - Finding Haleen
Sir Longears - Old Man Hors - N half-orc barbarian (Untamed Rager) - Natural Born Leader
Veniir - Nory Kaar - NG human bard (Negotiator) - Gifted Satirist
Wyshart - Maccha Licinus - CG human unchained rogue / Rose Warden - Ex-Asmodean
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainright - NG human spiritualist (Fractured Mind / Phantom Blade) of Milani - Pattern Seeker
Rabscuttle - Llewela Oakfield - CG half-elf warpriest of Milani - Historian of the Rebellion
eriktd - Seannon Starfall - NG aasimar (Musetouched, halfling) oracle (Warsighted) of Desna / brawler (Exemplar) - Pattern Seeker
Violant - Bate Mael - CN tengu witch (Pact Witch) / cleric of Ydajisk / Mystic Theurge? - Pattern Seeker
Steffanio - Koga, Lorekeeper - LN tengu cleric of The Lost Prince - Historian of the Rebellion
Pancakes - Louise Serelian - NG aasimar (Angelkin) cleric (Divine Scion) of Shelyn - Child of Kintargo
AdamWarnock - Tessa Sarini - CG aasimar (Musetouched) summoner (Soulbound Summoner) - Child of Kintargo
G-unit - Bendoc - N halfling slayer (Cleaner) / Halfling Opportunist - Natural Born Leader

In Progress
Ollie-Twist - ranger (Dandy) / rogue? / swashbuckler?
Critzible - Sister Asmodia Voralius - NG tiefling inquisitor (Living Grimoire) of Shelyn
Profession Smith 6 ranks - ranger (Urban Ranger)?
Robert Henry - bloodrager?
shajnal - alchemist?
Saashaa - human investigator (Infiltrator)?
Mightypion - tiefling? skald (Fated Champion)
J Scot Shady - fighter / Heritor Knight
Dorian 'Grey' - Barnaby Bastien Bridge - NG gnome mesmerist (Vexing Trickster) - Gifted Satirist
Eletido - inquisitor?
Aldizog - cavalier (Ghost Rider)
Ironperenti - Markus Nocturnus - swashbuckler / paladin (Virtuous Bravo)?

With so much interest, I will be closing the game a little bit earlier than next week.

New end date is the night of Wednesday, June 26th. I’ll pick our team Thursday morning and get the rebellion well and truly started!

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Thank you for the heads-up GM Thrune.

I saw eriktd had left me off the list and has now put me back on. Over the weekend I'd finished Taldo's crunch and had started working on the twenty questions, but it would probably be better if I step away from the recruitment.

GM Thrune, good luck with your selections, you've got some great players on the list. Thanks for running the game for us, as a player yourself, you know how much we appreciate it.

Good luck and good gaming everyone!

Here is Mightypions submission and I think I am mostly finished.

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Robert Henry wrote:
I saw eriktd had left me off the list and has now put me back on.

I didn't think I'd left you off, but I see now that my formatting got screwed up the second time, and while you were still there on the list, your name was stuck at the end of the previous line. Sorry about that!

eriktd wrote:
Robert Henry wrote:
I saw eriktd had left me off the list and has now put me back on.
I didn't think I'd left you off, but I see now that my formatting got screwed up the second time, and while you were still there on the list, your name was stuck at the end of the previous line. Sorry about that!

I have done the exact same thing posting recruitments, I apologize for not looking better.

Now we return you to your regularly scheduled recruitment thread

Did a slight rebuild of Lars.

Build changes, thoughts, plans:

Old Stats: Str18 Dex13 Con14 Int14 Wis10 Cha8
New Stats: Str14 Dex17 Con14 Int14 Wis10 Cha8

* Replaced magic lineage for focused mind (while shocking grasp is a staple for a magus, I'm trying to build Lars to have more consistent damage and less explosive one-shot kills)

Build Progression: Damage

Levels 1-2
At level 1, the 'plan' is to cast magic weapon as a standard action and arcane pool as a swift action. Without it, he is only +6 to hit and 1d6+4 damage. That is...pitiful. But taken together? It goes to +6 to hit and 2d6+5 damage. That still isn't what a basic fighter would do at level 1, but it much more respectable. Yes, he gets spellstrike at lvl 2. But I think that the magic weapon + shocking combo is still the way to go for consistent damage throughout a combat. Especially as he only has 1 spellslot at lvl1 and 2 spellslots at lvl 2.

Levels 3-4
At level 3 he gets piercing damage and 19-20 crit range. The "spike" doesn't come from this, but instead from having a +1 enchantment weapon. Now, he can use his arcane pool to add +1d6 electricity damage without wasting a standard action and spell slot. Therefore, better action economy and his spell slots can be used for shocking grasp.

Level 5
This is when the build actually turns on. Flamboyant Arcana and Arcane Deed - Precise Strike. That lets him get +lvl to damage as precision damage, as his fist will do piercing damage. Hopefully by this point he can afford to get 'agile' enchantment for his fist. But that isn't something that can be countered on, and even with it, it is only +2 damage. But it is part of the plan. Without any magic items, and when out of arcane pool and spell slots, it would be +9 hit and 1d6+10 damage.

How is this a change?
Originally, I was going to have Lars be strength based with dragon style with magic lineage shocking grasp. Instead, he will be dex based with precise strike and possessed hand. All in all...it should about even out, even if it is less damage at lower levels. But the idea is to have more consistent damage and less one-shot nuking.

Anyways, rambling over.

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