GM KoolKobold’s Rise of the Runelords (PF1)

Game Master KoolKobold

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F Half-Elf. Appearance. Cleric 1 (herald caller). HP 10/10. AC 17/FF 14/T13. Perception +8, init +5. Saves: F +3, R+3, W+4. Att: +3 vs AC, 1d8+1 (20/x3). CMB: +5. CMD: 14. Conditions: Reach weapon, +2 hit/CMB on AoO's.

"The festival is amazing! Truly. We just did the wheelbarrel race and I was about to suggest going for the riddle compe-" Mia's eyes widen when she recognizes the mayor just a second too late. "O-Oh! Um. Hello, madam. I'm Mia, a novice acolyte. Though I guess acolyte implies novice
anyway and I shouldn't have specified, right? I'm just here helping the guard today. And hoping to learn a bit more about the faiths from brother Darius I suppose."
She gives a nervous laugh as the group is suddenly faced with the highest local authority next to the Sheriff himself.

"When she says 'we', it was just us cheering on the four of them here," Clive smoothly interjects. "There's no way the guard would actually partake in these games, right Mia? Unless we had express permission, that is." He gives a mayor a questioning glance.

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 12/12 | AC19 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Larry finishes drying off his armor and weapons. He knows that he'll have to polish and oil them tonight to keep them from rusting, and he'd never consider having rust on any of his equipment.

When he hears Mia's "madam" he glances over. "Oh, Hi Mayor. Great fun. And I won a really nice little shield!" He holds up the buckler, then looks for how to strap it on his arm so he won't have to hold it all the time.

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 12/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

"Oh! Hello, Aunt Kendra!" The paladin startled. "Yes. Mia and Larry you have met. And these are Miss Wyssal, Clive in the town guard, and Miss Veedra and Miss Sahlara."

Female Halfling Bard (Sound Striker / Studious Librarian) 1

Wyssal gets as far as returning Darius's bow with a quick curtsey before Mayor Deverin inserts herself, breaking things off. Wyssal turns to the Mayor and gives her a small, quick wave hello.

The Mayor laughs in joy, patting Darius on the back and saying humorously, "Glad you're making friends that aren't from the bar!" She then looks at the others and shakes all of their hands, saying, "Make sure to enjoy the festival! And Mia, if Belor gives you and your friend crap, tell him you got the Mayor's official permission to enjoy yourselves while also standing guard! I have to meet up with Father Zantus to prepare for the consecration, have fun now!" And with that the Mayor walked back towards the cathedral.

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