About San ThevinSan Thevin:
Age: 80 Physical Appearance: San stands about 6 ft tall. The lithe elf has solid muscle despite his small frame. His blonde hair is darker than expected due to his time spent with his nose in a book. ancestry Elf (Seer) Trackables
STR +3, DEX +4, CON +0
Unarmored: (T), Light: (T), Medium: (T), Heavy: (T) SAVING THROWS
Class DC: 18 (10 + 4 dex + 4 prof) [T] Speed: 30 Movement Types: N/a Melee Strikes Main-Gauche (Agile, Finesse, Disarm, Parry, Versatile S) Piercing
Warhammer +1(Shove) Bludgeoning
Ranged Strikes Shortbow (Deadly d10) Range 60ft; Piercing
Composite Longbow (Deadly d10, Propulsive, Volley 30 ft) Range 100ft; Piercing
Weapon Proficiencies
Magic Traditions
Spell Attack Roll Arcane: +4 (0 cha+ 4 prof)
Focus Points: 0/0 (maximum) Spells Known
[dice=Acrobatics (T)]1d20+8[/dice]
FEATS: Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
Bonus Feats ____________________
Held Items: Composite Longbow
Invested Items:
N/A Bulk: 4 (Encumbered at: 8 = 5 + (3); Maximum at: 13 = 10 + (3)) Coins: 1 copper 0 silver 0 gold 0 platinum Notes: Zaiox tasked derro to attack Ordwi & Co.|| Metrimar is Thaselonian Official came with ship. Ability Descriptions:
Seer Elf: You have an inborn ability to detect and understand magical phenomena. You can cast the detect magic cantrip as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature. These skill actions typically use the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill. Background:
San arrived in Sandpoint before it even had the name. San's parents had loose affiliations with the Kaijitsu family having worked as cratsmen providing "exotic" (ie. Not human) styles for their jewelry. Having been around for the founding and development of the town, it's amazing how little impact the family has had. That was the reason they left Kyonin after all. They didn't want to be caught up in politics and drama. After Ameiko left to go reclaim her birthright, the Thevins stayed behind, content to run their shop.
San's always been interested in the ruins around their town. Something ancient even to his parents?? How could he not be? They might have settled down with their little curiosity shop, but that doesn't mean he has to attach himself to it as well. Besides, he might find some neat trinket he can bring home for them to sell! When the last big shakeup happened, all he could do was hide. It was then that he decided that wouldn't happen to him again. Since then he's trained with the town guard with his bow in between bouts of research, waiting for his opportunity to really contribute to the growing knowledge base of ancient Thassilon. His training also allows him to explore in peace as he knows that some of the relics can cause trouble when found that he can hopefully deal with on his own. Relationships:
* Vildran: San gets along well with Vildran as they both have an interest in ancient Thasselon. With the lack of many other elves in town, San enjoys the company of another elf. As a runelord scholar not yet accepted by the Runewatchers, San is eager to work with other aspirants. In fact Vildran and San trade notes on artifact study and/or study arcana together often. San secretly holds a competitive grudge that Vildran is able to use magic so easily though that doesn't affect their studies. *Autumn: San has seen her around town before but didn't pay any attention until she came to the shop. His parents dealt with her so no telling what deal was or wasn't struck.
*Morga: A while ago, San's parents had some renovations done to the shop/house. The dwarves they hired brought along their child for one reason or another. San ended up keeping the kid company to make sure she didn't get in the way. They were friendly enough but didn't maintain any sort of relationship. She always seemed so preoccupied doing whatever little tasks she had to do.
Immediate Pre-Campaign Situation:
San lives with his parents at above the curiosity shop. He helps them run it during most days and spends the rest of his time "researching". That might be exploring the environs around Sandpoint or following one clue or another in books or with Vildran.
Knows Sheriff Belor Hemlock as the sheriff had to give a talk to people wanting to explore around the city. Sheriff supports his archery training with other disciplines as well. Knows Hannah Valerin as San has had to get fixed up a time or two after taking a nasty spill while exploring. She tries to impress upon the "young" elf about being careful but doesn't tell his parents about his injuries.