GM Cellion's Rusthenge + Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Double Feature

Game Master Cellion

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Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Welcome all! If you've gotten selected, chime in here and get yourself settled in nice and comfy. Feel free to make your own OOC introductions and get to know one another. I see some folks have a few remaining details to get sorted out on their characters, from backstory to gear selection and the like. Now is also a *great* time to talk about connections your characters might have with one another - how you might've crossed paths while in Sandpoint, or even before that. While bonds between characters will definitely develop during play, having some history can't hurt! Don't hesitate to ask each other questions to flesh things out. If you'd like to make adjustments to your character build, now is also the right time.

In the next day I'll be posting some information here on how I plan to run things to streamline PF2E a little for PbP. I've also got a few questions and/or suggestions for some of you to work through.

Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None

Thanks for the invitation, Cellion! I’m excited to play these adventures and to play Bastiano with the group of characters & players you selected. It’s pretty late here (Central Time US), so I’ll write a little bit more to introduce myself in the morning.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Tao's player here.

I'm up late - gunna throw out a few ideas.

One of the draws of "Seven Dooms" for me is that I lost a character named Laurel during the Rise of the Runelords AP (which for me sadly ended somewhere in book 2) - this was Tao's cousin. So. I'd like to work in his memory to the fabric of the game. He was a child rogue, whose curiosity ended up getting him killed, his poor mother left to grieve.

What is the time slippage between then and now?

Maybe one of your characters knew Laurel - perhaps he stole something from you, maybe you caught him and were kind, or harsh, or told his cousin. Maybe you tried to hire him and caught him sleeping on the job. Maybe you let him play in your backyard - or kicked him out!

Tao knows "all" the locals around, as she is accustomed to keeping tabs of a large extended family. Maybe she read your fortune, or borrowed some sugar, or you have jammed with her (she playes pan flute), or knew her before her (oracular) "curse" started.

We'll start with that!

Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Hello Hello! Thanks for choosing me Cellion!

I'll keep this short for the moment as well. It isn't quite as late here, I'm in Portland Oregon so Pacific time, or UTC -8 if you prefer. But, my dog doesn't understand weekends and will roust me out of bed at 5:30 AM for a walk like any other day so it's late enough.

Looking forward to talking to y'all tomorrow!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

@Tao: It's been 17 years since RotRL, which is why Sidonie is my youngest character ever. She's the niece of one of the RotRL Heroes, and it doesn't really work out for Auntie Ro's sister to have been pregnant any earlier than 17 years ago.

We could hybridize things if you like. Ro knew Laurel, so Sidonie would know of him from stories her aunt told her. Sidonie would probably even know the circumstances of his death and maybe a few things about him, no reason for Ro and Laurel not to have been in the same party.

Sidonie has visited Sandpoint several times in the past, although she's from Magnimar. She also knows people there and could easily enough know Tao.

Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
Remaining Resources:
3/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points

@Cellion: Thank you very much for inviting me to the game!

@fellow players: I’m very much looking forward to gaming with everybody. My time zone is Mountain time. I usually post in the late evening, though that can vary a lot during summers.

rainzax wrote:
One of the draws of "Seven Dooms" for me is that I lost a character named Laurel during the Rise of the Runelords AP (which for me sadly ended somewhere in book 2)

Hah, my character in RotR was also named Laurel! We only made it through book 1 though.

Autumn wouldn't know Laurel though; she's fairly young, and arrived in Sandpoint no more than a couple years ago. But I'm definitely looking forward to developing connections with the other PCs. Autumn has the Scarnetti-Connected background, so I don't know if that will tie in with anybody?

On a mechanical note, what spells (if any) are you all taking? If I can, I'll try to minimize overlap (not that overlap is a bad thing, but it's nice to have diversity and separate niches).

Finally, I am leaving for a vacation on Sunday (May 5) so I likely won't be able to post until I return (May 16). Am I right in guessing that Autumn will join the others after I come back?

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
rainzax wrote:

One of the draws of "Seven Dooms" for me is that I lost a character named Laurel during the Rise of the Runelords AP (which for me sadly ended somewhere in book 2)

Autumn Forfallan wrote:
Hah, my character in RotR was also named Laurel! We only made it through book 1 though.


Uncommon name.
I ended up liking the name so much I named my kid Laurel.

Tao's spells are in her alias - I don't mind overlap though. Picking spells is like picking which chores the character no longer has to worry about, so it's also part storytelling for me.


Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 15/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +3 | Perc +5 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Hello everyone! Happy to be chosen!

So San has been in Sandpoint for a while. I'm hesitant to tie him and his family to any important names but not doing so doesn't make much sense. Elves live a long time so to them, Sandpoint is still pretty new.

I like the idea of San's parents just laying low running something of a curiosity shop in Sandpoint. Maybe they had loose affiliations with the Kaijitsu family. Craftsmen providing "exotic" (ie. Not human) styles for jewelry. After Ameiko left to go reclaim her birthright, the Thevins stayed behind, content to run their little shop.

All that being said, San might be known to those of you that know all about Sandpoint. He's not overly concerned with whatever politics his parents might have been involved in. He's become pretty involved in researching the ancient Thassolonians due to the recent unpleasantness. He might be known as that weird elf that's always either digging through trash at the beach or has his nose stuck in a book.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

What is looking like our big start date?

I'm open to jumping right in, or waiting until the 16th to have our full party, either way.


Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

@San: Off the top of my head, in RotRL there's one named elf living in Sandpoint. Hannah is an herbalist who has a shop there. Assuming that still true 17 years later, you'd probably know her in some way since the town isn't that large.

The Wiki gives Sandpoint's population as 1,240, with 2% being elves. That's about 24 to 25 residents. Subtracting Hannah as well as San and family from that number probably leaves a few elves around San could know without meddling with the contents of the modules.

Grand Lodge

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[ Warning: Lurker ]

In Sandpoint's history is also The Elf Iremiel who married Vernah (of Vernah's Fine Clothing) and together sired the Half-Elf Rynshinn Povali. So San Thevin could have Elven connections through Rynshinn.

Hannah Velerin the Herbalist at Location 45 is also an Elf.

[ / Lurker ]

Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

I set Sidonie up as knowing one named resident of Sandpoint very well. I'll wait until in-game to say who it is. I cleared the idea with Cellion via PM beforehand.

@ W E Ray: Oh! That's the same Hannah I mentioned, but I thought she was an elf rather than aiuvarin. It has been a while for me though, so I guess I misremembered.

Grand Lodge

Oh -- and looking, I just found the Alchemist Nisk Trander at 17} 'Bottled Solutions' is Aiuvarin.

(edited my earlier post)

Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None

Updated Bastiano's forum avatar - still not how I see him (link 1, link 2), but closer. He looks way too sour, though.

About Bastiano:

He is an investigator with the empiricism methodology, and will take Psychic Dedication at level 2. This is my attempt to recreate the psychic investigator archetype from PF1. I had a sylph psychic investigator in PFS that I only got to play a few times before most organized play games switched to 2E, but I really enjoyed the concept.

Bastiano Ravenpool is (or was until recently, depending on how we're starting) an apprentice clerk at The Curious Goblin bookstore (S22 in the player’s guide gazetteer). His parents, merchants from Somal’s Tears in the Netherworld (f/k/a the Shadow Plane, pre-Remaster), brought him along on a trading voyage through Varisia several years ago and arranged the apprenticeship when he expressed an interest in staying for a while to learn more about the strange, brightly-lit world his ancestors had fled. He has been in Sandpoint for a couple of years and is starting to get restless. After spending a few years at The Curious Goblin, he has read most of the books the store has in stock and anything else he could get his hands on.

Bastiano’s curiosity expresses itself off the page as well. He is an unrepentant opener of doors marked “No Admittance,” a picker of locks, an explorer of abandoned buildings and tunnels - anything that might hide something interesting inside. He isn’t looking for anything in particular, because everything is connected anyway.

Combat role: Recalling knowledge (especially on creatures and matters of occult significance), coming up with overly complicated strategies, and executing them (which almost always means stabbing someone in a vital organ). Also, sneaking around, snooping into other peoples’ business, picking locks meant to keep him out, going places where he doesn’t belong.

@Sidonie - I don't know how much you're planning to focus on picking locks and disabling traps, but I'm happy for Bastiano to Aid (so much better since the Remaster) or act as backup in most of those situations if that's part of how you envision Sidonie's role. Not that he doesn't get any satisfaction from picking a lock, but what matters most to him is getting through the door to see what's on the other side (or opening the chest, etc.). If Sidonie can do that faster or more reliably than he can, he'll watch over her shoulder to offer whatever input might useful and try to learn from her - maybe hold something when she needs a third hand - but won't get in her way.

@Everyone - It looks like Bastiano is the only one of two relatively recent arrivals in Sandpoint (forgot about Vildran, based on his entry in the Recruiting thread). I think Bastiano would know San and anyone else who is a regular at the bookstore. He is interested in everything and has a basic understanding of local politics and culture (Society trained, but no Sandpoint Lore), so he could be acquainted with just about everyone.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Glad to see folks making their way in. Some answers on things people are commenting on:

  • I'm planning on us jumping right on in once everyone's happy with their characters and we have any story and mechanical loose ends tied up. So hopefully in the next few days.
  • @Tao: Having connections to legacy characters is pretty fun. Can you put a few bullet points about Laurel in your profile so I can reference who he was/what he did in Sandpoint/what happened to him? As Sidonie mentioned, it's been 17 years since the events of RotRL.
  • @Autumn: No worries about vacation time. I'm planning on bringing Autumn in on the 16th to join the rest of the group. There's a very natural way she can be brought in during the first "chapter".

  • Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
    Remaining Resources:
    3/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points

    @rainzax: Thanks! I think I’ve pretty much finalized Autumn’s spell choices then (possibly depending on the class/choices of the 6th PC).

    @Bastiano/GM: Is Vildran the other pre-accepted PC?

    @GM: Great idea on starting, I’m glad I won’t hold anything up.

    @everyone: I think it’s easy enough for Autumn to be casually acquainted with everyone--she should have visited everywhere in town looking for opportunities for the Scarnettis. Particular favorite locations are Sandpoint Savories (she has a sweet tooth) and Vernah’s Fine Clothing (for fashion). She has surely stopped by San’s parents’ jewelry store a few times. I’m happy to develop stronger bonds organically via roleplay.

    Oh, and role-wise, Autumn likely won’t contribute much beyond cantrips in combat (at least to start). Her main role, as I see it, is to be a face. Her magic will likely specialize in the schools formerly known as illusion/enchantment/necromancy.

    Dark Archive

    Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah
    Autumn Forfallan wrote:
    @Bastiano/GM: Is Vildran the other pre-accepted PC?

    So I'm a silly and did not realize I was one of the "two" referenced in the recruitment post, but here I am :P

    Several folks here have played with me. I reside in the PNW (like Sidonie, but different city - Seattle), so I tend to post after work in US/Pacific time every day. I tend to be the last, but I do post every day and at least once on weekends in all of my games.

    Dark Archive

    Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah

    Vildran is a bit of a loner, despite being interested in joining the Runewatchers. He's a little jilted that they haven't accepted him yet. He might have a friend or two (or more?) from the party who he half-silently (not really) grumbles to about this in confidence.

    Your characters might really like this loner and want to break him out of his deeper shell, or you might really just be fascinated with how he looks and be sticking around for how that tea finally turns out.

    He would have not particularly sought out a fortune from Tao, but maybe she got an itch to see about his fortune (especially given his odd ancestry) if he would only accept.

    He would perhaps establish a cordial friendship with San over their shared ancestry. He was never welcomed or accepted by elven communities and so is always subconsciously looking for some validation there. That could also include Hannah and Iremiel, as pointed out by others.

    As for Sidone, Vildran is a relative newcomer to Sandpoint, and being so young they might need an interesting circumstance or specific story to have interacted.

    Autumn Forfallan wrote:
    On a mechanical note, what spells (if any) are you all taking? If I can, I'll try to minimize overlap (not that overlap is a bad thing, but it's nice to have diversity and separate niches).

    I kind of love how squishy/magical the party is. I promise not to ask the spontaneous casters to carry Vildran's books :P

    His prepared spells are also in his alias. He also carries a staff with two fire spells. He also has a sorcerer bloodline that I would like to work into his mysterious lashunta lineage. He also has Nethys as a chosen diety (worship might not be the right word. Admires? Is fascinated by related to his arcane studies?). Others cannot tell if arcana is an academic obsession or a way of life for him.


    This is probably enough to get started :)

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

    General Planning Stuff, Expectations, Etc In no particular order:

    - Post timing Once we get into the swing of things, I will be updating each day in the evening EST (US east coast time), typically around 10pm - midnight. In the beginning I expect it'll be more irregular to answer questions and respond to people's posts.
    - No botting As I mentioned in recruitment, I will not be botting for this game. What that means is that if we're in combat and you haven't posted for the day, you will be skipped instead. If you've only been skipped once, you can take two turns at once on your next post (but no more than two turns, even if you missed multiple days). If you know you'll be absent, your best bet is to arrange with one of your fellow players to take charge of your character in your absence, to post actions and rolls for you.
    - Batch initiative In interest of keeping things moving at a steady clip and keeping everyone engaged, we will be using batch initiative. What that means is that the whole party will go followed by all the foes going. The exception is the first round, where depending on the results of the initiative rolls, it's possible that only a portion of the party will act. Since you're all acting together as a batch, you'll be able to rearrange who goes first and what order you do things however you like. In the event that the order things happen matters (such as one character going around a foe and granting a flank to another, or one character throwing a fireball before the others engage), I'll attempt to interpret it in a way that's advantageous to the players, regardless of the order you guys posted.
    - Rules Accuracy I endeavor to run things correctly by the remastered rules, but at this point I have half a dozen different rulesets from different TTRPGs rattling around up there. If I've made a mistake (or you think I might've) please let me know in discussion. I reserve the right to bend the rules occasionally to keep the game moving or to make things more fun, but if it's not making the game better for you, just let me know.
    - Secret rolls + Things I'll roll vs. what you'll roll I'll be rolling any secret checks (perceptions, recall knowledge, deception to lie, etc). If you'd like to roll something that is a secret check, please say you're attempting it and write your appropriate modifier. Except where it makes for particularly good drama, I will generally roll saving throws for you. I will also generally roll perception checks for you automatically if it's to *notice* something. You will still need to prompt me to roll a perception for you for active attempts to search or sense motive.
    - Exploration tactics As we get started, I'll probably ask for an exploration tactic from each of you that you'd like to fall back on whenever you don't say otherwise. We will keep those recorded in our maps
    - Rule of 3 for decisions With a 6 person party, there may not always be agreement on what to do next. In interest of not holding us back with slow motion debating, I will proceed with narrating the results of your actions if I see 3 people agreeing to a course of action. For actions with more significant narrative weight or dire consequences, I'll generally raise that number, and for actions of little consequence I'll lower it, but 3 is the baseline.
    - Handling Reactions Reactions are a bit tricky to handle in PbP. Ideally, if you think you will use a reaction in a round, you should put a spoiler at the bottom of your post with the trigger, reaction, and any required rolls.
    - Google Slides for maps and handouts We'll be using google slides for maps and handouts for this game. You can find the links in my GM alias' status line, as "SRD Handouts" and "SRD Maps" (SRD being Seven Rusty Dooms, in this case). Please give those a click and see if they appear viewable and editable to you.
    - Discord for communication If everyone is OK with it, I'd like to bring you in to Discord server for OOC discussion. I've found this is an easier and faster way to handle questions. You can also use this as a way of asking for Recall Knowledge info without doing your post for the day. Of course, discord only works if most or all of the group is there to see the discussion, so we'll use it if everyone is in.

    I will link to this post in my GMing alias' profile if you need this info in the future. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    I like your GM norms above.

    I got some questions about reconciling the wonky Ancestors mystery in PbP, which I will get to.

    @Autumn, if it’s ok, I’d to have an antagonistic relationship with our characters - Laurel was organized by the Scarnetti, and as of now she holds them responsible for his death! Lmk?

    Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None

    @Cellion - This all makes sense to me. Full party block initiative always makes me a little nervous because of the potential for bad outcomes when facing a large number of mooks, but that’s based on 1E experience and in any case, it is very efficient in PbP. I expect we’ll manage just fine. No trouble opening the maps and handouts slides, and I was able to edit the first gray slide in maps (and to undo the edit when I was done).

    Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
    Remaining Resources:
    3/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points

    @PaleDim: Thanks!

    @GM: Thanks so much for setting clear expectations—it’s much appreciated! I can see and edit the SRD Google slides just fine. I’m okay with using Discord too, but fair warning: I don’t hang out on Discord, so I’m seldom there without being prompted. But pinging me on Discord is a great way to reach me if you need my immediate attention for something.

    @rainzax: I’m cool with an antagonistic relationship between our PCs. Not sure how Autumn would react to that yet, but I’ll play it by ear. Let me know in the OOC if I ever overstep or if what I post isn’t fun for you.

    @all: Should I be posting as Lepidopteran in the OOC instead of as Autumn?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    @Bastiano: Oh I think Sidonie and Bastiano can really gonna like each other. :) Fighting boredom and breaking rules are some of Sidonie's favorite hobbies too. As for locks, traps and such, yeah I plan to invest there. I've worked out backstory for why a girl from a nice, upper middle class family would have the tools and knowhow for such unseemly activities. Having a second party member who can do the same is a rare luxury since failures can really shut things down.

    Depending on how much you want to invest, aiding is good. I could also see them getting competitive about it in a friendly way, maybe taking turns and keeping score.

    The place where Bastiano will have the big edge is knowing stuff. Sidonie shares his intellectual interests in occult and historical subjects, but doesn't do much about it. She's smart enough, and has read a few whole books, but she's awfully lazy. Better you read the book, tell her all about it, and then she can impress people in conversations with the knowledge she's gained.

    male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 1 | ♥️12 | ⛨16* (mystic armor) | F +3, R +5, W +5; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +3; low-light vision | Stealth +5 | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☐; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☑drain bonded item | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none
    Autumn Forfallan wrote:
    @all: Should I be posting as Lepidopteran in the OOC instead of as Autumn?

    This is generally more a choice. It's more important that you post as character in gameplay than whatever you do here. As the game gets going, people do tend to post as the character in discussion. Posts-as-player tend to be because they haven't yet dotted into gameplay.

    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    I generally switch to all posts in character as soon as I can. It just simplifies keeping track of who is who in discussion at the beginning before there's been some time to memorize the player/character pairings.

    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    Does anyone know if the recent changes due to the Remastering changed starknives from advanced to martial weapons? I seemed to me it did, but I wasn't sure. I equipped Sidonie with a starknife as an "heirloom" possession, but if it she'd need to spend anything to get proficiency it's not worth it since it's just a flavor thing.

    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    @PaleDim: It's very possible Sidonie wouldn't know Vildran. Sidonie is very familiar with Sandpoint, but not current on events and recent changes. Her knowledge of the town is from a "over the years I spent the summer in Sandpoint several times" situation rather than as a past or present longterm resident. There's a connection to the town in her family's past, and so she's been for a few extended visits.

    From what I know of backstories, Sen and Tao are the ones she'd most likely be familiar with, maybe Autumn depending on the length of time she's been there. But mostly she was a kid during her past visits so depending on ages she might only recognize them to say "hello", or as the elf in the cool shop, etc.

    @Autumn Similar to Tao, Sidonie doesn't have a good impression of the Scarnetti family. In her case it's not personal, but prejudice based on what she heard about them from stories about back in the day when her aunt lived in Sandpoint. I doubt the differences would rise to the level of antagonism between Autumn and Sidonie, more extreme skepticism and distrust of the Scarnetti family on Sidonie's part. She won't be buying what they're selling.

    Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 15/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +3 | Perc +5 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    in combat
    San will be a fighter with a bow... pretty straightforward. He will also use Intimidate when applicable.

    out of combat
    I'm trying to lean into the "purveyor of curiosities" vibe with arcana first, then occultism. Religion and nature probably will not get any boosts unless we discover it's necessary in game. Seer elf gets a +1 circumstance to ID so I thought it would be fun to make a non-caster that knows about magic but can hardly use it.

    Character connections
    I would imagine that San and Vildran would at least be acquaintances if not study buddies. I mean, how many runelord scholars does one know that aren't in the official club? As for the more... short lived people, he would at least know of them if they were in town a bunch. More so if they frequented the shop.

    male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 1 | ♥️12 | ⛨16* (mystic armor) | F +3, R +5, W +5; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +3; low-light vision | Stealth +5 | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☐; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☑drain bonded item | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none

    Ah, if San is a runelord scholar as well then he would definitely be who Vildran complains to about not being accepted into the Runewatchers.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    I will commit to Daily Posts, don't Bot either when I GM (I deploy a "Bot Tree"), am open-mided (if new) to Batch Initiative, am a stickler for Rules Accuracy, am down with Secret / GM rolls, will set a default Exploration tactic, shift between a Quorum of two or three (depending on "importance") when I run games, will spoiler my reactions, and am down with Goo slides.

    I do not Discord for PbP, however.


    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
    GM Cellion wrote:

    I will commit to Daily Posts, don't Bot either when I GM (I deploy a "Bot Tree"), am open-mided (if new) to Batch Initiative, am a stickler for Rules Accuracy, am down with Secret / GM rolls, will set a default Exploration tactic, shift between a Quorum of two or three (depending on "importance") when I run games, will spoiler my reactions, and am down with Goo slides.

    I do not Discord for PbP, however.


    Autumn Forfallan wrote:
    @rainzax: I’m cool with an antagonistic relationship between our PCs. Not sure how Autumn would react to that yet, but I’ll play it by ear. Let me know in the OOC if I ever overstep or if what I post isn’t fun for you.

    Back at you as well.

    Team player here, I know how to conflict forward, and how to stand down.


    Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

    All, please do use your character alias, as it makes it easier for me to remember who's who! For any antagonistic relationships, please do remember that you'll all be in it together in your first adventure. I trust you'll be able to balance cooperation and suspicion toward each other!

    @Bastiano: Yeah, block initiative does have the potential to increase combat swinginess. I'll start us off easier and see how it goes. I'd prefer to keep it for it's streamlining benefits.

    @Tao: Let me know your ancestors mystery question when you get to it.

    @Sidonie: To the best of my knowledge, starknives have been martial both before the remaster and after it, so you should be good to use one at full proficiency.

    Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None
    Sidonie Gavidan-Brishen wrote:

    @Bastiano: Oh I think Sidonie and Bastiano can really gonna like each other. :) Fighting boredom and breaking rules are some of Sidonie's favorite hobbies too. As for locks, traps and such, yeah I plan to invest there. I've worked out backstory for why a girl from a nice, upper middle class family would have the tools and knowhow for such unseemly activities. Having a second party member who can do the same is a rare luxury since failures can really shut things down.

    Depending on how much you want to invest, aiding is good. I could also see them getting competitive about it in a friendly way, maybe taking turns and keeping score.

    The place where Bastiano will have the big edge is knowing stuff. Sidonie shares his intellectual interests in occult and historical subjects, but doesn't do much about it. She's smart enough, and has read a few whole books, but she's awfully lazy. Better you read the book, tell her all about it, and then she can impress people in conversations with the knowledge she's gained.

    The theorycrafting builds I played around with had Bastiano taking Thievery and Stealth both up to master proficiency by level 10 (if not before), so taking turns/friendly rivalry sounds like fun! As you might expect, Sidonie will be way ahead of Bastiano on social skills, so I like your thinking - I can see Sidonie treating Bastiano a little like Wikipedia.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
    Remaining Resources:
    3/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points
    GM Cellion wrote:
    All, please do use your character alias, as it makes it easier for me to remember who's who! For any antagonistic relationships, please do remember that you'll all be in it together in your first adventure. I trust you'll be able to balance cooperation and suspicion toward each other!

    Will do! I've seen inter-party conflict go bad in other games and will be careful to keep the party working together, and to prevent PC antagonism from morphing into player antagonism.

    GM Cellion wrote:
    Yeah, block initiative does have the potential to increase combat swinginess. I'll start us off easier and see how it goes. I'd prefer to keep it for it's streamlining benefits.

    I’ve had a lot of good experience with block initiative in pbp. It greatly speeds and simplifies combat.

    @Sidonie: I can't think of anyone who does have a good impression of the Scarnetti family. :) (Aside from Titus himself.)

    This should be my last post until I return from my vacation. Enjoy the game!

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    For my personal preferences, I like to keep character in Gameplay, and avatar in Discussion.


    I love this mystery, but it is a little wonky with how the "Ancestor Swap" triggers:

    1) During Initiative
    2) At the end of the round
    3) Immediately when you cast a cursebound (focus) spell

    Which is a lot of triggers, and can (and has!) happened up to three times in a given turn. Meaning your entire turn strategy can change in the middle of your turn (trying to avoid flat checks or leverage curse bonuses while keeping tab on your party field goals, etc). Easy to make mistakes, possibly a shade overcomplex, and if you look closely at one of the links I sent you, I think I missed a trigger even then. Woops.

    That said, I am committed to the subclass - I built Tao with it in mind as the inspiration for her character. We'll see what the Remaster brings for the mechanics of the class, too, as I presume to simply swap over any changes small or large when it comes time. But I guess my question is, given your changes to "simplify" initiative, would you be interested in simplifying how the "Ancestor Swap" works?


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

    @Autumn: I'll send you some info while you're gone on how you'll be brought into the game on your return. Enjoy your vacation!

    @Tao: Agreed on mid-turn ancestor swaps being a little excessive. I'd be alright with it being once per round at the end of your turn, so you still get the experience of shifting ancestors round by round without it being quite as overcomplicated.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions


    End of turn retains the “hard read” in the 25% chance it rolls Choice.

    I presume Initiative too, and if so, you can add a compound “1d4” to my initiative dice expression if you like, it would help.


    Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

    Yes, you should roll a d4 on initiative as well.

    A few other things as I prepare the opening scene:

  • For all of you, please put your respective backstory info in your profile, along with a short list of bullet points on where you're staying in town (if an out-of-towner) or where you live + work in town if you're a local, and your key acquaintances/relationships. This'll both help me know what you settled on for your recent history and let me more easily write the opening.
  • If you have not yet done so, please set up a stat line for your character.
  • Sidonie, I took a look over your sheet since I know you're digging into this for the first time. You may want to double-check your ability score distribution, as I can't recreate it with your chosen background (with lost coast local, one of your boosts gets locked into con or wis, so you can't boost both cha and dex on that step). You any background that locks you into dex or cha could work instead (theres some that could be an OK fit), or you can accept a 14 cha. I'd also double check your trained skills as I think I'm seeing one too many. If you haven't used it yet, Pathbuilder is a good online tool for creating or double checking everything's good in your build.

    I'm currently looking to get us started on Tuesday.

  • male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 1 | ♥️12 | ⛨16* (mystic armor) | F +3, R +5, W +5; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +3; low-light vision | Stealth +5 | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☐; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☑drain bonded item | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none
    Autumn Forfallan wrote:
    @everyone: I think it’s easy enough for Autumn to be casually acquainted with everyone--she should have visited everywhere in town looking for opportunities for the Scarnettis. Particular favorite locations are Sandpoint Savories (she has a sweet tooth) and Vernah’s Fine Clothing (for fashion). She has surely stopped by San’s parents’ jewelry store a few times. I’m happy to develop stronger bonds organically via roleplay.

    I suspect Autum may have come across Vildran or San either at Vernah’s Fine Clothing or the jewelry store.

    When she's visiting various places, how obvious is she about acting on behalf of the Scarnettis?

    If that's done openly, Vildran might take a suspicious view of her and keep her at arm's length.

    If that done more discretely, then he might simply be curious about her and wonder where her motives as a sorcerer lay. He might naively think she could be an interested collaborator on his and San's efforts.

    male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 1 | ♥️12 | ⛨16* (mystic armor) | F +3, R +5, W +5; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +3; low-light vision | Stealth +5 | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☐command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☐; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☑drain bonded item | focus ☐ | Active Conditions: none
    GM Cellion wrote:
  • For all of you, please put your respective backstory info in your profile, along with a short list of bullet points on where you're staying in town (if an out-of-towner) or where you live + work in town if you're a local, and your key acquaintances/relationships. This'll both help me know what you settled on for your recent history and let me more easily write the opening.
  • If you have not yet done so, please set up a stat line for your character.
  • Done and done.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    I’ll try and get Tao’s and Laurel’s bullet points up in my profile tonight!

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    Browsing the party aliases here...

    Tao is apparently the muscle and the wisdom, clumsy and inarticulately dull by comparison to our well-studied and quick-reflexed peers.

    GM, I will be adjusting her build slightly to accommodate the party as well as the town as I read the PG cover to cover today.

    The major change is that she will now revere the more centrally known deity Shelyn, switching thus her choice of Domain to Family (per Ancestors) which grants her the Soothing Words focus spell.


    Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 15/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +3 | Perc +5 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    I've added a bunch of details to San's background and relationships. I believe all the requested info is there.

    I've also rounded out my inventory with a bulls-eye lantern, an elixir of life, and an alchemists fire.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---
    GM Cellion wrote:

  • Sidonie, I took a look over your sheet since I know you're digging into this for the first time. You may want to double-check your ability score distribution, as I can't recreate it with your chosen background (with lost coast local, one of your boosts gets locked into con or wis, so you can't boost both cha and dex on that step). You any background that locks you into dex or cha could work instead (theres some that could be an OK fit), or you can accept a 14 cha. I'd also double check your trained skills as I think I'm seeing one too many. If you haven't used it yet, Pathbuilder is a good online tool for creating or double checking everything's good in your build.
  • The first time I did the build using Wanderer's Guide It's similar to Pathbuilder but was easier to use. Part of the problem I think was that neither of them have the Seven Dooms backbrounds so I was having to try and work around that. Couldn't figure it out with Pathbuilder, so I switched to Wanderer's Guide and managed better. But last night I figured out that I could build a custom background if I registered with Pathbuilder. Having the actual background in helped keep things from getting muddled.

    I changed to Eager Scafflow, which works out just as well, if not better. I hadn't taken it first time around because someone else already had. But, that conflict doesn't matter anymore.

    Not sure what's up with the skill advances, Wanderer's Guide gave me one more that Pathbuilder, but it's fine. I had so many anyway I was hunting for places to put them. I dropped Occultism, and also switched Lore: Library to Lore: Theater, which I'd meant to do anyway but I guess forgot to make the change.

    Pathbuilder does seem to catch problems better. Wanderer's Guide didn't stop me from taking the Fast Recovery feat, but Pathbuilder did. Turns out it requires +2 CON and I only have +1. I switched that feat for Fleet.

    I'll update my sheet this evening when I get home.

    Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None

    I’ll add Bastiano’s backstory and key relationships to his profile page this evening. I expect he’s living in a back room at The Curious Goblin for now, but does not intend to stay there much longer.

    Female Human Rogue 1 | HP 16/17 | AC 18 | F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

    Sidonie will be staying with Rynshinn at Vernah's Fine Clothing. I'll elaborate in my first game post.

    Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

    Excellent, thank you all. If you'd like to vignette a bit in gameplay before we begin tomorrow you're welcome to.

    Male Kayal Curious Apprentice Investigator 1 | Perception +5, darkvision | HP 17 | AC 17 | Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +5 | Rapier +6 (1d6 P), Shortbow +6 (1d6 P) {DaS +1 atk} | Spell Atk +4, DC 14 | Active*: None

    Posted Bastiano’s backstory & NPC relationships on his profile.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions



    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
    Remaining Resources:
    3/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points

    Got a spot of time and internet so just catching up on the ooc before it disappears. I updated Autumn’s profile to include NPC relationships etc.

    Vildran Aistellmar wrote:
    When she's visiting various places, how obvious is she about acting on behalf of the Scarnettis?

    Based on the player’s guide description of her background ...

    Player’s Guide wrote:
    … you were expected to keep an eye out for rumors and opportunities that the family could benefit from.

    … I’d say that her actions are not obvious at all--she might be just a secret informant. Autumn also has a disguise kit, the spell Illusory Disguise, and max Deception, so even if she does act overtly it might not be apparent it’s her.

    On the other hand, her background explicitly alters her reputation with the Scarnetti Consortium and the Sandpoint Cathedral, so I think it should be clear to everybody that she’s connected to the Scarnettis (e.g. contacts them regularly, rents a room from them) even if it’s not clear what her exact role is.

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