Braving the Borderlands

Game Master Edeldhur

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Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 6/9| AC 8| THAC0 18

Well not wishing to hit one of his allies with the bolt, Dobin will drop the crossbow and ready the other weapons. From what you have said he should still get an attack this round against the ogre so I will go ahead and do will be next round that he will have his shield readied for defense.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map
Amhal Pitt wrote:
GMO - was it possible for Amhal to have moved to allow Regnar egress from the cave? The only reason I did not was because you mentioned a 5’ of movement, and I chose not to as we are using 10’ squares and it didn’t seem like that would achieve anything - thus my point about the lack of granularity on the map. If so, apologies to Regnar.

Yep, no worries. I moved you. What do you mean by 'achieve anything'?

And I disagree on the lack of granularity of the map :P

Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6
Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16
GM - Obermind wrote:
Amhal Pitt wrote:
GMO - was it possible for Amhal to have moved to allow Regnar egress from the cave? The only reason I did not was because you mentioned a 5’ of movement, and I chose not to as we are using 10’ squares and it didn’t seem like that would achieve anything - thus my point about the lack of granularity on the map. If so, apologies to Regnar.

Yep, no worries. I moved you. What do you mean by 'achieve anything'?

And I disagree on the lack of granularity of the map :P

Thanks for moving me.

The problem is that I was under the impression that the map is 10’ squares, and it appears to be the case. The lack of granularity comes from the inability to clearly move within this frame. Otherwise I have to be specific about which of the four spaces of the 10 square I am in, and which of the possible 5’ participles of various 10’ squares I can reach. Amhal can now move to the (takes deep breath) 5’ portion that is in the SouthWest corner of the 10’ spaces to his East, the 5’ portion that is in the NorthWest corner of the 10’ space to his South East, and possibly, if diagonal movement is allowed, the 5’ portion that is in the SouthWest corner of the 10’ space to his South East.

But at the time, we were all higgledy piggledy occupying 10’ spaces, and I didn’t see how I could move to a different 10’ space with a 5’ step. Thus moving wouldn’t appear to achieve anything, as I couldn’t see the granularity needed on a 10’ square map to have the capability to step 5’.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map
Amhal Pitt wrote:
GMO - further clarification - is the 5’ step counted as part of the Intent phase? The part you quoted from the Rules Cyclopedia says “Maneuvering in this way does not count as an action during the round.” That makes me think it is part of an attack. What do you think? Do you want us to declare intent to 5’ step during this phase?

Yes please.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map
GM - Obermind wrote:
Amhal Pitt wrote:
GMO - further clarification - is the 5’ step counted as part of the Intent phase? The part you quoted from the Rules Cyclopedia says “Maneuvering in this way does not count as an action during the round.” That makes me think it is part of an attack. What do you think? Do you want us to declare intent to 5’ step during this phase?
Yes please.

On second thought, you know what? Lets remove the 5' step completely - I think it is only adding 'unnecessary' complexity. Let's keep it simple, unless we simply find we cannot.

Let's leave the 5' steps for my other project - running a PF1e Core Only game ;)

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map
Amhal Pitt wrote:

Thanks for moving me.

The problem is that I was under the impression that the map is 10’ squares, and it appears to be the case. The lack of granularity comes from the inability to clearly move within this frame. Otherwise I have to be specific about which of the four spaces of the 10 square I am in, and which of the possible 5’ participles of various 10’ squares I can reach. Amhal can now move to the (takes deep breath) 5’ portion that is in the SouthWest corner of the 10’ spaces to his East, the 5’ portion that is in the NorthWest corner of the 10’ space to his South East, and possibly, if diagonal movement is allowed, the 5’ portion that is in the SouthWest corner of the 10’ space to his South East.

But at the time, we were all higgledy piggledy occupying 10’ spaces, and I didn’t see how I could move to a different 10’ space with a 5’ step. Thus moving wouldn’t appear to achieve anything, as I couldn’t see the granularity needed on a 10’ square map to have the capability to step 5’.

Got it.

But that is also why we are here, right? To experience the weirdness and uniqueness of the 'olden' D&D game systems, products, classic adventures, NPCs, etc.

I hope you all do not see the 'limitations' of the rules, or the increased level of some challenges, the poor quality of some maps, the quirkiness of some situations, as an hassle, but instead as an experience.

I also understand it can feel frustrating playing the game under a 'simpler' lens after we have been playing PF and other systems for so many years, and it is perfectly fine to say 'this is not for me'. But these systems did have something to them - some of their quirks and mechanics can generate interesting results, and part of this whole idea is to explore those.

We are in an adaptation phase, but at the end of the day, the game IS mechanically simple, so I am hoping it will leave us more room for ADVENTURING!

Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6
Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16

Well, when you remove the 5’ step, which wasn’t a part of the rules Keep on the Borderlands was used for in, there is no longer a problem with the map. All BECMI movement is in 10’s. I don’t think there is an issue with the quality of the map at all.

I’m happy with things as they are.

Female N Cleric (Miner) 1 | HP: 7/7 |AC: 5 | STR: 13(+1) | DEX: 11(+0)| CON: 15(+1) | INT: 8(-1) | WIS: 12 (+0) | CHA: 14(+1) | Saves: | D: 11 | W: 12 |P: 14 |B: 16 |S: 15 | GP: 2 |SP: 3| XP: 42

I'm operating under the assumption that we could try to hole up within the ogre's cave for the night. Given it is almost night, it seems doubtful that we can outrun any pursuit and this seems easier to defend than an exposed campsite in the open.

Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6
Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16

That seems…wise. Unfortunately Amhal…isn’t and events are also…developing.

Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6
Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16

@GMO - timing here is likely pretty critical

- if the goblins emerge at the cave entrance before Drusilla, Regnar and Finn arrive, Amhal will have stayed in the cave opening to ensure they can retreat unmolested.

- if the goblins are yet to arrive when Amhal finds out Ralina has not emerged, he will head toward the ogre lair.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

The goblins have not emerged from the cave entrance yet, so you are free to head to the ogre's lair.

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