Animate Dream Shopkeep

Amhal Pitt's page

62 posts. Alias of Oceanshieldwolf.

Full Name

Amhal Pitt


Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16


Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6

Strength 13
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 9
Charisma 10

About Amhal Pitt

Str= 13 (+1 to attack, damage and opening doors)
Int= 9 (Read and write common)
Wis= 9 (no adjustment)
Dex= 10 (no adjustment)
Con= 10 (no adjustment)
Cha= 10 (no adjustment)

HP: 8
Gold: 1 gp
AC: 4

Death Ray/Poison: 12
Magic Wands: 13
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rod/Staff/Spell: 16

Weapons/Armor: Sword (10 gp, 100 cn), Chain Mail (40 gp, 400 cn), Shield (10 gp, 10 cn), Shortbow (25 gp, 30cn), Quiver (5). (90 gp)
Misc.: 50' rope (1 gp), small sack (1 gp), 6 torches (1 gp), standard rations (5 days) (5 gp), waterskin (1gp) (9 gp)

Encumbered, 60’ movement, 20’ round in combat.