Braving the Borderlands

Game Master Edeldhur


Grundhu the Derhii
Grand Lodge Critzible

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
(2,356 posts)
Queen Telandia
Drusilla Orizorwyn

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1
(471 posts)
Skywin Freeling
Rizana Thornewillow

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |
(53 posts)

Daniel Stewart

Dr Davaulus
Liberty's Edge Daniel Stewart

Male Historian/Curator
(4,524 posts)
Lictor Severs
Dobin Cur

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 6/9| AC 8| THAC0 18
(430 posts)


Imeckus Stroon
Grand Lodge Draven Skywatcher

Male Human Magic User 1 | HP: 4/4
(34 posts)

John Gs

Carver Hastings
Creeg Greythorn

Human Wizard 1 | HP 4 | AC 11(14 mage armor) | Staff -2, 1d4 Dagger +1(N), 1d4 | Spellcasting +4 (DC 10 + spell tier). |Spells Detect Magic: near, focus, sense presence of magic, Magic Missile: ADV to cast, 1d4 to one far, Sleep: near sized cube, 0-2 inside fall asleep, Mage Armor (self, AC 14, 10 rounds) (44 posts)


Al'Lan Mandragoran

Male Elf
(90 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Dwarf Regnar Steelshield

Dwarf 1, Male, AC:3(2 shield), Hp:8
(50 posts)


Animate Dream Shopkeep
Amhal Pitt

Ftr 1 | HP 5/8 | AC 4 (5 without shield)| +1 to atk/dam/doors | Sword +1, 1d8 +1 | Shortbow, 1d6
Death Ray/Poison 12 // Magic Wands 13// Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 // Dragon Breath 15 // Rod/Staff/Spell 16

(62 posts)


Ralina Biggins

Female N Cleric (Miner) 1 | HP: 7/7 |AC: 5 | STR: 13(+1) | DEX: 11(+0)| CON: 15(+1) | INT: 8(-1) | WIS: 12 (+0) | CHA: 14(+1) | Saves: | D: 11 | W: 12 |P: 14 |B: 16 |S: 15 | GP: 2 |SP: 3| XP: 42
(151 posts)


Pah d'Reco

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6
(56 posts)