Rise of the Runelords
Game Master
Sandpoint overview
Battle map
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Knowledge local really isn't her thang...lol.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
Can't wait for +8 to Knowledges at level 8, speaking of knowledges.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
I like runes wrote: There's still some interactions to go, so I'll wait for those to post. I believe Donimah is yet to make any checks and it seems like Persephone is not participating. I didn't wanna put words in NPCs' mouths in case you wanted to roleplay out the challenge. If you'd rather not, I'll just roll and then do the second challenge before lunch and fast-forward to meet at the Rusty Dragon.
Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map
13 posts! Nice! Catch up after work....
Sorry Donimah, I missed the timing I guess.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
I like runes wrote: Why is Zeldrith's voice raspy in my head? I actually had a hard time creating a voice for Zeldrith in my head. The closest I could come was 'sounds something like Bing Crosby,' but I can easily hear his voice as raspy too.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
Meanwhile, Juriya! (I'm trying to find an accurate voice for her humanoid forms, which I imagine are exactly the same as each other. So instead. Have a fox.)
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
As cliché as it sounds, when I was creating Donimah, an arrogant mage whose continual pursuit of power is a cover for her insecurities and just needs a real friend, I couldn't imagine any other voice coming out of her mouth than Claudia Black's.
I'll let you guys do your thing over the weekend if you like. We move to the evening activities next week.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
DM is it okay if Zeldrith and I do a little Bluff vs Sense Motive thing? Purely for RPing reasons?
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
eh disregard that last post. as for who she bumped into, I didn’t have any NPC in mind-can be whoever you decide DM
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
Quick clarification, Ano: when Cherry said he's Ano's "conscious" did you mean her conscience, like he's the Jiminy Cricket to her Pinocchio, or that he's a part of her consciousness, like he's an extension of her mind/personality/soul?
Just want to make sure I understand before having Donimah address him.
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Donimah Southlander wrote: Quick clarification, Ano: when Cherry said he's Ano's "conscious" did you mean her conscience, like he's the Jiminy Cricket to her Pinocchio, or that he's a part of her consciousness, like he's an extension of her mind/personality/soul?
Just want to make sure I understand before having Donimah address him.
the former, I have to make a note that that is how you spell conscience. thank you for asking
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
Donimah Southlander wrote: Quick clarification, Ano: when Cherry said he's Ano's "conscious" did you mean her conscience, like he's the Jiminy Cricket to her Pinocchio, or that he's a part of her consciousness, like he's an extension of her mind/personality/soul?
Just want to make sure I understand before having Donimah address him.
Make them a witch, they're now both.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote: Donimah Southlander wrote: Quick clarification, Ano: when Cherry said he's Ano's "conscious" did you mean her conscience, like he's the Jiminy Cricket to her Pinocchio, or that he's a part of her consciousness, like he's an extension of her mind/personality/soul?
Just want to make sure I understand before having Donimah address him. Make them a witch, they're now both. She's a witch?
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
thank you for pointing out I said Jersey Devil when I meant to say Sandpoint Devil
that was, as my friends and I like to call, me having a himbo moment
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
'Tis cool! It's such a specific one-to-one monster that it's easy to drop the real-world version's name when you meant to use the in-universe one! It's not like there's a Thundertree Devil in Faerûn or an Eldeen Devil in Ebberon! :D
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Ano Clovermark wrote: thank you for pointing out I said Jersey Devil when I meant to say Sandpoint Devil
that was, as my friends and I like to call, me having a himbo moment
Joizee Devil.
I'll have to update tomorrow. Sorry folks, I had a full day today.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
I like runes wrote: I'll have to update tomorrow. Sorry folks, I had a full day today. No worries! Take whatever time you need.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote: I like runes wrote: I'll have to update tomorrow. Sorry folks, I had a full day today. No worries! Take whatever time you need. Same here; no hurry, no worry. :)
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
More time for us to play festival games! :D
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
DM you said there’s a link to the map above Campaign Info but all I see is the Sandpoint overview. Wanting to point that out just in case you tried to link that and the site had a hiccup or something
Goddonut, sorry. Fixed now.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
...In hindsight, is it cheesy that I based most of Zeldrith's combat tactics on the Soul Warrior from Hollow Knight?
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
Not really, considering I based Ano going blue when she rages off of Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
Hey, would it be okay if I roll the Sense Motives against feint once I actually go into melee? Her melee strategy is feint, feint, and then feint some more.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
Donimah Southlander wrote: Donimah casts enlarge person on Zeldrith! Unfortunately, the spell specifies a humanoid target - as a native outsider who never took the 'Pass for Human' trait, RAW, poor Zeldrith doesn't count as a 'person.' Perhaps cast it on Arrian instead?
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
Wait, WHAT?! How did I not know this when I've been playing this game for over a decade?!
I can cast it on Arrian, but I worry how effective that'll be, since he's built as a DEX combatant...
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
My Tyrant's Grasp GM ignores that for that exact reason
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
I might be mistaken (I mostly play gnomes and dwarves, so tieflings are new for me), but I think he doesn't count for the spell, as he's not technically a humanoid. It's come back to bite me a few times - I burned a persistent Hold Person on an ifrit warlord in my home game - but ultimately, it's up to the GM, and I certainly won't complain if I have access to a buff I otherwise wouldn't have.
I'm not trying to rules-lawyer, I just saw a possible issue and wanted to bring it up before the edit window closed - my sincerest apologies if it's inappropriate.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
Oh, my reaction wasn't upset or anything! Just surprised because no one's ever mentioned in the play-by-posts I've been in!
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Donimah Southlander wrote: Wait, WHAT?! How did I not know this when I've been playing this game for over a decade?!
I can cast it on Arrian, but I worry how effective that'll be, since he's built as a DEX combatant...
Arrian is actually a STR-based build but the Inquisitor class is MAD so I couldn't afford an 18 Str. :)
Yeah the whole 'Enlarge Person' debate has raged in PF for some time. I thought it was fairly clear it was meant to be cast on a humanoid 'shaped' being but some disagree. I can't remember if the question was ever resolved; since it's a full round cast (and has been since at least 3.5), I've never relied on it.
Edit: Quick Google search suggests it cannot be cast on Tieflings or Aasimars.
Yeah, this is a tough one. I'm gonna say no to the Enlarge Person, just because it would diminish the choice of those players who opt for that alternate Tiefling trait.
I will, however, let you pick a feat I just came up with that allows you to be subjected to beneficial spells that affect humanoids.
As for Juriya, I don't understand the question. Are your actions going to change depending on the Sense Motive results?
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
It would save me rolling sneak attack damage. I just want to save you the inevitable sense motive rolls and to toss them onto me instead of having the onus be on you.
Just roll the damage and I'll adjust, please.
Is there such a thing as F5 anxiety in PbP? I think I might have it.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
I like runes wrote: Is there such a thing as F5 anxiety in PbP? I think I might have it. I do. When I'm here, not many posts. I leave, come back, and there's a couple dozen!
Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map
Why do you think that I am currently in 15 (16 pending) PbPs...lol.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
Same reason I'm running two, lol
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
Can we just mentally swap-out Zeldrith with Arrian for the enlarge person, since we're past the Editing point for my post?
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Thank you, Arrian! Maps and phones!
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Persephone. wrote: Thank you, Arrian! Maps and phones! You're welcome! I'm usually lurking around so I can do the easy stuff. :)
Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
double checking before I make my post if we're using the Elephant in the Room rules, so I can use Power Attack in case we are
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
Persephone wrote: Bless is up! +1! Apologies - that'll make it a 5 to hit, and a 3 for damage. Still not likely to be of any use - touch AC is lower, but not that low.
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6
Zeldrith Angothane wrote: Persephone wrote: Bless is up! +1! Apologies - that'll make it a 5 to hit, and a 3 for damage. Still not likely to be of any use - touch AC is lower, but not that low. Strange is the way of the Die Roller...
Bless is +1 hit and Fear not Damage. She will get you Damage eventually, but first she must teach you how to aim, grasshopper...lol.
Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (6, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]
What are these rolls for me. Juriya can't land a single hit!