.Arrian |
All you cheap outsiders not wanting to spend money....
Hey Arrian isn't cheap, he's a po lil half-orc who was left with *checks notes* 2 silver! after buying his starting gear.
8)Ano Clovermark |
if we have a dedicated healer I might have the dip in oracle be for the dragon mystery; I have the idea that the powerful sorcerer from her family history long into Tian Xia’s past might not have been a catfolk all along
Dorian 'Grey' |
Bold is mine. I was close...lol.
Shaman can make a good enough Healer. I will be utilizing prevention methods mostly...hehe.
Possible Teamwork Feat for Defense purposes:
Coordinate Defense
Drinking Buddies I favor this one...ha!
Escape Route Will be taking this eventually.
Hammer Guards the Anvil [ooc]Will be taking this eventually [/url]
There are more but my eyes hurt...
Ano Clovermark |
I know one of the arcane bloodline abilities is being able to get form of the dragon I when raging, I can definitely work with the DM if that form can be an imperial dragon once that time comes (it won't be until she reaches like level 16 of her bloodrager so it won't be for a good while)
Juriya Arima |
Fox? What fox? I don't see a fox here?
I'm keeping the form in the details so it's obvious if she actually is a fox.
But yeah, that seems to be everyone.
Ano Clovermark |
I find it amusing that Juriya would trust Ano with the knowledge that she’s a kitsune, cause the catfolk on the surface doesn’t seem like the best to hold secrets. Though Ano is willing to do so for her first genuine friend-considering how Nualia was…not a friend to Ano (though poor girl doesn’t realize that even now)
Juriya Arima |
Yeah I mostly plan on tying that into her lack of common sense. She probably did not realize that that would effectively mean telling two people at the time either.
.Arrian |
Zeldrith Angothane |
Apologies for my radio silence as regards the mechanical aspects of the builds - everything suggested so far sounds good, though I'm no expert in the build aspect of the game.
As for Juriya's secret, look at the rest of the party. A shapeshifting fox is still one of the most normal people in the group. It's probably going to come out eventually, but other than (possibly) Donimah, I don't think the rest of the party is likely to care - none of the rest of them are human, either, and most barely qualify as humanoid.
Juriya Arima |
Yeah, I do plan on revealing it, but that will have to wait until we're out of the town. Wonder what the two familiars' reactions to the fox form is though, the actual quadrupedal fox form.
Ano Clovermark |
I think the last thing to mention about Ano is her aunt, Saryo, is part of the church’s clergy, and Ano’s mom, Fosyo, assists with some medical stuff. Ano’s dad worked for the lumbermill until Chopper came around. I figured the family is known well to the town (whether liked or not depends-I know I established in the background that Saryo and Lonjiku have been bitter enemies (vocally fighting) since the catfolks moved from Magnimar). if I already said this I apologize
Ano Clovermark |
I like runes wrote:Yes, a canine and a cat.Oh no! Is this a case of:
Just saw this, and nope, the canine and cat are friends.
.Arrian |
.Arrian wrote:Just saw this, and nope, the canine and cat are friends.I like runes wrote:Yes, a canine and a cat.Oh no! Is this a case of:
Whew thank goodness! ;)
Ano Clovermark |
if I need to add another post with Ano at one of the Inns I will, I just wanted to establish her character first. Also sorry for being 3 days late to the Gameplay thread, I had no idea that already started.
.Arrian |
if I need to add another post with Ano at one of the Inns I will, I just wanted to establish her character first. Also sorry for being 3 days late to the Gameplay thread, I had no idea that already started.
It happens. The Paizo system 'ate' another player's Discussion thread notices so they had no idea we'd been posting there.
Persephone. |
Thinking I may just keep Ferocious Loyalty Teamwork Feat at 1st. Unless another stands out to someone?
Kinda Bardish Feat imo...lol. Both Ferocious Loyalty and Bless are Morale, but now she has 7 inspires...kinda.
I took Healing hex instead of Evil Eye (pick it up at 2nd).
I will also use a spellslot for a CLW.
Zeldrith Angothane |
I had initially put skill points into Diplomacy and Intimidate, but looking at the rest of the characters, it seems like we've got that well covered - would it be okay to fiddle with Zeldrith a bit, switch his skill points to Climb and UMD or something like that?
Also, on an unrelated note, I had initially written Zeldrith up as much quieter and more serious, but looking at the rest of the party, I think that such a character might definitely be reading from the wrong script.
.Arrian |
Anyone have a thought on if Arrian is better off going 'plain' Inquisitor or would the Sacred Huntsman, gaining a wolf animal companion, be a better option? The animal companion comes at the cost of the Inquisitor's Judgement power which is very nice because it's versatile.
Ano Clovermark |
I have no real knowledge on inquisitors, but imo I wouldn’t pass up an animal companion.
.Arrian |
I have no real knowledge on inquisitors, but imo I wouldn’t pass up an animal companion.
Judgement is a times/day power that can be changed as a swift action between various bonuses/abilities. Here's the quick dirty:
1) +1 sacred bonus on damage rolls that increases by +1 for every 3 levels.2) Gain fast healing 1, increases by 1 for every 3 levels.
3) +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, increases by +1 for every 5 levels.
4) +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and CL checks to overcome SR, increases by +1 for every 3 levels.
5) +1 sacred bonus to AC, increases by +1 for every 5 levels.
6) +1 sacred bonus on saving throws, increases by +1 for every 5 levels.
7) DR/1 magic, increases by +1 for every 5 levels.
8) 2 points energy resistance, increases by 2 points for every 3 levels.
9) I'll do this one later.
Zeldrith Angothane |
Glancing over it, I think Judgement might be the better option, but I don't play many inquisitors.
Dorian 'Grey' |
I have played 3 Inquisitors in PF1e.
Keep your Judgments imo. The versatility is Inquisitor strengths.
.Arrian |
This...IS a 1e game, is it not?
I thought it was too.
.Arrian |
I have played 3 Inquisitors in PF1e.
Keep your Judgments imo. The versatility is Inquisitor strengths.
That's what I was thinking. The wolf would be great at lower levels but it doesn't advance well. Plus the issue of being without a key class ability if/when Wolfie goes bye bye.
.Arrian |
Glancing over it, I think Judgement might be the better option, but I don't play many inquisitors.
I have one I'm playing in Pathfinder Society and I've never used a Judgement besides 'Justice' but it is a versatile class feature. At low-level not as strong as a wolf animal companion (as long as it lasts) but that goes back to the old, 'You have to survive low-level play before complaining.'
Zeldrith Angothane |
At low-level not as strong as a wolf animal companion (as long as it lasts) but that goes back to the old, 'You have to survive low-level play before complaining.'
I very much empathize. I've tested this particular build myself before - once my character gets his hands on some of the higher-tier buffing spells (Dispel Magic, Haste, and Stoneskin come to mind), as well as some of the higher-level bloodline abilities borrowed from the bloodrager, he'll be a good frontliner and a skilled mageslayer who can leverage a 3/4 BAB and 3/4 spellcasting into the damage output of a full BAB plus most of the applicable buffs and a few extra magical wild-cards, but until level 4, poor Zeldrith is effectively a second-rate fighter who trades an extra 1/4 BAB, a d10 hit die, bonus feats, and shield proficiency for spells that temporarily give him the AC he could have at all times with a decent fighter build.
In fairness, I originally built him for Return, and I've done my homework - I'm told that Secrets of Roderic's Cove is RP-heavy enough that Zeldrith could probably survive as the party frontliner until gaining access to 2nd-level spells.
Juriya Arima |
Yeah. I haven't played a kitsune trickster before (or a rogue/vivisectionist. I've fiddled around a bit with a Mindchemist. But that one was a one shot with a gun), so I don't know how well having the utter insanity that is CHA+INT skills will go. But giving up traps can presumably vary depending on campaign.
Zeldrith Angothane |
But giving up traps can presumably vary depending on campaign.
Definitely variable with the type of campaign being run. It would probably work great for a Kingmaker game, but probably the wrong choice for a Shattered Star campaign. From what I understand, Rise of the Runelords is one of the ones where it could work, but I do recall a handful of particularly cruel traps near the end of Book 1.
Juriya Arima |
Yeah. Was debating giving her Underground Chemist, but that'd be too far.
She will get bombs at level 2 thanks to a talent. It fits her being a weird rogue-alchemist hybrid.
Ano Clovermark |
I’ve never played a bloodrager, but I do like the arcane casting and the rage of barbarians. I’ve also not played a Dex based melee fighter-I plan on having her pick up some catfolk feats that are good for charging into battle (I think the 1st one removes the AC penalty for charging). I chose Arcane purely for the effects she can get once she enters bloodrage, but if I were to choose another bloodline it would’ve been draconic to make her a dragon disciple.
EDIT: Found the feat, Nimble Striker
Also eventually I do want to RP about how Ano knows how the town treated Nualia (aka more like a living miracle giver than a child); the idea is that Ano tried to get others to treat Nualia better but failed, including somehow upseting Father Tobyn when she brought this up. However I am 100% willing to not do this if the DM doesn’t want me to. Nualia being Ano’s childhood “friend” (if you can call it that) is part of the character development for my catfolk but I also don’t want to overstep anything.
Persephone. |
Persephone is my 2nd Shaman build. I played a Slums Shaman for a home game run of Hells Rebels. Fun.
I had an Arcane Bloodragwr in PFS. Re8ally strong actually.
I have only dip a toe into PF1e Magus. I had/have a build that my 7th it would be disgusting so never broke it out...lol.
Ano Clovermark |
Ano, please try and refrain from giving possible spoilers about the story. It's not big, but some things are supposed to appear naturally. That bring said, your back story and possible interactions in the first book are part of why I brought you in here.
Yes I wasn’t going to spoil anything, the general gist was gonna be Ano all “I knew Nualia”. However, I’m gonna go and play that Ano bottled up everything about Nualia to the point where most might’ve forgotten that Ano and Nualia were friends. The only ones who still know could be her family and Juriya, but either way it’s something Ano doesn’t talk about to keep herself from feeling any sort of guilt or sadness.
Ano Clovermark |
I was half expecting Ano’s Intelligence roll to be a 10 at most so she would fumble and completely mispronounce Donimah and Zeldrith’s name
.Arrian |
There's still some interactions to go, so I'll wait for those to post. I believe Donimah is yet to make any checks and it seems like Persephone is not participating.
Arrian failed enough for everyone? ;)
Persephone is too much of a lady except maybe the Knowledge checks.