
Raloven "Rail" Winterbreeze's page

33 posts. Alias of karlprosek.

Full Name

Raloven "Rail" Winterbreeze


High Elf


Bard 2 [HP: 22/22 | AC:18 (Shield Raised:19) | Fort:+4 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Perc:+7 (Low-Light) | Spd 30]








Common, Elven, High Boros (+2 more, +floating skill from feat)



Strength 0
Dexterity 2
Constitution 0
Intelligence 3
Wisdom 1
Charisma 3

About Raloven "Rail" Winterbreeze

◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

Pathbuilder sheet

Mom (Liamora Swiftbreeze) is a retired high elf adventuring magus (wizard dedication, like Raloven), a distant relative of Queen Parnuble of the Forest Kingdom of Parnuble. She is currently studying some esoteric magical topic with the Dominion Arcane (and has been for about a decade; there's no end in sight to her research). She taught Raloven to play the guitar.

Dad (Gallio Sefagrethius Librumeia) is a retired half-elf (155 years old but has used magic to extend lifespan/restore youth so appears to be in active middle age) adventuring cleric of Sefagreth, god of commerce, trade, and cities. He was heavily invested in the Teamsters' Accord before they dissolved after the Huun seige; he lost a lot of money and influence in the fall of the Teamsters and has enemies in the Wheelwrights Guild so he's investing more in the docks at Eastgate and shipyards in Telar Brindel to get away from Duloth Armatige's grasping talons (there's unexplained bad blood there).

Both parents are well respected in Bard's Gate, as they fought alongside the Lyreguard during the gnoll crisis, used their magic and other abilities to protect folk against the black fog, and were able to keep people fed and healthy during the seige of the Huuns.

Rail is the oldest of 3 and attended Bard's College after growing up in the city. At the Bard's College he discovered he has a talent for more underhanded sorts of diplomacy that some might consider dishonorable or even criminal. After graduating he spent the past few years working with the city's diplomatic corps, particularly in the south in Endhome, Lowport, and Hawkmoon. He returned to Bard's Gate recently after a few years away in the aftermath of a mission went bad, blowing his cover forcing to flee Endhome, leaving him at loose ends for the moment.

Sister (Nymaris Coolbreeze) is a priestess of Sefagreth, a talented healer who specializes in taking care of people with magic-resistant diseases and curses. She has a family, making Rail an uncle to young (by elf standards) nieces and nephews.

Baby brother is a naval officer stationed at Telar Brindel who infrequently comes home with stories of fighting pirates and monsters on the high seas. He is single and seems to be enjoying bachelorhood.

There are also 2 aunts (mom's sisters and their husbands) and cousins in the Forest Kingdoms and an uncle (dad's brother and his wife) and cousins in Freeport.

Appearance Tall and slim with long, straight white blonde hair. Tanned, healthy skin with a clear complexion and bright blue eyes. Casually wears fine, tailored clothes. Walks and talks with confidence, presenting an appealing air of friendly, good natured self-assurance. He wears a silver compass rose medallion, the holy symbol of Sefagreth, a gift from his father (a priest of Sefagreth).

Perception +7; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven, High Boros (+2 others; can also add skill through Ancestral Longevity feat)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +7, Deception (Expert) +9, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Lore: Bardic +7, Lore: Elf +7, Lore: Espionage +7, Lore: Underworld +7, Nature +5, Occultism +7, Performance +7, Society +7, Stealth +5, Thievery +5 (can also add skill through Ancestral Longevity feat)
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +3
Items Studded Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Arrows (10), Clothing (Fine), Clothing (Explorer's), Disguise Kit, Thieves' Toolkit, Cold Iron Chunk, Musical Instrument (Handheld), Repair Kit, Buckler (Hardness 3, HP 6, BT 3)
Money 5 SP
AC 18 (19 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +7
HP 22
Speed 30 feet
Melee Rapier +6 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged Shortbow +6 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 P
Bon Mot ◆ (Auditory, Concentrate, Emotion, General, Linguistic, Mental, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
Occult Known Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Fear◆◆, Runic Weapon◆◆, Summon Fey◆◆◆, Sure Strike◆; Cantrips Detect Magic◆◆, Prestidigitation◆◆, Message◆, Needle Darts◆◆, Musical Accompaniment◆◆
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +7; Cantrips Daze◆◆, Figment◆◆
Focus Spells (2 points) Counter Performance↺, Courageous Anthem◆, Lingering Composition◇
Additional Feats Additional Lore, Ancestral Longevity, Bardic Lore, Charming Liar, Elven Lore, Lingering Composition, Lion Blade Dedication, Multifarious Muse, Wizard Dedication
Additional Specials Composition Cantrips, Composition Spells, Lion Blade Skill (Deception), Multifarious Muse (Maestro), Muses (Enigma), Wizard Archetype Arcane School (School of Mentalism)