[Gameday XIII]PFS #2-13 Murder of the Throaty Mermaid by GM Colin

Game Master Colin_Mercer

RPG Chronicle
Maps and Handouts
Game dates: 8th of September - 17th of November

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Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Ninnic nods at the others as he leaves with Elizabeth. ”Cargo hold is good with me as well…”

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

The Forward Cargo Hold is packed tight with barrels, crates, and burlap sacks, the air thick with a pungent mix of wet fur, stale cargo, and a cloying perfume. In the dim light, your eyes catch sight of a crude nest made from tattered rags and straw, shoved into the prow of the ship like an afterthought.

As you step further inside, the sound of movement draws your attention. A figure emerges from the shadows—a twisted blend of rat and human features, fur bristling and eyes glinting in the faint light. The creature raises a loaded crossbow, pointing it directly at you. His speaks loudly in his squeaky voice: "Stop right there! What do you want?!"

Knowledge(Local) DC15:
This creature is a wererat, in his hybrid form.

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

Kn(local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

"Easy man! We are the passengers on this ship and we wanna investigate the place Mr. Enovy visted to see if there are any clue on his death. My name is Liz, and this is Ninnic. May I have your name please?
Diplomacy to change attitude: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

The wererat lower his crossbow, but still staring at you both suspiciously. "Passengers you say huh?" he takes a step back to have his back against the wall, "The name is Snig, Snig Lacorse. I'm the......rat-catcher of The Throaty Mermaid. I don't know no Mr. Envoy here."

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

”Snig, I’m Ninnic. We don’t want any trouble with you. We are looking for clues trying to solve a murder. I am sure you heard About Sephriel, the elf, being murdered yesterday. Anything you might know would be appreciated…”

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

Snig lowers his crossbow, scratches his face, and start recalling: "Yesterday? So that was all the noises about? Well, I don't know anything that was going on outside this room. I was staying in my nest all day as usual. Azuretta and the elf with weapon came in last night though, and they ignored me as always. Then-ze-real, I think the elf name is called? I watched them doing their romantic activities quietly until they leave the room some times later. It was quite a scene, but I didn't saw any murder or murderer."

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